This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 32 Give Them Mosaics

Chapter 32 Give Them Mosaics
"What do you see!?"

Facing a newly dug large pit, Lao Nie asked his companions.

The four-person team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences had already gathered at this time, and the ID of the fourth athlete companion was Kobayashi who played tennis. He nodded and said, "I recorded everything."

Lao Nie glanced at him dissatisfied, and said, "I'm asking if you still need to dig."

Third Sister Wang, a drama performer, thought about it and said, "Let's dig a little deeper, it will be more convincing."

"Alright then...Xiao Tie, you dig further."

Tie Jun was the one who did the hard work. Poor him was so out of breath. In order to save time, he had to get up and work as soon as his physical strength recovered.

At this time, they had already collected a lot of in-game data, Lao Nie recalled, and only this last item remained.

Their actions were detected by [Magic Net], Xiao Ai reminded Bei Gaoyang that Bei Gaoyang was sitting in front of the screen at the central hub of [Magic Net] and saw their every move.

"Uh... what are they doing?"

"Analyze and compare various data in the game to find the truth hidden inside it."

"In other words, they are wondering if this is a game, right?"


"What else did they do?"

"Some basic physics and chemistry experiments."

"Fuck, a bunch of troublemakers."

Bei Gaoyang will not let them discover the truth under the surface of the game, Canaan can only be a game, which not only involves safety issues, but also concerns the potential and growth limit of [Magic Web].

Players believe that this is a game, and put a lot of energy into it. The "belief" of hundreds of millions of people is concentrated on one point, and it is possible to make [Magic Web] more than just [Magic Web].

The group of magicians has been studying the gods and beliefs for a long time. A sage once proposed that it is the "belief" from all living beings that allows the gods to gain supreme authority.

There is a theory that points directly to the underlying language of the world rules. This theory believes that there is a "pan-consciousness aggregate" in the Canaan universe, which is [Gaia Consciousness]. If it can influence and control the consciousness and thoughts of many creatures, a certain kind of It can affect [Gaia Consciousness] to a certain extent.

And "Gaia Consciousness" is almost equivalent to the underlying rules of the world, so the gods can become the darlings of the world, sitting high on the altar, overlooking all living beings.

The birth of [Abyss Consciousness] seems to support this theory. Bei Gaoyang doesn't know whether it is correct or not, but he is inclined to believe it from the disgust and tension of the church and the gods.

In this way, [Magic Net] is simply walking on a similar road. The secrets of the gods may be solved by themselves, how can they be easily destroyed by others?

Kick them offline?

Bei Gaoyang shook his head, which would aggravate the suspicion from the earth.

He called up the behavior records of the four players and checked what experiments they had done.

Fire by friction, electrification by friction, measurement of latitude and longitude by sunlight, analysis of soil composition, test of atmospheric composition... It is really difficult for them. Without any tools, they can come up with a method according to local conditions.

Bei Gaoyang reckoned that even if the results of these experiments were not good for him, it would not explain anything.

"Give them mosaics!"

He ordered Xiao Ai to say.

So, after Tie Jun dug another shovel, he finally saw a mosaic picture beyond the limit of "computing resources" appeared at the bottom of the pit.

"This game is really perverted." Athlete Kobayashi also knew the purpose of this move. Seeing this, he was not surprised, and said with a smile: "Imitation to such a degree, is it a kind of paranoia?"

Lao Nie hummed, and while calling Tie Jun to come up, he said: "The degree of freedom of this game is as high as the degree of reality, and it can simulate some simple physical phenomena."

"In my opinion, this is also necessary. Maybe some gameplays are hidden in it? For example, mining, smelting... Hehe, no wonder it can only maintain a maximum of 100 people online. I can't even imagine what kind of server can satisfy Such a degree of virtuality."

"What about the supercomputer?"

"Supercomputers are not omnipotent. Every supercomputer is designed for its purpose at the beginning of its design. You are saying that it is an amateur."

"Hehe, I'm an athlete, of course I'm an amateur."

While chatting, Tie Jun climbed up and lay on the ground panting like a dead dog.

"You see, changing the 'hardware' means that no matter how powerful the "software" is, it's useless!" Lao Nie pointed at Tie Jun and said, "The king of soldiers has become a rookie, which can explain some problems."

Xiao Lin didn't understand, but he didn't need to understand. After the task was completed, he looked at the players who had been leveling up monsters in the distance, and said, "Then we now..."

"Disband, move freely!" Lao Nie said with a big wave of his hand.

"Okay, I'm going to upgrade, hehe." Xiao Lin couldn't wait to stand up and said.

"I won't go." Third Sister Wang looked at the mist outside the field of view of the game. The large fire clouds in this mist looked like a rich ink painting, "I'm going to see the scenery, how about you, old Nie?"

"Leave me alone, don't forget to record the whole process."

At the same time, Wang Chaoyang also rose to level 2.

The upgraded white light has taken away the fatigue and injuries all over the body, and the instant recovery to complete comfort is really irresistible.

The more Wang Chaoyang played this game, the more he realized its greatness. In comparison, those games under his banner are all rubbish.

It's not on one level at all.

How to do!
He didn't want to open his eyes for a long time.

The game industry is the cornerstone, providing a stable and abundant cash flow for his business empire. Once there is a problem, the foundation of the building will be shaken.

Looking for cooperation with the producer of this game?
Acquisition, shareholding, even if you spend all your wealth?
Wang Chaoyang smiled wryly in his heart, I'm afraid it won't work, the producer of this game is probably the same as this game, far beyond imagination and common sense.

No matter how powerful he is, he is only a businessman. Even if he has the opportunity, he cannot compete with the state apparatus.

If you can't join, you can't cooperate, then you can only sell yourself.

Make every effort to collect game qualifications, recruit people with game qualifications, establish a brand new company, inject huge sums of money, and prepare for the drastic changes in the future.

Thinking about it, he opened his eyes, and the two old players who brought him to the game were already teammates.

"How much game time do you have left?" an old player whose ID is World Without Thieves asked.

"Half an hour." Wang Chaoyang replied, "Haven't you reached level 4 yet?"

"It's still 10% short", another old player with the ID "Wolf Traveling Thousands of Miles" asked and answered.

"Have you rested well, hurry up, hurry up!"


Wang Chaoyang's game ID is called Favorite Fenglin Wan, which comes from an old song he likes.

So, this small three-person team was thrown into the tense army of spawning monsters again.

“Overall everything went well!”

The main thread NPC looked at the large system surplus and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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