This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 38: Open up wasteland, open up wasteland

Chapter 38: Open up wasteland, open up wasteland

Numerous bloody cases tell us that when dealing with demons, the final result is very miserable.

For valuable customers, demons are the most patient and trustworthy. They can serve a person or a family for tens of hundreds of years, and in such a long and thoughtful service, they will tempt people to relax bit by bit. He kept his vigilance and backed down his defenses against them bit by bit until he became inseparable from them and extremely dependent on them.

At this time, they began to throw out some very attractive terms according to the most urgent needs and desires of customers, just like a good hunter who has been weaving for tens of hundreds of years, so that customers have to sell their most precious things in exchange for In exchange for services with relatively low risks on the surface but huge rewards.

But this is just appearance.

Such guys either have their souls turned into the collection of demons, or they use their bloodlines (usually in the form of curses) to repay their debts that can never be repaid.

But there is one exception.

That is the mage.

The mage is also a master in this area, and can also write a soul contract recognized by [Abyss Consciousness]. He knows the devil's tricks very well, and his ultimate affiliation is also the abyss.

Ordinary demons, especially middle and low-level demons, are extremely disgusted with mages. They cannot extract benefits from them, and they must be wary of their competitors. Only high-level demons have the confidence to start hunting mages.

Bei Gaoyang was targeted by Bahn.

Because of the Book of Canaan, because of the identity of the archmage, and because of his current situation, apart from getting help from the devil, he is unreliable and cannot be trusted, including the [Arcanist Union].

A wizard, a mage, and an arcanist all refer to the same kind of person.

Wizard is a derogatory term for the church. Although mage is also derogatory, it is more neutral. Bei Gaoyang likes to use it. Arcanist is what most mages call themselves. Arcane represents truth, just like mathematics is called the mother of science. Arcanist The implication of "a group of people who pursue the art of truth".

Being targeted by a high-level demon, Bei Gaoyang didn't care, and was even secretly happy.

It's not that he is confident that he can resist Barn's hunting, but that he really needs help from the outside world, especially from the abyss.

What he lacks now is time, time for the magic net to grow and players to grow.

If one day, the magic net can spread all over the abandoned wasteland, surrounded by tens of thousands of grown-up players, then even if the real body of the demon lord comes from the abyss, what fear is there?
Before launching the final hunt, the demon's reputation was outstanding, and Bei Gaoyang quietly returned to his base camp with the precious supplies he obtained from Baan.

"Smells like the undead"

Bahn's voice was transmitted through the power of the soul contract.

Bei Gaoyang didn't seem to hear, and rushed to the laboratory without stopping.

【System Announcement: The online update patch 3 is completed.update content:
1. The setting of advanced NPCs has been added. Advanced NPCs are special and unique, with independent tasks, favorability and reputation systems. The relevant content will be released during the second internal test.

2. Added the on-duty period for advanced NPCs to be 6:11 a.m. and [-]:[-] p.m., and the game content related to it will not be available during non-on-the-job hours.

3. Added the settings for senior NPCs to ask for leave and go out due to personal affairs.

4. Increase the judgment of the experience value level. When the player's level exceeds the monster level 1, the experience gained will be reduced by 20%, 2% at the 50nd level, and no experience will be gained at the 3rd level. 】

[System Announcement: The first closed beta will end 10 days after the game time, and the second closed beta will not delete files. Players are requested to arrange the game time reasonably. More game content and functions will be released during the second beta, so stay tuned. 】

"Yaoshou, the game time is 10 days, isn't that 5 days after reality?"

"Yeah yeah!"

"I'm only level 3, what should I do?"

"Should be enough, let's not talk about it, spawn monsters, spawn monsters..."

"What the hell is the NPC working time?"

"Damn it, NPCs still take rest?"

"Dog plans to pursue authenticity and is crazy, is this?"

"From 6 am to 11 pm, it must be game time... I'm so fucked up by this broken game, every time I log off, I have to be 'jet lagged', shit."

"It's good news not to delete files..."

Bei Gaoyang didn't care about the complaints from the players, he went to the laboratory and started working in the dark.

On the other side, the forest goblin sisters, who had been working hard for nearly a month, hugged each other and wept. Although magical creatures do not need sleep, it is too much to be squeezed like this without sleep.

With [Xiao Ai] around, they don't even have time to be lazy.

The two poor little ones are worried about their home in the forest every day. Who will teach them how those goblins should live without them?
Crying sadly, a certain player smelled the smell of "mission", and approached him with a shy face. This time [Xiao Ai] did not prompt, and Alice refused without pretense. Even a gentle and curious Jabela I don't want to look at this player again, I really hate it.

Edward had already gone out, and Yaris Osterdiman could finally close the shop, and go to observe these undead who surprised him more and more.

The NPC collectively "had a holiday", and the camp suddenly became empty. Zhang Miao hurried to catch up but still missed the closing of the grocery store, and cursed in a low voice in disappointment.

He regretted not buying [Bandages] sooner in order to save money. Some wanted to go offline so as not to waste game time, but he was a little bit reluctant.

Returning to the zombie spawn point, I wanted to join a team, but when people heard that his strength and stamina were not at full value, and he didn't have a [Bandage], they were unwilling to take him to play.

The big cousin and the others couldn't find it either. It's a weird game to contact a person and go offline.

He managed to get a zombie, and when the zombie died, he only saved a layer of blood, so he had no choice but to log off.

In reality, it was afternoon, and the online time was short this time, so it was not so "tiring".

He forced himself to take a shower, fell headlong on the bed, and fell asleep.

Go online tonight and continue to fight...

The next two days were particularly unfavorable. The last level of experience bumped and bumped, but the full value was not increased. I was hung up twice in the middle, and I was kicked off the line for several hours.

Other players are also trying their best to upgrade. There is no free time anymore. As soon as they go online, they will do tasks and spawn monsters. The level is slowly catching up, and there are more monsters robbing them. The monsters become tense, especially the zombies at level 3 and 4.

One after another, some people have been promoted to level 5, no longer gain experience, and focus on elites and bosses.

The land reclamation group officially appeared, but there were still few people, and Zhang Miao was still 20% short of experience, so he couldn't get promoted no matter what, so he was anxious.

Going back to farm goblins and skeletons has experience penalties. Level 5 and level 6 zombies can’t be done by one person, and level 3 and level 4 zombies can be snatched by a bunch of people...

I got angry when I was in a hurry, and there was a fire bubble on my mouth. In this case, I naturally kept my ears shut. What a turmoil.

In the end, it was Big Cousin and they all rose to level 5. They were eager to find reliable people to open up wasteland and helped him, so that he could rise to level 5.

"Open up wasteland, open up wasteland!"

Standing together with a dozen or so level 5 players, Zhang Miao blew the horn to attack the boss of Xinshou Village.

(End of this chapter)

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