This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 312 The system aunt blesses

Chapter 312 The system aunt blesses
The sound of horseshoes rumbled, and the ground trembled slightly. Just over a hundred riders rushed out of the momentum of thousands of horses. Every 'professional template NPC' was glowing with varying degrees of halo, together with their bodies. The war horses under him all carry the passive effects of each profession.

Every flowing cloak lights up, and the magic lines engraved on them seem to be alive, some are like abstract eyes, some are like octopuses with teeth and claws, some are giants holding the sky, and some are like giants flying in the sky. Bird... the leader of the paladin held up the mace, shouted the holy name of the god of death Lyser, and moved forward with a hammer, a huge, golden hammer shadow came out of the body, aiming at the bee pupa in mid-air The monster smashed down.

The ground trembled!
The difference and the holy light of the electric light are like countless flying steel needles. More than a dozen demonized goblins and demonized giant mosquitoes are riddled with holes. There is no trace on the ground, and a large number of damage figures float up. Three-digit normal damage, critical strike damage, magic damage... all stacked together, it is extremely spectacular.

After the main hit damage of the skill passed, the holy light like a steel needle turned into a tarsal ant, causing continuous damage for up to 3 seconds. After clearing the blood bars, everyone was on the spot.


An extremely strong demonized goblin burst out the ax in his hand.


The player running behind, who was still a hundred meters away, went crazy when he saw this!
The vanguard's contact had a result in less than a second. As the spearhead, the paladin walked along a gap created by powerful skills, and the aura of skills of various professions along the way spread the damage and death indiscriminately.

The mage's lightning and fireball, the priest's purification and blessing, the group damage increase and group damage reduction brought by the bard's war song, the ranger (forest wanderer)'s life-seeking arrowhead, the thief's... in less than 10 seconds, cut Cut open the monster army like butter, then jump the horse's head, look for the thickest part of the monster and do it again, just like plowing the field, leaving mosaic wounds along the way.

But there were too many monsters, and after the trolls in the special camp joined the battle, the spearheads of the template NPCs blunted unconsciously, and the war horses were trapped in the quagmire, unable to charge again.

"Rebels, fearless!"

The paladin at the head is really cool, just like a hero in a movie. With his order, all the template NPCs dismounted one after another, and the horses were put into their respective backpacks in a radiant light. Then this More than a hundred people, in groups of five and in groups of five, were divided into small teams to fight in foot combat mode, gathered together like hedgehogs, to meet the layer upon layer impact of the monster army.

There are monsters everywhere, from level 1 to level 15, big or small, physical or magical, and totems...

The kobold totem warriors are undoubtedly the backbone of the monster army. They are extremely strong, and the dense totem patterns on their bodies are similar to the cloaks on the template professional NPCs. The invincible army of monsters plunged the entire battlefield into a tense stalemate.

What about the players?

At the beginning, with the mentality of picking up cheap, the players rushed fast and furiously, especially new players, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, the battlefield is quickly filled with template NPCs, and there is still a layer of blood left The monsters make up the knife, scramble for the dropped equipment and props like crazy, and don't even care about the monster's counterattack.

Soon they got their lunch boxes and were hung back to the city one by one.

Even so, they didn't care, and quickly rushed out of the city, chasing the mosaic battlefield like vultures. Fortunately, they did grab something, but most of them still got nothing.

At this time, their brains were all dazed, they couldn't feel the changes in the battlefield situation at all, and they forgot why they had to work so hard, just drifted like this, groping the corpses of monsters in vain, until the first Hang up for the second time.

The quota of three free deaths was quickly exhausted, and these people were 'trapped' at the resurrection point, leading the 24-hour resurrection cooling penalty in the state of soul.

Veteran players have a lot of chicken thieves. It’s not like they haven’t seen such a big scene. They let Mengxin rush to the front, hide in the back and stealthily reap benefits, and always pay attention to changes in the battlefield situation. When the momentum of the professional template NPC is no longer , When dismounting and fighting, retreat to a safe area outside the battlefield in time, and live the plot happily while observing the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of each profession, and how they are different from before.

"The paladin is good, with output, control, and frankness, but the cooldown time of the skill seems a bit long?"

"I heard that the cloak is mainly to reduce the cooling time of skills?"

"No, as long as the cloak adds basic attributes and can be strengthened."

"The bard is indeed weakened, group AOE? Preferring to team battles?"

"It should be."

"The shooter doesn't seem to have changed much?"

"Well, it's Ranger now."

"Hey, barbarians can go berserk!!"

"Hulk, this is it?"

"Not bad!"

"Such a barbarian is also an output, right? I think the damage is very high, and the frankness is not as good as the paladin."

"Physical melee output, the control skills are a little less?"

"Only mages and thieves don't seem to have changed..."

"By the way, the cloak is so cool, the title of extraordinary? Tsk tsk..."

"Extraordinary title is a first-level profession, right?"

"Well, the second level is dusty, what is the third level?"

"The official website didn't say..."

Qiao Shan and others were taking pictures with the system camera. At this time, the battlefield gradually changed. The thieves who had never had a sense of presence began to show their power. It was time for the mage to sing. And so on, there are also skeletons and zombies driven by necromancy, which greatly changed the situation of the battlefield, and the balance of victory and defeat began to tilt in the direction of the template NPC.

Levels 1-5 have the most low-level monsters, and they are also the most useless. The template NPCs cooperate well. A team of five is like a sharp dagger.

A troll was frozen into an ice sculpture, and was easily taken away by the harvest thieves. A kobold totem warrior retreated steadily under the mace of the violent barbarians. At this time, the kobold priest in the camp blew The horns of the boundless.

The army of monsters began to retreat like a tide, disengaging from the template professional NPC, and the players also received a notification that the story mode ended.

"Come on!"


"Damn it, that grandson pushed me!"

"Equipment, equipment, Aunt System bless you!!"

There are monster corpses all over the floor, many of which have drop notifications. Old players and new players huddled together, and the crazy scramble mode started again.

Qiao Shan rushed the fastest, and saw a bunch of monster corpses glowing from a distance, so he rushed over with all his strength, demonized goblins, demonized grass spirits, demonized giant mosquitoes... Flipping left and right in a pile of bloody mosaics, he finally found the corpse with a drop hint.

It is a level 5 enchanted little dryad.

Level 5!
There were people around screaming and rushing, and Qiao Shan's body was covered by a dark shadow before he reached it. Qiao Shan had already experienced it. His heart beat wildly and he rolled the corpse, and then he heard the sound of "thump, thump~" behind him. Arhats were stacked up, and the guy at the bottom screamed, and his voice weakened as soon as he saw it.

The first touched a set of bandages, the second touched a dagger, the third touched a handful of copper coins, and then... damn there, suddenly it was something like a scroll.

At this time, there is no time to take a closer look, put them all into the backpack, throw the corpses on the players who rushed over, and then rolled, jumped out of the chaotic scene from the gap between the players, and scanned the eyes like radar, looking for a big player He rushed over to where Hu Xiaocall was.

Many players were vying for the corpse of a demonized giant mosquito. Three people touched it at the same time, and the three people did not form a team, so the determination of ownership was delayed.

This terrible delay caused more and more players to touch the corpse, one on top of the other like arhats, Qiao Shan saw that there was no chance, so he gave up decisively.

Look at the whole battlefield again.

The monster army retreated into the jungle led by kobold warriors, kobold totem warriors, and kobold priests. Some of the template professional NPCs were injured, some died, and there were more than [-] remaining monsters who were monitoring the retreating monster army.

Qiao Shan rolled his eyes, and quietly touched a professional template NPC who was guarding the corpse of a comrade-in-arms.

"Claire died, I don't know how to tell his wife Mary, their child is not yet 3 years old, I, I remember..."

"Thank you for your kindness. Our Tuyage team never abandons any comrades... What are you doing, put it down, you are blasphemy!"

"...Ah, you actually attacked me!!"

There are quite a few old players playing the same game as him. The guarding NPC is a paladin. He knocked a player who snatched the corpse of his comrades into a mosaic with a hammer. He struggled to stand up. He had just summoned a war horse, and the players around him were like hyenas. Like a wounded lion, they rushed forward.

"Ah, what are they doing!?" Mengxin screamed, who couldn't figure out the situation.

"NPC explosion, NPC explosion, professional advanced equipment, cloak, artifact!!" Mengxin shouted after reacting, his face distorted, and his voice was hoarse!

Almost all the players who heard it and saw it were red-eyed. The plot mission has ended. Is there any reminder from the system that they cannot do this...

at the same time.

"Ah, little rain!!"

"I'm here, I'm here!"

"I saw you, I saw you!!"

Du Shiyu from Xinshou Village No. 398 and Xia Miaomiao from Xinshou Village No. 199 met successfully under a mountain ridge. The two hugged each other, danced and laughed, and the teams on both sides watched with smiles, not in a hurry.

"What a coincidence, Xiao Yu, how did I meet you here!?"

"We are going to Novice Village on the 28th, there are monsters attacking the city."

"Coincidentally, we are too!"

"That's why we met!"

"Haha, now we can be together again."

"After taking office, you can take the teleportation, just a little earlier."

"Just you, is there anyone else?"

"Haha, and me!"

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior cheerfully waved to this side.

"Monkey, why is it you, aren't you in 409?"

"I'm very close to Xue Wu, and I came here when I went online today."

"Just you, what about the others?"

"They are far away. Chunshui is at the westernmost point. It is impossible not to take teleportation."

"Let me introduce my teammates to you..."

The two teams from different novice villages got to know each other very quickly. They were all veteran players of level 5, talking and laughing together.

Xinshou Village No. 28 happened to be in the center of more than a dozen surrounding Xinshou Villages, and the straight-line distance was not far away. It was a coincidence that the three of them were very happy to meet here.

There are still about two hours to go, and the game time is almost up. After a round trip, the two teams stopped and prepared to set up camp.

Next to a fast-flowing mountain stream, there are jagged rocks around, the light is dark, and the light mist permeates it. There is indeed a strange rainbow across the entire mountain stream, just like a bridge connecting the two banks.

The terrain on one side of the bridge is relatively flat, but on the other side it is extremely undulating. Under the sparse vegetation, a large number of [sound bugs] are flying everywhere.

They are attached to the stone forest like people, beasts, ghosts, and demons, covering the stone forest with a layer of black and white, and changing randomly. The "clank" sound made by the wing's wings is like a symphony composed of countless small notes, from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic, in just a moment.


Xia Miaomiao covered her ears in amazement.

Although the old players have known the sound bug for a long time, and have seen all kinds of sachets and music boxes made by the sound bug, but this is the first time they have seen a "symphony" of this scale, and they are all shocked in place. The insects all flew to the other side of the Jianshui and landed again.

"This is a resource point, write it down, write it down!"

Xia Miaomiao happily marked it on her map.

The others did the same and were about to set up camp when some said it was time for their games.

That's okay, we're almost there anyway.

After making an appointment to go online, this person waited and waited, but he didn't get the prompt to log off.

"You must have misremembered!"

"How is it possible? Our online time is about the same, and you are almost there."

The others didn't care, and found a higher and relatively flat place to camp.

"No logout reminder yet?"

"I've passed."

"mine too."

"Don't guess, the game time limit has been lifted, the notice just posted on the official website."

"Game time canceled?"

"real or fake?"

"The login restriction has also been cancelled. I went offline once, and the news was just posted on the official website."


This is a huge change, and it will definitely profoundly change the current game mode and reality, but ordinary players don't think so deeply, and everyone's first reaction is naturally happy.

"Wouldn't that be able to... explode the liver?"

"Haha, my nickname is Gandi..."

"...What if you don't go offline all the time?"

"How else can I say it, hiccup!"


"I'm starving to death. In reality, you need to eat and drink, right?"


After discussing happily for a while, everyone built a simple camp, took a short rest, and then headed towards No. 28 Xinshou Village.

"what is that!"

Looking for a way to cross the mountain stream, a teammate pointed to the sky above his head and shouted.

"...Double, two-legged wyvern!?"

"Why are there so many monsters, level 56 monsters, so many!"

"No, run quickly..."

Five minutes later, Xia Miaomiao, who had been wiped out, walked out of the resurrection point, and was yelling at Canaan Company and the dog planner for getting out of his mind, when hordes of vampire bats filled the sky above Xinshou Village, throwing them not far away. dense forest.

(End of this chapter)

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