This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 326 The pain of molting

Chapter 326 The pain of molting
Abyss battlefield.

Lightning, hail, magma, sea of ​​fire... Naturally, there are no such things in the abyss, but at this moment they appear densely within the coverage of the magic net.

The continuous lightning has no head and no tail. It was born out of thin air in the void, and it fell like a jungle. The lava on the ground churned like a tide, raging everywhere.

The resulting high-temperature flame burns the monsters, purifies the magic energy, and evaporates smoke that cannot be illuminated by the lightning forest.

The smoke evaporated and condensed into weird, howling, and distorted human faces at high altitude, and then turned into clouds and dripped into 'rain'.

The dark 'raindrops' fell on the lava-covered ground and turned into worms, and repaired the limbs of monsters when they fell on the ground. At this time, a cold wind that froze everything blew, and the extreme temperature instantly turned into extreme ice. , The huge destructive power unfolded from this, and there was a sound of "Boom!", and a huge mushroom cloud exploded.

In the mushroom cloud, as long as a small amount of magic energy is purified, the outer edge of the mushroom cloud wrapped in a large amount of black smoke and dust is like a huge and dark pocket, digesting the power of explosion and purification in the stomach.

After a hiccup, the mushroom cloud was completely digested, and finally returned to a black cloud layer, dripping black "rain"!
This goes on and on.

This is a contest between the magic net and the law of the abyss. At present, it seems that it is already very difficult for the five-layer magic net to maintain a small area.

Nicholas the Lich stood on the spire of the signal relay station, manipulating the Lightning Forest, Lava Sea of ​​Fire, and Extreme Ice Storm. These three spells with the most powerful range and 5th ring were struggling to support the bridgehead below him, the safe zone.

Bob and other NPC players, Yashili and other natives with extraordinary military power, can only shrink back to the top of the city now, relying on the magic net and Lich's combat power to become a turtle.

Outside the city walls, there are still endless monsters, no matter how much they destroy and how much they are purified, there will be no end to the magic energy, and there will be no end to the monsters.

Unless the reincarnation of the abyss is cut off, the gravitational force of the abyss consciousness on the various planes is shielded, the soul will no longer be corrupted, and the flesh and blood will no longer be born... Hehe, this is naturally impossible.

The abyss is the dark side of the universe. Light and darkness, pros and cons are the basis of the structure of the crystal wall system and one of the cores of the mystery. Not to mention the current magic net, it is impossible for the evening meeting held by the gods do it.

Therefore, this is destined to be a futile battle.

But it cannot be said that it is meaningless.

Before you know it, it's time to change shifts.

Bei Gaoyang appeared on the spire of the relay station, stood beside the Lich, stared at the battlefield outside, and said, "I got it clear."

Nicholas: "Who?"

"Quidditch, a high-ranking demon who mainly devours and lives evil."

"I've heard of this guy!", the Lich's soul flame flickered, and there was bitterness in his mental fluctuations, "It's hard to deal with, why did he come back from the frontal battlefield?"

"What else could it be?" Bei Gaoyang also smiled wryly, "I'm after you and me."

"The two archmages... are also right!"

Now rather than saying that Nicholas is fighting, it is better to say that the magic net is fighting against the environment of the abyss. What is fighting is the background and accumulation of both sides. The abyss is the ocean, and the magic net relies only on the players.

The main material world is the base camp, and this bridgehead is just a reef extending to the chaotic ocean of the abyss. Now, a high-ranking demon named Quidditch wants to break the reef with 'sea water' to cut off the support and supplies from the main material world, and then Capture nutrients on this reef.

Naturally, the reef couldn't let him get what he wanted, and he resisted in various ways.

The battlefield seen by the naked eye is just an appearance, not worthy of the attention of the two archmages.

Bei Gaoyang looked at the sky, and felt a bit like the wild area in the game area. The 'black cloud' almost covered everything outside the coverage of the magic net, and it was still squeezing the space occupied by the magic net, forcibly shaking the existence of the magic net. 'jurisprudential basis'.

Fortunately, the magic net is not only the creation of the five rings, but also the mysterious core narrative of faith value, which supports it.

Even so, Nicholas couldn't persist like this forever. Bei Gaoyang had to come over and change shifts with him from time to time, which bound his hands and feet and took up a lot of his time. He had to hand over the main content of the game area and players to the system fake The gods manage.

So much so that the time window for the fifth test to cause 'unknown mutation' to the player's body and soul was missed.


It's like a quagmire, thinking of the benefits of extorting from Ballero before, it's hard to tell whether it's a profit or a loss.

After all, it's a bloody battle.

Even the gods are cautious, let alone a great mage who is the pinnacle of all things.

Seems a little overwhelmed...

"Whether your fourth natural disaster will work or not, I can't last long."

"Should be fine...but I'm leaving for a few days."

"How many days?"

"Don't be nervous, up to ten days!"

"You won't betray me, will you?"

"How is it possible, my magic net and my foundation are all here, so it's not worth betraying you."

"10 days, up to 10 days, if you don't come back, I'll leave!"


"I feel like I'm on a thief's ship. Although the erosion of the abyss has been borne by the magic net, I feel that the magic net is also being captured. I don't believe you didn't notice it."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

Bei Gaoyang thought, could the mutation in the player's body and soul be...

Although he was uncertain in his heart, he would not show it on his face, "Don't think wildly, the magic net is as stable as Mount Tai."

"Hmph, this is not like what an archmage said, it's too absolute."

Bei Gaoyang was a little annoyed, he had already spoken, so he had to coax him, "Anyway, that's it, wait for me to come back, don't make any mistakes."

"Quidditch?" The Lich sneered, "I want to see how good his teeth are."

Attracting a high-level demon back from the frontal battlefield, Bayero's goal has been achieved, and the pressure on the 101st floor of Barn's defense has been relieved, and the news of Quidditch was obtained from there.

"grown ups!"

On the city wall, Bob wears the title of the fourth-level profession [Shocking World], the cool cloak is windless and automatic, and the exaggerated equipment is filled with azure magic aura. Alas, the tastes of Xiao Ai and the false gods of the system are still influenced by their hometown.

Forget it……

The head of the legion smiled kindly, "How do you feel?"

"Level 45!", the young city lord smiled shyly, scratching the back of his head, "It feels good."

just nice?

Such a costly leveling field is cheaper for you guys!

The magic net with 5 rings is the highest level 4 profession. The NPC players have almost touched the ceiling, so Bei Gaoyang asked them to go down and practice to see how far the ceiling can be achieved.

It is enough for Bob to go down alone. His whole body is glowing, especially the cloak. The strong magic power lights up all the magic lines on it. With one leap, he comes to the top of a large number of monsters!

"In the name of protection!"

Paladins are naturally objects of faith. Considering the particularity of NPC players, Bei Gaoyang dragged them all to Xiaoai's side, so as to facilitate the experimentation and debugging of the growth path of each profession.

The mace flickered in the void, turning into a light hammer like a hill. The afterimage seemed slow, but it was swung out more than a dozen times in the blink of an eye, instantly smashing an area the size of a basketball court into a mosaic.

"Holy Strike!"

Only then did Bob’s voice reach the city wall. In a mosaic of flat ground, his figure kneeling on one knee froze for about a second, and the surrounding monsters filled the gap created by [Holy Strike] like a tidal wave. The parasitic monster left by the Faceless Demon expanded its body in mid-air like a stretched balloon, and immediately 'packed' Bob inside!

On the surface, Bob only has an extra layer of obscure aura. Under the rules of the system, his health and mana are dropping like crazy, -19-11-20-32!

Countless monsters rushed over and were about to bury him alive.

"Guardian, indomitable heart - soul fortress"

A halo of light similar to the halo of resistance spread out from Bob's body, immediately dissipating the layer of obscure light on his body, and the Faceless Demon screamed and broke away from him, turning into nothingness in the void, as if there was nothing at all. does not exist.

The tide of the monster was pushed more than ten meters away. On the cloak, countless magic lines floated in the air, combined and connected around Bob's body, turning into bands of light surrounding him one by one.

"Record, in the name of guardianship!"


Almost level 4 strength!
Bei Gaoyang was very satisfied. Comparing it with the professionals he knew, he found that it was not bad. On the contrary, in terms of durability, protection and anti-strike ability, it was even better than the general level 4 professions.

Of course, this is because of the large amount of resources that the magic net has invested in him. Ordinary players will not be able to. Even with the same level, equipment and combat power, they are not as destructive as Bob.

But maybe, the base of NPC players is small, while the base of Earth players is huge. Coupled with the difference in soul qualifications, there might be a small group of geniuses.

A level 4 class can deal with a mid-level demon like the Faceless Demon, which has hundreds of thousands of players. As long as the fourth natural disaster can be realized on a small scale, it should be no problem to hold this bridgehead.

As for later...

More on that later.

There is no need to read the rest of the NPC players, Bei Gaoyang waved his hand, bid farewell to this bridgehead, and returned to the main material world.

In the film screening room, the fallen angel was feeling sad for Rousi and Jack. Bei Gaoyang came in and said to her, "Get ready and take a long trip with me."

The Fallen Light Angel wiped his eyes and asked softly, "Where are you going?"

Bei Gaoyang smiled and tapped the movie screen, and went out.

"Xiao Ai, how many inaugural players are there?"


"Get ready, when I come back, I will open the abyss battlefield."

"So fast?"

"It's not fast, Nicholas can't stand it anymore."

"……All right!"

Bei Gaoyang began to prepare what he would bring back this time.

In the distorted space on the fourth floor of the Mage Tower, the seven-ring spell [Pray for Travel] is constantly on the huge base. A basketball-sized space magic crystal is suspended in the air, and many precious materials are embedded into each node one by one.

Compared with the past, the shotgun has changed. The mighty power of the "Book of Canaan" that I used to rely on when I went back, now relies on the magic net and the materials searched by the magic net.

Wearing rings on all ten fingers again, like a nouveau riche, considering the new situation on the other side of the earth, we must bring enough 'bait' to go back this time, depending on the actual situation of the 'mutation' of the player's body and soul, Then decide on the next step.

70 players are still few. After the game time limit, it is possible to break through to a million. It used to be just a matter of one sentence, but now it has become subtle.

In order to dispel the concerns of partners, it is necessary to be gentle in addition to the bottom line principle of Monet.

To enhance the attractiveness and scarcity of Canaan.

Is internationalization hindered because of lack of attractiveness?
Earth, China.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to go online. Zhang Miao turned off the computer and called Hu Xinmin and Ruoran who had gone to Yanjing.

If I had known earlier that there was an offline and online virtual currency trading market, I would have settled in Yanjing and Shanghai.

It is very inconvenient now, and krypton gold has to go to Yanjing.

"You go online first, and I'm still queuing here...No way, there are too many krypton gold players. In the future, players from all over the country may have to stay in Yanjing and Shanghai. I feel like the officials are trying to lure us...Hmm , I heard that the virtual item trading market on the second floor will be opened next month, and the auction hall on the third floor...Okay, okay, try to delay it for us."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Miao waited until the agreed time to go online, quickly lay down in the game cabin, and landed in Canaan.

It was still the mound that had been cleaned up, and many people had already gone online, chatting and laughing together.

Zhang Miao went over, said hello to a level 7 mage she knew, sat down, and listened to their chat.

"Why is the online time for tourists delayed? It's inconvenient to have no tourists, and everything is expensive."

"I don't know, I heard... a player died suddenly while playing the game!"

"Really or not, nonsense?"

"It's true, I'm in the same city as me, just a few days ago, but the news was blocked."

"Playing Canaan is harmful to the body?"

"No, it's the player's own problem. It seems to be a terminal illness. He wants to rely on Canaan to cure his illness."

"Fuck, I'm startled, I feel something is wrong with my body recently, how about you?"

"I have it too. It's just a feeling, a feeling... I can't tell."

"Sometimes I have a headache, not that kind of headache, but... the kind of pain that seems to be shedding my skin."

"Pfft, you're a snake."

"It just feels like new skin is growing under the old skin. I even had a dream. I dreamed that I got out of my celestial cap and turned into a baby."

"Yuanying, awesome, haha!"

"I'm even more outrageous. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to grow a third arm, and there's a very itchy lump on my shoulder. It's nothing like dreaming at night..."

"Tentacle monster!"

"Be honest, are you an angel from the Demon Realm?"

"What devil angel?"

"Pretend, continue to pretend!"

"I have a girlfriend, okay, just like you guys..."

Zhang Miao was happy to hear that, and joined in the chatting and nonsense, saying that he also had a dream, dreaming that there was always an owl standing on the windowsill, and dreaming of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and had a negative distance with the heroine Hermione s contact……

As she spoke, it turned yellow as she spoke, making several female players coquettish.

When everyone is online, the temporary leader, a paladin of LV9, and a local tyrant with more than [-] combat powers—One-Punch Man, pointed to an underground entrance deep in the camp with high spirits, "Go for it!"

The extraordinary professional team of more than [-] people cheered excitedly, and they all entered the 'scene' of the second stage of opening the treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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