This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 315 Krypton Gold 1

Chapter 315 Ten Million Krypton Gold
"CNM, the tank holds up!!"

The kobold priest in mid-air had already completed charging. He shouted the holy name of "God Maoqi", and a thick lightning fell from the sky, no matter how ordinary tanks dodged, they couldn't avoid it.

"Boom!", a three-digit damage number, not an ordinary tank being instantly killed on the spot.


Zhang Miao's facial features were all distorted, and his whole body was surrounded by black mist, with weakness, curse and continuous toxin damage. The kobold priest who landed, "Hurry up!!"

The Kobold Priest’s [Elementary Repulsion Field] was still cooling down, and it entangled him for a second or two. Hu Xinmin finally let go of the bowstring, and shot an arrow precisely into the Kobold Priest’s eye socket, and shot out -31 Vital Crit Damage.

The kobold priest raised his head to the sky and screamed, and with one stroke of the divine staff, he was about to heal himself.

Brother Ruoran's eyes were red, resisting the damage from two summoned mobs, he slashed at the kobold priest's wrist, interrupting his healing.

But the stubbornness here is already the limit.

Zhang Miao died first, and the kobold priest, who had broken free from the shackles, lifted off again, "People of God Maoqi..." and began to summon mobs again.

Hu Xinmin shot another arrow, but was blocked by the priest's right arm, only hitting -9 damage.

When six intact kobold warriors and kobold warriors were summoned to protect the kobold priest, Ruoran and Hu Xinmin gave up their resistance and were sent back to the city with wry smiles.

Novice Village No. 118, resurrection point.

Today's 3 free resurrection chances were used up, Ruoran and Hu Xinmin walked out of the pedestal dejectedly, and looked left and right.

"Old Nie's side!"

Zhang Miao waved in front of a player's booth.

There are too many people, it is noisy like a tea market, Wanjia and NPCs are rubbing shoulders one after another, the player's booth is placed in the narrow gap between the two walls, the inner three floors and the outer three floors are already crowded. people.

Kobold Mine 9 times However, everyone has been blocked on this level for three full days. These three days are enough for the newcomers to catch up. Level 5, all of them are level 5.

It seems that the game is about to be capped at level 5.

There are 60 players, and none of them has taken a job yet. Based on previous experience, it doesn’t make sense. The root cause is that this test is fully moving closer to the so-called “real”. The weakening of equipment and props is not a bright spot, but a completely different face. .

There are no special effects and special skills, no enchanting and alchemy before taking office, and there is no power to deal with the boss in the dungeon. An unavoidable magic skill can reduce the number of five-person teams, and there are fucking sloppy healing and summoning ...

It is far more difficult than before to win the gold medal. It is much more difficult. This is not a problem of operation and awareness, but a gap in strength. No matter how good the operation and awareness are, it cannot make up for such a gap.

How to do?
The methods are all forced out.

You can only do everything you can to build magic resistance.

The creation of magic resistance equipment does not require enchanting and alchemy, but a very rare mineral, green crystal, kyanite, fire spar... These special minerals, which are rarer than magic stone, are used as additives for forging. It is possible to create armor and weapons with magic resistance and magic effects without enchanting.

This stall can be placed in the city, and it still attracts so many nostalgia. It sells such small things of different colors.

The stall owner was an unremarkable dwarf, leaning against the wall with squinted eyes, ignoring anyone who asked. There was a crooked sign on the stall, which said how much green crystal, how much kyanite, how much flint... …only a few rough samples were on display at the booth.

Brother Ruoran counted the series of 0s above, feeling a little toothache, "Still watching it? What's so interesting about it, it's just robbery, poor and crazy?"

"Without magic resistance equipment, we can't get through!" Zhang Miao stared at the rough stones on the booth, unable to pull his eyes out, "I want krypton gold"

"You are crazy, this thing is not worth so much money."

The professional dad said, "We all know it's worthless, but haven't we caught up now? What should I do, dig it myself?"

"You all want krypton gold?" Brother Ruoran asked the others.

Hu Xinmin and Not Ordinary Tank were dejected and silent.

"Even if krypton gold is not [-]% used to make magic resistance equipment, you two are good friends, this is a bottomless pit."

Hu Xinmin smiled wryly and said, "Otherwise, I really can't think of a way to pass the customs."

"Okay, you guys go dig it, I'll dig it myself!"

If Brother Ran leaves in anger, in fact, if he still has money, he is ready to try it. It is too much of a character to dig by himself. Some people can easily dig it, but most of them have not seen it until now. Anything other than iron and copper ore.

"Clang clang clang!"

The system blacksmith shop is the busiest area, a large number of players gather here, and the line waiting for equipment has been lined up outside the city gate. The five big and three thick system blacksmiths fished out a red iron ruffian, knocked it on the huge iron chisel After a few clicks, a metal breastplate took shape.

A savage player watched eagerly, waiting for the blacksmith to fish the breastplate out of the water, and couldn't wait to step forward to check it.

[Excellent novice breastplate, quality white, job requirement: none, equipment level: 5, load: 12, durability 20/20
Basic attributes: physical defense +15, strength +1, constitution +1
Advanced Attributes: None.

Combat rating: 0.]

"Dual attributes, dual attributes, wow haha..."

Just such a piece of junk equipment, which was previously despised, made this player so happy. The players in the queue behind were also jealous, wishing to snatch him away.

The physical defense is not bad, and the double increase of strength and body is also okay, but the load of up to 12 points makes it look particularly tasteless. In terms of the total load of 5 points for level 30 players, if you wear it, you have to wear some for other parts. If it is lighter, the extra physical defense will be offset.

But this kind of 'heavy equipment' is very popular at present, because most players are still entangled with the mobs in the dungeon, such as kobold warriors, kobold warriors, etc., the physical defense is not high, and they can't even see the face of the boss.

After meeting the boss, these bulky guys are just a burden. No matter how high your physical defense is, you can't stop magic damage.

Brother Ruoran shook his head, walked away from the crowd, and a team of professional template NPC guards with the titles of Transcendent and Dust walked towards him.

These guys are wearing good things.

Not to mention the cool cloaks, let’s just say that their leather, cloth, or metal weapons and armor are all engraved with magic patterns, filled with a faint magical aura, and their exquisiteness and beauty are not comparable to that of “heavy equipment” of……

Only a gold medal has a title, and a title has a cloak... Everything is back to the damn origin.

Kobold copy!
"Just dig it. Anyway, if you have nothing to do, you can try your luck."

Today, the number of free resurrections has been used up, so it is not worthwhile to go to the inauguration task, Ruoran walked to the system grocery store dejectedly.

A mining shovel of 5 copper is really expensive, and it only has 10 points of durability, and it can be dug for about 2 hours. Brother Ruoran bought 5 shovels in one breath, and the most important baskets and candles, bitter bread, The leather blankets and water for the novice's rest are also unacceptable. Spend all the money on your body and prepare to explode your liver.

Grocery shops and blacksmith shops are the most crowded, and there are far fewer people in the tailor shop. Although commoner clothes and leather armor are light, they often produce armor that increases agility, intelligence and spirit, but the current players can't use it, and the physical defense is not enough. , Even mobs can't get through.

After buying supplies, he left the city, opened the small map, and selected a bright spot near Xinshou Village in the pitch darkness. A virtual shoulder appeared at his feet, instructing him to go in that direction.

The road out of the city is also very lively, and the newbies don't know what to worry about.

Most of them are going out to spawn monsters and quests. The refresh area has been overcrowded, but it has improved a lot in the past few days. A large number of players have reached level 5, blocking the same single-plank bridge, with high spirits, like Brother Ruoran, After hitting a wall in succession, I have already started to think about it, and I don’t waste time on the monsters falling in the refresh area. Those who are not high-spirited, or who don’t have so much sense of urgency, will hang out with those players who have not yet reached level 5 in the refresh area. It is not realistic at all to count on good luck and explode a green outfit.

There are also many players who enter the "dark zone" to try their luck. Most of them are old players, but very few of them can come back alive. Those who come back from listening to the hang-up, the wild zone, especially the dark zone, have become unfamiliar. The previous few times Beasts, Warcraft and various high-level monsters that have never appeared before are tested in an endless stream, such as monster camps, lairs, dangerous jungles, and man-eating swamps. Danger is everywhere, and sometimes you die before you understand what is going on. No shadow was seen.

Walking along the road, you will enter the 'Grey Zone' in a short while. Players are still coming and going. A team of professional template NPCs walks from the dark zone, crosses the path and walks into the darkness on the other side. Three or four players Follow them.

Such players are commonly known as "picking up the leak". It's not that there is no chance of success, but it depends too much on luck.

The farther you go, the darker the light outside your field of vision becomes, and you gradually sink into mysterious darkness. In the woods on both sides, various strange sounds come and go.

"10 coppers for a pit, 10 coppers for a pit."

"Isn't it 5 coppers? Why did the price increase?"

"The pits are limited, speed!"

The mine is located on the mountainside, and hundreds or thousands of players have turned the surrounding area into a 'bright area'. Some players who have received the task of building a safe area are leveling the ground, and professional template NPCs are guarding everywhere.

At the entrance of the mine, players who are reluctant to pay for the pit fee are bustling. A player with a back full of ore comes out, and he is immediately surrounded by second-hand dealers. Those who inquire and counter-offer, soon put the player's ore Take it away and pour it into a hill where the ore has accumulated.

Near the mine, such hills can be seen everywhere. Many miners who are too lazy to go back to the city will dispose of the ore they dug nearby, which gives some people a chance to make money.

"How many pits?"

"10 Bronze"

"Unlimited time?"

"Dig whatever you want!"

If Brother Ruoran paid the pit fee and went into the cave, he immediately heard a sound of tinkling, tinkling, slamming, and there were pits on both sides of the mine that looked like dogs gnawing on them. The nearby pits were almost hollowed out, and there were no people there. The same candlelight swayed in the depths, and under each candlelight, there was a figure working mechanically.

Brother Ruoran lit a candle, tightened the pannier behind him, passed a dark pit, and took a look at the miner brother's harvest.

It was all worthless copper and iron ore, and it was so full that it was even thrown under the feet.

"What are you looking at? Haven't seen it?"

Brother Ruoran smiled and continued to walk in.

After more than ten minutes, he finally found an uninhabited pit in the innermost part. He quickly went in to occupy it, touched the exposed ore deposit, and carefully put the candle away.

He unloaded the back basket, took out the mining shovel, silently prayed for good luck, and slammed the shovel into the hard ore deposit.

This smash is a day.


Wudu in reality.

The Wudu Virtual Currency Trading Market has just been listed for two days, and the trading hall of Nuoda is full of people.

Du Shiyu filled out the form according to the prompts, took her bank card and ID card, and walked into the big trading room under the attentive leadership of the lobby manager to enjoy one-on-one VIP service.

"Is it [-] million RMB to buy copper coins of the same value, Miss Du?"


"Hold on!"

The trader checked the latest exchange rate, turned around with a smile, "The latest exchange rate is 1:14, is there a problem?"

1 to 14?

When it came, it was still 1:13.7, why did it rise again?
"Recently, the exchange rate has fluctuated violently, mainly due to the impact of international exchange rates. Look, should you continue with the process?"

"Okay, there is a sale at the moment, buy 714285.7, a total of 71 gold, 42 silver and 85 copper, the handling fee is 1 gold and 12 silver, confirm?"

"Is the handling fee so expensive?"

"Timely exchange services covering online and offline are costly, and we..."

"Okay, okay, that's it!"

"To buy, please wait a moment, the system is processing your transaction."

"The purchase is successful, please enter your game ID in the game, and record the location at the login point."

"Thank you for your patronage. The transaction will be completed before 10 am tomorrow and 1:45 pm game time. Please try to stay online for as long as possible. We will contact you before the deadline. It doesn't matter if you miss the time. There are people who handle it until the transaction is completed."

"Will there be no charge for the extension?"

"will not."

"That's good!"

"Thank you for your patronage, I hope this service will satisfy you."

Going out with [-] million yuan, just exchange for such a thin piece of paper?

Can I receive money in the game?

This is an official exchange, so it's impossible to smash its own signboard.

71 gold and 30 silver, 1000 million krypton gold, it is really like a dream...

The trading hall outside is busier than the stock exchange market, selling and buying, Du Shiyu never knew that there are so many players in Magic City?

Hurriedly going home, his buddy Xia Miaomiao hadn't gone offline yet, so he had a simple meal, took a shower, and hurriedly lay down in the game cabin, putting on the game helmet.


It seems to be thinner?
Before logging into the game, the game cabin displayed her weight, heart rate, blood pressure and other detection values, and automatically set an alarm clock to remind her to log off.

But this alarm clock is useless, it depends on everyone's self-consciousness when going online or offline.

(End of this chapter)

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