This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 321 Brother, do you want to make a fortune?

Chapter 321 Brother, do you want to make a fortune?
[Extraordinary Cloak Level [-]]

[Quality: Green, Equipment Level 5, Equipment Occupation: All Occupations, Carrying Weight: 2, Combat Rating: 200, Equipment Requirement: Combat Rating: 500]

[Universal Attributes: All Attributes +3, All Resistances +5, Physical (Magic) Attack Power +1%, Physical (Magic) Defense Power +1%]

[Enhanced attributes: physical (magic) attack power +5-9, physical (magic) defense power +2-4]

[Special attributes: none]

[Note: The proof of the brave, the symbol of strength, and the beginning of the road to becoming a professional. 】

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao were dumbfounded after spending 200 meritorious service to exchange the cloak from the shop.

After a while, Xia Miaomiao said, "It seems that no matter how good the equipment is, there will be no special effects."

"Greedy is not enough!" Du Shiyu gave him a white look, "This is the first-level cloak, what do you want?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xia Miaomiao became excited, "Equipment, equipment!"

The two equipped their respective cloaks, and felt their bodies lighten, as if a pair of wings had grown behind them. Apart from this, the feeling of being "strengthened" appeared for a long time, and a warm current flowed into the body from the cloaks. Agitated in every part of the body, and finally turned into a torrent, directing to the brain.

Xia Miaomiao shivered, said a dirty word, and said that it was as comfortable as eating ginseng fruit.

[Ding, you have won the title of Extraordinary. 】

The title of extraordinary cannot be hidden just like the rank. The word "extraordinary" is bold and elegant, which is very eye-catching. It is a bit incongruous to hide the ID. , flattered self-appreciation.

A very "characteristic" elf, the facial features are not as perfect as most template elves, but there is a different kind of vitality. It is this kind of "angry" that makes this character look particularly lively.

It is indeed a face-squeezing scheme that cost a lot of money. When looking at the ID, once the prefix of Chaofan is added, the feeling of high play comes out.

【Extraordinary · A small sapling】

Wow, it's so beautiful, it's so tall, haha...

While there, he suddenly saw another player with the extraordinary prefix turn on the system camera, and the camera snapped at him.

"What are you shooting, have you never photographed a beautiful woman?"

"It's a pity, it's a pity!", the man's face was hidden behind the camera and he tsk-tsk loudly, "When he speaks, he destroys his temperament, and he doesn't have the feeling he had just now, everyone agrees!"

"Are you live!?" Xia Miaomiao stared with almond eyes.

"Everyone saw that another pair of extraordinary newcomers was born. How about it? The cloak is not difficult. Even two girls can get it, and you will have it in the future. There is no need to be so envious..."

On the bullet screen that only this player can see, there are dense "ah..." swiping the screen. You can imagine how envious the cloud player who is watching the live broadcast in reality is. This person hurriedly turned off the bullet screen and watched the live broadcast. The number of people broke through the 100 million mark, and I was secretly happy.

"What do you mean by two girls..." Xia Miaomiao wanted to go up and give this guy a couple of blows, ah, yes, now he can PK.

"Ignore him, let's go!"

"Damn guy!"

"Look around, stop showing off."

Xia Miaomiao looked at the people who had already surrounded her, and everyone's eyes were fixed with envy. She was proud, she puffed up her chest, snorted, and slipped away.

At the same time, the black pharaoh also set foot on the crowded single-plank bridge of his inauguration.

"Are you level 5? Why do you look like a beggar? No group, no group, not even a magic resistance outfit."

"Brother, why are you in such a miserable situation? If you work harder, you won't be able to... Ah, foreign devils, that's not surprising."

"Get out, dish!"


The talent market is not as lively as here, with people seeking groups, recruiting, interviewing, arguing, and "greeting" each other cordially. ...Without exception, seeing him is always a blank stare.

It seems that it is impossible not to get a suit of equipment.

Huaguo players are so materialistic.

The black pharaoh smirked, and didn't care about bumping into walls everywhere. He left the dungeon transmission area, went to farm monsters for two hours, made some money, bought necessities such as mining shovels and candles, and walked out of the Xinshou Village alone. Door.

"Yeah, yay, Cheknao, eternal death, deadly poison, I, the black pharaoh, your faithful servant, the lost lamb, they all say..."

In the BGM that only belongs to him, the rap of the black pharaoh's fusion of prayer words makes passers-by look sideways.

He is completely immersed in his own world without any interruptions.

Canaan, shrouded in darkness, is infinitely mysterious, weird and dangerous, but amidst such mystery and danger, the endless stream of players who come and go are like busy bees and fireflies emitting light and heat, converging together to form a A hot river has been created, rendering this dark night full of vitality.

There will still be a lot of people in the refresh area, but leveling is no longer the mainstream, and money-making has become the norm. On the single-plank bridge of the inauguration task, players who cannot squeeze in for the time being can only pour time and energy into these infinitely refreshing monsters body.

Although the explosion rate is extremely low and the rewards are touching, at least you can hone your awareness and skills. If you are lucky, you can also get three melons and two dates.

If the refreshment area is still just lively, then the large and small mines are boiling.

There are some abandoned mines near every Novice Village. They were occupied by monsters at first, and a few quick-witted players teamed up to clear them out and sell pits. As the ore became popular, this mode spread rapidly. The system has also 'recognized' such a gameplay, so there are patches such as 'resource points', 'land reclamation', and 'exclusive income time for land reclamation'.

The mine closest to the city has been opened for a long time. I heard that the mine veins are about to be hollowed out, and the players are relatively counted.

Even so, there was an endless stream of players carrying heavy ores on their backs. Many of them were dressed in rags like the black pharaoh. For the price difference of a few coppers, they refused to sell to the peddlers nearby, and carried it all the way back by themselves.

The safe area is brightly lit, but it is not noisy. Every time a player comes out, he is physically and mentally exhausted. He either quickly concludes a deal with the outside vendor, or carries it back. There is not much nonsense.


"what happened?"

"I know this guy."

"He... is like a beggar, is he still level 5?"

"This guy is a foreign devil, he's a little out of his mind...I think, let's just leave him alone."

"Now the foreign devils have learned to be smart, and they all pretend to be Chinese players. Do you know him?"

"Well, I suspect this guy is a fool, but he is very skilled and has a good sense of operation. He is alone."

"It's not bad for a person to reach level 5... Well, let him be unlucky, let him be!"

The black pharaoh was about to pay the entry fee, when he stopped in front of him, he said with a warm smile, "Brother, are you short of money? Do you want to get rich? I have a very lucrative mission."

"Yeah!", the black pharaoh smirked.

"Team together, together?" This person thought that he was really stupid.


The visitor didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and the words he had prepared hadn't been used yet, so he accepted the invitation to form a team without hesitation.

"Don't you ask what the task is?"

People who come to see him like this are inevitably curious.

"Lack of money, make money, yay!"


This kind of fool is not cheating for nothing.

"We're going to land reclamation, do you know what land reclamation is? New resource point, sit and collect money to be the boss."

"Boss, yay!", the black pharaoh grinned and showed his white teeth.

The visitor rolled his eyes, stopped pretending, and dragged him to a player's booth, pointing to the black pharaoh's back basket.

"Take what's on him!"

The player stall owner rolled his eyes and quoted a fracture price.

The person who came did not speak, to see how the black pharaoh reacted.

——Could it be an act?

The items bought for 50 copper are all durable enough to help people move to the resource point, okay, I will give it away with a 2% discount.

The visitor dispelled his doubts, no one would joke about money, so he dragged the black pharaoh to the gathering place of the team.

There are three teams in total, including the black pharaoh, exactly 15 people.

None of them took office, all of them were level 5, but they all took off their novice outfits, each with their chests and stomachs puffed out, looking like dogs.

"Hey, why are beggars' outfits popular now?"

"Not to mention, it's quite trendy at first glance!"

"Ha ha……"

"Stop fucking saying a few words!"

The leader of the three teams was a dwarf who looked very breezy, with his iconic beard, braided into small braids, bronze skin, half-moon-shaped scars made by pinching his face, full-body steel armor, and a knife in his left hand. Holding a shield in his right hand, wherever he goes, he is more majestic than the dwarf hero in the Lord of the Rings movie.

ID One Punch Man, this translation is no problem, the black pharaoh understood it in seconds, so he grinned at him silly.


This smiling face made One-Punch Man impossible. He rubbed his scalp and asked the person who had the idea, "This guy... is he really stupid?"

"I don't know," the man said with a smothered smile.

"Damn just now...forget it!" One Punch Man walked up to Black Pharaoh, he was not as tall as him, but his area was more than one-third larger than him, "Black Pharaoh, do you know how to open up wasteland? Know?"


"Do you know the rules?"


"There is only one rule, all actions are subject to the command, who is commanding, and your captain." One-Punch Man pointed to a barbarian standing in the front, "Listen to me, the captain... Is there any problem?"


"This guy, why are you jumping out word by word."

"Is that why you're stupid?"

"Can a fool be a player?"

"Good luck!"

The black pharaoh seemed to be unable to hear the comments of his teammates, and One Punch Man waved his hand: "That's it, let's go!"

The three teams, laughing and fighting, entered the "grey area" where the light and dark intersect, and went straight to the "dark area" in the northwest direction.

The black pharaoh was at the end, and the barbarian captain called him several times before calling him into the queue of the group.

"What a fool!" Captain Barbarian pushed him and let him walk in the front.

Weeds, shrubs, sparse woods, human voices, strange sounds, insects, gray and faint shadows are like ghosts hiding in the dark, silently following and distorting, the closer you get, the dense darkness will appear. The more Taishan was overwhelming, gradually, no one was joking anymore, the relaxed atmosphere disappeared, and everyone became tense.

Three teams walked into the dark area in a triangular array, and the black pharaoh still walked in the front, acting as a vanguard.

Once surrounded by darkness, it seems to be isolated and imprisoned. The vision lit by everyone is like a faint flame floating in the dark sea, and there is a risk of being submerged at any time.

If the huge pressure has substance, it seems to be reminding, warning, and driving away.

The timid ones in the team were already pale, and they became suspicious when there was any movement, while the courageous ones also had dignified faces, taking every step carefully.

Only the black pharaoh is still smiling, and there seems to be no difference between the dark area and the bright area to him.

"Fools are courageous and don't know how to be afraid!"

Timid muttered.

"That's not good, I'll be able to use him later."

The brave ones are very satisfied.

"Be careful, there is movement ahead!"

The rangers in the team shouted warnings.

As soon as the voice fell, the edge of a swamp lit up in the field of vision, a huge and pitch-black voice lay across the route of the team, and a cold, emotionless eye opened facing everyone, although the magic aura was weak , but extremely dazzling.


The game shouted a broken sound!

One Punch Man yells!
Fortunately, it has not yet entered the range of this monster's attack, it just glanced at it and then closed its eyes.

【LV35 Enchanted Monitor Lizard (Elite)】

In the last remaining field of vision, as soon as the shocking bright red ID appeared, it retreated into darkness.

"Damn it, level 35 monsters appeared near Novice Village, what is the system doing?"

"He's still an elite!"

"It hasn't happened since the last time I came!"

"We have to wait for the NPC to settle the payment. This is the only way for the resource point."

"Don't you think this is more fun and exciting?"

"Crap, why don't you try it?"

"Am I right?"

"Damn it, don't say a few words, and don't look at what time it is...Er Baozi, find the way ahead!"

The barbarian captain of the black pharaoh agreed, and after bypassing the swamp just now, he corrected his direction and headed northwest.

There were no surprises in the following journey. The discovery of the resource point meant that the distance was not far away. Half an hour later, a small area of ​​a slightly undulating hill was lit up by everyone's vision.


"Good luck."

"It's all that kind of stuff."

"Work, work!"

Most of the resource-type mines are kobolds, and everyone is not surprised, but this time it seems to be a little different.

"Why is there still a flag?"

"What the hell is that pillar?"

"Whatever it is, the game set, it should be."

The players didn't care, and started to let the shooter lead the monsters to clean up. Only the black pharaoh looked at the black pillar and smiled. He half knelt down, and the BGM that belonged to him started playing.

"Medicine, medicine, cheknao, eternal death, deadly poison, I, the black pharaoh, your faithful servant, the lost lamb, hereby report to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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