This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 320 Don't talk without a cloak!

Chapter 320 Don't talk without a cloak!
The secret room of the headquarters building of Canaan Corporation in Shanghai.

"How about it, can't you get in touch yet?"

"Don't walk around, it makes me dizzy!"

"How about that little love?"

"It is said that it is in the experiment..."

"Experiment... what should we do now?"

"You ask me, who am I to ask!"

"If this goes on, something big will happen!"

Yu Qingdong and Lao Hu were like two ants on a hot pot. After contacting No. [-] again to no avail, they walked back and forth in the white room at a loss.

"I can't hide it anymore, I will report to the highest level now."

"How about...wait a little longer?"

"Wait? Wait until when, do you have to wait until it's out of control?"

We are arguing, and the weather reminds us that there are urgent matters outside that need to be dealt with immediately.

"What the hell is going on!"

Yu Qingdong stood up annoyed, and strode towards the exit, "Anyway, my opinion is to wait, this good situation is not easy now, if because of our overreaction... well, it would be a pity."

In the president's office outside the secret room, the supervisor responsible for offline and online data communication has already turned around countless times.

Seeing Yu Qingdong appear, he hurriedly stepped forward, "Mr. Yu, the player who died suddenly in Huzhou is still alive."

"Rescued?" Yu Qingdong's face brightened, "Why is it you, it should be the emergency response department..."

The supervisor looked strange, "It's not in the hospital."

"Not in the hospital? What do you mean?"

"Yes, it's in the game."

Yu Qingdong was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a gaping mouth, "You, you, what do you mean?"

"We found that he is still alive, in Canaan, in the game!"

"Yes, are you sure?"

The supervisor nodded.

Yu Qingdong almost didn't come up in one breath, and was stunned for more than ten seconds, "Have you contacted him?"

The supervisor still nodded.

"He, what did he say?"

"He didn't admit it at first, but in reality there is no corresponding data for him, and the game ID, character, etc. are all right..."

"And he admitted it later?"

"...Let's not bother him."

"This, this, this is really..."

"What should Mr. Yu do? How should we deal with this situation?"

How the hell do I know!

For a moment, Yu Qingdong's head was as big as a bucket.

One that does not limit the number of logins, and does not limit the game time has caused so many things. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a subversion and change. The storm has come, and the prelude is already frightening. A If it is not handled well, there will be chaos.

Now that 'resurrection from the dead' has been announced, once it is publicized, it will surely poke a hole in the sky?

All order, morality, ethics and law, and even life, old age, sickness and death have to be redefined. This, this... This is too big. The old nonsense is right, and it is no longer something he can handle at this level.

"Go and confirm his identity again, but don't make a mistake."

"How to confirm, that guy is afraid that we will say it out, and he won't cooperate at all."

"Threats and lures, tell him, if he doesn't cooperate, then... delete his data, scare him, if it doesn't work, coax him, give him money... In short, we must be [-]% sure."

"……All right!"

Most players are unaware of the storm that is brewing in reality.

Zhang Xiaojun, the game ID Dongmeng Fuxue (Dongmen Fuxue was registered), 18 years old, five-test Mengxin, suffering from congenital heart defects, has been a medicine jar since childhood, and is more diligent in hospital than in school.

His parents are in business, and the family conditions are not bad. Because he is an only child, the family has tried everything for his disease. Even major hospitals in the United States and international experts have seen it.

His condition fluctuated from good to bad, and he received two notices of critical illness, and when he grew into adulthood, his condition suddenly deteriorated. Experts said that even a heart transplant could not save that kind of disease.

This is tantamount to a death sentence for him, and the countdown to life begins.

Because of the various "legends" of the Canaan game, the family began to draw lots from the third test, and only won the fifth test.

At that time, it was said that playing Canaan was only good for the body, not bad, and the physical examination was just a formality. His parents also hoped that it would happen, and spent money to find someone to replace him, and muddled through.

In Novice Village No. 88, Level 3 ASEAN Chuuxue bounced back to Novice Village. Seeing a knight-errant riding a tall horse with the title of LV7 [Extraordinary] passing through the city gate proudly, he swallowed enviously.

"Boss, please bring me!"

A Mengxin, who was also like a beggar, howled and rushed out, hugging the extraordinary ranger's calf, with tears and runny nose, just like seeing a relative.

Elf Game was caught off guard, and before he could react, more people rushed over.

"Little brother, no face, I am a loli, only 15 years old."

"Boss, please do me a favor, let's reward some equipment!"

"Brother, take me to level 5, the price is whatever you want!"


Dongmeng Fubuki watched with a grin, and when the extraordinary ranger of LV7 couldn't resist and ran away, he clutched his stomach and laughed like a psycho.


'The 15-year-old Lolita' rolled his eyes at him, and everyone dispersed, and the city gate became unobstructed.

Dongmeng Chuuxue laughed tears, wiped his eyes with his dirty sleeves, and walked into the city with a smile.

All LV5s, sporadic LV6s, very few have extraordinary titles and capes, let alone mounts.

It’s as lively as a tea market, a stall is just a few steps away, and almost every NPC is crowded with people, bargaining, arguing, cursing, talking about love, greeting each other’s parents and relatives... ASEAN Fubuki took a deep breath, feeling that heaven was nothing more than that.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh~~"

There is no pain, no smell of disinfectant, no endless examinations, blood draws, no sympathy, no sadness, no sighs and tears from parents... except for the terrible food, it is perfect.

Bouncing and bouncing, feeling the inexhaustible strength in my body, my heart is beating like an eight-cylinder engine...

"Ah, I love you!"


"You are the one who is crazy, and your whole family is crazy!"

"Husband, someone is bullying me!"

"Who, who, that bastard doesn't have eyes?"

"It's him, it's him, he, he's a hooligan and says he loves me!"

"What's wrong, what's wrong, bite me!"

"Don't be arrogant, kid, there is a kind of one-on-one after taking office!"


"Someone bought a cloak, someone bought a cloak!"

With a bang, the crowd ran in one direction.

Seeing this, Dongmeng Chuuxue ignored the couple and squeezed over there.

The NPC of the meritorious service store is a big fat man smiling. An elf ranger and a female player who looks like a human mage are talking to him. They are both LV6. Outside the isolation line of the system, there are many eager players.

[Do you want to exchange the gold medal ([-]) for the corresponding meritorious service? 】

Du Shiyu: "Exchange."

[Ding, congratulations on getting 200 points of merit]

[Ding, congratulations on getting 200 combat power]

[Ding, your combat power is 463, please check the attribute panel for details]

"Ah, Xiaoyu, my combat power is only 484, and I'm still 16 points away from buying a cloak."

Xia Miaomiao looked at her attribute panel and shouted: "The character attribute score is only 82, the equipment is 202, and the gold medal is 200, a total of 484."

"I only have 463"

"Ah, I'm stronger than you...haha, I'm stronger than you, haha..."

"Two beauties, buy it, why don't you buy it?"

"Yeah, yeah, buy it quickly, don't waste time."

"Buy a fart!" Xia Miaomiao turned around and shouted fiercely: "The combat power is not enough, and even if you buy it, you won't be able to equip it."

"Can you buy it if you don't have a gold medal?"

"Gold medal +200 combat power, 200 meritorious service, the total combat power score must be 500 to equip the cloak."

"Ah, then there is no gold medal, and you can get a cloak with 500 combat power?"

Xia Miaomiao rolled her eyes, ignoring the melon-eaters behind her, "What about Xiao Yu?"

"Change the equipment, what else can I do?" Du Shiyu said angrily.

"I can't take off the magic resistance equipment now. I was going to sell it to get some blood back. Now it's done. I have to change the equipment... The key is that I won't need it later, it's too wasteful."

"Then don't buy the cloak?"

"No, no, it's hard to get the job, and it's still a gold medal. What's the matter without the cloak?"

Among the crowd, Dongmeng Fubuki glanced at his mouth, but was not interested in watching any more.

Just as he was about to leave, someone suddenly shouted in his ear: "Zhang Xiaojun!!"

He agreed reflexively, and then realized that it was not good, so he turned around and slid into the crowd without looking at who was around him.

"Run, where are you going!"

A hand grabbed him like iron tongs, Dongmeng Fuxue looked back, he was a level 4 barbarian.

"Who are you, what are you doing, let me go!"

"Are you Zhang Xiaojun!"

"None of your business!?"

"It's you, come here!"

"What do you want to do, prohibit PK before taking office, be careful of being caught by the system..."

The barbarian pulled away from the crowd involuntarily, avoiding the booths of several players, and pulled to the corner between two shops.

There are few people here, Ximeng Chuuxue rolled his eyes when he saw the people waiting inside, "It's you again, it's endless!"

The leader was an elf, he waved at the barbarian, the barbarian made a hand gesture, and the elf laughed and cursed: "I can't do without you, get out!"

As soon as the barbarian left, Dongmeng Chuuxue wanted to slip away, but just two steps away, the elf said quietly behind him: "You don't think about your parents anymore?"

Dongmeng Fuixue's figure froze, and after a while he said, "He, them, how are they?"

"What do you think, the son who has been raised so hard will never return home!"

"Damn it!" Dongmeng Fuxue turned around angrily, "You asked me to go back, how did I go back, whether it was a resurrection or a fake corpse... Maybe it stinks now, what did I go back to, to be a zombie?"

The elf looked at the two companions and said, "Don't get excited, let's make sure again that you are really Zhang Xiaojun, ID number 130***, and you live in Room 123, Block A, Building 17, No. 2013, Beitong Street, Yonghua District, Shishi City. , father is Zhang Chao, mother is Li Xiufang..."

"No, I'm just a lonely ghost!" Dongmeng Fuuxue shouted impatiently.

The elf's face was complicated for a while, and the two companions looked shocked, looking at him as if he saw a ghost.

... Isn't it just a ghost!
It's just that such a bizarre and absurd "ghost" really challenges the upper limit of people.

"You...your body is well preserved, many experts..."

"I don't want to be a guinea pig!"

"Always give it a try, you... have you tried going offline?"

ASEAN Fubuki stuck his neck and didn't speak.

"That means you haven't tried it? We..."

"Stop, stop... go offline? What if, what if there is no place to live after going back? Are you responsible?"

"Your body..."

"Are you [-]% sure?"

The elf stopped talking.

"Look, it's not very good now!" Dongmeng Fuxue wiped his eyes and said, "You can't let me commit suicide, can you?" He calmed down a little, thinking that it's not a problem for these people to harass him all the time , "I beg you, don't bother me, I am very happy now, really... You go back and tell my parents, just say that I am fine now, much better than before, let them, let them Don't think about me... Also, it's not impossible to meet in the public beta in the future, if they can't get a tourist qualification, isn't the tourist online soon? You must have a way, right?"

The elf coughed and said, "Even so, you still have to consider other situations...such as data loss, service shutdown for maintenance, and file deletion."

As soon as Dongmeng Fuuxue heard it, he jumped up, "Are you threatening me?"

"No, no, no!" The elf waved his hands again and again, "To tell you the truth, we also work on business, you know, those officials above know that you are not cooperating, so maybe that's what..."

"This is murder, this is a disregard for human life, I, I, I want to sue you!"

The elf spread his hands, "I'm just an errand"

"Damn, are you still relying on me? You can't get rid of it?"

"Always try, what if it works? We can give you some compensation, what do you think you need?"

"Threats and lures, both hard and soft?" ASEAN trembled, "Gold medal, cloak!"

The elf couldn't bear it, and was feeling guilty, but he didn't react when he heard the words, "Huh?"

"Gold medal clearance, extraordinary cloak, nothing less"

"You agreed!?" The elf was surprised.

"Another 10 gold, and a full set of mage professional attire, and I will help you with the experiment."

The expressions of the elves and their two companions were wonderful, and it took a while before they said, "Gold medals and cloaks are impossible, but the others...should be possible."

"No, I can't do anything less!" Dongmeng Fuixue stuck his neck, showing a non-negotiable posture, "You go back and bring my conditions, and you can't pull them down!"

On the other side, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao spent 2 gold each, and each put on two pieces of magic resistance equipment, and finally gathered 500 combat power.

"Why aren't Chunshui and the others online yet? Nothing will happen, right?"

"I'm also surprised, isn't it more than a day?"

"Well, if they go online and the dungeon exploded equipment is identified, maybe you don't need to buy it"

"I bought it all, what are you talking about, hurry up and change your cloak."

"Cloak, cloak, extraordinary, haha..."

The two happily ran towards the exchange NPC, and happened to pass by Dongmeng Fuixue. Hearing the two yelling, they smacked their lips enviously, and then turned to the elf and shouted: "Don't talk about it without a cloak!"

(End of this chapter)

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