This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 33 Level 5 Players

Chapter 33 Level 5 Players

In the middle of spawning monsters, Zhang Miao sat on a big rock to rest.

[Bandages] There are not many bandages left, what a fool, a bandage that can be used 10 times costs 20 copper, and killing a monster on average can only get 2 copper and 3 copper, that is to say, you need to kill 5 monsters to make up for the consumption. Still in the case of one person brushing, if you form a team, it will not be worth the consumption. You can only sit and recover, watching the game time being wasted like this.

The current players are all poor and poor.

The four brothers have parted ways, and Zhang Miao has been fighting skeleton soldiers for four or five hours.

Seeing that he still had one-third of his health left, he reckoned that if he was more careful, he would be able to kill a skeleton soldier, but the system "bug" that he would be kicked offline after death made him dare not act rashly. Reluctant to use bandages, I can only sit and rest to recover a little bit.

When resting, I don’t dare to do anything. I look at the system log, review the gains and losses just now, and deduce the next monster spawning action in my mind, and constantly optimize it.

It's the first time that I have to use so much brainpower to play a game. It's all forced, so I can't do it otherwise.

Now he is also level 3, and there is still 4% left of the level 10 experience bar. There are very few players at level 4, and he has a lot of energy in his heart, and he must catch up with the first echelon.

At level 3, he got 6 points of free attributes, except 2 points for intelligence, and the remaining 4 points for strength and physical strength, and he doesn't care what career he chooses in the future, so let's upgrade to level 5 first.

[ID: Second Brother of Dynasty*, Gender: Male, Camp: Rebel Army, Level: 3, Title: None, Occupation: Civilian]

[Strength: 5, Intelligence: 6, Dexterity: 2+1, Spirit: 3, Physical Strength: 5, Luck: Hidden.]

[Health Points: 21/51, Mana Points: Unlocked, Physical Attack Power: 7-12, Defense: 8, Magic Attack Power: Unlocked, Magic Defense: 0]

[Current status: Injured, weight bearing 2/19, PK value: 0]


[Novice leather round cap, quality: gray, physical defense +1, durability: 7/10]

[Novice leather jacket, quality: gray, physical defense +1, durability: 7/10]

[Novice leather bottoms, quality: gray, physical defense +1, durability: 7/10]

[Novice leather boots, quality: gray, movement speed +1, physical defense +1, durability: 4/10]

[Novice's Leather Bracer: Quality: Grey, Physical Defense +1, Durability: 8/10]

[Corroded inferior dagger: quality: gray, physical attack power 2-5, agility +1, durability: 6/12]

Not equipped:
[Corroded fir short bow, quality gray, attack range 25 meters, physical attack power 1-4]

Zhang Miao looked at her attribute bar and thought. I heard that after level 5, you need to change your job to correspond to 10 points of the main attribute. After upgrading, you can't add strength and stamina. You have to add intelligence, which is not helpful.

This also means that upgrading will not provide much help to strength. A skeleton soldier with 8-14 experience points has to be brushed to death.

"No way, the early stage of playing the spellcasting profession is so useless, it would be great if someone brought it."

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao looked enviously at a team of players who were forming a team to fight monsters not far away.

Look at them, they cooperate tacitly, take turns to gain experience, take turns to touch the corpse, and haven't seen anything nasty happen for such a long time. It's not like my side.

Brother Ruoran and Brother Xiaosa are both good people, maybe because of professional players, they are very sensitive to the interests of every needle, and they will not go if it is beneficial, and they will not be able to keep them if it is not beneficial. Have you also separated from Brother Xiaosa?

Thinking of Brother Xiaosa, Brother Xiaosa came.

"How is it, how far is it?" Brother Xiao Sa sat down beside him, and asked with a long sigh of relief.

"It's still 10% short, how about you?"

"25, I can't upgrade today, there is half an hour left in the game."

"Where are they cool?"

"They're level 4, and they're teaming up with someone to go to the elite. I heard that an elite monster has 50 experience points, and there's a chance of exploding the quest props of the life profession. Do it!"

Zhang Miao's eyes turned red with envy, "Let's try to upgrade to level 4?"

"People still require full strength or stamina, are you enough?"

"Fuck, they can't see the attributes."

"Going to be a jerk?"

"Be thick-skinned, what's the matter?"

"There are only a few people in the game, how many times can you play? Forget it, I'm going to change my job as an archer, and I will advance to a ranger in the future. How about you, Faye?"

"My initial intelligence is 4 points, it's a waste if I don't play games."


The two chatted for a while, and Zhang Miao was about to kill monsters, so she asked Brother Xiaosa, what else could he do?
"Haven't you heard? Mr. Wang asked the NPC to kill him offline."


"As soon as the main thread NPC meets without saying a word..." As he said, the eldest cousin cut his throat and moved his head closer: "There are also two unlucky people, Yu Yu and Huang Mao. Lucky points deducted, lucky points, hidden."

"Why, why!?"

"It should be that Mr. Wang offended the game producer. You know... Yu Yu and Huang Mao were implicated because they had the Dynasty ID and were unlucky to follow by their side."

"Damn it, the NPC also plays Zhulian?"

"This game is hard to say, it's just so evil. I suspect that the NPC in the main thread is played by someone sent by the game producer. Maybe it's the GM. Think about it, does it make sense?"

"Then, then what shall we do, we also have the dynasty prefix."

Zhang Miao was dumbfounded, and felt extremely regretful in her heart, what should she do now?

"So don't go to the NPC in the main thread for a while, just take a look first."

"What about the mission?"

"Other NPCs can also pick it up, unless it is a job change job, do you have quest props?"

"But it can't be like this forever?"

"We went offline to the official website to appeal, and changing the name is not troublesome. As far as I know, many people didn't pay enough attention to it at the beginning, and the name was very hasty. Since it is this level of virtual reality, the game producer does not want to see it. Each of the players has a horrible game ID, right?"

It seems... makes sense?
But these are all the guesses of the big cousin. Besides, with the Buddhist system of the game producer, even if the name can be changed, it will not be known that the year of the monkey will be over.

Besides, the first test is almost over... Ah, yes, the first test is over, and the second test might work.

"The official website has been restored?" Zhang Miao asked.

"It's restored, there is an additional forum function, and I don't know if it was made by the game producer."

Sending off the big cousin, Zhang Miao let go of her worries for the time being. While there was still some game time, she didn't hesitate to bandage, and finally reached level 4 before going offline.

The upgraded white light made him extremely happy, but the excitement lasted only two seconds.

[System Announcement: Player Yijiang Chunshui has been upgraded to level 5, faction reputation +100...]

"Fuck, someone has reached level 5."

"So awesome, I'm only level 3!"

"No, too far behind, let's go kill zombies."

The team of players who spawned monsters not far away exploded, so Zhang Miao did not. The joy of just upgrading was gone, and a sense of urgency was born spontaneously.

"Damn it, there's no game time!"

He added the 2 points of free attribute gained from the upgrade to intelligence, returned to the birth point of the camp and went offline.

(End of this chapter)

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