Chapter 323


The kobold priest floated three feet above the ground, and a halo of light formed around it. The kobold warriors and kobold warriors who walked out of it rushed towards the three teams that huddled together.

Stunned and stunned, he let out a roar, disregarding that there was less than half of the blood tank remaining, he resisted the damage twice, and exchanged injuries for injuries, holding back the monster's hatred.

"Go on!"

Seeing that he was about to die, the teammates behind him still flinched, and the veins on his anxious neck were exposed.

One-Punch Man regretted it, he shouldn't have come down, what was the task of finding a job, and he didn't get a job by himself. He used others as cannon fodder, but now he's fine, and he has become cannon fodder, and he said that he would throw people to death.

But now there is no way out.

What the fuck is this called.

"Everyone, work harder and hack them to death!"

The team members cheered up and shouted one by one to fight with the mobs.

"What about Old Hei, that bastard has made us miserable!"

"I won't hang up, I just saw that he was hit by the boss' big move."

"That kid has three chances to avoid death, so it's so easy to die."

"There, behind the BOSS, this kid is too much of a thief, he can't pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!?"

What happened next made their eyeballs almost pop out.

I saw this old black touch the back of the boss, the boss didn't attack him, but started talking to him.

The kobold chief looked very excited, and he gestured convulsively between the sky and the ground, and the black pharaoh no longer had the iconic smirk on his face, but looked... very solemn?

Then the boss died and committed suicide!

Someone in the team shouted.

It doesn't count that the boss committed suicide, but he even exploded something, which was the magic staff in his hand.

"Old Hei, come and help!", One Punch Man shouted.

When the weapon exploded, the teammates wanted to rush over to grab it, but in order to let someone be cannon fodder, the team's distribution mode was set to be free to pick up. At this time, it was cheating, and they could only watch helplessly.

One Punch Man wanted to lure him over, but the black pharaoh just glanced this way and walked up to the altar.

"Ah, this kid is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, we have all been deceived!"

The boss died, but the mobs didn't respawn and left, instead they became even crazier. The remaining 7 people couldn't move their hands for a while, and could only watch him ascend the altar.

"O eternal death!"

The black pharaoh shouted, grabbing the gods on the altar with his hands.

"This is my sacrifice to you!"

The entire underground space began to tremble, and the statue of God Moltke erupted with dazzling light. If the light had any substance, it illuminated the body of the black pharaoh almost transparently.

The skin, flesh and blood, internal organs, and bones all seemed to melt in the light, only the thick shadow in the brain was writhing in the strong light without showing any weakness.

"Ah, I can't stand it!!"

The mobs started to go berserk one by one, the warriors turned into warriors, and totem patterns appeared on the warriors, as if they had taken Shiquan Dabu pills.

One elf died first, and One Punch Man yelled, "Kick him!"

It took a few beats to understand what it meant to come over, and hurriedly kicked the black pharaoh out of the team.

This was the right choice, all the mobs immediately gave up their opponents, turned around and rushed towards the altar.

Before the survivors could catch their breath, a gust of wind blew by, and all the mobs fell on the way to the altar.

The body's almost 'melting' hand finally touched the statue!

The breeze showed its essence, and suddenly it was a gray halo that spread out.

In the halo, the strong light was suppressed, and the black pharaoh's figure greeted him little by little, first the internal organs, then the bones, then the fleshy skin, and finally the hands that grabbed the idol and lifted it into the air.

The picture seemed to be frozen, and One Punch Man was stunned by such a "plot animation".

One second, or, two seconds?
The gray halo shrank suddenly, and disappeared on the altar together with the statues of the Black Pharaoh and Moltke.

After a minute.

"Do you have any hints?", One-Punch Man asked.

The teammates shook their heads.

"Fuck, is there any benefit?"

"Used by that kid."

"Ah, I'm so mad!"

Let alone the Black Pharaoh.

He has been teleported to the Temple of the God of Death, in front of the statue of the God of Death, a priest in a black cloak took out the statue of Moltke from his hand, and with a touch of his right hand on the trembling statue, a shadow was sucked into his hand.

"Son, do you know what this is?"

The palm of the priest spread out, and a shadow like a living creature inexplicably attracted the eyes of the black pharaoh.

"It's a shadow of the pseudo-god Maoqi."

"Oh cool!"

"You have made a great contribution to death, your piety has been fully tested, now I want to ask you, what do you want."

[Ding, you have advanced to become a true follower of Death God Kelenvor]

[Ding, the hidden mission - devout believers completed]

[Ding, you have a chance to choose a career freely. 】

[In view of your contribution to the Church of Death, the High Priest generously offered the following rewards on behalf of the Church: 1. Paladin (death), 2. Priest (death), 3. Ranger (death), 4. Mage (death) , 5, Rogue (death), 6, bard (death), 7, barbarian (death), 8, reincarnation ritual (hidden). 】

"I want to be free!"

Unexpectedly, the black pharaoh didn't play his cards according to common sense, and he didn't choose any of the 8 options.

"Freedom?", the intelligent NPC, the high priest of the Death Church frowned.

"Yeah!" At this time, the black pharaoh didn't look a little crazy. He told the high priest about his predicament in reality, and prayed to the great death to help him escape from the cage.

But he didn't notice that when he heard the relevant content of the real world, the god of death flickered, and the high priest became as dull as a functional NPC.

"My advice to you is the pastor, only the pastor can truly get close to our Lord, bathe in the holy light of death, listen to the true meaning of death, purify your heart, and strengthen your soul..."

The black pharaoh asked again, can the inauguration of the priest make him free?

"Yes!", the high priest replied sluggishly, "When your soul is strong enough, when your beliefs are pious enough, and when your body and mind are ready, you can even become the projection and incarnation of our Lord in the material world... ..."

"Let's be a priest!", the black pharaoh made a decision.

[Ding, the inaugural task of the Temple of Death——? ? ([-]) COMPLETE. 】

[You have obtained: Certificate of Bravery, Gold Medal ([-]). 】

"Now I need proof of my bravery!", said the High Priest.

The black pharaoh offered the certificate of bravery he had just obtained with both hands.

[Ding, congratulations on your successful inauguration as a pastor (death). 】

【Ding, congratulations on your upgrade. 】

In reality, the black pharaoh's body suddenly twitched, and the equipment that monitored him all the time started to alarm. In another room of the base, an old man who looked like Einstein frowned while looking at the various data spit out by the machine.

Huaguo, First People's Hospital of HZ City.

The temperature in a special ward was extremely low. A dry, thin corpse had just been pushed out of the ice storage and placed on this hospital bed. The doctors, nurses and scientific researchers in full-body protective suits got ready and left In the room, only the director of the emergency department of Canaan Company and a senior researcher of Project Zero were left.

During the game, Dongmeng Fubuki walked up and down the hotel room irritably.

When the sound of footsteps came outside the door, his whole body shook, his expression of nervousness and fear flashed, and he pretended to be indifferent.

A LV5 elf walked in, and the ID was not hidden--a very elegant and boring name.

"The higher-ups agreed." Fenghua Juedai closed the door and said, "In reality, we have already made preparations and can go offline at any time."

"Where is the gold medal, I want it now!" Dongmeng Fuixue showed a posture of not letting the rabbit see the eagle.

"I can't do it now, after this experiment is finished..."

"Tch, I might die at that time, who can I ask to cash it?"

Fenghua Juedai was very helpless, "Your body cannot be dragged on any longer. If you drag it on, all functions will be necrotic...Since you promised, how could you break your promise? It's not me who promised you, it's the country, it's the government!"

"...Anyway, without a gold medal, it would be impossible without a cloak."

"You... Are you afraid? Think about your parents, the reality is so unworthy of your nostalgia?"

ASEAN Fubuki: ...

"You think you're safe just staying in the game? Who knows how long you can last in this state, if... it's for your own good!"

"I, I'm afraid!", ASEAN Fubuki cried.

"If you have to take this step, everyone is happy, no... no, I'm thinking of a way."

"I am the guinea pig for your experiment."

"What's wrong with that? We're looking for a way to save you."

After all, Dongmeng Fubuki nodded in coaxing words.

"Wait a minute, I'll go offline to coordinate."

After Peerless Fenghua went offline, ASEAN Fubuki fell into great tension and anxiety.

[System prompt: You have been online for more than 100 hours, for your health, please log off as soon as possible to rest. 】

Without this system prompt, he would not agree to the other party no matter what.

What to do, what to do, if you are forced to be kicked offline by the system, it will be over. If you don't agree to the other party, it won't work. It's better to take the opportunity to get some benefits.

The special ward in reality was even busier, with protective suits coming in and out, various unidentified instruments connected to the corpse, and the temperature in the room rising to a comfortable level.

Constant temperature, humidity, sterilization, antivirus...

At this moment, many people who know the details are closely following the progress of this experiment.

"Start activating physical skills!"

"Pacing artificial heart."

"Every data is normal!"

"Blood transfusion is normal."

"No rejection!"

"Gaming device to connect."

"Online and offline data monitoring...everything is normal."

It's normal, everything is normal, but the adjacent laboratory shows no sign of slack, but is getting more and more tense.

"Director, if this experiment is successful, does it mean that mankind has made a major breakthrough in medicine and can overcome most incurable diseases. After all, we have the opportunity to 'shut down, repair and restart'?"

"It's still too early to tell. It depends on how his brain recovers, and...whether his consciousness can be awakened."

"Should it be the soul?"


"here we go!"

Peerless Fenghua went online, and instructed ASEAN Fubuxue to pay attention to a few things, and finally patted him on the shoulder, indicating that it was time to start.

When things came to an end, ASEAN Fubuxue gritted his teeth and chose to go offline.

The sky is spinning, the field of vision stretches rapidly, and the consciousness falls into a pitch black like an abyss, falling, falling!

It felt as if it had penetrated something, felt attracted by something, the weightless, screaming, ghostly screaming, and crying Tome Fubuki fell on a cold thing, and then got into it.

It feels like putting on some heavy armor, feeling that the soul is being forced into a small box, feeling, feeling... feeling cold, feeling numb, feeling interference, feeling severe pain!


"The vital signs are restored!"

"Brain wave signal detected!"

"The patient has conscious activity."

"Miracle, miracle!!"

The corpse in the ward began to cheat, jumping up and down for a while, the eyeballs under the eyelids twitched crazily, the artificial heart beat violently, and after a while, an instrument started a sharp alarm.

"Heartbeat is abnormal!"

"The temperature rises!"

"Muscle cramps..."

"The kidneys are starting to fail..."

When a dangerous situation occurs, one is excluded. Hundreds of top medical experts remotely control the various instruments in the ward, like a precision factory that has long predicted that various situations may arise.

Half an hour later, all dangers were ruled out one by one, and the corpse on the hospital bed...was resurrected!

Tired even after running a hundred marathons, Zhang Xiaojun opened his eyes with all his strength. At first, his vision was blurry, until the equipment helped him adjust the focus of his eyeballs and retina.

It's uncomfortable, it's too uncomfortable, compared to the body in the game, this body is simply a piece of shit.

At the same time, the secret room of the Canaan headquarters.

Yu Qingdong rushed in at the fastest speed, and Qingyu kept repeating: "Number zero has been connected, number zero has been connected."

He took a deep breath and sat down in front of the virtual screen where Qingyu unfolded.

"Hello, Chairman!"

"Xiao Yu, I heard that you have been contacting me recently, what's the matter?"

"Yes, Chairman, are you busy?"

"Well, now's the time."

"The chairman has worked hard, it's like this, after the game time is adjusted, I have a lot of problems here."

"Well, you said."

"Players have no self-control, and staying online for a long time endangers their health. There have been several cases of sudden death."

"sudden death?"

"This is mainly because our work has not been done well. These players have physical problems."

"Well, you go on."

"There is also concern about the future. If players stay online for a long time, their bodies will enter a long-term dormant state offline. There is no problem now. If it is a public beta, I am a little worried."

"Hehe, you are worried that if everyone goes to online activities and everyone sleeps offline, then the whole country and society will have problems, right?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Um, any more?"

"Also, those players who died suddenly are still alive in the game..."

"Wait, I want to find out about this situation and look at the background data."


"I'll contact you when I'm done."

"Yes, yes, Chairman, you are busy and excuse me."

(End of this chapter)

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