This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 332 Pandora's Box

Chapter 332 Pandora's Box
It's not that Du Shiyu has never had a physical examination, but this physical examination is unusual in every way.

Even someone like her who doesn't care about big things can see that something is wrong.

In the past, players were not coaxed or offered, but they were also treated as special talents and scarce talents, not to mention the endless show operations in various places in order to compete for player resources.

But this time, the cold examination room, serious medical staff, meticulous security, strict order, strict hierarchy and registration... It seems that they are regarded as potential dangerous elements, or even carriers of deadly germs.

Could it be that she is too sensitive?

After dozens of examinations, as well as psychological and cognitive evaluations.

Do questions, ask about daily behavior, etc.

From the afternoon until the early morning of the next day, Du Shiyu walked out of the Municipal No. [-] People's Hospital, and the entire surrounding area of ​​the hospital had freed up resources and space for this examination.

After returning home, she searched for this information on the Internet, but found relevant content about the physical examination, but found nothing.

Could it be that you are the only one who notices something is wrong?
Du Shiyu tentatively posted a post in a community where players gathered. As soon as he posted it, he received a warning from the background and the post was deleted.

Xia Miaomiao came in humming, holding a teddy bear plush toy in her hand. She had just taken a shower and her hair was wet.

Putting the teddy bear aside, picked up the hair dryer to dry your hair, and looked at yourself in the mirror, without any worry.

"Xiaoyu, how do you bring those oil bottles? You can't push them off, it's so annoying!"

"I beg you to bring a big star and a handsome pot, are you still not satisfied?"

"What, who cares?"

"Don't pretend to be with me, I don't know you yet!"

Xia Miaomiao: "I won't tell you anymore."

Seeing that his best friend didn't worry about anything, Du Shiyu thought to himself that maybe he was too sensitive.

She also went to take a shower, and was going to take an early rest today. Anyway, the daily game time is only 4 hours. Well, everyone is the same, and there is no need to be as introverted as before.

—Maybe it has something to do with game time?

Lying on the bed, she suddenly recalled several hallucinations after being online for a long time, and sat up from the bed.


On the window sill, I don't know when there was a black cat standing. There was no variegated color all over its body, and its hair was as black as oil. Under the moonlight, there was a very clear reflection.

Du Shiyu was stunned, it should be said that she was frightened, a chill rushed straight to her forehead, making her scalp numb.

The black cat's eyes were full of emotional fluctuations, as if, as if... a person's eyes.

Indifference, scrutiny, condescension...

After being frozen for a long time, Du Shiyu came back to his senses, and stretched out his hand to the black cat tentatively.


The black cat turned around and jumped off the window sill. Du Shiyu remembered that this was the 17th floor, and rushed to look out.

Nothing at all.

The coolness brought by the night wind made her feel cold all over her body, and the nerves of the solar system began to throb violently. The sudden headache made her very nervous, and she felt that an invisible vortex appeared around her, pulling her towards the unknown abyss. come down.

Du Shiyu fell on the bed, and it took a while to recover from this state. With the gradual disappearance of the headache, all the senses of the body began to return to normal.

After a long time, she groaned, sat up from the bed, looked at the time on the wall, and quickly lay down in the game cabin.

In Shanghai, the business meeting had just ended, the door of the meeting room opened, and serious men and women walked out of it. After a while, the small meeting place was empty.

Bei Gaoyang took the elevator to the first floor of the ground building, and shook hands with a silver-haired old man to say goodbye.

"Please understand our concerns, we must be responsible for the health and safety of the people."

Bei Gaoyang nodded with a stern expression.

"I hope you can find out the 'cause' as soon as possible, and dispel your doubts in this regard. Please let us know if you need anything, and we will fully cooperate."

After seeing off the silver-haired old man, Bei Gaoyang strolled alone in the lobby on the first floor.

He asked the guard to turn off the lights, and the dark environment made his thinking more active.

He asked the staff for another pack of cigarettes. After lighting it, he took a deep breath of the smoke with nicotine alcohol, but found that this degree of stimulation had no effect on his brain.

Breathing in the air without taste, he recalled the cases he had seen during the day, and he also understood the concerns of his partners.


It can be confirmed that while the magic net has been recognized by the mysterious rules and has become more and more "reasonable", some changes and corrections that he does not understand have quietly occurred. The player's soul has undergone a certain degree of change after being strengthened by the magic net The terrible thing is that this change is in conflict and adaptation with the environment and rules of the earth, so some players show various strange symptoms.

He has a certain understanding of the occult, but he knows nothing about science and the laws of the earth and universe based on science.

This leads to difficulties at this moment.


That is the ultimate mystery of intelligent life, the core content of the mystery, who can say that he understands the secret of the soul?If the gods can master this field, wouldn't the code of belief be cracked? Wouldn't it be possible to 'manufacture' believers by themselves?
What kind of lamb is needed? Without such constraints and breaking this balance, Canaan will surely go to destruction.

Mystery comes from the consciousness of intelligent creatures. Consciousness is the appearance of the outer layer of the soul. If the soul has a problem, it is still in such a desert of mystery and magic. What can the archmage do?
—The Book of Canaan?
Bei Gaoyang is hesitating, not that he doesn't want to use it, but that the problem is the earth, not Canaan. The magic net is running smoothly, and there is no abnormality in the game.

"These mortals are too arrogant!"

The Angel of Fallen Light appeared behind him, and said with some dissatisfaction, "I don't know what you are worrying about. I am worried that they will resist you? Although this is a desert of magic power, you should be able to easily make them accept your will."

Bei Gaoyang smiled wryly, if only it were that simple.

The mortals here are not the mortals of Canaan, the mortals here... Forget it, why tell her these things.

In the early morning of the next day, Bei Gaoyang went to see a few more cases. This time, he had close contact with these people for a long time, and tried many methods to find out their causes, but the results were still not satisfactory.

It was still a business meeting at night, but with a different group of people, these people "assessed" Canaan from various aspects, and the focus was not all on the abnormalities that came out of the players.

Unknowingly, Canaan has changed from a complete seller's market to a situation where you need me, I need you, need each other and compromise and guard against each other.Huge doubts have become a huge resistance at the moment, and if it is not done well, the current cooperation method will be in jeopardy.

This is the result of the obstruction of internationalization. Bei Gaoyang has no other choice, nor can he have any other choice. Huaguo players are something he cannot give up.

If anyone is more nervous than him now, it must be Canaan Company.

Only a small group of people in Canaan Company know that the umbrella company is in danger of being overturned under the calm storm. Although complaining about this and that, as if regretting jumping into such a fire pit, Yu Qingdong is very nervous about the progress of the "negotiation meeting", afraid As soon as a document is issued, he, the biggest boss of the 'umbrella' company, is nothing.

Only when you have tasted the taste of power can you know its fragrance and be addicted to it.

Canaan Company owns all kinds of tangible and intangible rights, and is always the focus of the world's attention. Although it is only a top-level figure, its status, power and influence are huge. Once you taste it and lose it, it will be especially painful .

On the fourth night after returning, there was still no progress. Bei Gaoyang was distracted by the endless 'negotiations'. For the sake of personality, he had to pretend not to care, a well-educated and patient side, and had to restrain himself at all times The inner impulse used magic to 'convince' these arrogant mortals to shut up and follow their instructions honestly.

After returning from a busy day, Yu Qingdong had been waiting in the room for a long time.

"Chairman, you forgot one very important item, very, very important!"

"Uh... what is it?"

"As far as I know, there have been players who died in reality, but lived normally in Canaan for a long time?"

"you are right……"

"Tomorrow you may wish to focus on this aspect, of course not so bluntly, it can be said that there are great prospects in the fields of medicine, hygiene and health care, and in special cases, the protection and rescue of valuable people."

Bei Gaoyang fell silent.

Seeing him like this, Yu Qingdong became a little anxious. Speaking of these things today, he took a huge risk. He didn't get any permission beforehand, but acquiesced to a certain extent.

"We have already had a very successful case, but then Canaan...blocked this function. I have always wanted to respond to you. What I want to say is that this function is very good, very good, with unimaginable Its potential also has an irresistible allure, even surpassing Canaan's great role and contribution in new materials and new fields."

Bei Gaoyang was very irritable. After the magic net showed various "pathological" reactions to the soul, the ghost knows what side effects this function has.

The temptation to come back from the dead is naturally huge and inescapable.

Isn't it the same in Canaan?
Didn't he, including himself, rush along this long road?
eternal life!

The word is not new.

Even if the gods exist at that level, they dare not say that they have 'eternal life'. The so-called eternal life of mortals is just an illusion, a shell. The former lich is also regarded as the best transformation method by the spellcaster. How is it now?
"In the end, we still have to rely on it to advance our plans," Bei Gaoyang thought to himself.

"Chairman, is there any difficulty? I mean this function?"

Seeing that he hadn't given a definite statement for a long time, Yu Qingdong was troubled, and his heart was in his throat.

"Death in reality and continued existence in the game is achievable in terms of principles, hardware environment and resources."

Yu Qingdong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

"But there is a price, a huge price!"

"What price?"

"System resources!", Bei Gaoyang thought, since you want it, I will give it to you. This is Pandora's magic box. I can't control what is released after opening. You choose it yourself.

He has always been cautious about changing the environment of the earth, introducing magical environments and mysterious laws.

When he came back last time, he had already made a decision not to work hard in this area. It was only to maintain the cooperative relationship that he handed over some basic theories of magic materials, magic pattern technology and magic mystery to them. Based on his subjective will.The change of the earth has happened quietly, relying on more and more players.

Bei Gaoyang felt that a maliciousness in the dark was looking at him jokingly, which made him very uncomfortable.

"About 10 players can support one such...soul, which continues to exist in the game." Bei Gaoyang set his own price, showing a demonic and deceptive smile: "This function is completely accidental, a by-product, and a system Wrong, so..."

"I understand!" Yu Qingdong stood up excitedly, "That means this function can be turned on at any time, right? Is it controllable?"

Bei Gaoyang frowned and nodded.

"Great, great!" Yu Qingdong took two steps happily, "Now there are 70 players, which means we can provide..."

"Up to 6, we need to leave some spare resources, otherwise the system will go wrong." Bei Gaoyang said seriously.

"Six are fine... Chairman, I will go back first. There may be some changes in tomorrow's schedule. I will notify you in advance."

Yu Qingdong left happily.

Bei Gaoyang was stunned for a while, and finally burst out laughing.

"Hehe, mortals, mortals there are mortals!", the Angel of Fallen Light sneered.

The meeting on the fifth day was canceled as expected.

This indicates that the shadow over Canaan Corporation and Canaan Games has temporarily dissipated.

"It seems that he really needs us!"

On the edge of the desert thousands of kilometers away from Bei Gaoyang, a real analysis and decision-making team aimed at a series of events including him and Canaan, analyzed his various reactions, words and deeds in the past five days, and came up with definite conclusions one by one. in conclusion.

"He is making concessions, compromising, and the partnership with us is indispensable to him."

"He didn't know about the disease on the player's body beforehand, but he must know the 'cause' and the possible harm."

"It is recommended to intensify our work and ensure a certain amount of pressure at all times so that Canaan Company can obtain more online rights and gradually extend our influence to another world."

"In view of the possible public health and safety hazards, it is recommended to gather all the players together to facilitate management and control."

"It is suggested that the future release of game equipment should carefully consider the possible security risks. If possible, increase the work abroad and use foreign players to meet his needs in this regard."


"That's it, I'm going to draft the report!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

(End of this chapter)

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