Chapter 335
For a treasure chest, it seems that the whole 'server' has come.

The Little Harpy's lair is only as big as a football field, but there are so many players coming in, people hang up and go online every moment, white light is densely brushed around the treasure chest, and the tracer lights of various skills In a dim environment, it's like a meteor shower.

Stuck at the 0 o'clock online time, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao appeared in the white light, 5 seconds of system protection time, quickly checked the team panel, and found that only a dozen or so were still on the scene.

The coordinates were sent in the team channel, but now there are guys fighting each other everywhere, and the team gathering is undoubtedly a dream.

Xia Miaomiao looked around quickly and saw the golden system treasure chest intact on the table. She breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled Du Shiyu to hide behind a thick stone pillar.

Hiding in the shadow of the stone pillar, the two finished their preparations for the battle. Xia Miaomiao, with a full set of magic resistance equipment and a short bow with double attributes of white board, walked vigilantly ahead of her best friend.

Du Shiyu's [Mage's Hand] was ready to go, and just after taking a few steps, he saw a thief appearing beside Xia Miaomiao, activating his skills with quick eyesight and quick hands.

Before the thief's [Backstab] was released, he was held by an illusory thug. Xia Miaomiao jumped to the left without looking at it, and turned around to be the [Binding Arrow], extending the thief's control time backwards, and then It was the [Lianzhu Arrow] that I had comprehended. In less than 2 seconds, 10 arrows were shot, and the double-digit damage numbers popped up on the thief's head densely, and the blood bar dropped madly visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the thief is about to enter [Stealth] as soon as he escapes the control, but his skill is interrupted by Du Shiyu's [Magic Missile]. arrow】.

The sound of the explosion was inconspicuous in the chaotic battlefield. The thieves left behind an ugly curse, which turned into a white light and returned to the city for free.

The two cooperated skillfully to kill a thief, and continued to hide from the team to find the coordinates sent by their teammates.

After a few steps, I saw a bard rushing towards the two of them screaming, shouting while running, "Help, beauty!!"

Xia Miaomiao shot an arrow flat A, emptying out the last bit of blood left in his tank. With a sound of "Dang!", the bard's harp burst out.

Before Du Shiyu could see what was going on, the harp was snatched by his best friend, and he put it in his backpack without looking at it, and then he pulled the best friend and then dodged to the side.

"Fuck, steal your uncle's things, go to hell!"

A savage in metal armor rushed to the vicinity like a tank. In the second part of [Brutal Rush], he stomped heavily on the ground with his right foot, and a shallow pit appeared on the ground. Du Shiyu couldn't dodge in time and fell to the ground.

"Brother, please forgive me!"

Losing her balance for 1 second, Xia Miaomiao pinched her throat and begged for mercy.

Manzi was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that it was two beauties, he hesitated for a moment, and gritted his teeth: "Ah, look at Grandpa, I'm so hot!"

This little time is enough, it was Du Shiyu's [Mage's Hand], the barbarian was pinched by an illusory hand, Xia Miaomiao's skills were still cooling down, a tie A, only deducted a few points of blood.

Rough skin and thick flesh, I can't handle it!

"Come on shorty, come and kill me!", relying on her agility, Xia Miaomiao stood in front of her best friend, swaying to the left and flashing hatred, so that Du Shiyu had time to cast her spell.

"Little mother, I want to rape first and then kill!", the barbarian roared angrily.

"I'm afraid of suddenly, my mother is afraid that you are impotent!"

Manzi's face was flushed with anger, his body began to swell, he broke free from the mage's hand, grabbed a two-handed ax that was taller than Xia Miaomiao, and rushed towards him.

When Xia Miaomiao saw that she was playing well, she pulled up her best friend who was still singing and ran away, "Brother, sister knew I was wrong, you are so good, bye, don't send it away."

Manzi, on the other hand, was gnashing his teeth. His face was distorted as if he had encountered a father-killing enemy. Once he became "crazy", his mind would become dizzy.

But the barbarians in [Madness] are not kidding. Once transformed, even paladins of similar strength would not dare to resist, not to mention the crispy long-range profession.

Two were running in front, and a humanoid Taishan was chasing behind. There were such chaotic battles everywhere, but it didn't seem abrupt.

The first three or four players were fighting each other, a dwarf paladin player was seriously injured and fell down, and a player who looked like a female bard beat desperately with her staff, cursing while knocking, and the damage was -1-1-1. The paladins were knocked to death.

Seeing Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao going this way, the battle group broke up. The female bard seemed to have lost her head. She screamed and threw skills at Du Shiyu who was running in the front.

Casting spells while moving is an advanced technique, which has already been invented by mage players. Du Shiyu has always been a little bit behind, and this is a magic missile that has been chanted with great difficulty.

[Ding, you have been hit by slowness, yours is already frightened, your courage -2 (all attributes are reduced)]

Du Shiyu wanted to say that she hadn't lost her courage, she wished she could kill this lunatic who stood in the way, but the system wouldn't listen to her, so she slowed down, so she could only use her skills on this bard who got in the way for no reason.
[Ding, congratulations on your comprehension of the [Moving Casting] skill (passive). 】

As soon as her speed slowed down, the barbarian behind caught up, and as soon as she entered the attack range, the barbarian launched a [savage charge], and Xia Miaomiao, who rushed four or five steps forward, was unable to save her, so she screamed "Xiao Yu", just waiting to see The best friend was hung back to the city's white light.

At this time, Du Shiyu didn't want to die. She couldn't get enough skills, so she screamed and pushed the barbarian's charging figure with both hands. She suddenly felt the magic power rushing towards her arms, and suddenly remembered a practiced spell formation in her mind.

A light shield appeared on Du Shiyu's palm, and the barbarian bumped into it. The light shield shattered, exploding a large expanse of starlight, and Du Shiyu stepped back a few steps, unscathed.

[Ding, congratulations, you have unleashed your potential and comprehended [Elementary Energy Shield]]

[Ding, you were knocked back and froze for 0.5 seconds. 】

Du Shiyu looked at her hands in a daze. Xia Miaomiao's [Lianzhu Arrow] had already killed the female bard to vent her anger. Said: "Let's go, why are you in a daze!"

With mobile casting, it's completely different from before.

The savage didn't know what was wrong, he just bit the two of them and wouldn't let him go. Du Shiyu turned Lengzi back and saw a [Mage's Hand]. He screamed, but this guy's defense and magic resistance were too high. Although he was kited, the damage was more than enough for him to tickle.

On the way, he was forced to get involved in several battle groups, and finally ran to the assembly point, and got into the formation where his teammates were waiting.

"Come on, little brat, you should come here!"

"Wow, there is a kind of ID!"

"Just report it, listen up, auntie Huang Feihong's family's thirteenth aunt, be good, call auntie to listen."

The barbarian didn't believe her, so he stopped outside the queue, raised his middle finger, and walked away resentfully.

Looking at the scene again, there seemed to be a lot fewer people.

It was still not allowed to stand near the treasure chest, and they were set on fire as soon as they passed by. More than a dozen people stood a little farther away from the side, and did not fight randomly, just waiting for the online teammates to gather.

The golden treasure chest radiates a tempting magical aura, and the team channel is full of chatter, and everyone is excited.

While making preparations, while watching the random killings outside, suddenly saw a [Chuchen]?
"Secondary cloak??"

"real or fake?"

"Isn't that ridiculous?"

Among the four or five people who appeared, suddenly there was a human mage player with the title of [Out of the Dust]. The distance was a bit far, and the level of this person could not be seen clearly.

But one Chuchen is enough, Xia Miaomiao quickly clicked on the leaderboard, and saw that the first ranked player was a level 14 [Supernatural] player, and there was no Chuchen.

"what happened?"

Someone said, it can't be an NPC, right?
At this time, Yijiang Chunshuiliu also came to gather.

"It's a player!" He said in a low mood, "The leaderboard is not allowed, you can freely choose whether to enter or not."

Really a player?

Depend on!
This team with dusty players was on the rampage, and when they got closer, they found that even their extraordinary cloaks were very different from their own.

People's cloaks can shine, some are strong, some are weak, and they are really cool when worn on the body.

Not to mention the mages with [Chuchen] cloaks, all of their equipment has magical auras, and their high-level sense is not comparable to their magic resistance and one or two green outfits mixed with white boards.

On the ranking list, the highest level is 14, the highest combat power is 2189, and the highest combat power of everyone is only over 900 points. Such a comparison, really...

That dusty player is really a kid. Du Shiyu also found that his skill singing time is much shorter than his own, especially the fireball technique, which seems to be launched in less than two seconds.

It's like a humanoid turret, people block and kill people, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, the skills [Ice Roar], [Freezing Ray], [Summon Water Element] and [Lightning Art] of the second-level profession are also used in turn, and there is no skill that is not enough. Happening.

Du Shiyu was very envious. She also made gold, and didn't waste time. She's only level 9, and her combat power is only over 800 points. Why is the gap so big?
"Don't let them touch the treasure chest!"

Xia Miaomiao didn't care whether it was Chuchen or Ling Jue on the opposite side, whoever snatched the treasure chest would kill her. Yijiang Chunshuiliu was reminded, put aside all negative emotions, cheered up and shouted: "Remote attention, listen to my password, Set fire to them."

Rangers and mages began to prepare one after another, bards and bards added status to their groups, and melee professions were gearing up, staring at the group of people moving towards the treasure chest like enemies.

Looking at the scene again, there are not many players left, and the speed of going online and coming is also slowing down. There are still about [-] or [-] players competing.

"If you don't want to die, leave it to me!"

The leader of the Duchen team, the level 13 extraordinary barbarian, yelled majestically, causing a lot of shouting and cursing.

"Don't get out, bite me, come on, bite me?"

"Pretentious fan, stop beating the big guys, let's kill them first!"

"Out of dust? I'm still scared!"

"Grass, is it amazing to be rich?"

"Tsk tsk, level [-] professional cloak, how much does this guy spend?"

"Their extraordinary cloaks are glowing, isn't this strengthened? I've never seen a strengthened stone before, shit!"

"It can't be the delay of Canaan Company!?"



The dusty human mage player frowned and said something, but the leading barbarian didn't say anything, and led the team to the treasure chest!
"Big guys together, kill them!"

"Remote focus fire!"

"Everyone is going to kill you, don't let them pick the peaches!"

"What are you waiting for remotely, I will protect you!"

"Go ahead!"


The melee profession is in a hurry, and it seems that this team has reached the level.

On Xia Miaomiao's side, Yijiang Chunshuiliu did not give orders for a long time, and the long-distance profession held back its skills and watched helplessly.

"Don't worry, everyone, don't worry, listen to my password!"

A river of spring water kept talking on the team channel.

Finally, the leader of the team stepped onto the first step. An elf ranger at 3 o'clock couldn't help but be the first to attack. A group attack [Split Shadow Arrow] did not mention the damage, but it sounded like an attack. With the horn, twenty or thirty skill tracers flew towards this team of players at once.

"It's now, kill!"

With Yijiang Chunliushui's order, Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu threw out the skills in their hands, and then began to prepare the second skill without even looking at it.

I saw 'fireworks' set off under the steps, the barbarian and the paladin resisted the damage, and the hand of the mage who came out of dust pointed in one direction.

The howling cold wind swept through the out-of-the-box ice crystals, freezing a whole team of players within a 5*5 range, double-digit and three-digit damage numbers continued to rise, and several white lights flashed out continuously.

Sending a team of players back to the city for free, Master Chuchen kept moving, and with one stroke of his staff, there was almost no time to chant an ice wall around him, blocking the attack from Du Shiyu's direction.

"Come on!"


"Grab the treasure chest!"


Everyone rushed towards the treasure chest. When Du Shiyu touched her side, Xia Miaomiao was gone. She didn't know when she left.

On the high platform, several thieves appeared one after another, among the screams of several female voices, there was Xia Miaomiao vaguely?
In the chaos, Du Shiyu only focused on throwing skills on the steps. At this time, no one cares about other things. The fireball technique exploded in the crowd, and with a bang, the PK value was increased by 5 points.

Du Shiyu was taken aback, everyone in the team channel was shouting, everyone was shouting, the heads of teammates were wiped out one by one, and even the dust mage turned into a white light in such chaos.

Go back to the city.

The white light flashed continuously, Du Shiyu's heart was beating like thunder, and he jumped up the steps with his teeth gritted. In an instant, he was marked with various negative states, and his health bar began to drop wildly.

Seeing that there are people around the treasure chest, all the skills are concentrated nearby, a thief with a distorted face just touched the aura of the treasure chest, and the moment ecstasy appeared on his face, he was sent back to the city.

Du Shiyu saw Xia Miaomiao, but the people around her didn't notice, she was crawling on the ground, just rolled, and touched the treasure box with her hand.


A sound like fairy music sounded.

The treasure box trembled a few times, then opened it suddenly, dense spiritual light rushed out, and all of them got into Xia Miaomiao's backpack.


Du Shiyu had never been so excited before, leaving behind a scream, and was sent back to the city.

(End of this chapter)

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