Chapter 328 Changes
[Whispering of the Silver Shepherd, two-handed staff (scepter, staff), quality: blue, durability: 20/20, load: 5, equipment occupation: mage, priest, bard, equipment level: 12, equipment requirements : Intelligence 22, Spirit 18, Constitution 7, Combat Rating: Unidentified.

Basic attributes: intelligence +3, spirit +2, agility +1, all resistance +2, thunder element resistance: 10, magic attack power +27-45, physical attack power +4-9, attack speed (general attack) + 2. Spell critical strike probability +5%, element affinity +1
Advanced Attributes: Unidentified.

Strengthenable attributes: not identified.

Special attributes: Unidentified. 】

[Silver Shepherd's Robe, Mage (Priest) Robe, Quality: Blue, Durability 25/30, Weight: 3, Equipment Occupation: Mage, Priest, Bard, Equipment Level: 10, Equipment Requirements: Intelligence 20, Spirit 15, Constitution 6, Combat Rating: Unidentified.

Basic attributes: intelligence +3, agility +2, all resistance +5, wind, fire, and earth element resistance +10, magic defense +2%, physical defense +11-19.A certain probability to reduce the damage received by 20%, cooldown for 50 seconds.There is a very small probability of being immune to the damage received, and the cooldown is 1 hour.

Advanced Attributes: Unidentified.

Strengthenable attributes: not identified.

Special attributes: Unidentified. 】

The team was silent, and many players who voted for the auction regretted it after seeing the attributes of these two pieces of equipment.

However, the distribution method of the team will be changed, and the melee and long-range physical occupations will not agree to change it back.

One-Punch Man coughed, his throat a little dry, "Good stuff, it should sell for a good price!"

As he spoke, he put the two pieces of blue clothes on the World Auction.

[World Channel—One Punch Man said: Take a walk and take a look, the freshly baked blue staff, blue robe, auction channel, rich boss, don’t miss it (smirk!)]

The two pieces of equipment entered the 12-hour publicity time. No matter how unwilling Zhang Miao was, he could only spend 10 stamina points to shout out on the World Channel, trying to let more people know.

——If these two pieces of equipment are given to me...he thought so more than once.

The combat power must exceed one thousand, maybe it can reach two thousand, and jump to the forefront of the combat power ranking list. The strength has greatly increased, and maybe one person can go to the dark zone to explore.

Scratching my heart and lungs with regret, ah...

Why should I bid for the auction! !
Just now at 9:8, it was approved to deal with these two pieces of equipment in the way of world auction, that is, everyone has a share. At the last moment, 9 people including Zhang Miao chose the conservative plan, and finally dared not bet on the seventeen one-in-one chance.

Ah, no, two pieces of equipment should be [-]/[-], I'm so fucking stupid!
On the auction channel, two pieces of equipment occupied the eighth and ninth positions after being hung up. The top ones were all unidentified blue equipment, and the top one was a ring.

[Silver: Ferrell's space ring, quality: blue, durability: 5/5, weight: 1, equipment occupation: all occupations, equipment level: 15, equipment requirements: none, combat rating: unidentified.

Basic attributes: 50 units of dimensional space.

Advanced Attributes: Unidentified.

Special attributes: Unidentified. 】

The top 100 are all blue items, and there are more than 500 green items. The 70 players brush day and night, and they will always find something good.

Zhang Miao saw that there were so many blue and green outfits that were still in the publicity period, and began to worry that they would not be able to sell at a good price, and was really entangled repeatedly.

It's human nature to lose your sense of normalcy because of too much profit, but there is still a third layer of treasure hanging in front of you, so you can barely calm down.

The game time is approaching, and the third floor does not know what dangers there are. To be on the safe side, everyone went offline to rest after the agreed online time.

In reality, before noon, the game time of the day was used up. Hu Xinmin and Ruoran were still in Yanjing, Zhang Miao took the opportunity to clean up the messy house, and went out to buy a lot of things. Fill up the freezer.

When I was driving back from the supermarket, I received a call, saying that it was a newly established bureau, and all players had to be registered. In the future, this bureau would be responsible for dealing with matters related to Canaan and players, including tax declarations and virtual assets. Management and transactions, various policies, regulations and benefits unique to players, etc.

It's been a long time!

Then what else can Canaan Company do?
The other party didn't explain, and his tone was soft but hard, and he asked to complete the registration and registration of the player's identity within two working days, so he hung up the phone.

Zhang Miao called other players in the same city, and they all said that they had received the notice in this regard, and everyone was baffled. They didn't know what kind of office this "Yuan Universe Affairs Management Bureau" that they had never heard of was.

As soon as I went back, the deputy director of the sub-district office and the property manager of the community came to the door. They were also talking about this administration, and they also said that they needed a medical examination!

As soon as Zhang Miao heard about the physical examination, she thought of something, and after sending these people away, she went to weigh herself.

101.4 kg.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He was less than 200 meters tall. No matter what, he couldn't see where the [-]-jin flesh grew. He squeezed the muscles on his arms and his belly. He didn't have iron-like Xuan Er His muscles didn't turn into eight pieces, he punched the wall, grinned, and didn't move a bit except for rubbing off some wall skin.

He took another spoon and placed it 30 centimeters from the center of his vision, and stared like that for half a minute!
The spoon didn't budge.

Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

The spoon seems to have a curvature.

Put it on the table, really!

Zhang Miao stared blankly at the slightly curved spoon. A minute later, she found a triangular ruler and measured the angle of the bend. Then she found a second spoon from the kitchen, measured it first, and then drew it on the paper. It outlines, then stares again.

Half a minute later, with trembling fingers, he aligned the spoon with the outline of the painting, but found that it couldn't fit.

His head started to hurt, a strange painful stimulation, I don't know if it's because the volume of his brain has become smaller, or his brain has "grown up", it just feels crowded!

Squeezing, squeezing, the scalp starts to feel numb, and the hand feels as if it is on a hard shell, and under the hard shell, there is another layer of fresh and tender skin, and the touch is transferred from the outside to the skin. Inside, it's like scratching through clothes, the more you scratch, the more painful, the more painful and squeezed!
With a sound of "crash!", he realized that he fell to the ground and was pulling his scalp. As soon as he let go of his hand, a large piece of hair fell off. Looking at his hand again, the knuckles of his fingers were white and almost transparent. Then he touched his heart, and it jumped It's like an engine at full power.

dong dong dong...

He couldn't hear the engine, his ears were numb, and his vision began to distort.

It's like a scratched disc, and you can hear a sound similar to electromagnetic interference...


On a luxurious special plane flying to Yanjing, Angel of Fallen Light took out a new magic crystal and took a deep breath greedily.

The pure magic power is inhaled into the body, just like a diver at the bottom of the sea who has inhaled oxygen, feeling a little anesthetized and dizzy.

"I can't breathe!", she complained.

Bei Gaoyang smiled and shook the newspaper in his hand.

The Angel of Fallen Light moved to a position close to the porthole, and saw the plane flying above the endless dark clouds, with dense lightning and thunder below him, the sky was so close... oh, no, not close, it was already in the sky Tell the flight.

Flying is no stranger to beings like her, but this flying method is beyond her imagination, and even the most absurd dream cannot touch it.

I have seen all aspects of this crystal wall system from various movies, but the moment I was really here, I realized that the impact brought by the movie is less than one ten-thousandth of this time.

Two of the latest fighter jets appeared a little lower than the portholes, and the distance was very close. When the Angel of Fallen Light saw the pilot in the cockpit, his expression became complicated.

"A desert of magic power, a mysterious forbidden area?"

There were only these two distinguished guests on the plane. A flight attendant knocked on the door and came in, whispering a few words to the man in suit standing at the door.

"Sir, there is still half an hour's flight!"

Bei Gaoyang nodded, put down the newspaper, stood up and stretched.

At the same time, another civil airliner was on the opposite route.

"Dear passengers, due to force majeure, the flight needs to temporarily change the route, please return to your seat..."

There were complaints in the cabin, and the flight attendants kept asking the passengers to sit down immediately and put on their seat belts. They also caught a girl running around and handed them over to the young mother who was chasing her.

"What are you doing, it's going to be delayed again!"

Brother Ruoran came back from the economy class with a glass of champagne in his hand, fastening his seat belt and complaining.

"How about it, have you started yet?"

Hu Xinmin pouted for the position of a beautiful stewardess.

Brother Ruoran shook the note with the mobile phone number between his fingers, and said with a smirk, "What do you think?"

At this moment, the plane was jolted, and there were screams in the cabin, and brother Ruoran's champagne was spilled.

"Fuck, my custom suit!"

"Yes, you are a peasant just by wearing a dragon robe!"

"I'm a player!"

"Who is wrong?"

"I'm rich!"

"Eight hundred and eighty thousand is also called money?"

After the krypton gold this time, the money in all of Ruoran's bank accounts added up to less than 20 yuan, Hu Xinmin joked about it whenever he had the opportunity.

At this moment, a whizzing fighter plane caught the attention of the two of them, and then saw one fighter after another appearing in the surrounding airspace and began to accompany them.

"what happened?"

"do not know?"


It was not until the passenger plane changed its course that these fighter planes disappeared into the surrounding airspace.

After such a delay, the two arrived home four or five hours late, and it was dark before they got home.

In the elevator, Brother Ruoran answered a call, it was from the property management.

"No one answered Xiaoer's phone, and the property couldn't find anyone."

"What's the matter?"

"It's not about the Metaverse Administration and the physical examination!"

The Yanjing Administration Bureau has been established, and the players who are resident in Yanjing have already started physical examinations. The two have known it for a long time, so it is not surprising.

"It's okay to eat and do nothing, and you can support it!", Hu Xinmin commented on the newly established unit directly linked to the players.

"Too few hats..." Brother Ruoran said sarcastically.

"I heard an interesting saying, do you know M2?"

"What about the broad money supply?"

"Do you know how many there are?"

Hu Xinmin didn’t know where he heard a theory, and he was still showing off to Brother Ruoran without knowing it, “Hundreds of trillions, which is several times the total GDP, think about it, what will happen if all of them are released ? Inflation..." When the elevator arrived, the two said as they walked, "...In the past, real estate acted as a reservoir, but now this reservoir is unusable or full, and Canaan has become New cistern."

"What does this have to do with us?"

"Of course it has something to do with it. Think about it. A huge amount of money is waiting to enter this reservoir, and we are the fish swimming in this pond. Can we rest assured if we don't control every fish? That's why this administration is just coming out. In the future Ah, the regulation will only get stricter, get used to it in advance!"

"Supervision also includes physical examination? Bullshit!"

"Of course a physical examination is required. Do you think it's important whether the fish is fat or thin? It's easy to kill!"

"You just talk here!"

"Don't believe it..."

The two came to Zhang Miao's house talking and laughing, rang the doorbell, and waited for a long time before opening the door.

"……came back?"

"Why didn't you pick up the phone...the property owner just called to talk about the medical examination..."

Zhang Miao was listless, even in a trance. Hu Xinmin and Ruoran took off their shoes and changed them, and didn't pay attention for a while.

"What's the smell?"

Hu Xinmin walked into the living room and smelled a strange smell. He looked around and saw Zhang Miao secretly hiding something. "What? Damn, what are you doing?" He snatched it away. "This is... blood!?", he was stunned.

A blood-stained shirt, the blood has dried up, and there are still bright red paw prints on it, which is tattered.

"What's wrong with Xiaoer? Come here, Nie!" Hu Xinmin finally realized that something was wrong with Xiaoer's state.

"Give it to me, grass!", Zhang Miao snatched the shirt after several times in a panic, and walked to the balcony.

Hu Xinmin then asked him what was going on, and when he came to the balcony, he saw blood-stained things all over the place, "Xiaoer, you..."

"What's going on, what's going on?" Brother Ruoran came over and was startled when he saw these things.

Zhang Miao only cared about tidying up and kept silent.

Hu Xinmin: "Xiao Er, what's wrong with you, don't scare me!"

He first thought about dog bites and injuries, but seeing that Zhang Miao was doing well and didn't look traumatized, he was worried whether he had some kind of illness, such as vomiting blood in the brain, epileptic seizures or something.

"Don't ask, I'm fine!"

"Xiao Er, you, you... what happened to your teeth!?"

Zhang Miao covered her mouth in a daze for a while, and finally let go. In the palm of her hand were a few bloodshot teeth.

Hu Xinmin: "What's wrong with you, tell me!"

Zhang Miao sighed, walked to the living room, sat down, feeling weak all over.

Brother Ruoran: "Say it quickly! Are you going to kill me in a hurry?"

fifteen minutes later.

Both Hu Xinmin and Ruoran were stunned. Zhang Miao opened her mouth and showed them her newly grown teeth, saying, "It started a long time ago. I didn't pay attention at that time. I went offline to try it this time." Just a moment, who knows..."

"Wait a minute!" Brother Ruoran stood up suddenly, his face was like dirt, and his body was trembling, "I'm so itchy!" He said as he lifted the hem of his shirt, revealing streaks of bright red and pregnancy. Something like a tattoo.

(End of this chapter)

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