This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 330 'The Diseased' Player

Chapter 330 'The Diseased' Player
In the corridor late at night, Brother Ruoran walked back and forth anxiously, the door of the examination room was closed, only the voices of a few nurses in the nurse's station chasing the show and talking in a low voice.

This is a private hospital, the best, expensive, and the most advanced equipment.

Hu Xinmin originally wanted to go to a large public hospital, but Brother Ruoran insisted on coming here. Now it seems that the equipment is not advanced, let alone talk about it. It's quite scary.

Hu Xinmin is still checking inside. It is said that some kind of examination requires general anesthesia.

"Stop spinning, I'm dizzy!" Zhang Miao said weakly.

Brother Ruoran was very nervous when he heard it, "What, are you feeling uncomfortable again?"

"No... I haven't eaten all day, I'm hungry."

"You bastard... Nurse, nurse, do you have anything to eat?"

They went there in the middle of the night to find something to eat, and the nurse gave them two pieces of soft bread, which Zhang Miao swallowed and felt much better.

After such an interruption, Brother Ruoran was not so nervous. He sat down next to Zhang Miao and asked, "You haven't said what happened in the end, that treasure chest?"

"I don't know, I'm offline early."

Brother Ruoran twitched his lips, "It's a pity, I didn't know that bastard was cheaper in the end."

How can Zhang Miao care about these things now, waiting for the inspection report is like waiting for the court's verdict.

"I'm going to smoke a cigarette"

"I'll go as well."

The two came to the stairwell of the emergency passage and began to puff. Brother Ruoran glanced behind him and closed the door, "Is there something else you are hiding from us?"

The cigarette in Zhang Miao's hand jumped, "No, no."


"Why did I lie to you?"

"That's good... I don't think it's a big deal. It may be that the game has been played for a long time, and the body is not used to it. Or why are other people okay?"

"you sure?"

"I ran with Lao Hu for a day and asked seven or eight players, but nothing happened."

"Why do you ask, you don't know how to say it clearly?"

"If you think I'm stupid, I won't expose you. Don't worry."

"That's fine, that's fine."

The lighting in the stairwell was dim, and Zhang Miao was smoking. The smoke made his face look a bit... Brother Ruoran thought he was dazzled, so he blinked and looked again.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Miao's eyes were slightly flooded, and his face could not be seen clearly, as if something was covered.

Brother Ruoran shuddered, took half a step back subconsciously, and said with a forced smile, "No, it's nothing."


Brother Ruoran pretended to be nonchalant, and confirmed repeatedly from the corner of the eye, yes, this guy's eyes are glowing, just like a cat in the dark.

"Come on, let's go in."

"Wait until I finish"

After smoking a cigarette, the two went back. As soon as they walked into a place with strong light, Zhang Miao's eyes returned to normal.

Brother Ruoran: "You said... If you become like Spiderman, is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

"do not know……"

"Where's Superman?"

"Fuck you, I'm annoying."

"Just kidding, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

"No, everything is normal."


"I'm young and resistant, hehe."

The two joked bitterly, and waited for another ten minutes, and finally the door of the examination room opened.

Hu Xinmin walked out with a relaxed face, and called the two of them in.

"You... are all healthy, no obvious problems have been found... Zhang Miao, right? You have a stomach ulcer..."

Dozens of checks in one night, even general anesthesia for the mother, is that all?
"...In view of your frequent...uh, symptoms, I suggest you go to the psychiatrist or psychology class. Our hospital has strong technical strength in this area..."

The three of them each came out with a thick physical examination report, and Hu Xinmin said in a relaxed tone, "I feel comfortable now, no problem."

"I suspect this hospital did it on purpose!" Brother Ruoran patted the medical examination report, "At the beginning of the examination, judging by their expressions, it seemed like we had some incurable disease, shit."

Zhang Miao forced a smile and said, "It's fine, it doesn't matter if you have money or not."

"Go back quickly, I haven't used up my game time today."

"Xiao Er, what happened to your treasure chest?"

This physical examination report is just a candy, a placebo that gives them an excuse to ignore and forget. Once the worries are gone, Hu Xinmin and Ruoran will recover, thinking about Canaan, the good of Canaan, and the bad of Canaan , the wonderfulness of Canaan, everything about Canaan.

When I got home, it was already 11 o'clock. Hu Xinmin and Ruoran acted as if nothing happened. I am happy that today's 4 hours and tomorrow's 4 hours can be played together, and Zhang Miao will be online at 0 o'clock. , and said to go to that lizardman camp to see, maybe the treasure chest is still there.

Zhang Miao also agreed as if nothing had happened, and when the two of them lay down in the game cabin, he came to the balcony on the second floor alone, looked up at the moonlight outside the window, and alternately appeared panic, confusion, and struggle.

He imitated the altar in the game, was busy on the balcony for half an hour, and drew crooked lines around the altar with a watercolor pen.

The moonlight became weird, and the lights in the room went out at some point, and there was no light other than the moonlight. The circular light circle highlighted the balcony, as if it was hanging in the air, as if there was nothing outside except him.

Zhang Miao didn't know what he was doing, the altar made of cardboard boxes, the god statue made of paper-cut, the magic lines drawn by watercolor strokes... It's still the same, it's still the same.

An owl fell on the balcony, Zhang Miao's eyes lit up, he grabbed the owl and bit its neck, tearing a wound.

With warm blood flowing into the mouth, he spat it out again, pouring blood along the magic lines drawn by watercolor strokes.

Finally, the owl's body is placed in the position of the sacrifice and kneels down.


I don't know how long it has passed, he seems to have had a very long dream, and he can't remember what happened in the dream.

The rooms and balconies are clean, there are neither altars nor dead owls.

He felt all over his body, and he no longer felt any discomfort, and when he looked at himself in the mirror, there was nothing unusual.

Stand on the scale, 71 kg.

At 0:[-], the alarm clock rang, and he lay down in the game cabin, picked up the helmet and put it on.

"In the name of the moon god Pandya..."

Magic City.

Yu Qingdong stepped out of the elevator, carefully came to a door, and knocked.

"Come in."

His spirit was shaken, he smiled all over his face, and pushed the door open.

The soft light shines on the warm-toned room. A man in a suit wearing earbuds stands at the door. In the living room, Bei Gaoyang sits opposite a middle-aged man, having a good conversation?
"Hehe... There is no need to mention the past. I will trouble you again this time when I come back. I will give you a satisfactory answer when I understand the details."

"Then I won't disturb your rest, see you tomorrow."


Yu Qingdong stood against the wall, and when the middle-aged man turned around, he showed a smiling face.

"Xiao Yu, work hard!"

"Leader, don't worry!"

After seeing off the man in the tunic suit and his guards, Bei Gaoyang stretched his waist and gestured to the sofa beside him.

Yu Qingdong sat down, "Chairman, what instructions do you have for tomorrow's schedule?"

"When will the player's medical report come out?" Bei Gaoyang asked.

"Soon, within two days."

Bei Gaoyang nodded, thinking.

Yu Qingdong didn't dare to disturb him, so he just stared at the water glass on the coffee table in a daze.

"This time the situation is not good, you have to be mentally prepared."

"……so serious?"

"Looking at the situation of this talk, you... have to stand firm."

"Damn it, let me stand firm again at this time, what did you say before?"

"The past was the past, and the present is the present. That's all. We all know each other so well. I don't want to see you stumble at this critical moment."

"Can Canaan still be banned?"

"not sure."

"……Depend on!"

The sound of the door opening awakened Yu Qingdong from his memories. He responded and turned his head back as if he had been scalded.

Angel of Fallen Light Josephine wore a silk bathrobe, one black and one white wings folded, wiped her wet long hair, and sat down in front of the dressing table.

The dazzling array of makeup and skin care products made her a little overwhelmed. She tentatively unscrewed a bottle, smelled the smell, and her eyes lit up.

Yu Qingdong was extremely curious, but he didn't dare to look at it, nor did he dare to ask more questions.

Who is she, is she human, what is she, are her wings props or...

Why did Number Zero bring her back? Is he trying to use her to take the initiative in the negotiation, or is he planning to tell more inside information here?

What exactly is Canaan, why does the player's body appear "pathological changes" in reality, is this in his plan, or is it an accident?

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu?"

"Ah, Chairman, you said."

"Adjust tomorrow's schedule, first meet with the players in Modu, and then arrange the next...negotiation meeting."

"Ok, no problem!"

"Have you chosen the player?"

"It's been selected. They are all... in various situations, which are very representative."

"Tell me first, what happened to them?"

"Uh... most of them are hallucinations."


"...It's not necessarily a hallucination, even the online ones appeared offline... I don't know what to say."

"Vision, functions, and even... skills?"


Bei Gaoyang smiled, "Interesting... Are you surprised?"

Yu Qingdong smiled wryly, "There is a particularly serious one. He killed people in real life and gained...experience, this is what he said... There have also been certain changes in his body...We gave him a detailed examination, and related Have you read the files too?"

Bei Gaoyang nodded.

"It's an extreme, most of the 'hallucinations' are not that serious...the most incomprehensible is another player."

"Player number seven?"

"Yes, yes, this No. [-] regards mouse holes, wild cats and wild dogs as monsters and copies of Canaan, which can affect and change the environment he believes, and can interfere with almost all monitoring, recording, and recording equipment... This is incredible , I remember you said that there is no magic power in reality, it is impossible for this kind of situation to happen.”

"Yes, I am also very strange."

"Is it weird?" said the third person in the room, Josephine.

She came to the front and sat on the sofa on the left, "The soul is a domain that even the gods cannot grasp. It is the core of mystery. Your magic net is just..."

Bei Gaoyang stopped Josephine from continuing with his eyes, but Yu Qingdong pretended not to hear, but muttered in his heart, magic net, what magic net?
Yu Qingdong: "Who is this lady?"

"Josephine Tina, two-winged angel of light!" The fallen angel of light raised her chin arrogantly.

"Two wings...Two wings of light angel?" Yu Qingdong forced a smile, and looked at Bei Gaoyang's expression again.

Bei Gaoyang stretched out his hand, and Josephine stood up and sat on his lap, "Xiao Yu, Yu Qingdong, my partner, helped me a lot." She introduced the Angel of Fallen Light very plainly.

"Mortal, this is your reward!"

The Angel of Fallen Light stretched out his outstretched palm, and a pure white feather began to glow, then flew up and landed on Yu Qingdong's hand.

Yu Qingdong was tongue-tied, and sat down again after a while, pinching the feathers with trembling fingers, and thanked him with difficulty.

"That's it, let's talk about it tomorrow after learning the details?"

"Then don't bother, chairman, Ms. Josephine, see you tomorrow."

Yu Qingdong walked out as if sleepwalking, and as soon as the door closed behind him, several black suits came out from the dark place and took away the glowing feather.

In the room, the Angel of Fallen Light nodded to Bei Gaoyang, curling up in his embrace like a kitten.

Bei Gaoyang stroked Josephine's beautiful hair again and again, and sat like this until dawn.

In the morning, the two dressed up and went out like a pair of lovers. After enjoying the rich breakfast in the hotel, under the protection of black suits, they boarded the heavily guarded convoy and drove to a research institute on the outskirts of the city.

Something happened on the way, Bei Gaoyang vaguely heard gunshots, Josephine raised her head from his arms, "I feel that this world is very dangerous, but I can't find where the danger comes from."

Bei Gaoyang also felt the danger, but he didn't say anything, just smiled.

The black suit in the carriage suddenly didn't notice, in their vision and hearing, Bei Gaoyang never spoke, and didn't do any superfluous actions.

Half an hour later, Yu Qingdong came up profusely in sweat, and the convoy continued to move forward.

Yu Qingdong: "Sorry, something happened."

Bei Gaoyang didn't ask anything.

Two hours later, I arrived at a seemingly dilapidated research institute, took the elevator, entered the underground like a nuclear defense fortification, and met the first player who had some kind of 'lesion'.

It was a thick concrete room, with only one bed inside, a game helmet was placed on the head of the bed, and a thin, thin, pale young man was sitting on the bed.

The thick alloy door opened, and Bei Gaoyang walked in. The young man raised his head, glanced at him and jumped up excitedly, "Master Legion, you are finally here."

Bei Gaoyang's spiritual power stirred the room, and his powerful perception brought all the exposed characteristic information of the man into the monitoring.

——No abnormalities were found.

He smiled and said, "Son, do you need help?"

The young man showed a common smile in the game, very obsequious, "I want to get the gold medal, Lord Legion."

(End of this chapter)

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