This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 316 Damn CP Dog

Chapter 316 Damn CP Dog

"Clang clang clang..."

Koji Ikeda pulled the bellows hard, sweating profusely from exhaustion.

Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu nervously watched the movements of the blacksmith NPC. The 50 silver green crystals were burning red in the tong pot and gradually melted. Put the objects on the red iron embryo and beat together, gradually beat into one, and then add various mineral powders on it.

A piece of breastplate gradually took shape, and with the final sound of "铛!", the heavy hammer was thrown aside, and the blacksmith NPC picked up the formed breastplate, pressed it into the water, and it was sizzling... accompanied by a burst of steam. There was an unpleasant pungent smell, and the breastplate cooled to a pitch black color.

"Ah, there is still no magic resistance!"

"Is this the tenth time?"

"So fucking rich!"

"The rich woman is begging for support..."

After another failure, Du Shiyu remained unchanged, and took out 10 copper ingots, 5 iron ingots and a piece of ruby, together with a 20 copper handling fee, and handed them to the blacksmith NPC.

A new round of construction begins.

"Too rich, too rich, why so much money?"

"I only have 20 copper on me"

"Krypton gold!"

"I heard that the copper coin exchanges in Shanghai and Yanjing have opened, and copper coins can be freely exchanged in the future."

"Officially selling copper coins?"

"No, it's similar to the stock exchange. Only when there are people who sell can people buy."

"Ah, aren't there any other cities?"

"Only Shanghai and Yanjing are eligible."

Koji Ikeda was very envious. In reality, he had no source of income and his bank account was frozen. With his back to the organization, he didn't have to worry about starving to death. But this is not a long-term solution, and the organization also lacks funds.

After landing in Canaan for 2 days, after going through the initial shock, he became more and more convinced that Canaan was the perfect world he dreamed of. No, it was more in line with his ideal paradise than imagined, that is...

Heaven needs money too.

After upgrading to level 1, in the refresh area of ​​level 2, novice outfits can no longer meet the needs. If you have no money, you can only start working for NPCs. Let's change the novice outfits first.

Humming and pulling the bellows, the fire went up and down, and the red crystal in the tong pot soon half-melted. The blacksmith NPC repeated the previous steps, beating it together with the metal embryo, and all kinds of crystal ore Once the powder is sprinkled, it will be done in less than a minute.

This time it finally worked.

[Red crystal novice's excellent breastplate, quality white, occupational requirements: none, equipment level: 5, load: 9, durability 25/25
Basic attributes: physical defense +12, strength +1, health +50
Advanced Attributes: None.

Combat rating: 0.]

The ruby ​​stone is made into life equipment, and it is very good without magic resistance, but it is a pity that it only has a single attribute, and it would be perfect if it had dual attributes.

Du Shiyu was very happy, and Xia Miaomiao jumped up in ecstasy. This is really throwing money into the fire. Only 11 pieces of equipment that meet the requirements were produced after 3 craftings. Neither is enough.

"Xiao Yu, do you still want to fight?"

Xia Miaomiao happily put on the breastplate, seeing that her HP had increased a lot, she was so happy that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear.

"Stop playing, let's try a copy."


The two left the blacksmith shop, bought supplies, and took the teleportation to the entrance of the Kobold instance in the canyon.

The small safe area is full of people, a copy transfer NPC stands in front of a floating aperture, surrounded by simple booths.

Looking around, the cliffs and cliffs outside the safe zone are shadowy, and a full moon hangs in the sky. The bright moonlight even illuminates the clouds, but it cannot dispel the darkness that shrouded the safe zone.

Chick, chirp, I don't know what birds are screaming in the dark, woo, woo, the previously rare wasteland demon wolves seem to exist in all directions, a huge shadow is fleeting in the clouds, and then gather in groups Team vampire bats...

"Two pits, first reveal the attributes of the equipment, and the novice will climb!"

"Three test old players looking for a group, with magic resistance equipment, melee output!"

"Only men, not women..."

"Ask for a team, ask for a belt, ask for a gold medal for 100 million..."

"Elementary red medicine, a set of 10 silver..."

"The gold medal player team lacks a long-range and a melee output. Let's play high and highlight the equipment attributes!"

"Two of us!"

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao came to a dwarf player calling for a team of gold medal players, and pointed to themselves and their buddies.

"Women don't!"

"Why do you look down on people!?" Xia Miaomiao was angry, "We are the first test gold medal players!"

The first test player is, the gold medal player is bragging, but it is impossible to confirm it now.

"Uh... Let me see the equipment attributes."

"When it's bright, it's bright!"

The dwarf player looked at the attribute panel of the two in the exhibition state, nodded, "join the team."

Entering the team, the ID of the dwarf player is Leigong and Dianmu, and a teammate with a gray profile picture is called Dianmu Leigong. At a glance, he knows that he is the CP who is playing together, and there is another teammate who is not nearby, called Fight Tiger Tonight.

What the hell are the names.

Lei Gong and Dian Mu shouted to assemble on the team channel, and a few minutes later, the five-member team gathered.

"What are you doing, still wearing a novice outfit?"

Xia Miaomiao pointed at Lightning Mother Lei Gong and said dissatisfiedly, "Is this what you call Gao Wan?"

"What's wrong with the novice outfit, you look down on people?" Lei Gong, the mother of lightning, stared with almond eyes, very unconvinced.

"She has a good sense of operation, try it first, try it!" Lei Gong and Dian Mu said quickly.

The expectations of Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao plummeted. They looked at each other and both had the urge to quit the team.

But the other teammates are fine, especially when fighting Tiger tonight, there are three pieces of magic resistance equipment on him, a wristband with all resistance +1 and wood element resistance +3, and a wristband with all resistance +1 and earth element resistance +2 Shoes, and a short knife with fire elemental damage.

Captain Leigong and Dianmu also have a magic resistance shield, the overall strength of the team is very good...

"Try it, try it without losing a piece of meat!" Lei Gong and Dianmu were still persuading.

"A free resurrection," Xia Miaomiao whispered.

"Give it a try, if it doesn't work, leave the team, we are three groups!", Said Tiger Tonight.

"Okay, captain, go and drive." Du Shiyu couldn't say anything more.

"...Only the true brave can pass the test, young rebels, are you ready?"

The dwarf captain acted as a tank, holding a shield in one hand and a one-handed ax in the other. He entered the teleportation for the first time. Tonight's Tiger Fighter and Du Shiyu were behind him in melee output. Once he entered, Xia Miaomiao and Thunder Mother Thunder held bows and arrows. As a remote output, it falls last.

The most common team configuration is also the most efficient, and has been repeatedly verified by players.

On the first floor of the mine, there are burning oil lamps on the walls of the cave on both sides. The dim light makes the shadows long. Four or five kobold miners are cruising in the mine they must pass through. attack mechanism.

"Ah, candle, give us back the candle!"


Lei Gong and Dian Mu shouted loudly, raised their shields and rushed towards the monster in front, with a muffled sound of "Boom!", the kobold absent from work was staggered by him, and Du Shiyu flashed on him, swishing three swords.

"Okay!", Lei Gong and Dian Mu's eyes lit up, and before the other monsters rushed up, she ended the kobold's absenteeism with an axe, adjusted her posture, and bumped into two.

The monsters attacked at the same time, but the mining shovel came first and then the second. The shield of Thunder God and Lightning Mother met the fastest one first, and then used it to block the second attack from the side. Du Shiyu stepped forward and three Knife, neck, chest, thighs, the monster screamed and fought back, Du Shiyu dodged, and took advantage of the situation with a hook with his leg, tripping the rushing monster and staggering.

Fighting the tiger tonight ended up with the second monster. Together with Lei Gong and Dian Mu, the third monster was cut down to only half of its blood. An arrow with a tricky angle hit the neck of this monster, hitting the vital point The critical damage was -17, and then another arrow hit the chest.

In less than a minute, three level 3 monsters were killed, and the last two didn't talk about formation, and the ones that were three times and two were killed.

"Hey, no injury!" Lei Gong Dian Mu was very satisfied with his teammates' skills.

"Mother Dian, you don't know how to shoot yet, do you?" Xia Miaomiao was a little dissatisfied, as the elf archer's arrows were all shot crookedly just now.

"Who, who said it!?", Lei Gong, the mother of lightning, glanced at CP with a guilty conscience, and insisted.

"Mai Karma, you bring this too!?", tonight the tiger was on fire.

Lei Gong and Dian Mu hurriedly apologized, "Try, try, the four of us should be enough!"

"Little rain~", Xia Miaomiao wanted to quit.

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes, "I've already entered, what else can I do?"

"That's right, that's right..." Dianmu echoed repeatedly.

The team continued to move forward, and after more than ten meters, the mine opened up, and a kobold warrior led 5 kobolds to swim in front of the lock bridge.

"I'm entangled with the soldiers, you guys finish brushing as soon as possible!"

With a command, Lei Gong and Dian Mu raised their shields and stepped forward, startling the cruising monsters and rushing towards him in a swarm.

Lei Gong and Dian Mu constantly adjusted their position, pulled the formation of the team apart, took the opportunity, dodged the pursuit route of the two miners, rushed to the level 4 kobold warrior, blocked the warrior's machete with a shield, and bang , the strength of the two sides was about the same, and they both took a step back after being shocked.

At this time, Du Shiyu and Dahu Tonight entangled a miner, and the two fell to the outside, taking a cold shot to support them.

Swish Swish Swish, Du Shiyu hit twice with three sabers, ran out of three axes, and rolled to avoid the monster's counterattack. With a sound of "Swish!", an arrow attached to the scalp hit the monster's chest, causing After a moment of slowness, Du Shiyu saw the opportunity, couldn't get up at all, and rolled back again, swish, swish, three more sabers, one hit in the lower abdomen, and two slashes at the monster's calf joints.

The monster screamed and fell down, the body was glowing, and something exploded.

At this time, I didn't have time to pick it up, Lei Gong and Dianmu blocked the kobold warrior and two miners, left and right, and only two-thirds of the blood bar remained.

Fighting tigers tonight also resulted in a miner, and the three of them stepped forward together to join the fierce battle group.

"Little sapling, good shot!"

"Tiger, just wrap around the one on the right."

"Go to hell!"

The ax hit the kobold warrior's face, dealing a big critical damage, and cleared the monster's blood bar in an instant.


The short knife in the kobold warrior's hand burst out.

"Ah, I'm so lucky today!!" Xia Miaomiao, who couldn't see such a scene, screamed.

"Hahaha, it's the whiteness of my face..." Lei Gong and Dian Mu took the credit for themselves.

It didn't take long for the remaining two monsters. The five of them sat down and rested for 2 minutes before regaining their strength, and took turns to throw the dice.

"12 o'clock, I'm 12 o'clock, haha, good luck!!"

The uncontributing Lightning Mother Lei Gong threw a full point first, and Xia Miaomiao's joy froze on her face.

"I haven't started shooting, and I haven't made any contribution at all, so I shouldn't let her throw it!", shouted Tiger Tonight.

"Why, they're all on the same team!", Thunder Mother Lei Gong didn't want to let it go.

Her CP didn't speak, and stepped forward and threw 6 points.

Du Shiyu sighed, stepped forward and threw 9 o'clock.

"Grass!", there is no way not to throw it, there is a time limit, and the lowest 2 points can be thrown by hitting the tiger tonight.

Xia Miaomiao reluctantly threw out 11 o'clock.

"Mine, mine!"

Lightning Mother Leigong happily picked up the dagger, glanced at the attribute and was stunned, then jumped up happily.

[Kobold warrior's excellent scimitar, quality green, job requirement: none, equipment level: 5, load: 6, durability 19/25
Basic attributes: physical attack power 3-7, all resistance +1, earth element resistance +3, strength +, 2, constitution +1.

Advanced Attributes: None.

Entry 1: (requires identification)
Combat rating: 0.]

Xia Miaomiao's eyes turned red with envy, green clothes, actually green clothes! !

This is the first green outfit she has seen since the server opened, and she just missed it, pain, annoyance, heartache, anger...

"I'm really convinced..." Tonight, I'm going to have a fight with this pair of CPs when I'm fighting a tiger.

Thunder Mother Leigong quit the team immediately: "I won't fight anymore, you guys can play, bye!"

[Teammate Lightning Mother Thunder has withdrawn from the team! 】

As soon as they leave the team, they will be sent out, "Haha..." There was a wild laughter in the white light.

Xia Miaomiao's mood jumped.

[Your team has been disbanded. 】

Du Shiyu: "Wait, there are still mob corpses that I haven't touched..."

Fighting a tiger tonight: "Ah, goddamn CP dog!!"



Ikeda Koji scraped together enough money to buy equipment, spent 40 coppers, and bought an eliminated level 2 dagger and a level 2 leather armor from a player, adding 2 points of physical attack and 4 points of physical defense , and then go to brush level 2 monsters and someone will group him.

The refresh area finally bid farewell to the embarrassing scene where there are more people than monsters. In his eyes, zombies wandering around are experience and money waiting to be harvested. Gritting his teeth, he waved a level 2 dagger with a ferocious face.

"It turned out to be a little devil!"

"Crazy, this is, don't you know how to hide?"

"Fuck, shit, get angry when you see a little devil!"

Until the monster fell down, Koji Ikeda didn't notice that he was kicked out of the team. He stood beside the monster's corpse panting heavily, laughing for a while.

After a long time, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and was shocked to find that he was the only one left among the densely packed monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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