This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 39 Monster Art

Chapter 39 Monster Art

The kobold chief, Tualatin Owo, knew the end was near.

With the large number of casualties among the tribe, those creatures called "players" looked at him more and more restlessly.

They are getting stronger and stronger, and within a short period of time, they will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the warriors among the tribe. Tualatin knows that this is his destiny and cannot escape.

But he was not willing to die easily. He decided to use his blood and indomitableness to teach these players a lesson, let them know that as a follower of [Maoqi God] (a false god believed by kobolds), a powerful totem warrior is not Those mortals who have not yet mastered extraordinary power can be humiliated.

In the morning of the game time, the sun was shining and the lighting was excellent. A total of 19 level 5 players were divided into two battle formations, one left and one right approaching the boss of Novice Village.

A player with a loud voice whose ID is kinky and wet acted as the commander, shouting loudly, letting the player with the shield enter the warning distance of the boss first.

Zhang Miao was at the end, walking nervously among the archers, surrounded by heavily breathing and slightly flushed faces.

It has been rehearsed several times. The strength of the player holding the shield is full. The two sides form an arc, one left and one right surround the boss in the middle. The tone of his nervous voice changed, and he reminded loudly: "AoE damage, dodge!"

The totem technique [Ground Spear] protruded from the ground amidst the rumbling sound. Brother Ruoran, who was holding the shield, just felt the vibration under his feet, and before he had time to react, he was stabbed into the air by the force from the bottom up.


Chrysanthemum felt a burst of stewed pain, white light flickered, her eyes went dark, and she was kicked off the assembly line.


"It's too late to dodge!"

"Agility is not enough, agility is not enough!"

With one hand, he hopped eagerly, shouting to block, block the boss, and ran to a relatively forward position.

Four players died in one encounter. Tualatin Owo got out of the encirclement, and when he saw this noisy guy, he flew out with a one-handed axe.

His wet eyes were bigger than a bull's eye, and he dodged in fear. However, he was chopped into white light by this axe. A big -101 double critical hit turned into white light Depressed to go offline.

How can this be done!
The conductors are all hung up!
The rest of the players were dumbfounded. Tualatin Owo recalled the one-handed axe, let go of those guys who came up with shields, and [charged] crashed into the melee team with short knives behind him, with two one-handed axes on the left and right. Sweeping, let the three players fly backwards, -22, -27, -31, fortunately they were not instantly killed, but everyone only had a layer of blood left.

The land reclamation team exploded like this, some people rushed forward, some people backed up, huddled together, and collided with each other.

Tualatin Owo easily caught up with the three guys with only blood left, and sent them off the assembly line one by one to face the wall.

"Can't fight, withdraw!"

The land reclamation team scattered, Turalain Owo caught up with the last unlucky guy and sent him offline for free, the rest of the players ran out of his warning distance, one or two gasped and recovered slightly , and began to blame each other.

"Fucking shit, this cooperation is a pile of shit!"

"The conductor hangs up as soon as he is up, so is Cai Cheng ashamed to be the conductor?"

"You you on the line!"

"Boss will charge, why didn't you say this before?"

"The force shield is not good, the agility is not enough to escape the area damage, the agility shield is just fine!"

"What should I do, do you want to brush it or not!?"

"Wait for the person who hangs up to go online, Gan, they are all at full level anyway."

"Yes, it will take a few more tries, please be patient!"

In the midst of the noise, Zhang Miao found his big cousin and brother Xiaosa, and said, "Let's go to collect the elites, and the mission supplies are going to explode!"

"The BOSS is gone!?" Brother Xiao Sa was a little reluctant.

"Just cooperate?" Zhang Miao shook her head, "I don't know when they go online."

The eldest cousin said with a smile, "Brother Ruoran's chrysanthemum was blown, haha..."

Brother Xiao Sa suppressed a smile and said, "When he goes online, ask him what it's like."

"Why, are you interested!?", the big cousin winked with a smirk.


"If you don't go, I will go!"

Zhang Miao wasn't in the mood to joke with them, so after asking one more question, he left the team to hunt elites.

"This guy is too serious about playing games!" After he left, Xiao Sa said, "It feels like if we don't help him upgrade, he will cry."

The eldest cousin didn't want to talk about Zhang Miao behind his back, so he hummed noncommittally and changed the topic.

Everyone waited for more than half an hour, and the players who died hadn't come online yet, so they gradually became impatient.

Tualatin Owo patrolled nearby, suddenly a white light flashed beside him, and took away the BOSS of Novice Village before the players found out.
"Hey, why is the boss missing!?"

"Let's go into the house!"

"I saw it just now..."

"Here, here, someone is online."

In the laboratory, the leader of the kobold walked out of the teleportation array in a daze. When he saw the great magician staring at him calmly, he hurriedly fell to his knees.

"Now there is a chance!" Bei Gaoyang said in Seagate language that kobolds can understand: "Let you stay away from the threat of illness, injury and death, are you willing?"

Tualatin Owo was tongue-tied, not knowing how to answer.

The lion asked if the antelope would like it. Does the antelope have other choices?
In front of the Archmage, he will only be weaker than the antelope, not the other way around, and behind him there are clansmen and tribes...

"I, I do, my lord!"

"very good!"

"But I have a request..."


"I want to ask you to let my people go away..."

"I can't agree to this request!" Bei Gaoyang laughed and said, "They all have uses, can you enjoy such a good thing to yourself, doesn't it seem too selfish?"

Tualatin Owo was in despair when he heard the words, he chanted the holy name of "God Maoke" in his heart, and charged towards the archmage tragically.

Bei Gaoyang only snapped his fingers to freeze his movements and thinking, "Really, I don't understand my kindness at all."

Turning to the latest page of "The Book of Canaan", there is a new spell he invented - [Monster Art].

Start setting it up now.

The so-called [Monster Art] is tailor-made for [Magic Net], and it can be regarded as an extended "plug-in". 【Return】The monster.

This is a long-awaited spell configuration that he prepared for the monster's refresh and drop mechanism.

Ordinary monsters don't need to be as troublesome as they are now, because this time they want to keep the soul of Tualatin Owo and transform him into an undead similar to the player, so a special transformation ceremony is required.

After engraving the configuration of the array, Bei Gaoyang placed the BOSS of Xinshou Village in the center of the array, chanted a mysterious incantation, and swayed the spell-casting materials.

Tualatin Owo was killed by the power of the magic circle, and his soul came out of his body. Just as he was about to throw himself into the [God Maoqi] he believed in, he was forcibly retained by the power of the magic circle!
Bei Gaoyang seemed to hear an unwilling roar.

He knew that the false god who didn't know to hide in that plane had nothing to do with him, so he sneered in his heart.

Ten minutes later, the transformation was successful.

The freshly released novice village boss didn't seem to have changed in any way, but his eyes became duller, and he lost the breath of life, replaced by a special smell of undead.

Bei Gaoyang summoned a bolt of lightning, clicked, and dealt 1999 points of damage. Tualatin Owo screamed and turned into a broken mosaic.

At the same time, with a bang, a large piece of [Bandage], [a pile of copper coins], [a pile of silver coins], [a gold coin], [one-handed ax (unidentified)], [proof of the brave] and so on burst out.

"Man, what a spectacle!"

Bei Gaoyang laughed and said, any player who sees this scene will have adrenaline rush, right?
"Xiao Ai, refresh!"

There was another flash of white light, and Tualatin Owo appeared in the original position, standing among the things that burst out from the ground.

This is the greatest significance of [Monster Art].

Backtracking is not cloning, but "archiving" from "archive". Although it still needs to spend a certain amount of resources, it saves more than [-]% of the energy compared to cloning.

(End of this chapter)

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