This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 319 We Are Gold Medals

Chapter 319 We Are Gold Medals

This minute was the most difficult for Xia Miaomiao.

It's as long as an hour.

She doesn't even remember how she got through it in the end, she was dizzy, she was hiding and running completely by instinct, and finally her physical strength was exhausted, she cooperated with her teammates with great willpower, and successfully defeated the hatred of the boss Handed it out, and then lay down on the ground, staring at the dome of the dungeon with unfocused eyes.

This gold medal... so fucking hard!

"Fate, or fate!!"

Xia Miaomiao's vision was blurred, as if through thick glass, the kobold chief fell down, and there was a big bang.

[Ding, congratulations on your certificate of bravery]

The system prompts her to relax, she unloads it in one go, and falls asleep unbearably.

In reality, Xia Miaomiao didn't wake up at all.

Two minutes later, Du Shiyu went offline, also dying of exhaustion. He only struggled to get half of his body out of the game room, and lay down after seeing that the game room of his best friend showed offline status.

This sleep is 10 hours.

In the dead of night, an owl that flew from nowhere landed on the window sill of the apartment, staring at the dim interior through the half-opened window screen.

The two game cabins are like two shrubs, and the faint light shines through the gaps in the curtains, dyeing them with an indescribable mysterious color.

The owl's shadow is like an uninvited ghost, with its wings spread out, enclosing the two game pods in the shadow of its wings.

Everything seemed to stop, including light, including time. In a daze, Du Shiyu felt as if someone was watching her. If there was any substance, the gaze was like a huge bright searchlight, making her uncomfortable, making her at a loss, making her feel uncomfortable. Sitting up impatiently, he yelled, "Who!"

The game compartment slid open automatically, and there was nothing on the window sill. The city was soaked in the cool breeze in the middle of the night after a hot day.

The window screens blown open by the breeze are like the long skirts of ancient ladies, so ethereal and slow in her eyes.

Only then did she realize the huge difference.

Her delicate eyebrows were frowned, and with a slight movement, the muscles and joints of her body felt sore for a while... What's different, what's different?

The answer seemed to be right in front of my eyes, but there was something behind me, so I couldn't grasp it no matter what.

The best friend hadn't woken up yet, but Du Shiyu heard slight movements from the game cabin, as if a mouse was crawling, rustling, and gnawing on something.

There is no light in the room, but everything can be seen clearly. It is not a 'seeing', but an indescribable... feeling?
Including the texture of the window screen, the sound of water flowing in the water pipes-wow, wow.

The voice was especially loud, and the body didn't move. It seemed that a pair of eyes opened in the back of his head, and he saw a drop of water dripping from the bathroom faucet.

Du Shiyu finally caught 'it'.

It's a feeling, a touch, an unbelievable spiritual sense that spreads from between the eyebrows.

what happened?

She wasn't surprised, but terrified.

"Miao Miao, Miao Miao!"

When Du Shiyu's body moved, the joints of each part of the body creaked as if they hadn't been moved for a long time, but soon, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared, replaced by abundant energy, and the hands and feet felt unprecedented firmness sense.

But she didn't want to understand this, and walked to Xia Miaomiao's game cabin in a few steps, patting the transparent cover, trying to wake up her best friend.

Xia Miaomiao didn't respond, and couldn't even see the heaving of her chest. Du Shiyu was shocked, and quickly entered the password for the emergency authority on the game compartment, and opened the compartment cover.

"Miao Miao? Miao Miao, don't scare me!"

An hour later, the ambulance pulled up downstairs and paramedics rushed in after her.

"A pulse, very weak."

"What did she do, what symptoms did she have beforehand?"

With tears in her eyes, Du Shiyu said, "We are players. We logged off a few hours ago and took a nap."

"Player?" The doctor understood everything when he saw the game room, "How long have you been playing?"

Du Shiyu: "Today, what's the date today?"

The doctor rolled his eyes, and the nurse said, "July 7 at 8 am."


"How long?"

"2 days!" Du Shiyu was about to cry.

"Be more precise."

"About 48 hours."

"Send it to the hospital, hurry up!"

When the stretcher came in, the doctor saw that Du Shiyu was still in a daze, "Come and help me!"

"Ah, oh..."

As soon as she lifted her best friend's leg, Xia Miaomiao woke up: "You, who are you and what do you want to do?"

"Miao Miao, you scared me to death!"


Afterwards, what doctor Ren and the nurse said, Xia Miaomiao just didn't agree to go to the hospital, and made a fuss for half an hour, paying for an ambulance before sending them away.

"You weren't breathing just now, I thought... scared me to death."

"Hmm, um!" Xia Miaomiao was a little absent-minded.

Du Shiyu didn't notice: "Are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable there?"

"No, I'm just really hungry," Xia Miaomiao said, rubbing her stomach.

Du Shiyu also felt very hungry, she had never been so hungry before, "I'll cook, call me if you feel uncomfortable."

Quiet in the kitchen, she thought back to how she felt when she first woke up, strangely normal now, as if it was just a hallucination.

"It seems that we really need to control the game time. If this continues, we should be insane."

"Is Xiao Yu okay? I'm starving to death."

"Come on, wait a minute!"

"I feel like I could eat a cow"

The refrigerator is full of pre-processed ingredients bought from the supermarket, washed and cut, and even the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar are packed in bags. You only need to follow the instructions on the package to make a pot of delicious food. The food is coming.

This fool-style cooking method specially designed for players is very popular. It didn't take long for a hot pot of spicy hot pot to be freshly baked.

"Eat and eat!"

"Oh, really, it's delicious, Xiao Yu, your skills have improved."

"You slow down."

"By the way, what happened to the boss at the end?"

"A wristband and a helmet need identification."

"Wow, wow, I hope it's a blue outfit, it would be great if it's a purple outfit."

"You are so beautiful, the green outfit just snickered."

"Hurry up, hurry up and go online after eating... Chunshui and the others should be online, right?"

"I know that."

"By the way, I haven't told you yet, haha, I learned a skill."

"The last arrows you shot in a row?"

"Well, Lianzhu Arrow only has a 15-second cooldown, hahaha..."

"Are...are you alright?"

"What's the matter? You said just now, no, I don't think I'm fine."

"No feeling?"

"What do you want to feel... Oh, it's so hot, eat it quickly, eat it quickly."

It seems real illusion.

Du Shiyu let go of her worries.

After eating, both of them were very energetic, but it was still dark outside, and they didn't know what they ate just now, so the day and night were reversed, and the time and biological clock were messed up, which should be very harmful to the body.

But the two of them couldn't feel even the slightest discomfort in this aspect, and they couldn't wait to lie down in the game cabin and put on the game helmet. After a while, there was no sound in the room.

Landing in Canaan, the resurrection point of Xinshou Village No. 88, Xia Miaomiao couldn't wait to step out of the white light on the line, and the hustle and bustle and heat were oncoming. She was surrounded by the ubiquitous emotional appeal at once. The memory is gone now.


Level 5 experience has long been full, and the level cap has been lifted after clearing the customs, and immediately rose to a level.

Looking at the leaderboard again, all level 6 players had reached the bottom of the page, and Xia Miaomiao couldn't find her name on it.

But looking at the entire Novice Village, except for her and Du Shiyu, players at level 6 still couldn't see it, all of them were at level [-] or [-].

There are all kinds of things in the city, NPCs and players, players and NPCs, players and players, interacting, arguing, laughing, flattering, fighting, distressed, angry...

Xia Miaomiao: "Where is the spring water, where is the spring water?"

Du Shiyu: "I added him as a friend but there is no response, it seems that he is not online."

Xia Miaomiao: "What's wrong, it's not online yet?"

Du Shiyu: "Huaguo Mountain and Truth are not there either."

Xia Miaomiao: "Ah, they won't all be employed, right?"

Du Shiyu: "Then let's do the inaugural task too?"

Xia Miaomiao: "Yes!"

The two held hands, and happily went to find the inaugural task NPC.
The title of LV6 has brought them a lot of envious looks, and now they can pass the level, that is the gold medal.

What a gold medal stands for, if it wasn't so clear before, is now imprinted on almost everyone. .

A gold medal is a high-end player, either a local tycoon with good money, or a pervert with a high level of operation and awareness, and there is a high probability that it is both.

Xia Miaomiao turned into a ranger, and Du Shiyu turned into a mage. The two waved goodbye and ran to their respective NPCs.

"...Oh, what is this, the Proof of the Brave? Young rebels, your excellence is beyond my expectations, but becoming a professional is not so easy..."

The mage's second inaugural task is to meditate, understand and sense the existence of magic power, which is naturally not a problem for Du Shiyu, who has already mastered it in the previous tests.

After learning elementary meditation, he was sent to a small black room by the inaugural NPC, shielded from all outside interference, and sat cross-legged in the darkness.

Let your mind and consciousness empty, don't think about anything, don't deliberately pursue anything, let yourself enter a state of half-sleep, half-belief, and naturally enter a special breathing rhythm.

At a certain moment, an invisible 'eye' opened, and she 'saw' it like this, 'saw' a colorful world, a world composed of countless small particles of color.

These small particles are extremely tiny and extremely active, they are still them, surrounding Du Shiyu's side, and entering Du Shiyu's body with breathing.

【Ding, congratulations on turning on your magic power】

[Ding, congratulations on learning the elementary meditation method]

[Ding, the road to employment - mage (2) task completed]



This feeling, as if, as if in reality...

Ah, no, that's an illusion. How could it happen in reality? It must be because the game time is too long, and the cognition has become confused, it must be.

On the other side, Xia Miaomiao was also doing very well.

"...The Jungle Wanderer is the darling of nature, the elf of the forest and the field, and the friend of plants and animals. Go and come to me with the proof of 'archery proficiency'."

"...young rebel, I am impressed by your mobility and talent, 'archery mastery' is not difficult for you, but to be a free and powerful ranger, archery It's just the basics, are you interested in taking on a more difficult test?"

"...Very well, young people should have your ambition. Go, Misty Forest ([-]), and bring back a pair of flamingo feathers."

"...Let me see, let me see, flamingos are very difficult to deal with, right? Hehe...a small sapling, you have to understand that it is not that simple to become an animal friend, and you still have a long way to go in the future , but now you have passed, but there is one last test, do you accept it?"

"...Do you know Metheus Hall, the Goddess of the Forest? Ranger is the profession that His Royal Highness loves. You are a good match, you know? Forests, fields, animals, plants...the temple of the Goddess of the Forest has many exclusive and powerful You can’t learn the ranger’s skills elsewhere, if you’re interested, go to the temple of the Goddess of the Forest and talk to Priest Al, he will give you detailed instructions.”

After running back and forth for a whole day, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao joined together from morning to night. The Novice Village didn't change much. Torches were lit everywhere in the middle of the night, and there were bustling players coming and going everywhere.

The blacksmith shop is still the busiest place, and all kinds of ores still occupy the largest item transactions. Many newbies have taken off their novice outfits by mining, and with money in their pockets, they have found their own rhythm and tricks.

The single-plank bridge of inauguration is still crowded, so crowded that most people are daunting, but more and more players pass through this single-plank bridge. On the leaderboard, there are more pages classified by occupation. There are 10 pages for mages, and 50 people per page. , currently only 6 pages are filled, that is, less than 300 mages have completed their inauguration.

There are more Jungle Rangers, and they have already been ranked after 500.

"It's so troublesome to get a job this time. I've already made three trips. I still have to go to the temple of the forest goddess. How about the mage?"

"Fortunately, I've learned about meditation a long time ago, and I want to go to some temple... Let me see, let me choose one."

"Ah, I only have the forest goddess, why, the mage can choose at will?"

"I don't know, then I'll go to the Forest Goddess too."

The temple of the Forest Goddess looks like a small house from the outside, but when you walk in, the space becomes very large, with huge columns, a magnificent dome, and a smiling intelligent NPC standing on the steps half as high as a person.

Reverend Al.

"I'm so glad to see you, children, you've grown up so fast, but there's still a void in your vital heart."

"Do you know about forests? Or nature?"

"Great insight!"

"Then do you know the master of my lord's forests and fields, the master of animals and plants, the representative of nature, His Royal Highness Metheus Hall?"

"My lord was born in..." Balabala, Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu were drowsy after hearing this.

[Ding, you have become a pan-believer of Metheus Hall, the goddess of the forest and fields, and you have opened the belief module. 】

[Ding, the road to employment - mage (3) task completed]

"It's finally over!", Xia Miaomiao pulled Du Shiyu away, and the wisdom NPC was still chattering endlessly, "I'm taking office, I'm taking the cloak!"

"We are gold medals!" Du Shiyu also smiled happily.

"Gold medal, gold medal, high play, high play!" Xia Miaomiao laughed and jumped.

(End of this chapter)

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