This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 35 I Seem to Be Awesome

Chapter 35 I Seem to Be Awesome

I don't know why, but I have to sleep every time I go offline, and I feel very tired.

8 hours in the game, 4 hours in reality, and 4 hours of sleep. If you don't wake up for less than 4 hours, you will wake up on your own if you don't need to be called for more than 4 hours. Zhang Miao doesn't know whether it is a coincidence or just this situation.

After a brief wash, it was only 4 p.m., and I quickly opened the computer chat group, ready to take a peek at the screen.

It's funny to say, the QQ group was blocked, and the QQ group was rebuilt, and there was nothing wrong with the group owner from the beginning to the end. Now, although there is him in the group, the game official is there, but the profile picture is always gray. When he came out to talk, it was the administrator sent by Penguin who had a heated fight with the group of friends.

The official website has also been restored, and there is an extra player exchange forum. If you want to know it with your toes, it must be Ahri's own idea again.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a penguin and a raccoon occupy half of the domestic Internet, so they are trying to show their favor to the game producer, is it going to be like that?

Do you want to buy someone else?
Forget it, forget it, these are not things that he, an ordinary person and ordinary player, should worry about. It's interesting to watch those sand sculpture group friends in the group.

The group was still a mess.

"10, 10, someone on the forum on the official website offered 10 game helmets, woo woo..."

"Pull it down, the helmet is bound to the character created in the game, and there is no way to transfer it, let alone no one is willing to sell it, even if someone sells it, it is a liar."

"It is said that the mobile phone is not bound, and the ID card is not registered. How is this bound? No matter how I think about it, I don't understand."

"Do you understand black technology, black technology, otherwise how can you make such an awesome game?"

"Is there any player in the group offline? When will the public beta beta be? When will the game helmet be sold?"

"@流浪的旅人, the boss kowtows to you, give me a chance, woo woo woo..."

At this time, the administrator came out, and first silenced this guy who sells miserably @集主, and then talked about civilized and orderly discussions.

Few players come out to speak out, and occasionally one is pretending to enjoy some flattery, jealousy, talk about things in the game to satisfy the itchy people, and laugh at the unlucky ghost who sold the helmet by the way ...

Looking at the Internet again, the enthusiasm for the game has subsided a lot. With more and more revelations, game screenshots and videos are becoming more and more abundant, and doubts are gradually disappearing. There is a website that translates hot news and comments on the Internet. , the translation of the game has also turned positive as more and more evidence has been circulated. The overall situation is like the meeting just confirmed in China.

It has been out of the circle, which has caused extensive discussions. After the content questioning the authenticity is less, there are also many attacks on Huaguo, conspiracy theories, and mindless smears... But these are all lost to the enthusiasm and one-sided support of game lovers. Many circles of game enthusiasts have even reached the point of worshiping the game.

If it weren't for the epidemic, these people would have organized a pilgrimage to China!

This is the charm and influence of Canaan.

Look at Douyin again.

The current limit has worked, and the popularity of following the trend has gradually decreased. Zhang Miao's Douyin account has increased by more than 100 million fans, which is the credit of the two videos.

He's not the one with the most fans, there are several accounts that reprocess the content that he and other players broke the news, and the fans have increased by hundreds of millions.

The popularity on self-media platforms such as Toutiao is also declining, but this is a normal situation. The pace of life in modern society is so fast. Even if nuclear fusion is successfully commercialized today, if there is no new news for a few days, what should most people do? .

At this time, the eldest cousin sent a message, pulling him closer to a group of only gamers.

The discussion in the group was also heated.

"This game is good, but is the planner NC? You only play 4 hours a day. What do you want me to do with the remaining 20 hours?"

"You don't eat, sleep?"

"That can't only be played for four hours, at least eight hours."

"8 hours in reality, 16 hours in's reasonable."

"Speaking of this, have you noticed that every time you log off, you are very tired and sleepy? Once I fell asleep without taking off the helmet..."

"Me too, me too."



There are more than [-] players in the group, and I don't know how the big cousin got in touch. Their nicknames are basically the IDs in the game, and most of them have seen it.

For example, Yijiang Chunshuiliu, who was the first to upgrade to level 5.

Zhang Miao clicked on his personal information, and found out from the public information that he was an uncle in his thirties, with a bald head, the kind with tattoos and gold chains, very social, and he was easy to mess with.

"Speaking of this, have you noticed that you are particularly refreshed after a good night's sleep?"

"...I've discovered it a long time ago. I used to have insomnia, but now... well, it's cured without medicine, damn it!"

"What? I thought it was just an illusion."

"Also, and, I found that I have become much better."

"What do you mean?"



"I haven't tried it."

"me too."

"Yesterday I went offline to have a barbecue outside, and I met a fool who drank too much... When that stick hit me, I actually did a fucking slide that I only did in the game. Do you understand the slide? Agility 7 sliding step, I have never practiced it before... Then I snatched the stick from him, and before my brain could react, I hit him on the knee joint again, making him Kneeled on the spot."

"so smart?"

"Bringing the skills in the game to reality, isn't it ridiculous?"

Seeing this, Zhang Miao suddenly thought of something.

Others thought of it, too.

"It should be fighting awareness and experience. The game is too real, no different from real fighting. We have practiced in the game, so..."

"Yes, yes, yes, I don't know how many goblins have been killed... Well, do you think you have seen blood like this?"

"...I don't know why, I'm a little panicked."

"Me too."




"So everyone, let's do it and cherish it. The big pie is falling on our heads, we must be cautious, and we must not be blind to those who sell helmets. This is all we have to say, and we encourage each other!"

Zhang Miao closed the chat window with a dazed expression, and raised her hands in front of her eyes.

Yes, I feel it too.

Every time I go offline, I'm so tired, I'm so sleepy, and the timing is just right... If it's just a coincidence, it's hard to say that other people are also like this.

Could it be that the knowledge and experience in the game can be brought back to reality.

Could it be that although he did not become a martial arts master after upgrading in the game, he also became stronger.

Are you in better spirits and smarter?

This is a bit magical, and it seems that it cannot be justified with black technology.

What the hell is this game?
Is it really a gift from aliens to the earth?
At the same time, Wang Chaoyang is also holding an emergency meeting.

"I need the real information of all players!"

Sitting at the chair of the huge and luxurious conference table, he said without a doubt: "As long as you don't violate the rules or laws, you must use the fastest speed to send all the players' real identities, home addresses, kinship, study and work resumes, hobbies, etc. Wait until it is found out, the sooner the better!"

(End of this chapter)

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