Chapter 325
Although the game time limit made the players complain, except for some liver emperors, most of them were secretly relieved.

punk city.

Zhang Miao stepped out of the teleportation, and saw that there were already many first-level professional players with the title of "Extraordinary". Among the NPCs coming and going, their figures were very active.

Walk along the main road towards the city lord's mansion. The shops on both sides are not much different from the last test. The biggest difference may be the few commercial houses built by neutral forces. There is a big difference.

The NPC marked in blue is from the neutral camp and cannot directly issue tasks to players, only through the mercenary guild.

Copper, iron, and fur are still the main commodities. These players are not interested. The things that players are interested in are often valuable. The system has plugged the loopholes in this regard, but there are still many players wandering around in these "blue names" In the middle, try your luck.

"Ah, isn't this Mr. Rogge? It's me, little brother, long time no see!"

"Little... Ah, it's you, you are much stronger than before."

"Last time you said you were going back to Liberty City, why did you come back so soon?"

"Uh...what's the matter with you?"

"Hey, I want to see what you can do to help."

"I have no mission."

"Where's the clue?"

"This one……"

"You help!"

Fortunately, I ran into an NPC with the blue name that I knew, and the younger brother quietly slipped him a silver coin, enduring the pain in his heart, and smiled brightly.

The blue-named NPC pocketed the money very quickly, glanced left and right, leaned his head over and whispered: "...there is a lizardman nest in the northwest, 116 yards away, and there is a treasure!"

"Treasure?" Zhang Miao was puzzled, "Where are you going to take the mission?"

"Mercenary Guild, prefix C, entrustment No. 107."


The blue-named NPC patted him on the shoulder, "Congratulations on becoming a professional, extraordinary? Very good!", and then left.

Suddenly receiving such an important piece of information, Zhang Miao didn't want to go shopping anymore, hurried to the City Lord's Mansion, completed the task of "recruitment report", and ran to the mercenary guild.

The mercenary guild is still in the original place, and an unnamed street is now named 'Erfen Street'. The area of ​​Punk City has expanded, but the city walls seem to have not been moved. A technology similar to 'space compression' has been used, and many places are under construction. .

The intersection of Erfen Street and Sanfen Street was blocked, and the city guard NPC bet two NPCs to come out, and a level 6 player with an extraordinary title followed behind.

"Brother, what mission?"

Zhang Miao came over.

"Two small thieves were caught, it was triggered temporarily." The player said with a smile.

"Good luck, see you later!"

"See you!"

Zhang Miao observed that most of the inaugural players were still busy in the city, sweeping missions, bumping into plots, bumping into adventures, news of lizardmen's nests and treasures, it seems that the news has not spread.

He was even more urgent, and rushed to the mercenary guild when the street ahead was cleared.

"Alchemists Guild!?"

A special building under construction made him stop. The main body of this building is like a huge beaker. Under the two flashing characters of alchemy, it attracted more than a dozen players, looking at a notice.

[Recruitment Rules for Alchemist Apprentices]

As mentioned above, an alchemist is a powerful profession that changes the mysterious properties of matter. The scope of alchemy is all-encompassing and all-encompassing. It is very similar to the combination of chemistry and materials science. To become an alchemist apprentice requires both intelligence and spirit. The main attribute reaches 20 points...

Time was too tight to take a closer look, and the threshold for the two main attributes of 20 points was too high, almost excluding players other than mages and bards.

There are unexpectedly few players in the mercenary guild, and then look at the task bulletin board, it is full, it's all experience, it's all money!

Busy looking for missions starting with C, it's easy to find, the first green mission is that there is no limit to the level of mercenaries, and there will be no such good things in the future.

Looking at the back, more than [-] players have accepted this task, Zhang Miao suddenly felt a sense of urgency, and hurried to the counter to complete the formalities.

After receiving the task, there were already arrows on the small map to guide him. He went to various places in the city to buy supplies, and then hurried out of the city.

In the northwest direction, 116 yards is equivalent to more than ten kilometers. The so-called 'yard' is a system translation, which is only used by NPCs of the neutral camp, and usually refers to the straight-line distance.

These are all experiences, and the advantages of veteran players are reflected in all aspects.

Different from Novice Village, there is no refresh area around the main city of the system, all of them are wild areas, and once you leave the city, it is pitch black. There are few players, but there are many NPCs. Most of them are the guards of professional template NPCs. The profession is extraordinary, the second-level profession is outstanding, the third-level profession is superb, and the fourth-level profession is amazing... Tsk tsk, the first-level is more popular than the first-level, especially the cloak is even more exaggerated. Even without the title, you can tell which one of them is The high level is the low level.

It is worth mentioning that the level of the fourth-level professional NPC is only 45. It seems that what the forum said is correct, the cloak can be obtained in advance, as long as the meritorious service and combat power meet the standard.

Zhang Miao, who was looking at the level 4 shocking cloak, was very jealous. He kept watching the group of NPCs on tall horses disappear before he started on the road again.

Walking, walking, a small forest was lit up by the vision, Zhang Miao suddenly realized that something was wrong, stopped and looked, it was a forest, and it was clearly a demonized tree demon.

The demonized tree demon is not the demonized little tree demon. The latter is only level 5 or 6, while the former is above level 10. Each one is more than ten meters high. Standing still, it is not much different from a tree.

The trunk of the dryad has grown five sense organs, and the eyes are usually closed, and they will only open when they find enemies. Luckily, Zhang Miao didn't disturb them, otherwise it would be troublesome.

As he retreated step by step, he suddenly saw a player riding a horse into Zhang Miao's field of vision from the darkness. Just as Zhang Miao was about to remind him, he saw her turn around on the horse and shoot an arrow.

The arrow glowed with a light blue light in the middle of its flight, with a very long range, and finally pierced the outermost tree demon.

The Dryad's eyes opened, and he roared silently, the ground trembled slightly, and two big feet made of rhizomes were pulled out from the ground.

Boom, boom!
The ranger ran in front, and the dryad chased after him, gradually moving away from the gathering place of the dryad.

Tsk tsk, what a brave man.

The ranger can fly a kite, which has been greatly strengthened in this test. Although the archery needs to be practiced individually, the door frame has been improved a lot, but the degree of freedom has increased a lot.

This is naturally painful for those shooters who will not play without system correction and soul lock, but for players who really have strength, perseverance, foundation, and talent, it is really a powerful addition.

Zhang Miao only asked if he was a fool who would not be able to play without the system modification, but he didn't dare to become a ranger, and he already had an introduction to archery.

After bypassing the gathering place of the dryads and walking for more than ten minutes, another group of harpies appeared in front of them.

The bright red LV25 made him speechless for a while. This kind of monster only appeared at the edge of the fairy forest during the fourth test. At that time, there were only two or three sporadic ones, but here there is a large area.

Monsters like harpies are different from kobolds and lizardmen. They have no intelligence and no social organization. If two harpies meet, there is a high probability that they will fight. Why is it like a monkey in a zoo now? Get together?
I don't understand, so I can only bypass it.

Detouring again, I encountered a group of centaurs...

The wild area has really become a daunting place, with hundreds of thousands of players waiting to be blocked in isolated islands, the game experience is not as good as it was during the fourth test.

After going around and around, but walking more than ten kilometers for more than two hours, I finally crossed the stream between a group of level 16 steel spear murlocs and level 8 gray murlocs and arrived at the destination.

In the swamp at the end of the stream, large and small puddles extend to the end of the field of vision. On small mounds, there are dilapidated fences, dirty flags, branches and mud, like grave mounds cabin.

Lizardmen warriors walking upright, female lizardmen crawling on all fours, small lizards whose scales have not yet hardened... There are three or four hundred lizardmen in total on the mound surrounded by more than twenty players.

They were all extraordinary, their cloaks reflected the firelight in the camp, they were at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, but they fought in and out among the 11th-level lizardmen fighters.

"Hey! Another mage is here, Gouzi, Er Niu sent two people down to fetch him!"

On a nearby channel, the voice of a dwarf paladin whose ID is Thor's Hammer sounded. Zhang Miao used the 5-second cooldown to run [Acid Rain Arrow] to fight with two level 8 female lizardmen. Dodge in the muck of the trap.

A barbarian and a human rogue broke out to meet him.

[Player Hongchen Passerby invites you to join the team. 】

"Brother, is there anyone behind you?"

Joining the team, the three of them cooperated and easily killed the two female lizardmen.

"No, at least I didn't call anyone else."

The ID of the barbarian is a cow's hoof weighs eight catties, and the ID of a human thief is Stealing Holy Leaf Fragrance. They don't know each other. The barbarian is level 6 and the thief is level 7. Together they guard the level 6 crispy mage and go to the mound.

"So many strange things? Where did they come from?" On the way, Zhang Miao began to probe.

"I don't know!", the bull's hoof slashed a little lizardman who came out of the water to attack, and said in a low voice: "The wild area is so weird now, anything can happen."

"That's right!" Zhang Miao told the demonized tree demon and harpies that he encountered on the road, "There were very few high-level monsters in the past, but now there are a lot of them when you touch them."

"Good thing!", the 7th-level Thief Saint Leaf Liuxiang sneaked back, "It's all our savings."

Zhang Miao grinned, a [Mage Hand] pinched a level 12 lizardman warrior for 1 second, causing the thieves [Backstab] and the barbarian's [Severe Hit] to deal critical critical damage, "Boom!" "With a sound, the harpoon burst out.

Zhang Miao quickly looked at the way the team picked them up, and was relieved to find out that it was a dice roll. Since they were still far away from the main team, the ownership was only with three people. I have to say that they were lucky.

"Fuck, this is the first thing I exploded." Robber Saint Ye Liuxiang said.

"Since server launch to now?" Zhang Miao asked.

Stealing Holy Leaf Liuxiang nodded.

Zhang Miao smiled and said, "Your face is so dark? Why don't you come first?"

"You guys go first, I'll be the last." Stealing Holy Leaf Liuxiang pretended not to care and waved his hands.

The cow's hoof weighing eight catties was the first to be thrown, and it came out at 8 points, which was neither high nor low, so he stepped aside with a curse.

Zhang Miao is the second.

He was also a little nervous. A level 12 monster should be wearing a first-level professional suit, which is very expensive. It just so happens that his pockets are cleaner than his face.

"Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling... Leopard!"

He yelled and threw it out, and the two dice spun, and the first one stopped, at 3 o'clock.

Zhang Miao's face collapsed.

The second one stopped at 6 o'clock, and the total was 9 o'clock. He was relieved, but the cow's hoof weighed eight catties but his face was ugly.

Pirate Saint Ye Liuxiang muttered something and made a prayer gesture. Zhang Miao felt a lump in her heart, remembering what was said on the forum, if the faith is high enough, praying to the gods can temporarily increase luck.

"Grass, miscalculation."

The Chinese who stole the holy leaf and Liuxiang threw it out at 11 o'clock.

"Haha, I'm not impolite!"

Putting away the steel fork, the thief couldn't help being overjoyed, seeing that it was even more fun when he changed to professional attire. Although it is a whiteboard, it is still priced but not sold, and it is very easy to sell.

The three of them were chatting and laughing just now, but now they are silent, especially the cow's hoof weighs eight catties, and it looks like someone owes him money with a stinky face.

Zhang Miao is also upset. For the sake of getting a job and the gold medal, he spent more than [-] million krypton gold, and now his pocket is empty. Since the server started, he had to get in and out, so he reluctantly got a job and got into the first echelon.

There are about 5000 on the rank list, and the combat power list is a bit better, more than 4800.

This is not a one-time investment. If you want to keep this ranking in the future and stay at the end of the first echelon, you must continue to invest. The points you get in the game are not enough to get between your teeth, you can only spend money.

Otherwise, he wouldn't just take office, drop everything and come here when he hears about the brood and treasure, and it's all because of money.

"What's the matter with the treasure?"

Seeing that he was about to reach the bottom of the hill, Zhang Miao thought about asking for information.

"The caravan of neutral forces, rob!", Robber Saint Ye Liuxiang explained concisely.


Zhang Miao understood. Thinking of the good things on the shelves of Lanming NPC's shop, she became excited. Looking at the lizardman camp on the hill, her eyes became fiery.

Zhang Miao: "How to divide in the end?"

Stealing Saint Leaf Liuxiang: "...I can't say for sure."

Seeing that there are more than two hours left in his game time, Zhang Miao is very anxious. If he misses the opportunity to make a fortune because of lack of time, he will regret it to death!

Zhang Miao: "How much game time do you have left?"

The cow's hooves gave him a hard look, and ignored him. The Robber Saint Ye Liuxiang said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'll be offline after the blame is cleared."

"An appointment to go online together tomorrow?"

Stealing Holy Leaf Liuxiang nodded.

"That's good, that's good!" Zhang Miao felt relieved.

When they got near the camp, there were more monsters. The three of them had a hard time coping with it. A team came down the hill to meet them, and finally took Zhang Miao safely to the camp.

"Another turret (mage) is coming, hurry up and try to finish it within two hours!" LV9's Thor's Hammer led a group of paladin tanks and shouted.

Zhang Miao found this person on the leaderboard, and suddenly he was a top 500 person with a combat power of 1476.

Zhang Miao's combat strength was exactly half of his.

"This is really more angry than people!", he thought sadly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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