This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 338 Black Cat

Chapter 338 Black Cat
8 hours of game time flew by.

Xia Miaomiao saw that there was only 31% of the experience bar left to level up, and said dejectedly, "When will I reach level 15 if this continues, the game time is too short."

Outside the camp of the Little Harpy in the dark area, the corpses of monsters from 7-15 lay on the ground. Du Shiyu and Hu Ge were collecting materials for demonizing the corpses of the tree monsters. One or two months?"

"You let it go...for a month or two, if I don't reach level 15 within two weeks, I will lose!"

"Impossible Miaomiao, you're only level 10, you can increase by half a level at most every day, and you'll need more and more experience in the future. You won't be able to keep this half level. It's absolutely impossible for a week or two."

"I'm so mad, you did it on purpose, right!?"

"No way, this is a helper, okay?" Fan Chaoyue blinked innocently.

"Light rain!"

Du Shiyu carefully removed [Wooden Heart] from the demonized tree demon. The light blue wooden heart stopped beating, but the abundant magic power still made it emit a light blue halo. Not every demonized tree demon With [Mu Xin], most people may not have such good luck even after a few days of brushing.

[Mu Xin] can be used in related formulas of alchemy, the first formula learned by players who have already worked as an alchemist, one of the main ingredients is this thing.

Therefore, the price is expensive, and there is no market for the price.


"The efficiency of spawning monsters like this is too slow, shall we go to the camp to spawn Harpy?"

"You're crazy, harpies are monsters above level 15!" Fan Chaoyue shouted.

"You guys go to krypton gold and increase your combat power to over 900!" Xia Miaomiao pointed at Hu Ge and asked, "Old Hu, do you have any questions!"

"Of order, Your Majesty the Queen!" Hu Ge stood at attention and saluted, agreeing without hesitation.

"How about you, Old Liu?"

Liu Xiaoming didn't know who he was chatting with, so he said ah, and asked Xia Miaomiao to repeat it.

"900?" Liu Xiaoming looked at his attribute panel, thought for a while and nodded, "I'm fine!"

Xia Miaomiao nodded in satisfaction, and finally turned her eyes to Fan Chaoyue.

"It takes a lot of money," Fan Chaoyue said embarrassingly, wanting Xia Miaomiao to beg him.

"The battlefield is about to start, you don't want a cloak anymore?" Xia Miaomiao was not used to her, "Without 900 combat power, who will fight against you?"

The three of them did not get gold medals, titles, and cloaks. It is not easy to gather 900 combat power. Although there are many professional outfits on the market, really good things are still rare. , It is often seconded as soon as it is posted, so it is a must for most players to always pay attention to the update on the auction.

Du Shiyu's combat power has just broken through 900, 912, and he just bought a green outfit with not very good attributes and replaced it with a magic resistance outfit. Mage equipment has always been very expensive, and bards are the cheapest. Just this pretty green outfit can buy the bard's blue outfit.

The 1000 million krypton gold, she and Xia Miaomiao are half of each other, and they have almost spent more than 70 gold, all of which have been replaced with the equipment on their body that will be eliminated in a short time.

It would be a lie to say that they don't feel distressed, and they are not like Fan Chaoyue and the three of them.

The way to restore blood is to raise the level as soon as possible, and sell the equipment.

Xia Miaomiao was in a hurry to equip the purple golden sun-shooting bow, and Du Shiyu was also in a hurry, but they didn't show it like she did.

The battlefield is cleaned up, and there are 5 minutes left to go offline.

Fan Chaoyue: "Not tomorrow morning, I'm on the crew in the morning, so I have time in the evening"

Xia Miaomiao pouted dissatisfiedly.

Du Shiyu said: "Then at night, at 8 o'clock in the evening?"


After agreeing on the time to go online tomorrow, the five of them took a final look at the battlefield where they had fought for 8 hours. The densely packed monsters had turned into their experience, materials and money. It was refreshing and particularly rewarding.

"See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

"Little Miaomiao, don't miss me too much!"


When Fan Chaoyue and the others went offline, Xia Miaomiao complained to Du Shiyu, "These three oil bottles are wasting a lot of our time."

Du Shiyu didn't speak, but stared at her.

"Okay, okay, I'll just talk." Xia Miaomiao was defeated.

"Are you still not satisfied? Your luck has already surpassed the sky. There are several people like you in the whole server. I wonder if you are delayed by the arrangement of Canaan Company."

Xia Miaomiao thought it was true, she had very good luck in several tests, this time it was even more exaggerated, she was the first in the whole server when she touched the golden treasure chest, wow haha.

Now it's a bit like the troubles of happiness, and I still have to complain like this, a bit... hypocritical, no, I can't even look down on my best friends.

"People just want to equip it quickly!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, get off the assembly line, you can make dinner tonight."

"I teach takeaway!"

"Then I want to have a big meal."

After waking up in reality, Du Shiyu looked at the time.

At 7:27 on the evening of July 19th.

It’s the end of July in a blink of an eye, and there are two or three weeks before the five-test server is launched. The time ratio between reality and the game is 1:2. If there is no limit to the game time, the day and night will be reversed, and it will take a day or two to lie down. This is how I developed it It is a habit to look at the date and time every time you log off.

It feels like the warm-up is over, and I don’t know how to spend a lot of time every day, and I can’t get motivated to do anything.

Lazily sat up from the game cabin, looked at the sky outside the window just now, the crackling rain was weak, just like her current mood.

Dissatisfied with desire?

Every time I go offline, I only heard that I was tired from the liver explosion, but I didn't expect it to be more 'tiring'.


The cat is at it again.

Standing on the window sill, the shiny black hair has no variegation, and a pair of amber cat eyes are shining with a very humane light.

Du Shiyu didn't panic like the previous few times. She looked at it for half a minute, moved her body cautiously, and left the game cabin.

Gently, he took out a cat bowl and a bag of cat food from the bedside drawer, poured out half of the bowl, and gestured to the black cat.


The black cat remained motionless, the moonlight shone on its body, it looked like an elf outlined by the moonlight.

Du Shiyu put the cat bowl on the ground and carefully pushed it out, "Eat, eat!"

A playful look flashed in the black cat's eyes, and it disappeared from the window sill suddenly. Before she could react, it appeared in front of the cat bowl and started eating.

Du Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief, squatted down cautiously, and stretched out her hand tentatively...Unexpectedly, Xia Miaomiao pushed the door in at this time, and shouted furiously, "Xiao Yu, what are you eating for the big meal?"

As soon as Du Shiyu turned his head, the black cat disappeared, leaving only a faint blue smoke in its original position.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

"No, nothing."

"What's for dinner?"


"Any kind of feast?"

"Eat and eat, you know how to eat!" Du Shiyu angrily pushed his best friend out, and closed the door vigorously.

There was nothing in the room, as if the black cat was just a hallucination of her alone.

No, the cat bowl is empty.

Xia Miaomiao called to order a big meal, saying that it was a takeaway and there was no atmosphere, so she insisted on Ladu Shiyu go to some restaurant. When she got there, Brother Chun and Qiao Shan were already waiting in the box.

"How boring are two people? How about more people?"

Xia Miaomiao said with her tongue out.

"Two beauties, come sit down, sit down!"

Du Shiyu glared at her, then turned her head and nodded to Brother Chun who greeted warmly, walked into the box and sat down.

As usual, they laughed and played for a while, and the buddies enjoyed the feeling of being 'licked' by men. Qiao Shan said less, and after the chills were over, everyone talked about the recent situation in the game.

"That's awesome, Miaomiao, a golden box. I haven't even opened a copper box, let alone a gold box."

"Generally average, the third in the world."

"Miao Miao, can you sell your bow?" Qiao Shan said at this time.

"Do not sell!"

"A lot of money, I know a boss."

"No amount of money will sell!"



"Forget it, I'll just ask."

Brother Chun's cloud play anchor business has recently encountered setbacks. With the opening of the online live broadcast function, more and more players have poured into this business, and all the functions such as bringing goods, advertising, and rewards have also been opened.

It used to be a blue ocean, but now it is a red ocean. After the early bonuses are consumed, the actual quality of each cloud play anchor will be tested.

Is the show good, can the anchor retain people, innovate and change to pursue the hot content that cloud players are interested in, come up with his own characteristics, etc... Brother Chun, since the Canaan Company's "Cloud Play Anchor Show" last time After losing in the PK show, I feel a little disheartened.

"The food at Canaan Company is too ugly. I don't like it and don't want to serve people who bring goods, give rewards, and PK, and spend money to death."

"It seems that everyone has a big opinion on Canaan Company now?" Xia Miaomiao said while eating a big meal.

"No, if the Canaan company does not go down, the Canaan game will not be good. Just wait and see, when I have more time to eat my mouth."

"This physical examination doesn't seem to have anything to do with Canaan Company?" Qiao Shan said.

"How's your physical examination going? Has the result come out?" Du Shiyu asked.

"Come out, it's okay, how about you?" Brother Chun asked back.

"Mine is out, but Xiao Yu's is not yet." Speaking of this, Xia Miaomiao was a little worried, "It seems that some people's results have been delayed, is there anything wrong?"

Brother Chun shrugged, "Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?"

"Me?" Du Shiyu said calmly, "No."

"It's good if you don't have one!" Brother Chun looked around, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I heard that many people have hallucinations, but they can't tell the difference between games and reality. give to someone."

"Contagion?" Xia Miaomiao was stunned.

"Keep your voice down!" Brother Chun said mysteriously, "This hallucination needs to be in quotation marks, maybe it isn't?"

Brother Chun has a wide range of channels for obtaining news, and knows many players from other regions. True and false news are not only spread covertly on the Internet, but also have their communication channels in reality.

"So, even if you all have similar 'hallucinations', don't let other people know, or you might go in. I'm not kidding, especially you Xiao Yu, your medical report has not come out for a long time, It means you are being targeted, so be careful."

Du Shiyu thought of the black cat and the various anomalies that had appeared before, almost revealing his flaws.

Xia Miaomiao looked suspiciously at Brother Chun: "You won't scare us on purpose?"

At this moment, Qiao Shan coughed and interrupted the two of them. There was a knock on the door, and the waiter came in to serve the food.

After that, I didn't talk about it again until the end of the dinner.

The nightlife in Wudu just started at 10 o'clock in the evening. Brother Chun suggested going to the theater to watch a show.

It was still early, and there was nothing to do when we went back. The two walked along the pedestrian street to the 'Riverside Avenue' by the river.

Pedestrians are weaving, and the streets lit up with colorful lights are like a crystal palace. The shops on both sides are full of beautiful things, and they are attracting customers in different ways...the young girls with cat ear lights, the white-collar office workers in well-dressed clothes, and the young and old who travel with their families, all dressed in Hanfu. , Canaan costumes parading through the streets...

It is undeniable that the elements and atmosphere of Canaan have weakened, and the Canaan elements that were everywhere on this street before have returned to normal.

As the mainstream public opinion criticizes, questions, and worries about the country and the people, the falsehood of Canaan is contrary to the real economy advocated by the country. From the official level, the cooling down affects all aspects. On TV, no one They have been shouting about the metaverse economy, the first few industrial revolutions, and major changes unseen in thousands of years.

There is no such thing as a show that has nothing to do all day long, just take Canaan as the topic, and sit there all day long.

"Xiao Yu, is it good?"

Xia Miaomiao bought a lamp with rabbit ears and put it on her head, she was very smug and shook her head.

The two walked through the pedestrian street and came to the lakeside boulevard on the south bank of the river, blowing the cool river breeze, looking at the boats floating on the water lit by colorful lights, and relaxing.

At this moment, a roar of the engine was suddenly heard, followed by the sound of a sudden brake, followed by a "Boom!"

Xia Miaomiao hurriedly looked back, only to see a street-exploding motorcycle crashed into a snack cart crossing the road. The snack cart was knocked into the air for more than ten meters, hitting several pedestrians, and the deformed motorcycle flew into the air. He went out and hung it in tatters on the lamppost!
There were bursts of exclamation and crying, and a man wearing a helmet was lying beside the green belt tens of meters away, shocking blood sprang out, and the whining siren sounded behind him.

An ordinary commercial vehicle with police lights on was standing outside the crowd. Two short-haired men jumped out of the vehicle. They separated from the crowd and ran to the unknown rider. They touched the rider's neck and pulled up his collar. , talk to something.

"This man, this rider is a player!" Du Shiyu said palely.

"How do you know?" Xia Miaomiao asked strangely as she was still standing on her feet to watch the excitement.

Du Shiyu saw the black cat again, and he was squatting beside the rider's corpse, his amber eyes looked in her direction, "Meow!", and a twisting, struggling, silent screaming cat was dragged out from the corpse. The screaming shadow gulped.

Everyone turned a blind eye to this weird scene, except her.

(End of this chapter)

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