This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 336 The Golden Bow of the Sun

Chapter 336 The Golden Bow of the Sun

[Ding, you have opened the system treasure chest (gold)]

[Ding, you have obtained a first-level strengthening stone (green)]

[Ding, you have obtained a first-level strengthening stone (green)]


[Ding, you have obtained the first-level professional skill book [Fufengqu] (Bard)]

[Ding, you have obtained an alchemy formula (requires identification)]

[Ding, you have obtained [Golden Sun Shooting Bow] (Purple)]

[Ding, you have obtained a guild building order (orange)]

[Ding, you got 1 gold and 25 silver coins]

[Ding, you have obtained intermediate sun water*5]

[Ding, you got a lucky charm*5]

[Ding, you have obtained merit *50]

Xianle kept ringing non-stop, even when she was resurrected and returned to the city, Xia Miaomiao was so stupid that she couldn't speak when she saw the news on the system's daily channel.

The teammates were screaming in the channel, especially Huaguoshan Saint Warrior, where ghosts were crying and howling, everyone was saying, Miao Miao is awesome, Miao Miao is mighty, Miao Miao is beautiful, Miao Miao loves you to death...

The happiness at this moment really caught people off guard. Xia Miaomiao's mind was in a daze, and she just stood there giggling.

When the teammates rushed over, they all hugged her excitedly, laughed and danced, and several men also took the opportunity to eat her tofu. Huaguoshan Saint Warrior was the worst, rubbing her hair like a chicken Like a nest.


It wasn't until everyone's enthusiasm subsided a little that Xia Miaomiao's reflex arc sent a screaming order to her mouth. When she found her buddy in the crowd, she rushed over and hugged her, "I succeeded Xiaoyu, I succeeded, haha..."


Du Shiyu really convinced her best friend this time, she was so eager to find opportunities, even she was dumbfounded at that time, she only knew how to throw skills mechanically to rush to the treasure chest, but the best friend can still keep a clear head, and the chicken thief touches it in one fell swoop To the treasure chest.

How many people are robbing, and there is also a team of rich professional local tyrants, the scene is chaotic... I really don't know where the cleverness of the best friend comes from, it is too clever.

At this time, the regional channel has been swiped, and many people are asking, who got the treasure box in the end, all kinds of resentment, chest-beating, envy... Some people begged for something in the golden treasure box, begging the boss to send a picture.

After celebrating for a while, everyone calmed down and began to think about the distribution of the spoils.

A worry floated in most people's minds. Xia Miaomiao touched the box, and everything was on her. If she did something... the others really had nothing to do.

System treasure chests are different from item drops. Whoever touches them will own them. Although everyone has talked before the action, no matter what they touch, it belongs to the family collectively. Has an agreement been signed, and the system is not protected, who can face such a huge benefit without being tempted?
Not to mention others, the whole river of spring water is very tense. Although he can trust Xia Miaomiao, but... who can be [-]% sure?

Ask yourself, if you are yourself...

[Ding, a small sapling from a family member donated a first-level strengthening stone*6]

[Ding, a small sapling from a family member donated a first-level professional skill book [Fufengqu] (Bard)]

[Ding, a small sapling from a family member donated an alchemy formula (requires identification)]

[Ding, a small sapling donated by a family member to build a gang (orange)]

[Ding, a small sapling from a family member donated 1 gold and 25 silver gold]

[Ding, a small sapling from a family member donated a lucky charm (blue)*5]

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then bluffed in unison.

"Miao Miao is particular about it!"

"Miss Miao Miao is so grand!"

"Sister Miao Miao is mighty!"


It used to be Xiao Miaomiao, or Xiao Tiantian, but now it's Miss Miaomiao?
Xia Miaomiao pretended to be arrogant, and raised her chin, "The heart of a villain is the heart of a gentleman, don't think I don't know what you were thinking just now, is my little sapling that kind of person?"

Although it was a joke, it also made An Sheng admire him. If it were him, would he be able to hand over such a huge amount of wealth without blinking an eye?

But Du Shiyu didn't doubt the character of his best friend at all, so he didn't feel much, "That's all, is it gone?"

"There is still a bow, promise to give it to me!" Xia Miaomiao said hastily.

Yijiang Chunshuiliu looked at the [Guild Order] in the family warehouse, and felt like crying. Hearing this, he quickly said, "Since Miaomiao can use it, it must be hers."

"Why didn't I use it? Why are you so lucky?" Du Shiyu was so angry that he wanted to do it.

"That's, old... this fairy is pale." Xia Miaomiao was triumphant.

"Send Miao Miao quickly and let's take a look."

"Yeah, yeah, it can't be purple, can it?"

Xia Miaomiao endured the joy that was about to overflow, and posted the golden sun-shooting bow on the family channel.

[Golden Sun Shooting Bow, Quality: Purple, Durability 32/32, Weight: 10, Equipment Level: 15, Equipment Occupation: Jungle Wanderer, Equipment Requirements: Dexterity 25, Strength 13, Spirit 10, Combat Strength Rating: 1182]

[Basic attributes: physical attack power: 22-47, magic attack power: 20-51, range +2 (10 meters), vision +3 (15 meters), agility +5, strength +3, constitution +2, intelligence + 2, spirit +2, all resistance +5, Feng Shui, earth and fire element resistance +10, archery specialization +1]

[Advanced Attributes: Identification Required]

[Strengthenable attributes: needs to be identified]

[Special attribute: need to identify]


There was an astonishing sound on the channel.

Now even Du Shiyu is jealous to death. He has more than 2000 combat power before the appraisal, and [-] after the appraisal. With the blessing of this piece of equipment, his best friend can enter the ranking list. As for me, I have been busy for a long time what.

All the benefits go to this guy.

But she still doesn't know how to restrain herself, seeing how complacent she is, she really deserves a beating.

"Take it out and have a look, Miaomiao, don't you want to pull the wind?"

"It can't be equipped, what are you looking at?"

"Look, look, enjoy your eyes."

"Yeah, yeah, it's awesome, there aren't many purple weapons in the whole server, right?"

"Anyway, it's not on the leaderboard, they're all hiding it, there must be something tricky"

"Maybe it's Canaan Company's drag."


Xia Miaomiao's vanity was greatly satisfied, and she pretended to evade for a while before taking out the golden Sun Chasing Bow.

If it cannot be equipped, the attribute cannot be added, and it feels awkward to hold in the hand.

Even so, when the golden longbow appeared in the eyes of everyone, the exaggerated shape, unidentified beauty, and sharp lines... like a stunning beauty, made people drool.


In reality, Ding Jian is also making his first piece of 'magic equipment'.

The first is a feather of a flame bird rich in magic power. It is placed in a sealed black wooden box with a seal like a seal on the surface.

This seal is very strange, although there is no glue, but the box is "glued" extremely firmly. Ding Jian tried it secretly, and even with his strength, he couldn't open it. It seems that the seal is not made of paper, but welded. of an iron plate.

Opening it requires the correct steps. Ding Jian chanted a difficult spell, and outlined a very simple spell concept in his consciousness. His fingers seemed to have their own brains, and they made corresponding spell-casting movements.

"Poof!" All the magic lines on the seal lit up, then turned into ashes, and finally dispersed like smoke, completely dissolving in the air.

The seal is broken.

Ding Jian opened the box carefully, a faint red light illuminated his eyes, but it was only for a moment, and an unusually bright red feather appeared in the box.

It was [-] centimeters long and [-] centimeters wide. It looked like a flame at a glance. Ding Jian clamped it carefully with tweezers. The unexpected weight made his expression obsessed.

There are magic materials!

This piece alone is of inestimable value.

It carefully placed the feather on the bracket of the crafting table, and began to prepare for the next process.

Use the same method to open another black wooden box, this time it is a branch, the branches and leaves have been removed, only two very delicate branches remain, the surface of the branch has been treated, the surface is black, it is a kind of cortex The glaze color is engraved with cumbersome magic patterns, and several interfaces are reserved.

He put on his glasses, slowed down his breathing, carefully placed the branch on the crafting table, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally a vial of exotic powder.

The powder is colored, about 5 grams, relatively speaking, the magic power is stronger.

The alcohol stove was lit, and the tongs began to smoke. Add 100ml of pure water, wait for the water to boil, and pour the powder carefully.

Dozens of prepared magic power powders are dissolved in the water, and the water vapor begins to take on a flood of color. The more obvious the gathering.

At this time, Ding Jian became nervous. He picked up a small brush, dabbed it with a little solution very carefully, and began to paint along the texture carved on the surface of the branch.

Mental strength joins it, extending from the steady finger to the end of the small brush, sensing the 'warmth' of the solution, as if touching another layer of skin.

Ding Jian tried his best to control it, and while moving the small brush, he "commanded" the 'warmth' of these abnormal flames to penetrate into the texture of the branch skin.


Half an hour later, he breathed a sigh of relief, and saw that the branches were somewhat similar to the real ones in the textbook.

What used to be a branch is now a half-finished Apprentice Staff.

The magic pattern seems to be alive, in the field of vision, a faint mist evaporates, as if it can breathe, the fascinating shimmer flashes and flashes, and the frequency is extremely unstable.

Ding Jian didn't dare to neglect, picked up the pliers, picked up the flamingo's domain, and extended it to the reserved interface thinner than a hair.

At this moment, he didn't dare to breathe, the small feather seemed to be hit by a heavy weight, his fingers trembled uncontrollably, his mental strength and the little magic power began to be consumed, and the unruly magic power was agitated from the feathers.

On the surface, what he is holding is a feather and the tentacles of his spirit, but he is actually taming an unruly flame, it is jumping, it is irritable, it is breaking free from Ding Jian's restraint, it... wants to fly away.

Ding Jian didn't know how he persisted. A piece of flamingo's feathers was inlaid in the joint thinner than a hair. In an instant, the magic pattern lit up again, and the staff began to vibrate, with a bang, A flame exploded, burning his eyebrows and Liu Han away.

There was a commotion in the classroom, and the students looked at Ding Jian's dark face and wanted to laugh.

After the flame was extinguished, the staff changed greatly, it no longer looked like a branch, and the feather became a crystal, growing together with the 'branch'.

"Junior Apprentice's staff was successfully made," Xiao Qi said in a calm voice.

Only then did the students cheer. Ding Jian, who was still smoking above his head, showed his white teeth and waved his freshly baked staff to the podium.

The students began to applaud, paying their respects to their 'teaching assistants'.

"Assistant Ding, let's try!?"

"Assistant Ding, come one!"

"How about a Transfiguration like in Harry Potter?"


Ding Jian waved his hands again and again, just kidding, Transfiguration?

Not to mention that the instructor didn't teach it, let's just say that at his current level, if he can fully display the [Fire Art], it will be regarded as an extraordinary performance, and he will be deformed, and he will be transformed into a ghost.

"Come one, come one!"

"Then one?"

"Come one, everyone applaud!"

There was another applause, and Ding Jian was not pretentious. He waved his staff with his right hand and sang awkward syllables. With his eyes half closed, he pointed his staff towards the side of the platform.

Boom, a flame spurted out, ignited a small area of ​​air, and burned into a 1 meter by 1 meter fire out of thin air.

The heat wave was scorching, and the students exclaimed, and a few school girls who had just entered school even screamed.

"The flame spell was successfully cast, casting difficulty: 0, casting time 3.5, casting distance 2.1, spell effect: B, spell difficulty: A, evaluation: B+." Xiao Qi's voice was very cold, "Start the class!"

The classroom fell silent, Ding Jian left the crafting table, carefully put the crafted staff into a black wooden box, and sealed it tightly.

"...The production process of the magic item that you saw just now, in general, the magic item is to use the magic pattern according to the nature of the magic material itself, to effectively construct various wholes that bring out this property..."

On the podium, Ding Jian spoke very carefully and earnestly, "Now everyone turn to page 24 of [Introduction to Magic Elementary], and today we will learn a new spell configuration and magic pattern type."


Bei Gaoyang outside the classroom nodded, turned around and walked to another classroom.

A meditation class is being held in this classroom. In the dim and closed light, more than [-] students are sitting cross-legged on the mat, and a eloquent voice is explaining and guiding them.

"...Sink your heart, don't think about anything..."


A snoring sound broke the mysterious and quiet atmosphere. The voice of the explanation paused, and amidst the uncontrollable laughter, it lit up. Huo Lei, one of the three assistants, angrily twisted a sleeping guy up, There was a burst of scolding.

Bei Gaoyang smiled, as if infected by the classroom atmosphere.

Ten minutes later, when I went down to the first floor, Angel of Fallen Light was sitting on the sofa and yawning boredly. She was lying on the sofa, and the thrilling lines rose and fell sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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