This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 333 Isn't this tossing people?

Chapter 333 Isn't this tossing people?

With the unwilling roar of the kobold chieftain, the third layer of the kobold mine was cleared. Fan Chaoyue, Hu Ge and Liu Xiaoming all got the coveted certificate of bravery. You can continue to upgrade.

In fact, the difference between gold medals and silver medals is naturally very big. Not to mention the combat power and meritorious service given by the gold medal, you can quickly equip the cloak and have the title of [Extraordinary], let’s talk about the establishment and gameplay of families and gangs , there is a big difference between the two.

The gold medal is a C1 driver's license, and the silver medal is a C2 driver's license. The gold medal is backward compatible, but the silver medal is not.

But apart from these, the difference between the two is not very big. As far as the most critical cloak and title are concerned, as long as you meet the minimum requirement of 500 combat power and get 200 points of merit, you can also have a cloak and title, 500 combat power Is it difficult?In fact, it's not difficult. You can achieve it by changing into a few better professional attire. The difficulty lies in merit.

This is because the battlefield has not yet opened, and players do not have a channel to obtain meritorious service.

"It's a pity that there is no gold medal!", Fan Chaoyue pouted after coming out of the dungeon.

"You will be able to get the cloak and title in the future. It has already been explained on the official website, don't worry." Du Shiyu comforted.

Fan Chaoyue sighed: "I'm so unwilling, I won the silver medal in the fourth test, and I didn't make any progress at all," he said, seeing Hu Ge licking the dog again, circling around Xia Miaomiao, angry A person from one place shouted, "It's all because of you two oil bottles...I'm so mad!"

Hu Ge was flattering Xia Miaomiao, saying how heroic she was in the dungeon just now, how she could walk through Yang with a hundred steps, and said that he also wanted to become a ranger. Hearing this, he turned around and blew kisses to Fan Chaoyue and Du Shiyu with a playful smile.

"This guy has completely let himself go!" Fan Chaoyue stroked his forehead with his hand and said with a defeated expression.

Du Shiyu looked funny, "You are so different from the image on the screen."

"He is such a childish person!" Liu Xiaoming came back from a stroll, and triumphantly interrupted to slander his friend, "I am different, mature, stable, and decent, that is well-known, sister Yiye Zhiqiu, you are right Bar?"

Fan Chaoyue made a vomiting motion, pulled Du Shiyu away.

"Wait, where are you going, the inauguration task is not done?"

Fan Chaoyue waved his hand without looking back.

"Where will we meet up later... Hey, we will be offline in half an hour, remember, otherwise the director will scold you again!"

"Rory is so wordy!" Fan Chaoyue muttered impatiently.

"Okay, you want to take me there, hurry up and do the task of inauguration, didn't you say it's only half an hour?"

Du Shiyu didn't want to leave, and there were people in front of her, shouting, buying and selling, and handing over tasks, crowded in a mess on the square.Leather, bones, sundries, various stones, these are most of the players' stalls, so the smell is touching.

"Then I'm off to work, what are you doing?"

"The family gathered for the first time, Alpha City."

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't tell me, did your founding members gather? The family residence was inherited?"


"Choose a bigger house for me. Doesn't it mean that the territory gameplay is completely open?"

"I know, I know, it's like I owe you."

"Hee hee, who told us to be veterans?"

"I regret it if you don't come here, I got on your thief ship..."

Talking and laughing, they sent Fan Chaoyue to the inauguration task, and looked at Xia Miaomiao, who was still jokingly bickering with Hu Ge.

Du Shiyu carefully observed her best friend, and saw that she was pretending to be arrogant, she would be coquettish from time to time, push and pull, play and sing, and showed great power.

Looking at Hu Ge again, he seems to like her a lot, he just walks around her like a little follower, provoking her from time to time.

Liu Xiaoming has disappeared.

After waiting for a few minutes, the two separated, and Xia Miaomiao bounced towards this side with her hands behind her back.

"I thought you got carried away."

"This person is really annoying!" Xia Miaomiao said insincerely.

"How about it, isn't it very satisfying for a big star to please you so much?"

"How can..."

"Miao Miao, let me tell you, people are here to experience life, don't take it seriously, you are the one who suffers from it."

"Oh, what are you talking about, how can anyone have it?"

"It's fine if you don't have one. You can't take things in the game seriously."

"You're so long-winded... Hurry up, I just watched the teleportation and the people over there just happened to be empty."

The two first went to Punk City by teleportation, and then arrived at the Alpha plane by the teleportation of Punk City.

This is the first time this test has come, and this former battlefield—the Alpha Plane has changed enormously.

The first is the area. Players can no longer feel the concept of 'closed, narrow, thin, and new'. The blue sky extends to the junction of heaven and earth, and a round of red sun is clearly not much different from the game area. Alpha The city has also 'growth' along with the plane, and the city walls can no longer be seen at a glance, but various towering domes and buildings.

The biggest change in the city is the temple.

The headquarters of the temples of various gods are here. Those towering domes and magnificent buildings are visited by a large number of advanced intelligent NPCs. Most of their identities are priests of various churches. In addition, ordinary wisdom I don't know how many small-scale NPCs are engaged in various industries, those who enter the city and those who leave the city, men, women, old and young, tall, short, fat and thin, and of all races.

There is also the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is located in the center of Alpha City, on the most central square. The area of ​​the square has expanded by more than ten times, and it takes more than ten minutes to walk from one end to the other.

The square is paved with flat stone slabs, and the surface of the stone slabs is smooth and smooth. Many mission NPCs stand here, including training camps, meritorious exchange, and various functions for the establishment and cancellation of family gangs, etc.

Alpha City is the main city, and you can travel to various sub-cities by teleportation.

These cities were established on the basis of the original enfeoffment territories and resource points. They have not changed much, and most of the family residences are located here.

But at this time, it is no longer appropriate to talk about family security here.

The reason is simple. The last test system was stingy. Territories and residences are generally very small. Most of the functions are compressed together. The next building and every door have to be teleported. This time the relevant functions of the test are completely released. But... there is no room for expansion around the family residence.

Yijiangchunshuiliu is struggling with these matters. Nine of the more than 9 founding members came and sat together to discuss what to do.

It's a pity that you can't smoke in the game, otherwise Shao Bing will have a cigarette.

"If the order is changed day by day, who will be responsible for the loss of our players' interests?"

"That's right, it's so fucking cheating. An old man who deletes files and tosses desperately, finally has an inheritance, and the fuck is not allowed to expand in Alpha. What's the use of not being able to expand this territory? ?”

"The Alpha plane is going to be transformed into a production and resource unit... It's so fucking funny, what kind of transformation is there in a game, so it looks like it's real, does the dog plan have obsessive-compulsive disorder or something?"

"Stop complaining. I heard that several families are planning to relocate. Maybe we can take over their land. In this way, the problem will be solved?"

"Sounds good, where's the money?"

Speaking of money, Shao Bing's expression changed again. Deleting files and tossing others is like dying, tossing him is a narrow escape. If it is not for this resident inheritance, the investment in the four tests will not be all in vain. He is ready to jump off the building up.

In reality, his hair is grey, and the huge debt he owed is still on his back, which has seriously affected the level of this test and all aspects of the job assignment. It's level nine, and he just took office, so he's a level six extraordinary.

The residence can be inherited, and indeed it is, but if the family and gang play methods are released, this residence becomes a tasteless place. Who wants a site where the family and gang play cannot be fully developed?Who will join such a family and gang?
This is not tossing people what is it?
When Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao came in, they were so gloomy. Including the two of them, the 11 Creation members discussed for a long time.

Move, or move!
The first reason has already been mentioned before. There is no extra land around the resident to develop all the functions of the family and gangs. The second reason has actually existed for a long time. ', even if there are newly "grown" resource points, there is no need to build families and gangs here, and it is inconvenient to do anything.

But to move, we have to dispose of the land of the resident. When we bought it, it was a sky-high price. Adding the construction cost, it was an astronomical figure that ordinary people could not reach. This land once carried Shao Bing’s dream. If the place of starting a business needs to be disposed of, it is definitely impossible to recover the initial investment. The loss is certain, and the loss is bleeding. The mother who lost the loss does not know him, which makes people unacceptable and angry.

"I really want to fucking go to Canaan Company to make a fuss. The store is bullying customers, so we should split him up!"

"I recently heard that the situation of Canaan Company is very bad. It used to be full of praises, but now it is full of doubts and criticisms!"

"Yes, it means that the higher-ups have finally recognized their sinful face, and they should be dealt with. They are too arrogant."

"Yes, Yu Dazui, that idiot, looks like a dog. Do you really think you are the boss of Umbrella Company?"

"Okay, don't say these are useless, pay attention to them, and see who they sell them to."

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and the pressure on the rightful owner was even greater. After all, no matter how much they lost, the founding members only had a few money, a few gold coins. Hair, listening to family members quarreling and swearing, thinking hard about what to do.

The bank has issued a repayment notice several times. Originally, the 5th test was started, and there was this inheritance thing. The deadline has been relaxed. I still believe in his high-play repayment ability, but I don’t know what happened recently. The phone calls were one after another, and if it continued, the house would be seized, and he and his daughter would live on the streets again, living under the overpass.

Lenovo's copper coin exchange rate market plummeted unusually, and he felt the low pressure before the storm, coupled with the emergence of another management bureau and an unusually strict medical examination...

Has the policy changed?
Shao Bing has a wealth of experience in life. He is in his forties, and he was once well-developed. His knowledge and understanding of this aspect is far better than that of the young people in their twenties.

It shouldn't be, the game of Tianzi No. [-], the second world of human beings, the spiritual home, who can move, who dares to move?
Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao can't help with this kind of thing, and they don't even think about it. They sympathize with Shao Bing's bad luck and feel bored at the same time. want to go.

After all, gaming time is precious, isn't it?

At this moment, Shao Bing received a private chat message. After listening to it, he immediately stood up and asked loudly, "Really?"

The others didn't know what was going on, so they all stopped to look at him.

"Okay, thank you brother!"

After finishing the private chat, he said eagerly, "No. 117 Xinshou Village, the golden box."

Everyone was taken aback.

"Ah!?" Xia Miaomiao was the first to react, and her reflex arc was the fastest in this kind of thing. "Why is there a gold box in Xinshou Village?"

"The little eagle-boss boss has a name and a surname. The boss has been killed, and a purple weapon was exploded, and a golden box was created!"

"Really, I rely on it!"

Everyone jumped up, "Then why dawdle, let's go!"

"Coordinates, coordinates!"

"Wait a minute, wait a moment!" Shao Bing was also very excited, and kept calming down the members, "No one will be able to touch it for a while, game time, how much game time do you have?"

Everyone quickly looked at their own panels, and the remaining game time was long or short, the longest was more than 2 hours, and the shortest was only ten minutes left.

"Monkey, Fatty, you two are out of game time, immediately teleport to 117 Novice Village, and try to get there before the game time ends!"

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior and a member of Fathead Fish agreed, and rushed out in a hurry.

"We form a team, remember, after that, go offline in the order of the game time, and always ensure that there are our people on the scene."

Everyone is an old bird, and they all understand the purpose of this arrangement.

Due to the time limit of the game, when such an unexpected situation occurs, it is impossible to guarantee that everyone in the team is online at the same time. In this case, it depends on the organization and cooperation. Acting as a shit-stirring stick, that is, it is determined not to let players from other teams approach the treasure chest. Generally, it will take turns to go online and offline to delay the time, and the game time will be recalculated when it is delayed until 0:[-]. At that time, everyone is guaranteed to go online at the same time. Appeared at the treasure chest scene when it was online, and then began to compete for the treasure chest.

The golden treasure chest is the first time in history. Generally, the silver color is not enough. Someone has issued skill books, guild building orders, blue equipment, cloak strengthening materials, etc. Anyone who hears the appearance of the golden treasure chest cannot let it go. .

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao were also very excited. Maybe this treasure chest is a turning point for the family?
In other words, Chun Shui is already unlucky enough, being so miserably cheated by the system, it's time to come and go far away, right?

At this time, Du Shiyu had already forgotten all the abnormalities found in reality.

Why not others?
(End of this chapter)

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