This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 314 Fishing 'Law Enforcement'

Chapter 314 Fishing 'Law Enforcement'

"One pit for 5 coppers, one pit for 5 coppers, is there any more, is there any more, hurry up!"

In front of the mine, the black pharaoh stepped forward and handed over 5 copper coins, and the Chinese players who were guarding the entrance of the cave patted him on the shoulder, "Good luck, brother!"

The black pharaoh nodded and walked into the dark mine.

First light the candle, and with the faint candlelight, follow the path stepped on by others, advance more than ten meters in the narrow, cramped, and damp mine, and come across a fork in the road.

On the walls of the cave around the fork, pits like honeycombs were dug out one by one, but there were no people there, only sporadic candles fluttering in these pits.

Picking a hole at random, the cold wind carried the damp fishy smell of the underground river, and there was a singing voice in a barbaric voice.

"I'm a painter with strong painting skills. I want to paint the new house beautifully..."

It turned out that a Huaguo player was mining and singing loudly for his courage. The ore vein at the entrance of this cave is very old. The tools, ore, bones, and excrement discarded by the kobold miners were mixed with the black ore. I don't know.

A thick layer of dust fell on the ground, and several lines of footprints extended to the depths of the mine.

"Finally someone is here... Brother, let's go together!?"


"……foreign devil?"

"I'm not a devil, I'm the black pharaoh, what about you, brother?"

"Me? Western failure...quack!"

The Black Pharaoh didn't understand the stalk of the name 'Failure of the West', but smiled amusedly.

It’s been four or five days since the server was launched, and I have a little understanding of the virtues of Huaguo players. Although the system can translate simultaneously, cultural and geographical differences cannot be overcome by simple translation. Huaguo players and international server players are very good Recognition, even if the characters are of the same race, they can be distinguished by speaking.

The black pharaoh walked towards a pit inside.

"How old is brother?"

"Level 3"

"Oh, not bad, compared to players in the international server..."

"What about you?"

"Me? Level 4"

"Old player?"

"That's right, hehe... But I'm mainly training life professions, so I'm not in a hurry to upgrade."


The black pharaoh carefully placed the candles, unloaded the pannier, and took out [novice's fine minerals] bought for 5 coppers, then water, bitter bread, [rough novice leather blanket] and other sundries.

"Brother, the equipment is quite complete, how prepared are you?"


"Just how long did you dig?"

"Keep digging until the equipment is out of durability."

"Liver Emperor, cow!"

Afterwards, the black pharaoh stopped talking, and swiped the shovel to cut down on the exposed ore bed. With one shovel down, the hard ore veins loosened a little, and only a small piece of the ore bed was shoveled off three times in a row.

He picked up the black ore to identify it, then threw it aside and continued digging.

Mining is a very boring and lonely job. At this stage, it is very profitable. As a large number of new and old players squeeze into the single-plank bridge of the inauguration task, there is a huge demand for equipment, especially the equipment in the transitional stage of level 5.

Compared with the huge demand for monster drops, it is not worth mentioning at all, and the system smithy is the most likely way.

Only local tyrants with good money will buy ready-made ones. In order to save money, most players buy ore ore, pay some processing fees, and let blacksmith NPCs build them.

This has resulted in a particularly strong demand for ore, and mining has become a very profitable job.

Similar mines can be seen everywhere, but since the tide of monsters and monsters broke out everywhere, the wild area has become intimidating, large and small mines are occupied by monsters, some old players formed a few teams to clear the mines out , I thought it was time-consuming and labor-intensive, so I sold the pits inside, which seemed to have become a particularly lucrative business.

"Ho~~Baby talk a little more about love, if you miss me, just look a little more, show a little more, so that I can really see..."

That guy started again, and the singing of howling ghosts and wolves echoed in the narrow mine. The echoes made the black pharaoh experience multiple tortures. While singing, this guy twisted, and from time to time he came up with a shovel, picking up ore and throwing ore. Melted into the cramp-like twisting, especially magical.

Who said that Chinese people are very shy, why do all the people I meet look like crazy?
The black pharaoh rolled his eyes, picked up a knocked ore, wiped it, and grinned.

Harvest a copper ore.

Throwing it into the basket happily and continuing to dig.

Some veins are very hard, while others are very loose. When the shovel went down, there was a crash, and a small landslide came, which almost buried him in it.

"Oh, good luck!"

Western failure leaned over with bright eyes, "Quickly look through, is there anything good here?"

The black pharaoh wiped off the dust on his face, and smiled with all his white teeth. Without the other party saying anything, he was busy in the ore pile.

Most of it is useless junk, and there are quite a few solid goodies.

Iron ore, copper ore, quartz stone, obsidian... Wow, there is even a piece of green crystal.

"Fuck, I dug for a day and didn't find a single piece... How about a little bit, brother?" Western failure's eyes turned red with jealousy.

The black pharaoh hurriedly threw the ore into the back basket, and the pit was unusable, so he started to giggle when he picked up the back basket.

"Tch, foreign devils are stingy!"

Change a pit and continue digging.

It took one day to dig, all the candles I brought were used up, the shovel had run out of durability, and the failure in the west was gone. The two new miners were working hard on the pits not far apart. Two balls of candlelight, like will-o'-the-wisps, flickered.

The back baskets were full, there was no room for the backpack, and the load reached the limit. The black pharaoh walked out with a full harvest, grinning.

It was already dark outside, and the Huaguo player who charged the pit fee changed to another one, and many people gathered near the mine, hesitating and arguing over the pit fee of 5 copper.

When they saw the black pharaoh coming out, they were all envious. The player who collected the pit fee stopped him with a smile, "Okay, buddy, the harvest is good. How long has it been digging? We will collect the ore, so you don't need to bother to carry it back."

"Don't sell, don't sell!"

Huaguo player threatened, "If you don't sell it to us, we won't let you enter the cave next time!"

"Don't sell, don't sell!"

"Okay, I'll remember you!", Huaguo player nodded at him, and moved out of the way with an ugly face.

As soon as the black pharaoh went out, he was surrounded by many people.

"Hello, ecstasy Maibula, the price is all you are satisfied with!"

"Little brother, little brother, sell me the ore, okay!"

"Brother, if there is any good product, you can open the price whatever you want!"

"Brother, where are you, Europe? Beimi? Dongying? Do you want the channel, cash it out, oh... don't go, let's talk!"

Chinese people, Chinese people, there are Chinese people everywhere. They are all-pervasive in everything that can make money. Some are really doing business, and some are dedicated to cheating international server players. Because of the special circumstances of Beimi, Western Europe, and Dongying, they seem to have discovered What kind of shortcuts to get rich, specially arranged speech skills and rehearsed traps for players in these areas, the black pharaoh has been deceived several times, and he is full of vigilance against these enthusiastic guys with weird accents and grammar.

They were like annoying flies, following them for a long distance, until they were about to enter the 'dark zone', they made a sound and turned back.

The surrounding area of ​​the mine is already a 'bright area', that is, the 'cooked land' after the map has been continuously lit up because there are always players gathering. This is a new term invented after the vast wild area is shrouded in darkness. The vision of the bright area is long bright.

The "dark zone" is easy to understand. The "grey zone" at the junction of light and dark is a light and dark gradient zone, where many players level up and spawn monsters.

Down the hillside, beside the small road, a demonized little tree demon was chased by more than a dozen players. It roared and waved its huge branches, beating the trees and the ground with a loud noise. Another team of players slashed wildly around a murloc who came ashore, and at the other end of the creek, many players were boiling water and cooking...

The Xinshou Village mine is half an hour away, and because players come and go frequently, the world outside the field of vision is dimly lit.

The dimly lit path extends to the pitch blackness that cannot be seen, and the figures walking from the pitch blackness also change from blurred to clear, until they walk into the field of vision of 50 meters.

"Hey, brother, the harvest is good?"

"So much ore, how long has it been digging?"

"How about it, brother, will you sell it or not? You can recite it back!"

"Don't sell, don't sell!"

"If you don't sell it, don't sell it, what are you yelling at!"

"That's right, what quality, Xiaoyun, ignore him, let's dig it ourselves"


Talk to Huaguo players as short as possible, otherwise they will judge where they are from from the accent and grammar. The black pharaoh hurried on the road, and he handled the chats and inquiries along the way in this way.

There was an endless stream of people who went to the mine and came back from the mine. Whether they were old players or new players, most of them had reached the fourth or fifth level. a period of time.

The surrounding area of ​​Xinshou Village is also a clear area, and there are almost no wild monsters to be seen. The first-level professional template NPC is extraordinary, and the second-level professional template NPC is dusty. The NPC cavalry patrol team led by them patrols the surrounding area for a long time without interruption, ensuring refreshment area security.

There is no limit to the game time and the number of people who can log in. The novice village will not be able to accommodate it completely. It will be crowded when entering and leaving the city. If you look around, the open space from the moat to the city wall is fully occupied by players, such as blacksmiths, sewing, Functional NPCs such as pharmacy also set up temporary shops here to meet the basic supply needs of players.

"Brother, don't cash it out, I have a way."

"GOOUT, Falk Squid!"

"Oh, why are you scolding people..."

Pushing away the entangled Huaguo liar, a group of NPCs drove the carriages, and the narrow road was fully occupied. The black pharaoh quickly jumped onto the grass beside the road, letting the team go first.

"Come on, take a look, level 5 white leather armor, double strength and agility, double resistance to monsters and monsters, up to 20 points of durability, don't miss it when you pass by!"

"Music box, music box, 2 coppers each"

"Fresh barbecue, white quality, long shelf life, large quantity discount"

"A teammate in the dark zone, who needs to be a beginner in archery, level 5 or above."

"Sell information, newly discovered dark area resource points, sign a real contract, and only accept copper coin transactions!"

"Collect ore, collect ore, collect ore at a high price..."

"Look, buddy, I'm not blowing this leather. If you take this quality to a tailor shop, you can definitely sew leather armor above level 5. Oh, don't go, the price is negotiable..."

The open spaces near the blacksmith NPC were all occupied, and they were all stalls for selling and collecting ore. The blacksmith NPC was a bearded dwarf, clanging a bright red long sword on an iron chisel.

The fire behind him was red, and two players who worked for him massaged the crude benzene bellows, one of whom was Fanster Lee who had hidden his ID.

The black pharaoh raised his chin as a greeting. After waiting for a while, a player sold the ore to close the stall, and he immediately went over to occupy the land.

He dumped all the ore in the basket on the ground, sat down in front of the ore, wrote a line of words in English on a broken board, and waited for the fish to take the bait.

Before the fish came, the liar arrived first.

"Brother, from Beimi? I have a way to get you out, how about it, talk?"

The black pharaoh glanced at the person, but said nothing.

"Look at my ID"

This person showed the ID on the top of his head, Gonzalez, but it was a Mexican name.

Mexico did not ban Canaan, and many players from Beimi ran there, but this person knew at a glance that he was a liar pretending to be a Chinese.

"No money!"

"Copper coins are fine, and so are ores."


Send this charlatan away, and wait for the person who is waiting to show up soon.



"Rice knife?"


"How to trade?"

"Money first, goods later!"

"Bank Account."

The black pharaoh disclosed his bank account.


The person who came was very straightforward, and went offline to transfer money without any nonsense.

After waiting for two minutes, the person came back online.

"The account has arrived, you go down and check."

The black pharaoh put away the ore and went offline.

In reality, he wakes up in a white cage covered with various sensors.

"Very well, you caught another one for us."

"When will you let me out!"

"Catch another 10 and turn you into a tainted witness, a new identity, a new life..."

Philip didn't believe a word, and the voice on the communicator didn't care whether he believed it or not.


"Go online, don't let him find out."

"Damn, damn it!!"

When he went online again, the man was still waiting there.

"How is it!?" The man breathed a sigh of relief, afraid of being cheated.

"Give it to you, give it all to you!!"

The man was very satisfied, and happily put away the ore, "My name is Poison, how about you?"

"Black Pharaoh"

"Black Pharaoh? Cool!"

"Look for me if you have business, add friends after level 5, thanks!"

The black pharaoh waved his hand to bid farewell to this ignorant unlucky ghost, then sold the remaining ore in the system backpack and rushed into the city.

"Son, your pious great death has seen..."

The black pharaoh donated the 15 copper he bought from the ore to the priest of the god of death, an NPC without even a name, and gained the right to pray inside.

I want to get out of trouble.

I want freedom!

There is no chance in reality, what about in the game?

Thinking of all the "legends" of Canaan games, the black pharaoh knelt down in front of the statue of the god of death sincerely and prayed.

(End of this chapter)

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