This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 36 This is too big

Chapter 36 This is too big
The next morning, Zhang Miao saw that there were too many people in line, so she was not in a hurry to enter the game.

Anyway, it's only a matter of time for the game, so I simply wash up and go to the supermarket to replenish some daily necessities.

An otaku like him does not have a serious job and has a lot of time to arrange every day, but most people still have to support their families, so there are two periods of "idle" and "busy" in the game.

There is almost no queue during free time, and a long wait during busy time.

But if he doesn't enter the game, he doesn't know what to do, and he is not interested in anything, and he is doing things related to games from morning till night.

The official website is really nothing to look at, and the content is almost memorized. The forum is full of game helmets, first-test qualifications, cheating and being cheated. Occasionally, one or two players show up to say something, which is probably nothing nutritious display stickers.

He's not interested in pretending, Weibo and Douyin fans are irrelevant to him, the game doesn't seem to need him to promote it, probably, maybe, won't be pornographic.

what to do?

He flipped through the posts on the forum boringly, but he didn't expect to find an article that was discussed last night.

"...Many players have personal experience, that is, games can change our physical bodies in reality, please don't complain, listen to Sajia slowly:

The host knows a lot of players, and even organized a discussion group that only players can join. We verified it in the group yesterday, and everyone responded that every time I log off, I feel very tired, like running a marathon. Sometimes the tired helmet is too late to take off, and we fall asleep, but we don't feel anything in the game.

More than one player said that they are energetic and responsive in reality. The fighting skills honed in the game are applied in reality. Everyone has become "powerful". , become as experienced and battle-hardened.

We might as well use science and common sense to explain this.

We players wear helmets to play games, which can be regarded as a kind of mental work. The experience we get in the game is actually happening in our brains. Is it a bit difficult to understand?

For example, when we kill monsters in the game, we have a body, feedback, effort and sweat, pain and lessons. These are not illusory, but absorbed and remembered by our brains.

We consume "brain power" to obtain these, which are manifested in the consumption of sugar and calories in the body. Otherwise, how can we support the high concentration and operation of the brain?So, not only our brains are playing the game, but our bodies are also involved, and there is even a part of the body memory..."

As soon as this post came out, the recovery below exploded immediately.

It was quickly pinned to the top and refined, and the number of floors increased rapidly, and every time it was refreshed, there would be more than a dozen pages of replies.

Zhang Miao shook her head. Is it not a big enough thing?
Meanwhile, another group of people was working on a similar problem.

"...The brain is indeed more active than before the game, and the various values ​​​​of the body have not changed significantly."

Tie Jun's whole body was fixed on the hospital bed, covered with various sensors, several unknown instruments around were beeping, and various curves that he could not understand were still being drawn on a screen.


A dignified and hoarse voice said.

After he finished the inspection, all four players of the game gathered and sat in a white room.

The four of them remained silent, anxiously waiting for the test results.

After more than an hour, they were taken to a normal room, and a medical authority in his sixties said kindly, "Don't worry, changes are also in a good direction."

Another slightly younger scientist said: "Considering that you guys haven't played the game for a long time... Uh, no upgrades, or zero levels?"

The four nodded.

"That's okay, continue the game, this time you don't need to do experiments, just go to upgrade, upgrade to level 1 and exit, let's check again."

The four were sent away, and the scientists and medical authorities entered a connected conference room.

"How to distribute the remaining 12 helmets?"

"The military requires 4, the military industry requires 4, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requires 2..."

"Wait a minute, what's the matter with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

"Maybe it's to deal with some international pressure?"

"Bullshit... I'm not enough."

"After all, it's a game, and it can't be kept secret..."

"And it's still the first test."

"There will be more in the future..."

"What is the characterization of this matter?"

"Observe carefully, use carefully, don't rush to draw conclusions, find a way to contact the game producer..."

"After finding it?"

"This one……"

That depends on who the game producer is.

If it's my family, some wild genius, some civil science organization...these are all easy to talk about, and everyone is happy.

If it is an alien, or some kind of thing or organization that cannot be understood by common sense or science...then be more cautious, no one can tell in advance.

There is another situation, which is a "conspiracy" by an external organization. This possibility is extremely low and has been basically ruled out.

Judging from all indications, the second possibility is extremely high.

It is said, but it is said that the security department has found clues to the game producer, but it is highly confidential, and the people attending the meeting are more technical, so there is no need to know.

"Let's keep 4 for ourselves, and hand over the rest. How to distribute them will be a headache for the higher-ups, and we will not participate."

After the final decision, the scientists attending the meeting broke up and left.

"This person, you really don't have any impression?"

Ning Daxia (the policeman who appeared in Chapter 1) of the Hongqiao Police Station in Qiaodong District, Fuyuan City looked at the person in the photo seriously and racked his brains, but he didn't have any impression.

This is a profile photo of a man captured by a camera. He is wearing a strange robe. His face looks very young, but it gives people a very special feeling. He can be distinguished from the crowd at a glance... Special, as if It's not a kind of creature from the people around, as if... Stand out from the crowd?
Such a person, once met, will never forget, but he just doesn't have any memory.

"Okay, let's go down, the content of today's conversation is confidential, you should sign something before you come."


Veteran Ning Daxia responded with a standard military salute.

"It seems that this person has an ability similar to "hypnosis"?"

"Not only that, he also applied for a household registration and ID card, which cannot be done by hypnosis."

"Hehe, is that a super power?"

"Twenty years ago, you went to work in a faraway place, and you just returned to China?"

"And you said you went to Africa?"

"You still say you are Bei Gaoyang?"

"Another confession?"

"This person bought a minicomputer and artificial intelligence programs for games?"

"More than that, there are also a lot of materials and templates for online games."

"He also bought 500 motorcycle helmets from a small factory."

"Who is this?"

"I don't know, but he is a very interesting person anyway."

"But he disappeared."

"If there is a first time, there will be a second time. Is this the first test? He will still appear."

"What should I do after it appears?"

"It's hard to say, he seems very dangerous?"

"Forget it, let the higher-ups worry about it. It's too big for us to take care of."

(End of this chapter)

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