This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 329 Nothing is absolute.

Chapter 329 Nothing is absolute.

Hu Xinmin and Ruoran also had problems, but not as serious as his.

All three of them thought it was a 'side effect' brought by Canaan, otherwise they couldn't explain it.

There were signs of this in the previous tests, so there were all kinds of "legends", but it was not as serious as this time.

It's a little unreasonable to find news about this on the Internet. Is it just an isolated phenomenon?This can't explain that all three people were recruited.

Reminiscent of the physical examination this time, it makes people suspicious. In order to verify, Brother Ruoran anonymously posted the changes in Zhang Miao's body on the Internet. Unexpectedly, the post disappeared after a few minutes, and the backstage received a warning and was banned.

"Don't you still have a mission? Go online first, and I'll go out and ask how others are doing."

Brother Ruoran picked up his coat and said to Zhang Miao.

"I will go with you!"

Hu Xinmin was not in the mood to go online anymore.

"I..." Zhang Miao hesitated.

"No matter what, can you give up Canaan?" Brother Ruoran asked.

Zhang Miao subconsciously shook her head.

"Don't scare yourself, maybe it's a good thing?" Hu Xinmin said with a smile.

"What maybe, the high probability is a good thing, maybe you will become a superman." Brother Ruoran patted him on the shoulder.

"Get out!", the matter has come to this point, Zhang Miao can only think about the bright side.


is it possible?

Canaan, the second floor of the Lizardmen underground camp.

Continuing with the previous game process, all the monsters have been cleaned up. At the entrance of the third floor, teammates are confronting a group of unknown people.

"What's going on?" he asked in the team channel.

"They want to cut off the bullshit, Gan!"

Zhang Miao immediately ran to the teammate and glared at the opposite player.

After working on a mission for three days, it was hard to clear the last level. At this time, there is no way to grab it.

One Punch Man hasn't been online yet, and the leader on the opposite side is a level 8 elf ranger, dressed in exquisite professional attire, one can tell it's not ordinary at first glance.

Zhang Miao's teammates came online one after another, and there were more and more people. They had no chance to meet each other, so they retreated to the first floor unwillingly.

"Beware of their deceit!"

That's a good point, pretend to go, and then kill the carbine, don't wait until you are inseparable from the monster, and then jump out to make trouble.

Fortunately, One Punch Man is also online. This local tyrant and high-ranking player didn't take it seriously. He went up to the first floor by himself. He didn't know how to tell those people. He hugged that level 8 elf ranger in a few minutes After coming down, it was as if we had known each other for a long time.

The elf ranger asked: "You exploded the goat's head staff and robes at the auction?"

One Punch Man: "Yeah!"

The elf ranger was very envious: "Damn, luck is so damn good, ranking 12th and 17th."

"Haha... just shoot if you want!"

"Fuck, I don't need it... Forget it, don't bother you and get rich, remember to M me if you have something good."

One Punch Man patted his chest boldly: "Don't worry, buddy spit every nail!"

The elf ranger looked this way again, smiled, turned and left.

"It's okay, it's okay, keep going!"

Zhang Miao breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he really didn't want to conflict with other players. I don't know if it was a psychological effect. He always felt that there was something uncomfortable in his body, and he was worried about his real body, and he was still worrying about the physical examination. ... If the task hadn't been completed and the treasure hadn't been opened, he would have wanted to go to the hospital for a checkup first.

Just after driving away a group of people, another person came down.

A sporadic one or two, no matter how hard you drive them away, One Punch Man said, the more people you drag, the more people you find, the number of people is uncertain, so hurry up.

It takes time to open the entrance, and everyone is stuck online at this time.

When the progress bar on the stone gate at the entrance is finally full, there are already many players who smell like hyenas and come here. One Punch Man is afraid that the night will be long and dreamy, and there are two teammates who are not online. I can’t wait. He opened the entrance to the third floor and led the team to walk in carefully.

There are more than a dozen floors of slippery steps, and the torches illuminate the passageway full of murals. On both sides of the passageway are stone rooms where various goods are piled up.

Cloth and furs were the most, followed by food and jerky. It was obvious at a glance that they were stolen goods, and they were also mission supplies that needed to be returned. These players were not interested.

What I'm really interested in are equipment, materials, and all kinds of props that can be used, but these are not available in these stone rooms.

Zhang Miao saw that his teammates were messing things up like bandits, so he tried to persuade them, don't they need us to clean up in the end, but...forget it, I'm really not in the mood.

There are no monsters on the third floor, but the murals on both sides of the corridor are pretty good. The system keeps prompting [Knowledge of Mysticism +1], and I don’t know which attribute this knowledge of occultism is related to. It’s not dangerous anyway. I’ve seen every mural. past.

The corridor is very long, as if walking in an ancient tomb, but no matter how long it is, there will be an end.

At the end of the corridor is a huge stone chamber, and in the center of the stone chamber is an altar on which a coffin is placed.

"Is this the treasure?"

Everyone approached cautiously, passing by a mummy lying on the ground, only to see the blood groove under the mummy's body, the dry blood stain was very close to the color of the ground, the winding and rugged blood groove seemed to be some kind of magic pattern, more than a dozen lines converged on the altar in a shallow pit below.

Shallow pits of crimson liquid gurgling cheongsams, pale skeletons washed up by air bubbles, some were human, some were of various demihuman races, some were of beasts, and some were of monsters...

[Ding, I found the scene where the lizard people's tribe sacrificed to the evil god. 】

[Ding, the conditions for opening the plot are met. 】

[Ding, you are in story mode. 】

Zhang Miao found that she couldn't move anymore, a bright moonlight fell out of nowhere, a phantom moon appeared above the coffin, and a priest in full costume walked down from the phantom moon.

"You guys did a great job!" said the priest NPC, then sneered at the coffin below him, waved his right hand, and the coffin lid flew up, and amidst a shrill scream, a crimson figure jumped out rise.

[Ding, I found a believer of the evil god——[White Ghost] Laura Kessel (God of Blood Moon · False). 】

Another ray of bright moonlight shone down, and the crimson figure was fixed in the air by the moonlight, squeaking, and thick black smoke was burning on his body.

White Walkers?

The players opened their eyes wide. The so-called White Walker was like a monkey that had peeled off its skin. The blood-red, pink muscle tissue on its body raised large pustules and bubbles in the moonlight, and a large number of granulation grew under the falling pustules and bubbles. , crazily repairing the physical damage.

The blood-red eyes of the White Walker were full of resentment, pain and madness, and the ferocious mouth opened 180 degrees. The wailing changed from sound to silence, and the high-frequency shock wave turned the altar, the coffin, and everything into powder.

The sacrificial treasure minister said solemnly, "The maggots that come out of the mud, go back to the nothingness where you should be, in the name of the moon god Pandya!"

A full moon also appeared in the blood-red eyes of the Other Ghost, but this full moon was blood-red, "Moon, moon, power, authority..." The strange thing is that the blood moon only exists in the pupils, but it is incomparable in the eyes of the players. Huge, once the field of vision is blurred, you will be in the nothingness where there is nothing, and a blood-red moon hangs over your head.

Zhang Miao's head began to 'pain'.

The hallucination of the blood moon was only a moment, and the player's field of vision returned to normal. In the bright moonlight, the priest held up the holy emblem of the moon god Pandiya to purify the parasitic aliens. Looking at the players.

"...Children, the real strength is the strength of the heart." The priest gave Zhang Miao a serious look and disappeared.

"Where's the treasure, where's the treasure?"

The players didn't care about the implication behind the plot, and went to find the treasure as soon as they resumed free movement. Zhang Miao was still immersed in the eyes of the sacrificial NPC before leaving, and his expression was a little dazed.

"Found it, found it!"

A glowing system treasure chest was actually silver, and the teammates were cheering, jumping and jumping happily.

Zhang Miao always felt that that look seemed... as if she was implying something to herself, 'The strength of the heart is the real strength...' This endless sentence seemed to be said for herself.

The system treasure chest is a kind of "sandbox gameplay" just launched in this test. When the player takes the first adventure and explores a certain "story value" monster camp, resource point, and game map of other camps, after clearing the level, there will be Probability to brush out the system treasure chest.

System treasure chests are divided into black iron, bronze, silver, gold, diamond, platinum, etc. Starting from silver, there is a chance to get equipment, materials, formulas, skill books, etc. The higher the level, the higher the probability of getting good things. The better, silver is already very good, no one has ever opened above gold.

The teammates were all overjoyed, the treasure was worthy of its name, and this silver treasure chest was already satisfying, not to mention that there were two blue equipment exploded in front of it.

Only Zhang Miao was out, but no one cared, arguing about who would open the box, whose face would be pale.

In the end it was One Punch Man.

At this moment, a thief appeared behind the treasure chest. He moved very quickly. He touched the treasure chest and found that he did not run away before the protection time, but continued to touch it.

"Damn it!", One Punch Man sent the thief back to the city with one hammer, and dealt three-digit damage. This is an exaggeration for a paladin with more than [-] combat power. However, the thief should be dissatisfied with his condition. right.

"One Punch Boss is awesome!"

"Kill level 7 thieves instantly? Exaggerated?"

One Punch Man triumphantly turned around and looked back, "Be careful!!"


"Grab the treasure chest!"

Dozens of players rushed down the second floor, catching their teammates and cutting them down. The team channel shouted and cursed, and everyone was scattered in the blink of an eye.

One Punch Man is going down to help,
A teammate who was being chased by thieves shouted at him: "Open the box!"

"Don't let him drive, delay the protection time!!"

These bastards...

After a while, several teammates were sent back to the city, and One Punch Man turned around and walked up the steps to touch the treasure chest.


"WCLMB!!", leaving only an incompetent and furious curse!

Zhang Miao's teammates fell one by one, only he was out of shape, like sleepwalking, he didn't attack others, and they didn't bother to pay attention to him.

There was a scuffle in the hall, and the level 8 elf ranger also returned, leading the team to a place only 5 meters away from the treasure chest with a lot of skill damage.


One of the thieves in his team [Sneak] rushed to the treasure chest, and just as he stretched out his hand, he was 'marked' by the priest. He didn't last a second before he was given a free ticket back to the city.


The elf ranger ran away with his head in his arms.

For a moment, whoever touches the treasure box will die, dozens of players fight each other, and there are still people squeezed down from above.

The people who came in were all red-eyed when they saw the silver treasure chest that was as tall as a person.

Although beating life and death, but there is a tacit understanding that is - whoever gets close to the treasure chest will die!

Zhang Miao's teammates all hung up and returned to the city. The team channel was yelling, and everyone wanted to fly back. One Punch Man asked him how the scene was going and whether the treasure chest was still there. Zhang Miao was obedient, feeling out of place with the surrounding environment , Consciousness seems to be withdrawn, in a trance.

"...Children, the strength of the heart is the real strength."

The words of the NPC priest echoed in his ears, and he walked towards the treasure chest unconsciously.

So, he also got a free ticket back to the city.

At the resurrection point in Punk City, Zhang Miao walked to the temple of the moon god Pandya in a daze.

"...Son, I feel that your soul is fragile in loneliness, painful in fragility, and confused in pain. You must know that the strength of the heart is the real strength!"

"...Go, go and bathe in the holy light of the moon, you need it."

Zhang Miao didn't look at what the system prompted, and walked into the temple, feeling like he was in front of Pandiya's statue right away.

The plot priest NPC appeared beside the altar, didn't speak, just looked at him with gentle and kind eyes.

"Lost lamb!!"


Zhang Miao woke up suddenly, looked around quickly, not knowing why he suddenly appeared in this place, and quickly looked at the system prompts.

[abnormal state detected]

[Ding, for your health, please go offline and rest as soon as possible]

【Ding, the Priest of the Moon God is very interested in your status, you have attracted his attention. 】

【Ding, you have accepted the call of the moon god Pandya. 】

[Ding, you triggered the [? ? ? 】Hidden task. 】

[Ding, within a limited time, you follow your heart and arrive at the temple of the moon god Pandia]

[Ding, you have entered the story mode. 】

"What are you waiting for, why are you hesitating?", a voice said in my ear.

"Who, who is talking?"

"All the answers you want are here."

Zhang Miao was in doubt, and felt that the situation was a bit weird, not like a mission plot.

"Your Majesty!"

Zhang Miao obeyed and knelt down.



Yanjing was brightly lit in the middle of the night. Bei Gaoyang, who had just finished a high-level meeting, came out of a solemn place, boarded a special plane, and set off for the magic capital.

The atmosphere in the cabin was obviously tense when he came here. The archmage who returned from another world frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What's wrong?", the Fallen Light Angel asked.

Bei Gaoyang shook his head, turned to look at the night sky outside the window.

Above the clouds, a full moon seemed to flicker.

"Hehe, mysterious invasion?"

Bei Gaoyang smiled, closed his eyes and fell asleep

This meeting saw a lot of confidential information, which also made one of his guesses come true.

One of the core narratives of the mystery: nothing is absolute, and if there is, it is only an illusion.

It is also right to put it on the magic net.

(End of this chapter)

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