This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 37 The Devil's Bath

Chapter 37 The Devil's Bath
Mages are a group of rational, calm and practical creatures, which to some extent are opposite to most of the emotional, short-sighted, and stupid general public. The evil of mages does not all come from the smear of the church.

A mage pursues the truth, and is insensitive to the beauty, happiness, morality, and ethics that most people yearn for. He often acts "straightforwardly" and uses unscrupulous means to achieve his goals. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is synonymous with mystery, power, and evil.

And the ultimate affiliation of most mages is indeed attributed to the origin of magic—the abyss, so they cannot reject such accusations, and they have no intention of whitewashing themselves.

Little Moyuan is the base camp of mages.

As for Xiaomoyuan, it is a taboo among taboos, it only exists in the taboo directory of the church, and ordinary people cannot hear it at all.If someone knows, unless he is a member of the church, there is a high probability that there is a problem.

What is Xiaomoyuan, where it is, no one including Bei Gaoyang knows.

For tens of thousands of years, the gods and the church have tried countless times to clear this place of filth, but they have all failed. Even the power of the gods cannot find out its location.

Some people say that the Little Demon Abyss is located in the abyss, so the gods cannot reach it.

Bei Gaoyang scoffed at such speculations, because he had been to the Little Demon Abyss many times, and there was no abyss at all, otherwise he wouldn't be able to live well.

I don't know where Xiao Moyuan is, but I can go there, and it is extremely fast, all relying on an almost open secret.

The secret is a special magic circle configuration.

To make a simple analogy, the configuration of this magic circle is like a "client" that can dial-up Internet access. When needed, it will send out a "broadcast" to the outside world, looking for "clients" who have no fixed place and often change their IP addresses. Server", if the "server" receives this broadcast, it will conduct a strict audit on the identity and authority of the client, and the connection will be established after the audit is passed.

Once the connection is established, the transmission can proceed.

Bei Gaoyang walked out of the teleportation array, and what he saw was a dilapidated and gloomy town.

The sky and surrounding borders of the town are filled with dense fog. There is only a simple cross street in the town. There are various shops on both sides of the street. Most of these shops have no written signs, but a kind of modern "Neon Motion Graphics" of Earth.

The shop that sells medicine is a glowing beaker. The solution in the beaker is gurgling and bubbles of various colors. The bubbles burst and evaporate real smoke. The smoke has a special smell. Know what kind of medicine is sold in the store, and whether you need it.

Those who buy materials, those who sell ores, those who sell magic products, those who sell slaves, those who sell souls...everything.

Not all the people walking on the street are humanoid creatures, there are skeletons, ghosts, monsters, various mixed races of demihumans, and demons from the abyss...

Most of the humanoid creatures wore thick cloaks, hiding their faces in the shadow of the hoods, and some of them completely exposed themselves to all kinds of malicious and tempting gazes.

The owner of a shop that Bei Gaoyang frequented was a goblin from the abyss, famous for its large number of souls, slaves, and rich specimens of magical creatures.

Bei Gaoyang once bought a beholder here for the research of biological magic.

He floated into the shop like a shadow, and the little devil waiter on the counter was dozing off lazily. When he saw a customer coming, he raised his eyelids and gave him a look, and said in a dark devilish language, "It's you."

"It's me, is Bane there?"

"The boss has gone back to stock up. The business has been good recently." said the little devil.

Bei Gaoyang approached the counter and looked at the compressed squares behind the counter.

Each square represents a kind of goods for sale. There are souls of powerful professionals howling silently in the small squares, beautiful snake demons posing in the squares, and dazzling abyssal flames in the squares. Burning in the middle, there are maggot-like abyss worms crawling in the grid...

But most of the squares were empty, which made Bei Gaoyang very disappointed, because he didn't find the blood core he urgently needed.

"There are a lot of blood cores above the vampire baron." Bei Gaoyang told the little devil about his needs.

"Uh... some kind of large-scale experiment, right? Are you trying to build an army of ghosts? I heard that your situation is not very good recently..."

"That's not your concern."

"Well, the recent exchange rate of platinum coins is not stable, we only accept orders for soul crystals."

Bei Gaoyang doesn't have soul crystals or platinum coins now.

Damn, living a life of being wanted, almost everyone in the world is an enemy, and dare not meet other mages face to face, some channels for money and business have been given up.

Coupled with the fact that he wasted once back on Earth, he is now clinking poor.

"Use this kind of goods to offset the account."

Bei Gaoyang took out a space ring containing earth materials, and gently placed it on the counter.

The little devil picked up the ring nonchalantly, and took out a solar-powered LED desk lamp from it.

"This is the switch, here is the brightness adjustment, no magic power is needed, the abyss can also operate." Bei Gaoyang explained and taught him how to operate.

The little devil's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. In the abyss, there are very few things that can provide light without magic power. You must know that many devil farmers breed things that need light. Pure light is like magic energy in the abyss As in Canaan, it is only available on specific conditions and special occasions.

"How long can the light last?"

"Uh..." Bei Gaoyang calculated the time in his mind, one hour equals about 0.4 Pool hours, and these desk lamps are equipped with batteries, "At least 10 Pool hours.", he said.

"That's it!", the little devil pondered, and said with a smile, "It seems that the "Book of Canaan" has helped you a lot."

Bei Gaoyang only felt an electric current rushing straight into his mind from the tailbone of his spine, and the magic power in his whole body was mobilized in an instant, his eyes were as sharp as a knife's edge, "You are Bahn!"

The little devil laughed loudly, and the laughter gradually became thicker and louder: "Old man, I know I can't hide it from you for too long."

"How did you know?"

"Don't underestimate me, don't underestimate any high-level demon, after all, who knows how many clients he has walking in the sun?"


I knew I couldn't hide it for too long.

Fortunately, it was a demon, not another mage.

"How many more people know?"

"No more than five, don't worry, they are all old guys, so far they can't afford too high a price."

"Does that mean I can keep my secret for a while?"

"Yes, at least you will not be disturbed by this transaction."

"Why do you tell me this, it's still free?"

Bahn, who is in the image of a little devil, blinked, "Because you have mastered the "Book of Canaan", and because you are relatively young."

"Okay, you bid!", Bei Gaoyang was silent for a while before saying.

"How about we sign a long-term supply agreement? It's okay to pay the bills with this kind of... er, interesting little things."

Bei Gaoyang didn't talk nonsense, and made a dense list, "I want the things on it right away."

(End of this chapter)

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