This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 317 Game Reality

Chapter 317 Game Reality
July 7th, Dongying, late at night.

"I'm starting!"

Koji Ikeda held the sushi made by Kyoko Fukada himself, eating with relish.

The rice balls are wrapped with seaweed, and inside are fish steaks, diced ham, shiitake mushrooms and spicy cabbage. They are carefully made, and the ratio of each part is just right. The texture and taste are far from the convenience store.

There is a difference between paying attention and not paying attention to everything, and it is the same in Canaan.

"what about the taste?"

"Mmm, um, delicious!"

"Really? Thanks."

"Miss Kyoko's cooking skills are very good."

"I worked part-time at a sushi restaurant, and I learned seriously from a very good craftsman."


After eating a piece of sushi, Ikeda took a sip of water, "This is much better than the food in the game."

"Hehe, you can't take it anymore, can you?"

"I, I can bear it. I heard that it will be fine in the future, and the recipes are also high-grade." Ikeda stuffed the last piece of sushi into his mouth, "Someone sold green-grade food, it was too expensive to eat."

It was very hot in Japan in July. There was only a small skylight for ventilation in the narrow semi-basement. There was still a human-shaped sweat stain on the tatami, covered by messy bedding. A man and a woman sat in such a simple basement, just like With dim lights, there is indeed a different kind of warmth in the shabby room.

"Are you full?"

"Hi, it's delicious."

"Shall we begin then?"

Fukada Kyoko moved a low table, spread out a map on it, picked up a pencil and drew on the map to mark the location of the two.

"Your task is to find out the situation of this girls' high school as soon as possible."

"Bauhinia Girls High School?"

"A noble school should have our like-minded comrades."


"Pay attention to safety... By the way, how much time do you play every day?"

Ikeda Koji touched the back of his head in embarrassment when he heard the words, "This...maybe..."

"Try to keep the daily game time within 8 hours. According to the organization, it is best not to exceed this time for newcomers, as it is not good for your health."

"I see."

"Have you felt any changes in your body recently?"

"I feel better and I sleep better... Ah, and my eyesight has improved a lot, and I need to refit my glasses."

"It's all thanks to Canaan, isn't it?"

"Long live Canaan!"

The two smiled at each other.

"Just Bauhinia Girls' High School, you can find a way to sneak in and use the fake identity I provided you last time," Kyoko Fukada took out a stack of Japanese yen from her small bag as she spoke, "This is your expense."

"No need, Miss Kyoko, I..."

"This is what you deserve. Forget about those copper coins you handed over."


"No, but, you don't have a channel to cash it out, the money is yours in the first place."

"...Okay, thanks, I see."

"Be sure to keep it secret, don't reveal your identity even in the game, don't try to contact players in Dongpu, and beware of fishing traps..."

Ikeda really wanted to ask if Kyoko was a player, what was the game ID in that Novice Village, was the organization supported by Huaguo, and what purpose did they have?
What's so special about this Bauhinia Girls High School, why do you want to develop offline in this high school, will you provide game helmets for offline in the future, etc.

He wanted to ask too many questions, and he was afraid that the answers he would get would be unacceptable, so he didn't ask until Kyoko left.

"...Secretary possession of Canaan helmets is tantamount to treason. The Metropolitan Police Department has cooperated with the Ministry of Security to intensify the investigation of Kyoto. At present, the relevant equipment has been cleared."

On the TV, a team of special policemen broke down the anti-theft door of a house and rushed in. There were screams of women, children's cries and scuffles outside the shaking camera. After a while, a man was escorted out. The SWAT behind him was holding a gaming helmet.

The scene jumps to a square, where hundreds of game helmets are stacked together, and the police pour gasoline on them. Outside the blockade, the crowd holds various supportive banners and slogans and cheers.

Ikeda sighed and changed the channel.

"...The Security Council rejected the Canaan proposal. The representative of Japan to the United Nations General Assembly deeply regrets this... He pointed out that the world is facing a huge risk of 'unknown sources', and all human beings are being assimilated and brainwashed by consciousness. In view of Canaan With so much fog behind the game, the international community has reason to worry and call for..."

"...The White House spokesperson said yesterday that the security situation in Beimi is not optimistic. So far, there are still a large number of dangerous equipment wandering outside, especially through the network, online pre-order and lottery. The main way... Sanctions against Canaan Company have not seen any effect so far. There are more than [-] countries and regions in the world ignoring the huge risks hidden behind the Canaan game, and have reached cooperation and cooperation intentions with Canaan Company... "

Ikeda was upset watching, turned off the TV, put on a pair of slippers, and went outside through the narrow stairs.

A very dilapidated hotel, upstairs is a 24-hour Internet cafe, under the quiet street lights, a drunkard in a suit and leather shoes slams on the shutter door of a convenience store, near the trash can, several stray cats are startled, one by one. Hikari's cat eyes stared at the drunkard, and Qiqi meowed, reminding Ikeda of the monsters in the game.

The footsteps of a high-heeled shoe approached, and Ikeda turned around to look, it was a staggering urban beauty, she was also drunk, carrying a lady's bag in one hand, and a convenience bag in the other, staggering into the hotel, After mumbling a few words to Obasan at the counter, he took the key card and went upstairs.

"Hey, kid, come here!"

The drunkard sat slumped in front of the rolling shutter door, waving at Ikeda.

"Come here, help!"

Ikeda suddenly felt that he was back in the scene of the game again. The logo of LV3 appeared on the drunkard's head, the wild cat LV1, and the stray dog ​​LV2 suddenly appeared. A group of mosquitoes flew over, buzzing, and the air fluctuations spread by the flapping of their wings were clearly visible.

He shook his head violently to dispel this strange feeling, and when he went back, he took out the game helmet, placed it by the pillow with complicated emotions, and closed his eyes.

The next morning, he walked into the gate of Bauhinia Girls High School with a job offer.



Philip has many more neighbors.

When I woke up today, the cage opposite was full of people. A white woman in her twenties with a good figure was lying on the glass wall and yelling. The white coat came, and the stun gun made her calm down.

what a pity……

I remember that at the beginning, there were very few residents in these cages, but now there are more. Although the sound insulation effect is good, you can hardly hear the sound outside the cage, but there are always a few irascible guys who let others watch the show for free, which is also considered a game Rare entertainment.

Lying on the bed, Philip felt that his whole body was full of energy. The long hours of playing games and sleeping for a long time made him feel reborn. Ideas that are far more active than ever, such as...

He covered the quilt to block the view of the outside world, and knelt under the quilt in a prayer pose, chanting words.

Pray to death...

But still nothing happened.

He wasn't discouraged, nor was he surprised. He seemed to have an intuition that sooner or later, he would get a response sooner or later, in reality.

He even has a progress bar in his heart. With his unremitting prayers, the progress bar has moved forward a lot. He believes that when the progress bar reaches the end point, it will be the day when he gets out of trouble.

Is this delusional?


Philip gave a strange, nervous grin.

He was eating breakfast, and let a group of white coats come in and stick various sensors on him.

"No. 47's brain activity has exceeded the upper limit of the maximum observed data. His brain is in a state of continuous development. Intelligence tests, dynamic observation and memory are simply the difference between orangutans and humans. It cannot continue. It is recommended to limit his game time."

"What about the various data of the body?"

"It's unbelievable, this guy is as strong as a gorilla, his body fat rate has dropped, and his motor response nerves are comparable to a professional athlete, but he has stopped 'strengthening', relative to his brain."

"Uh... what do you think will happen if this phenomenon continues?"

"Don't know, damn it, maybe God knows what's going on."

"Then continue to observe."

"I think one day his brain is going to explode like, like..."

"I pray for that day. I want to see what he can do and whether he will surprise us."

"Well, anyway, there are more and more samples like this..."

Philip didn't know what his 'attending physician' was marveling at. He felt good now. Sometimes he could even hear the sizzling sound of electric charges flowing in the sensor on his body, and he could smell the sizzling sound in the chemical protective suit. The smell of sweat can feel the warm blood rushing through the blood vessels.

Be able to 'watch' yourself breathing very calmly, evaluate the time interval between two breaths, 'control' your heartbeat, shrink your pores, increase the expansion of your lungs, take in more oxygen, and increase the size of a certain muscle group The energy supply has a powerful explosive power in an instant.

These feelings are specious, like hallucinations, and like some kind of wonder that is happening.

The big metal ball outside the cage has not been dismantled. Countless white coats and sophisticated mechanical arms are installing a mysterious substrate in a football-like elliptical space. These substrates are engraved with strange lines, and different lines are connected together. Some are like the magic pattern on the NPC cloak of the professional template.

At the place where the iron ball was removed, a very strange small building was erected. It has 7 floors. The white coats carefully stacked each brick without using any tools. These turning blocks seem to have something special, because each of them is unique. Taken out of the safe.

The project is going very, very slowly.

After the inspection was over, the white coats left and the cage was closed. Philip put on thin clothes, sat on the bed and yawned.

The time waiting for the game helmet to be delivered was boring, and he began to observe the woman who lived across the street again.

It just so happened that the woman also looked over here.

Philip grinned, "Hi!"

Miraculously, the other party seemed to hear it, and was greatly stimulated and started to make noise again. The white coats appeared, and the woman pointed to this side and yelled something loudly.

The stun gun taught her to be human.

"You can hear, can you hear, answer me?"

Seeing the woman slumped on the bed, Philip gestured with his middle finger tremblingly.

He laughed, his whole body trembling from laughing, and he didn't make any sound as if he was insane.

"What's your name in the game, what level is it, and you're in that Novice Village?"

"My name is Black Pharaoh. Novice Village won't tell you, add friends after level 5!"

The helmet arrived, it was game time, Philip licked his lips, and ended up talking to himself from the outside.

Oye, play time!

In Canaan, the black pharaoh walked out of the birth point, and a very explosive rap gangster rap automatically played in his mind. In the BGM that only belonged to him, he danced twitchingly and walked towards the crowded temple.

"...Black Pharaoh, your pious great death has been seen, don't be discouraged children, I can't wait to see the day you are baptized."

"Ding, the hidden conditions are met, and the task of devout believers will be triggered."

"Mission description: After level 5, pass the test of the death priest and become a believer of death."

"Mission Reward: Exclusive skills for pious believers."

"Everything goes to death!!", the black pharaoh shouted frantically.

Or donate all the money to the temple, there is not a single copper plate left on him, an altar in Nuoda, except for the NPC, he is the only player.

Kneeling in front of the statue, praying with the priest's blessing, the teachings of the god of death flowed into his heart and engraved into his soul.

He believes, yes, he thinks what he hears is the truth, he can no longer distinguish the difference between games and reality, and devotes himself to the narrative of the doctrine of death.

Goal - Level 5!
He didn't have a single piece of decent equipment on him, and he was still wearing novice outfits without any attributes. Several pieces were not durable, and they were tattered, like a beggar.

He went to the level 4 refresh area, no one grouped him, everyone laughed at him, but he didn't care, he smirked at everyone who laughed at him, but his hands were unambiguous, the level 5 demonized little tree demon I couldn't touch his clothes at all.

His operation and consciousness are brilliant, his skills are like his instinct, he doesn't know how to improve himself, he only knows how to spawn monsters, spawn monsters, spawn monsters, until he can't hold on, until he is forced to quit the game.

After a long time, many people know that there is such a number one character as him, with special eccentricities, special devotion, and special 'stupid'.

Finally...Level 5!
Three days and three nights (game), he also fell into a coma at the moment of upgrading and was forcibly kicked offline.

In reality, he was sleeping soundly, and the sound of snoring seemed to come through, resonating with something outside.

(End of this chapter)

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