This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 334 The bait is too fierce

Chapter 334 The bait is too fierce
On the morning of the fourth day back, it was raining heavily in Shanghai. Bei Gaoyang was wearing a gray cotton pajamas, with a cigarette between the fingers of his right hand. He stood in front of the window with a blank expression on his face. Out of sight blocked by tall buildings.

After the chat that night, Yu Qingdong never appeared by his side. Not only that, the hot and popular Mr. Chairman seemed to be forgotten in the corner of this city, except for the high-standard arrangements and reception, there were only strict protection measures left .

Under such circumstances, Ms. Josephine's request to take a walk and take a look in this strange and "weird" city could not be satisfied. A five-star hotel in Nuoda seems to have become an archmage and a fallen light angel. cage.

Of course, the people and facilities that can imprison the two of them do not yet exist on this planet, but Bei Gaoyang must show rational cooperation and attitude. This place is different from Canaan, where all beings are equal in personal quality, but collective, civilization, technology and The combined power of tools is daunting.

Besides, what's the point of tearing his face apart? What he needs is cooperation and support, not hostility and hatred.

Naturally, Josephine didn't understand this, she was amazed at the restraint of the 'Thousand Faced Demon', he was completely different from the daring guy she knew who led an army of puppets and undead to attack the 'Bastille' of the Holy See of Light .

"Give me one!"

The Angel of Fallen Light came to her side, curiously asked for a cigarette, lit it, took a puff cautiously, frowned suspiciously, and the faint green smoke slowly escaped from her body.

——This look is very cute!

Bei Gaoyang smiled, squeezed two fingers, the cigarette butt turned into ashes, opened the window, let the drizzle blow in, felt the coolness and moistness, and sighed deeply.

"What do you think of the world?", he asked?

The Angel of Fallen Light took another deep breath and frowned slightly when she heard the words, "Arrogance!"

"anything else?"


Arrogance is easy to understand, and laziness... is easy to understand.

Isn't that 'lazy'?

Because of laziness, people here invent all kinds of "lazy" tools, because of laziness, there is the explosion and progress of science and technology, because of laziness...

Forget it.

"anything else?"


Bei Gaoyang was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in agreement, and said with a smile: "Materialism?"

Like Bei Gaoyang, Josephine held the cigarette between her fingers and brought it to her lips like him, "More than that, all kinds!"

"Is there no good place?"

Josephine was silent for a while before saying, "Soul!"

Haha, this is really... Everyone can see it.

Yes, soul!
The quality of the soul here is many times higher than that of the natives of Canaan in knowledge and experience. It can be said that if you just grab someone on the street and compare them with those of Canaan who have mastered the knowledge and skills The elite comparison, the result will not have any suspense.

No one understands the ignorance and backwardness of Canaan better than Bei Gaoyang. This is true for humans, elves, dwarves, the main material plane, and the lost plane.

More ignorant and backward than the Middle Ages of the earth.

The soul is the foundation of mystery, the soul is the root of all extraordinary, the soul is everything in Canaan, the gods are just parasites lying on the soul, the so-called Gaia consciousness and abyss consciousness are not also the convergence of hundreds of millions of souls 'What?

Let's put it this way, even if there is no magic net, allowing one million people in this world to travel to Canaan can still open a hole in the order of the gods. Once they understand the mystery and find certain mysterious rules, the extraordinary Secrets are not much harder for them than inventing the steam engine.

In such a magical desert, didn't they do a good job?
Relying on such a population, the fourth natural disaster built in the name of players has the potential to smash an old world and build a new world. Otherwise, why not mind flayers? As we all know, mind flayers are also of the outer crystal wall system Invasive species, look now, their psionic powers are almost 'assimilated'.

The rain kept falling until noon, but it became heavier. Bei Gaoyang stood by the window, and a translucent 'rain curtain' gradually formed in front of him. Although the window was open, his body was not wet at all. The rain screen kept it out.

The cool water vapor coming through from the rain curtain made him feel very comfortable. His eyes were blurred, as if he was looking at something in a daze, but he didn't seem to see anything.

Angel of Fallen Light doesn't have as much thought as he did, and this time she came with her for a 'vacation'. Although she couldn't go out, she had plenty of ways to achieve her goal in another way.

Outside the hotel, a female security guard shivered violently, and then her facial expression and temperament changed dramatically. She first looked at the room she was in, and came to a computer display curiously, looking at a twenty-something A year-old short-haired woman is skillfully typing on the keyboard.

"What are you doing?", she asked.

"Oh, I'm going to die, I'm going to scare people." The short-haired woman turned her head and gave her a gentle push, "You know what I'm doing, what do you think I'm doing?"


"I just found out now? What's wrong with you, you haven't woken up yet?"

"No, no!" Josephine smiled, left the short-haired woman, and walked around the small room.

Then she left the room. The experience of high heels made her raise her feet in a novel way, and the stockings on her calves gave her a particularly weird touch. After a few steps, she got used to the feeling of walking on tiptoes, swinging her waist involuntarily. The sound of crisp high-heeled shoes came to the window of the corridor.

Looking out from here, the fence surrounded by iron sheets is clearly visible, and the strange words written on it can't bother her. The pupils in her eyes only need to shrink and expand a few times to understand the above content.

Iron Twelve Bureau what...

The traffic flowed outside the fence, and the city bathed in rain made her timid as if she had just stepped into an abyss. Josephine remembered that she was "invited" from the Kingdom of Light to arrive in the material world, and it was the first time she was approaching the capital of the human kingdom. Mortals are like ants... the shock they received at that time.

But that experience was far worse than this time, no, the two are not comparable, one is reality, the other is... a dream.

Strange crystal wall system!
Josephine didn't have much time. If he found out that she had sneaked out, she might be punished for doing those things again.

A pair of black and white phantom wings appeared behind her, and with a slight flap of her wings, she flew out of the window, over the iron fence, and flew to the different world that made her timid, curious, and even more fascinated.

In the surveillance room, Li Shaohua had just taken a sip of coffee, and when he saw the picture sent by the AI ​​camera, he sprayed "Pfft!" on the screen.

He was dumbfounded for about 2 seconds, and subconsciously pressed the red button beside him.

After 5 minutes, a phantom wing appeared on all the screens, just like Batman avoiding people's sight all the way, flying everywhere in the city with high-rise buildings and heavy traffic.

"Yes, it's Wang Qing!!"

A short-haired woman in her twenties pointed at a close-up shot of a human face on the screen, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Wang Qing, who is Wang Qing?"

"I, I, a member of our monitoring team."


The Angel of Fallen Light was unaware of all this, she was finally able to come out, and finally she was able to take a good look around this incredible city for her.

She landed in a remote alley, which was the back door of the back kitchen of a restaurant. Two bicycles were parked at the door. On a small truck, a big and round kitchen assistant was moving down baskets of ingredients from the truck.

Josephine raised her chin slightly, and walked towards the entrance of the alley. The oncoming kitchen assistant was carrying a tall food box, blocking her view, and did not see the oncoming woman, and she was about to bump into her.

Josephine flew up and landed behind the kitchen assistant. She looked curiously at the lively things such as bullfrogs, snakes, and pheasants in the ingredients box. After thinking for a while, she followed him into the hotel kitchen.

As soon as she entered, the rich smoke of fireworks mixed with the aroma of frying and cooking made her lean back slightly.

A chef who was shaking a spoon saw her and was about to ask questions when Josephine snapped her fingers. The chef's eyes blurred for a moment and he ignored her.

Walking up to the chef, looking at the ingredients sizzling in the pot, and looking around, a dozen chefs who are busy but not in a hurry, are cooking a delicious dish with delicious color and fragrance.

A chef who has just prepared a dish that can be called a work of art rings the bell, and the helper enters to serve the dish, only to find that the plate is empty.

Josephine carried the dishes, which could be called works of art, while walking and eating. After wandering around, she walked out of the kitchen and came to the hall on the first floor full of diners.

Well-dressed men and women are sitting at exquisite and clean dining tables, talking and laughing in low voice while enjoying the amazing food. The decoration is exquisite and luxurious, and the floor is clean and bright. With exquisite details...

These people enjoy luxuries that neither the king nor the great nobles can enjoy, but the spirit, consciousness and soul are still not satisfied.

There was a dispute between a delivery boy who was in a hurry and the person on the counter. Josephine listened to it with great interest and didn't understand. It affected his income, so...

How lazy!

Is it possible that everyone in this world can enjoy these without leaving home?
With such curiosity, she walked out of the hotel and came to a bustling pedestrian street.

In the rain, although there were few pedestrians, shops of all sizes were still open. She walked into a women's clothing store casually, and her eyes lit up when she saw the countless clothes.

Ten minutes later, she changed into a pure white dress, put on a wide-brimmed lady's hat that must have been very artistic, and carried a delicate red bag, and walked out stepping on her high heels.

At the door, she put on sunglasses, opened a flower umbrella, grinned, raised her chin slightly, and joined the stream of people whose rain curtain was fading.

After she left, two hurried civil servants rushed into the store, and rushed out after a while.

In the hotel, Yu Qingdong saw his chairman again after two days away.

"I thought you wouldn't come again... Hehe, sit, sit!"

"It's really a bit busy these days, a bit busy." Yu Qingdong nodded and bowed, and carefully sat opposite.

"How is it? Is there any good news?" Bei Gaoyang asked with a smile.

"Uh...the medical examination results are out."

Bei Gaoyang restrained his smile, "How is it?"

"The good news is that the most worrying... um, the situation, the... abnormality on the player is not contagious. Of course, the final conclusion has not been drawn yet, and we need to continue to observe."

"Are you worried about... the plague?"

"...Yes, everything needs to be considered."

"I promise, the plague you know will never appear!" Bei Gaoyang said with a serious expression.

"But... what about the ones we don't know?"

Bei Gaoyang smiled.

"You can't guarantee it, can you? You have seen so many cases... Didn't you find the reason?"

"What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that many, about one-third of the players, have more or less similar symptoms, psychological, cognitive, and physical."

Bei Gaoyang nodded, "What are you going to do?"

"Based on various factors, after serious, serious, and scientific demonstrations, we decided to build a new gathering area with players as the main body, which can also be called a city."

Bei Gaoyang frowned.

"You can rest assured that the business of Canaan and Canaan Company will not be affected, and the relevant information will be strictly controlled within the scope of insiders. It's just that in the future...we need to know and get more information about Canaan..." said Yu Qingdong. , while carefully observing the face on the other side, "Please understand, we have no choice but to do this..."

Bei Gaoyang waved his hand, "What information do you need?"

"Uh... the player's online behavior data, the mechanism, principle and technical information of the game operation, certain management rights, etc."

Yu Qingdong spoke with trepidation, fearing that the other party would turn his face against him.

Unexpectedly, Bei Gaoyang didn't seem to be touched much. He pondered for a moment and said, "I can give you the complete management rights."

Yu Qingdong was stunned when he heard the words, and after a while he said, "You, what did you say?"

Bei Gaoyang smiled, "Before you were not allowed to intervene in online content, functions and operations, it was because Canaan was immature, but now it is different, all aspects of the game are on the right track, and it is time for you to be in charge of operations and managed."

"Are you... serious?"

"Of course!"

Yu Qingdong took a few breaths, his fingers trembling with excitement, "Including the 6 places..."

"Of course!"

This bait is too fierce.

The fierce Yu Qingdong couldn't believe it.

Before he finished talking about the matter, he left the hotel in a daze, and almost fell down when he went down the steps!
"I forgot to tell you that angel feathers are very effective in treating most diseases, negative states, aging and even extending life. I gave you one yesterday..."

The voice still echoed in my ears, and when I saw the black suits surrounding me, I grabbed one of them, "Where's that feather?"

The black suit pushed him into the car without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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