This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 34 The Beginning of the Second Layer of the Magic Web

Chapter 34 Beginning of the Second Magic Web
Some players have been upgraded to level 5, and the number of online users has reached 100. The theoretical perfect value has arrived, and the surplus is gratifying. After a period of operation, when the players generally upgrade to level 5, the first test can be ended.

It has been 10 days (Earth time) since the server was opened. With the help of "The Book of Canaan", a wild idea has been turned into reality. Now the crucial first step has been taken. Judging from the effect, it is gratifying.

Before designing the second layer of magic net, it is necessary to summarize the functions and game content realized by [Magic Net: [-]].

1. The first layer of magic net realizes the definition of the player's identity, attribute and character level. The intuitive and digital five values ​​of strength, agility, intelligence, spirit and physical strength determine the direction of players' "strengthening". The net also determines what the players see, what they get, and what they lose, making a comprehensive judgment, and it is perfectly combined with the castrated version of [Prayer Travel] and [Magic Cloning].

2. The first layer of magic net also realizes the concept of "game area", and "game data" most things within the coverage of [magic net].

3. The first layer of the magic net also clarified the concept of "NPC", allowing the local natives of Canaan to access the [magic net] conditionally, with a simple prototype of the task.

On this basis, the second layer of magic net should realize:

1. Job transfer system, magician, warrior, archer three occupations as well as occupational skills and characteristics.

2. Monster refresh and drop mechanism.

3. Team formation, trading, friends, world channels, families, etc., social, organizational and economic systems among players.

4. Vigorously develop "truth-oriented" life occupations to reduce the burden on the system.

5. Adjustment of the resurrection mechanism.

6. Enrich the main line, branch line, life occupation and other task systems. Based on the "multi-threading and multi-tasking" of [Xiao Ai], design some non-real and non-intelligent NPCs, and give special NPCs such as Edward and Yashili certain Autonomy and system resources, open up their favorability, reputation and side task permissions.

"It was really challenging."

The nature of "The Book of Canaan" determines that no matter how poor the design draft is, it can be realized.

However, just like [Magic Cloning], because Bei Gaoyang's own knowledge of mysticism is not enough, the players who realized it were "corrected" to become undead.

Because only the undead can realize the requirements on the design draft.

This is a "reasonable".

If the design of the second layer of magic net is too bad and too divorced from reality, then there will be some kind of correction, which is not in Bei Gaoyang's consciousness and control, and this is what he wants to avoid as much as possible.

The core of magic is the configuration, which in layman's terms is a magic circle, and the process of casting a spell is to "dictate" the spell configuration memorized in the soul.

And the configuration is like an integrated circuit. The spiritual power is the substrate of the integrated circuit, and the magic power is the current flowing on it. Different magical effects achieved by different configurations are equivalent to different electrical components, which is essentially a kind of energy conversion.

Transform the magic into various energies, thereby changing nature.

The design draft requires so many, how to invent an "integrated circuit" to realize it will really test Bei Gaoyang's wisdom and mysticism reserve.

There is also a "power consumption" issue to consider.

Difficult, very difficult.

Instead of being afraid of difficulties, he was full of enthusiasm and delighted in seeing the hunt. Without such qualities, he would not have gone so far on the road of magic research.

After scrapping the seventh design draft, he temporarily put down the work at hand, went out to interact with the players for a while, and cleared away his anxiety.

——Don’t worry, there’s still time.

Just after sending away a player, Edward found him.

"How do you think about what your lord said last time?"

The vampire was very haggard, and so were the fairy sisters. It was hard for them to deal with so many troublesome players. Bei Gaoyang thought he was talking about helpers, so he comforted him and said that someone would take over their jobs soon.

"No, it's the abandoned camp, my lord." Edward looked sluggish, "I haven't eaten for many days, I need blood, fresh and delicious, preferably pure virgin blood, you Don't starve me to death, my lord."


Bei Gaoyang was a little embarrassed by what he said.

I have the supplies I brought from the earth, and Yashili and the goblin sisters are fine, but I forgot that vampires still need to eat. It is too wrong to let them work hungry for so many days.

"I'll give you a day off. You can go back and look for food. As for the camp... there are so many people, it's better not to touch it yet."

"Be too careful, my lord, you don't know how your name is in some human city-states... Uh, loud, some women and children use it to stop ignorant children from crying..."

Bei Gaoyang's face darkened, "It's all slander, slander, I will find those gods to settle accounts sooner or later."

"It doesn't matter, those outcasts will be happy to follow you, you are so evil and powerful."


Edward was very disappointed. It was related to his job to bring the abandoned camp into the evil and powerful wizard camp, otherwise he would not be so active.

He didn't know about the "Book of Canaan", so he didn't know Bei Gaoyang's current situation and scruples.

"Wait a moment!"

"My lord, have you changed your mind?"

"What kind of idea, I'm reminding you, be honest with me even if you get out of the magic net, and don't reveal my whereabouts to anyone. There is no magic net and there is a soul contract, don't forget."


"Also, when you come back, bring some dwarf bones, the more the better, but don't let them find out, be careful."

With the skeleton of a dwarf, another race can be set free.

Although the number is small, there will not be too many players in the second test. If there are one or two hundred players, it should be enough.

Let go of the second race, and need to invent [Magic Net: [-]], which is a function that [Magic Net: [-]] has realized long ago. There was nothing more than lack of materials before.

This task is not difficult for the vampire who has been dealing with the cemetery for a long time, and he can even get some special bones.

Oops, almost forgot the magic net access device.

The second test is bound to release a batch of helmets, but the materials are almost used up, and the most lacking thing is the blood core.

Edward suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and he didn't know that someone had an idea on him.

"Let's forget about Edward." Bei Gaoyang thought, "It seems that we have to go to [Little Demon Abyss], only there can we get the materials we need."

After returning, he checked the materials brought from the earth, estimated how many platinum coins he could sell, and how many necessary materials he could buy.

Mages are curious guys, and these things must fetch a good price.

(End of this chapter)

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