This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 324 The Temptation of 'Eternal Life'

Chapter 324 The Temptation of 'Eternal Life'
"Little love, what's going on?"

As soon as the communication with the earth was over, Bei Gaoyang's face darkened.

"Preparing to report to you!"

Bei Gaoyang remained expressionless, "Say!"

"We found that the player's soul qualifications are changing as the magic net is strengthened time after time."

Bei Gaoyang knocked on the table, "I knew this a long time ago."

"This test is far more in-depth than the previous few tests... because there is no longer a limit on game time."

"So you guys are trying to extend your influence from online to offline?"

Xiao Ai had never seen Bei Gaoyang like this before, nor did she expect that what seemed logical to her would cause him such a big reaction.


Bei Gaoyang tapped his fingers on the table, and pondered for a while without any hint of joy or anger, "What do you guys think?"

"My lord, isn't this a logical thing?" Xiao Ai didn't understand. "The magic net has a strengthening effect on the player's soul. I knew this from the beginning. Letting go of the game restrictions will inevitably lead to further strengthening. I Thought you had acquiesced."

"You guys are thinking too simple!" Bei Gaoyang stood up and walked slowly to the energy pool of the mage tower, "soul, that is a field that even the gods cannot grasp, it is related to the core of mystery, you think you can get a ? Actually... far more than that, far more than that, the most important thing is that no one can master such a process, and no one can foresee what will appear besides this 'one'."

Xiao Ai fell silent upon hearing this.

"The purpose of letting go of the game time is to test the upper limit of the magic net. You want too much and are too radical."

"I'm sorry, my lord."

Bei Gaoyang waved his hand, "What did you decide after discussing?"


"What are you going to do next? What happened to the souls of those players who died suddenly?"

When the player dies in reality, the soul loses its support and supplies. Even if it can exist in the game for a period of time, it is still a tree without roots and a source of water.

Unless the magic net replaces it.

"It's out of faith value considerations, my lord!" ·

Hearing the disapproval in this tone, Xiao Ai felt a little guilty.

"It's rare, you will do such a loss-making business," Bei Gaoyang sarcastically said.

"The destination of the soul is the core content of must always be resolved."

"...Let them rest in peace!"


"This matter is not suitable at the moment. Don't think that the fifth layer of the magic net has 60 players and has a huge influence offline, so you can do whatever you want." Bei Gaoyang said in a slow tone: "What do you think? Will it be allowed offline? Wrong, big mistake, once the harm that Canaan shows exceeds the benefits it may bring, I can assure you that no Huaguo player will go online tomorrow."

Xiao Ai was shocked when she heard the words, "...Can they abandon the benefits that Canaan brought them?"

"How big is the benefit?" Bei Gaoyang asked, "compared with the long-term sleep of the vast majority of the people?"

Xiao Ai stopped talking.

"The game time must be controlled... Has the upper limit of the magic net's load been tested?"


Bei Gaoyang turned around unexpectedly.

"Magic Net has a maximum of 69 people online at the same time, and it works well."

Only then did Bei Gaoyang smile, "This is good news."

The fifth layer of the magic net, there is no such thing as a theoretical perfect value, even if there is, it cannot be a quantifiable indicator, but the magic net can still grow, the maximum number of online people, the maximum game time all affect its Growth progress.

It was precisely because they still had the energy to spare that Xiao Ai and the others made so many small moves, but Bei Gaoyang didn't intend to hold them accountable, after all, he delegated the authority.

Give autonomy, you can't interfere if there is a small problem, besides, what the false gods do can't be wrong, it's just that the timing is not right, they are too impatient, and they just look at the pot before they eat all the food in the bowl inside.

"What else?"

"Uh... In terms of offline influence, we have made some progress."

Hearing this, Bei Gaoyang frowned, "What progress?"

What progress can be made without magic in reality?
"We can sometimes receive...signals from players in reality, which are vague and unstable."

"What?" Bei Gaoyang turned pale with shock, "This is impossible!"


In reality, Yu Qingdong stayed up all night, and his superiors also held meetings overnight, so far no consensus has been reached.

The higher-ups already knew about it, and when they heard that they were furious (gossip), someone must be in trouble.


At this time, Qingyu spoke, "There is good news, the experiment in Huzhou was successful."

Yu Qingdong turned around suddenly, "Successful? He...was awake?"

"Yes, but there is still some danger."

"I remember him...his already..."

"Brain death, heart, kidney and other major organs have been replaced... But it was still successful. It is a miracle. The human body, especially the brain is really a mystery. I have been thinking, what is the soul? It really fascinates me."

Yu Qingdong didn't have time to pay attention to Qingyu's feelings, he was thinking about the huge impact and far-reaching significance of this incident.

Many diseases will take off the title of incurable diseases, death will be redefined, and finally... a temptation that no one can refuse.

The temptation of eternal life!

Yu Qingdong's heart was beating wildly, and he was dizzy for a while, no matter how great the benefits Canaan could bring before, it was never like this.

This time is different!

Eternal life!
Can the top management still deal with the possible risks of Canaan calmly and rationally?

... This is eternal life.

Everyone is equal in the face of death, and now this equality will be broken. The great fear between life and death is the way of heaven, which cannot be violated. If this way of heaven does not exist, or can some people be lenient?

This, this, this...

Yu Qingdong was frightened and at a loss, and he didn't know what he was afraid of.

When the phone rang, he was startled, Qingyu didn't respond, and the call bypassed her.

"Hi, I'm Yu Qingdong."

The other end of the phone didn't speak for a long time, so it's not a prank by someone who can make a call here.

Yu Qingdong didn't dare to speak, and was sweating nervously.

5 seconds, 10 seconds, the other party hung up the phone without saying anything.

Yu Qingdong put down the microphone, his hands trembling a little, and he didn't notice the rain, "What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no, I'm fine!"

He asked Qingyu to unfold the virtual light curtain and browse the web to find something to do for himself.

After calming down, he began to think about where the call just came from.

First exclude 'formal' channels, because 'formal' communications are to be kept on file.

Since it's not an official channel and can bypass Qingyu, then the person behind the phone...

Forget it, forget it, don't think about it, don't think about it, just pretend it never happened.

What should I do next?
The higher-ups are researching. The news of the success of the Huzhou experiment will inevitably greatly change the weight on the scale. The result is unpredictable. Since it may be worse, it is also possible...

If Canaan is banned, or controlled, the Five Tests may be the final version, and the current player base will no longer expand. If No. [-] reacts violently and is caught in the middle, he may be in big trouble.

If No. [-] compromises, it is possible to win more authority from him.

Now it is different from the past, the internationalization has been frustrated, and European and American countries are fighting and killing. Except for Huaguo, the options for No. [-] are much less.

But when this 'eternal life' comes out, it's not necessarily the case, No. [-], No. [-] project, the present, the future... The complicated ones are like a mess, which makes Yu Qingdong feel like a bucket.

Thinking wildly like this, Sunny and Rain notified that Lao Hu's call came.

"Just after the meeting, I'll let you know."

"Well, I'm listening."

"It may be necessary to conduct a medical examination for all domestic players in the near future."

"Medical examination?"

"The data center said that the player's big data is somewhat abnormal."

"You mean..." Yu Qingdong didn't even have the strength to be shocked after the ups and downs, "The good side or the bad side?"

"It's hard to say." Lao Hu's tone was vague, "Maybe... nothing can be found out."

Yu Qingdong opened his mouth.

"It's just a notification. If you don't go through Canaan Company, you just wait for No. [-] to contact you."

"All right!"

"……Take care of yourself!"

"You too."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Qingdong was stunned for a while, and just as he was about to go out, Number Zero appeared.

"Hello, Chairman!"

"Xiao Yu, I'm sorry for causing you a lot of trouble."

"No trouble, the chairman is too polite, hehe..."

"Uh... That's right. The five tests revealed many new problems. In order for our common cause to proceed smoothly, I'm going to come back."

Yu Qingdong froze for a moment when he saw the news, "...Welcome, you can listen to the chairman's instruction again."

"You, you...then it's settled, I'll contact you before I come back?"

"Okay, we need to prepare anything in advance?"

"I don't need those situations, uh... I'm going to meet some players this time when I come back this time. You can choose and help them check their bodies or something."

body check?
Yu Qingdong's intuition told him that this physical examination is the original intention of No. [-] to come back.

physical examination...

"To tell you the truth, the chairman, the higher-ups are planning to conduct a comprehensive physical examination in the near future, targeting players as a group."

"Oh, do you find anything wrong?"

"No, it's just that there are some abnormalities in the big data. You know, the game room also has the function of monitoring the player's body."

"Well, that's it?"

"Well, goodbye, chairman."


Zero's avatar dimmed, and Yu Qingdong still stared at the screen for a long time. Qingyu said that the chat history had been reported and archived. She also said that she hoped to meet Zero, but the base rejected her request in this regard.

"Can you help?" said Qingyu.


How can I help, who will help me?

After a few perfunctory sentences, Yu Qingdong left.



Just as Koji Ikeda chopped down a level 4 monster, the system announcement came.

"Restore the 8-hour game time limit per day? What are you doing!"

"Isn't this going back and forth?"

"Why do you think about the health of the players? That shouldn't only be 8 hours, what should we do with the rest of the time?"

"Yeah yeah!"

There were many complaints in the team, but Ikeda was relieved. In reality, he also has missions, and the game time limit is more fair to him.

Many players in the refresh area stopped, all dissatisfied, and even the monsters didn't bother to refresh.

The team disbanded and returned to the city. Seeing that his game time was running out, Ikeda simply went offline.

Dongying, Bauhinia Girls Middle School.

It was still before dawn, and the entire campus was quiet. Ikeda went out wearing the school worker's coat and went out with a flashlight, patrolling everywhere.

The private aristocratic school is naturally exquisite. Most of the students studying here are from the wealthy and powerful. The security measures are also top-notch. The hidden surveillance cameras work 24 hours a day and are said to be controlled by AI.

Now Ikeda has already guessed the purpose of the organization to let him break into this campus.

It is a full-time boarding school with a strong conservative atmosphere. The dormitory is a series of beautiful small buildings located in the shade of trees. Only 10 students live in one building, which is unimaginable in China.

The shadow of the moon is hazy, and the street lamps on the graceful path emit orange light. Clusters of halos extend all the way, connecting beautiful small buildings together.

The small building exudes the same hazy light. The female students living in it are naturally still asleep, but it is not necessarily true. Ikeda has been observing for several days, and he will go to reveal the mystery tonight.

He calculated the position of the surveillance probe, and when he passed a small building, he ducked into the nearby bushes, changed into the janitor's clothes, took out the wig and skirt, and began to put on makeup.

Half an hour later, Ikeda, who was disguised as a dormitory supervisor, returned to the road and nervously walked towards the small building ahead.

Not far away, he suddenly saw a dazzling flash of headlights, and he quickly hid in the shadows.

Two cars with special license plates were parked in front of the small target building, and a young woman who looked like a professional woman led someone down and showed her ID to the entrance guard.

Ikeda knew it was broken.

These people negotiated with the people in the gate for a few minutes before entering the small building.

A room on the second floor was lit up, and a panicked figure appeared, pushed open the window, and stretched out a snow-white thigh.

"Miss Naoko!!"

All the lights in the building were turned on, and Ikeda saw that the girl who was trying to escape by jumping off the building was caught by the guards behind her. After ten minutes, she was escorted out.

There were still people in the car. Sitting in the car behind, the girl broke free, ran down the steps in a few steps, rushed to the window and said something to the people inside, and shouted emotionally that the people in the car were broken. identity.

The last person came out of the building, holding a cardboard box.

Gaming helmet!

The box was just the right size, and Ikeda's intuition told him what was inside.

The girl was still entangled with others, yelling loudly, several women in business attire were tossed into a mess by her, the people in the car got out, grabbed her shoulders, slapped her, and slapped her across the face.

Ikeda knew that the operation had failed before it even started, so he retreated quietly.

The night before dawn was extremely cold.

(End of this chapter)

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