This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 327 The Greatest Charm of Canaan

Chapter 327 The Greatest Charm of Canaan
There are fewer lizardmen on the basement level, but their level is higher, and their equipment is better.

Most of the lizardmen warriors wore leather armor and held swords. A few particularly burly warriors wore metal armor and held heavy weapons such as rakes, hammers, and two-handed axes.

There are also lizardman archers, lizardman priests, etc., tanks, physics, long-range, and magical skills are all available. The extraordinary team of more than [-] people fell into a hard fight as soon as they entered. Fortunately, One Punch Superman responded quickly and made the team retreat in time. Get out, or you will be wiped out.

After thinking about the countermeasures outside and making good preparations, the second time you go down, you won’t be so burdened. It’s still the old way—to attract monsters, clear a foothold first, and then disperse in a small group, using the vigilance of monsters The gap between the distances is cleaned up little by little.

The effect is very good.

The lizardman warrior in heavy armor bears the damage of the paladin, and rushes towards Zhang Miao. Zhang Miao retreats and sings. A [Mage's Hand] stops the lizardman warrior. The ranger teammates take the opportunity to vent their vitality. The chance hits a high amount of critical damage, and the bard superimposes negative states such as morale -2 and all attributes -10% on it. Finally, the barbarian made a final decision and harvested this level 15 monster. "Bang!", the lizard The metal armor of the human warrior burst out.

"Pay attention to hatred!"

Zhang Miao yelled in the team channel dissatisfied.

The paladin smiled shyly, turned around and rushed into the middle of the two crispy lizardman archers, "In the name of life and harvest—shock!", stunned the two monsters for two seconds, and the others set fire, The fight was over in less than a minute.

After the room was cleaned, it was time to harvest.

Metal armor, without magical aura, is just a blank slate.

Teammates took turns to throw the dice, and finally let the thief whose ID is Xifeng Shouma win.

[Excellent lizardman armor (top), quality: white, durability: 12/22, load: 11, equipment occupation: paladin, barbarian, equipment level: 7, equipment requirements: strength 10, constitution 10, combat rating: 44.

Basic attributes: physical defense: 14-26, all resistance +1, earth element resistance +3, strength +2, constitution +1, agility -1
Advanced Attributes: None.

Strengthenable attributes: none]

"Not bad!" Xifeng Shouma smiled triumphantly, "Which one of you two wants?"

The paladin and half-ton brother of the barbarian looked at each other in a daze, and the half-ton brother showed five fingers, "5 silver!"

"Wipe!", Xifeng Shouma went to look at it again.

The paladin shrugged, indicating that he was not interested.

The last 5 silvers were obtained by half-ton brothers.

The barbarian took off his leather armor, which was almost out of durability, and equipped this metal armor, and immediately felt like changing a shotgun to a cannon.

"How much physical defense?", teammates asked.


"Damn, it's more than three times mine!", the crispy ranger teammates were very envious.

"You can't even break my defense!" Brother Half Ton was a little carried away.

"Would you like to try it!?" The ranger gestured to draw the bow and arrow.

"There is a kind of don't use skills!", Brother Half Ton was persuaded.

The ranger made a cut and ignored him.

Others such as bandages and copper coins will not go into details. In short, the explosion rate is very good. There are also skins, bones, teeth, claws, meat, organs, etc. of lizardmen. But everyone's backpack space is limited, except for the leather and medicinal organs that can be sewn into equipment, most of them are discarded.

After a short break, everyone is back in good shape.

The rotunda outside had been cleaned up, and the monster retreated into each narrow room for defense. Zhang Miao and the others turned the room upside down, but found no treasure.

On the contrary, there are a lot of system prompts for [debris], which are of little value, such as broken clay pots, dirty straw mats, flints, suspicious dried bacon, etc. I feel that the intelligence and social organization of the lizard people are not high enough. Less, just like a tribe of primitive people.

"What are we going to do with these!?"

A notable feature among intelligent creatures is empathy. In the corner of the room, there is a lizard man woman and a little lizard man locked together, looking at the players with fear and despair.

"Forget it, level four and five monsters don't have much experience."

Zhang Miao is already at level 7, and he is struggling with whether to add 2 points to intelligence or spirit. A mage also needs physique and agility. Extremely adding points has been proven to be unworkable. As for how to add it, it is a matter of opinion.

There are not only the mainstream 2 intelligence and 1 essence gameplay, but also the agility method (mainly adding intelligence and agility), and the meat method (mainly adding intelligence and constitution) gameplay.

"Let's save the free attribute first!" A teammate suggested, "Use the equipment if the basic attribute can be used in the equipment pile, and use the free attribute for emergency."

"It's not like before. In the past, people picked equipment, but now it's equipment that picks people. First raise the level and combat power, and then talk about wisdom and agility. That's the future."

That's right.

Zhang Miao no longer struggled.

The player is both a bandit and a robber, cruel and kind. Women, children and children are generally not killed. It took more than two hours to clean up the first floor of the [Lizardman Camp], and the last boss is guarding the entrance of the second floor. Lizardman sacrifices.

The players came out of the small rooms, chatting and laughing and gathered in the center of the rotunda.

The eyes of the lizard man priest were full of despair. He guarded the entrance and dared not leave. He shouted something, but the players couldn't understand.

Players don't care about the inner drama of monsters. They don't understand the language, writing, and culture. They just treat them as a pile of data, and they are forced to come over when they are ready. Once they enter the fighting state, they become serious and careful.

Lizardmen and kobolds are the two subspecies with the highest intelligence and sociality on the abandoned wasteland. There used to be brilliant civilizations, and until now there are still some embers hidden in primitive and savage tribes, such as the gods he took out now. There is a jade-like sheep's head inlaid on the top of the staff, and the two eyes of the sheep's head seem to be alive.

The faint magical aura made the players very jealous, and there was a faint electric glow between the two horns, and a stereotyped system translation: "The god Maoke is the greatest!" (Kobolds and lizardmen both worship the god Maoke )
A finger-thick bolt of lightning struck the paladin who rushed forward.

With only one layer of blood skin remaining, the paladin was paralyzed for two seconds. The other two paladins took the damage from the mobs and rushed towards him with all their might. Unexpectedly, another lightning bolt appeared: -199, a paladin with high blood defense He was instantly killed on the spot.

Seeing that the third lightning bolt was about to take shape, the paladin threw [Blessing of the Holy Light] on himself, added 15% HP, dual defense and 5 points of total resistance, the lightning fell, and there was a bang, -117, stay Lost about half of the blood.

"No, I can't handle it!!", One Punch Man poured down a bottle of red medicine, and shouted: "Pay attention to sharing the damage in melee combat, don't worry about mobs in long range, and interrupt the boss's skills!"

The priest's blood recovery skill fell three times in a row, clicked, and there was another bolt of lightning. The boss's skills seemed to have no cooldown time.

One Punch Superman, who was still paralyzed, received the second blow, and the blood bar that had just been lifted up by the priest and the red medicine dropped wildly. As soon as his body moved, he was paralyzed for another two seconds.

Fortunately, the remote output has also arrived.

Zhang Miao sideways dodged the kobold warrior's machete, and his skills were not interrupted. A [Magic Missile] bypassed the mobs and bombarded the BOSS dozens of meters away. The mage's skills were all blocked, and -1-1-1 was forcibly deducted a little damage.



The lightning once a second on average was not disturbed at all, and the two tank paladins had only blood left, and the lightning appeared on the top of their stunned heads. A melee barbarian couldn't see it well, so he yelled and had to change the [Savage Rampage] position, and collided with him before the lightning fell.

The barbarian only suffered area damage, and the hit damage was suffered by the barbarian. A big -201, the barbarian without skill magic resistance fell down with electric light all over his body, his soul left his body, and he returned to the city for free.

Ranged occupations are all approached by mobs, one by one being chased and unable to support the battlefield, unable to bear the damage in melee combat and forced to share the damage together, click, another hit, three or four people have double-digit damage figures on their heads , fortunately no one was killed in seconds.

But since the start of the war, neither melee combat nor long-distance combat has done much output on the boss, and that layer of defensive aura seems to last for a long time.

Fortunately, the bard finally finished singing, and three consecutive groups [Incentive: Rock] fell, adding maximum health +10%, all attributes +5%, and all defense (resistance) +5 to the melee professional group. gain effect.

The ranger blocked the mobs and let the priest free his hands. His skills were still cooling down, and the basic attack increased blood and the red medicine, and the tracer continuously fell on the melee fighters.

"Focus on fire, don't worry about mobs!" One Punch Man yelled, his face distorted, and after the paralysis time passed, he leaped into the air.


With the tangled electric light all over his body, he smashed the hammer at the boss who looked up, "In the name of the moon god!", the phantom of a phantom moon flashed away, the hammer expanded the striking area several times, and the boss raised his hand. Picking up the ram's head scepter, he condensed a shield. With a sound of "Boom!", the aura radiated, the shield shattered, and One Punch Man was also pushed back by the impact.

"Interrupted, interrupted!"

The Bone Ant's lightning finally stopped, and the barbarians launched [Brutal Charge] one after another, turning into tanks one by one, stomping on the ground.

The boss gathered shields to block their collision, but the ranger's arrows also arrived, as many as a dozen consecutive arrows rained, leaving clear tracks in the air, some of the arrows were frozen, and some were burning. , some exploded, some turned into vines, entwining the boss...

Boom boom boom...

The shield continued to shatter, and it was as if fireworks were set off around the boss. All the barbarians were dizzy, and the stun effect of the second stage of [Savage Rush] all failed, and shallow pits were trampled on the ground.

At this time, One Punch Superman got up from the ground, and with the healing effect of the priests, he leaped into the air together with another recovered paladin, stupefied.

The lizardman priest finally showed signs of being unable to hold on. The rain of arrows set off fireworks on him, and the barbarian bullied him to get close. The mobs would not be able to deal with the long-range and share the damage for him for a while. Both the priest and the ranger If you don't slip your hands, where there is a danger, the skills will fall there. Drinking red and filling blue are shameless.

The defensive aura was shattered, and the paladin's blow from the sky, even though he was immune to the control effect, also caused his blood to drop wildly. The barbarian rushed to the vicinity and repeatedly [trampled], and one even threw a two-handed ax at him, In the blink of an eye, the blood bar dropped to one-third of the position.

A sad sigh, all the players heard it. For some reason, all the skills and attacks deviated from the target. Within a second, the players' thinking couldn't keep up with the slowed down movements, and they watched the BOSS's hands open , rising from the ground.

The loud, inexplicable prayers were like a subwoofer blasting in the ears, and a ball of light appeared above each player's head, and crackling electric lights were entangled on the ball of light.

"Quick, hit, break, ah!!"

Zhang Miao yelled hoarsely in the team channel, even her voice faltered, and she didn't have time to read the system's intensive prompts, and watched the big move that the boss was about to release.

At this time, a black shadow appeared behind the boss, and a black light bloomed like weightless!

These pussy things are only released now!
The first thief, the second thief, the third thief... The timing was perfect. In less than two seconds, all the thieves contributed the most powerful output damage.

Several critical strike damage values ​​up to 3 digits fluctuated, and the lizard man priest was in a stalemate for a second, and a large mosaic appeared on his body.


It sounded like fairy music.

The look in the eyes of the lizardman priest went out, his seemingly thin body collapsed, and the goat-headed scepter and vestment burst out!



"It exploded, it exploded, it, it actually exploded!"

"Grass, grass, I know it, haha..."

This is the biggest charm of Canaan.

For these people at least, the best virtual reality is meant to serve this moment.

Zhang Miao also seemed to be drunk, and was almost sent back to the city by the mobs. While hiding, he kept screaming. He didn't know what he was screaming, but everyone was the same anyway.

The lizardman sacrificed to death, and the mobs went crazy, but it didn't help. The entrance to the third floor was open, and no one noticed that some "low-level mobs" sneaked into the third floor.

Five minutes later, all the mobs were cleaned up, except for the players, there was no longer any monsters standing.

The excitement passed, and the huge tension made the players fall silent.

The sheep's head scepter is like an artifact, floating there with a strong aura.

The crimson cassock is not ordinary either, and the cumbersome magic patterns on it are still shining, and the mysterious pattern outlined is both weird and frightening.

"Throw the dice!", One Punch Man was a little dull, no matter how good things were, he didn't use them.

The savages and rangers are also awake, yeah, happy fart, it's nothing to do with us!

Only mages, priests, and bards are like chicken blood.

"How about an internal auction?" a savage suggested.

"No!", a mage immediately objected.

"Can you guarantee it's yours?" the barbarian asked back.

Yes, there are still 17 people present, who can guarantee that he is the lucky one with a one-seventeenth probability?

But the barbarian's proposal is also unacceptable, especially mages, priests, and bards. Throwing dice is one-seventeenth, and the auction is not necessarily the same. Besides, the auction is equal to equal sharing, and everyone has a share. The selfishness of the barbarians is clear at a glance. .

"Vote!", One-Punch Man said.

Zhang Miao was very confused.

(End of this chapter)

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