Chapter 339

Canaan, northwest of Punk City, 981 kilometers southeast of No. 7 Novice Village.

This is a piece of artificially excavated flat land. There are many nests dug by harpies on the high walls on three sides. This 15-22 level monster still retains the habits of many birds. They live in nests and raise their offspring in groups. Wait, even though they can't fly anymore.

Many harpies and little harpies wandered on the man-made platform, about [-] to [-] meters away from Du Shiyu's hiding place. Because they were lit with torches, they could be vaguely discerned that they were about [-] meters away from the field of vision. Many, a very tall and strong harpy holding a steel fork and wearing tattered armor patrolled the edge of the platform.

Oh, and it has a name: Painful Joy Lankwist.

Legend has it that a cursed soul is sealed in the body of each first-generation harpy. It is said that evil witches will turn those who offend them into various monsters. Legend has it that the harpy appeared there, and the witch's castle is Appearing there, legend has it that the number of harpies is proportional to the number of witches.

"Miaomiao, it's here, my mission..." Liu Xiaoming pointed to a place on the platform illuminated by the torch, and said excitedly, "Hidden, hahaha..."

Xia Miaomiao looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a huge iron hammer stuck obliquely on the ground guarded by the harpy. Half of the hammer head was buried in the ground, and the exposed part was more than two meters high. Can you use a hammer that big, Hulk?
"There are a lot of harpies, including the first generation, at least level 22, we can't beat them." Fan Chaoyue looked at the tall, burly figures on the platform, and said timidly.

"That's not necessarily..." Xia Miaomiao squatted on the ground and drew a picture. She marked the location of each harpy and drew their patrol routes with dotted lines, "Look, after about 5 minutes, they The points are the most scattered, we rushed to this position, and attracted at most three... Old Hu, can the three monsters hold it?"

"Huh?" Hu Ge was a little timid.

"You are at level 10, and you are wearing a defensive blood outfit, what are you afraid of!"

"Okay then, let me try!"

"Little rain...Little rain?"


"What are you doing, are you out of your mind these days?"

"No, nothing."

"We do this, do this again..."

With the golden sun-shooting bow hanging in front of her, Xia Miaomiao has been racing against time for the past few days, and finally found this undisturbed monster-spawning spot. Maybe there is a lair, so she is very active.

After assigning tasks and clarifying the steps for spawning monsters, Xia Miaomiao punched the messy map, "Come on, try to win this stronghold."

Liu Xiaoming smirked and said, "Maybe there is a treasure chest."

Fan Chaoyue: "Oh, oh, take the treasure box!"

"Hush!", Xia Miaomiao glared at Fan Chaoyue, and let Liu Xiaoming, who had just become a thief, go first. She walked in second, waved back, and a group of five quietly slipped into the darkness of the dark area.

A few minutes later, I cleared out a single demonized little tree demon, and lurked in the tree hole where the little tree demon took root. Looking at the platform from this position, the position is higher and the view is better.

"It's now!"

When the monster's movement reached the most scattered point, Xia Miaomiao reminded his teammates, aimed at the outermost Harpy, and shot an arrow.

It went smoothly, only the three harpies were startled, flapped their stiff wings, and rushed down the platform without a sound.

"Old Hu!"

"Ah, oh, oh!"

Hu Ge swallowed nervously, and raised his shield to meet the harpy who was rushing forward. Fan Chaoyue's skills landed on him, adding two layers of defense and the buff of continuous blood recovery for him.

What the harpies look like, you can see the eagle brother in The Legend of Condor Heroes, standing nearly two meters high, with two human legs, and above the legs are all birds... Ah, it seems a bit wrong to describe it like this, no matter what That's it - Hu Ge gritted his teeth and collided with the whistling wings.

A muffled sound.

Hu Ge took a step back, realizing that he was fine, his confidence increased greatly, and then he [taunted] to hold back the hatred of the three monsters.

"Wow wow wow!!"

Realizing that he was very hard, Hu Ge screamed excitedly, and Xia Miaomiao rolled his eyes behind him, shooting arrows like raindrops on a monster, carefully controlling the hatred.

Fan Chaoyue added blood and status to Hu Ge, Du Shiyu sang [Fireball Art], and Liu Xiaoming sneaked out, waiting for the opportunity to kill with one blow... After a long time of running-in, these five people finally seemed to be a little cooperative.

One big one and two small ones, the big one is level 16, and the small ones are only level 11 and 12. Hugo, who is full of hard armor and blood suit, can block it easily. After five minutes of grinding, he will The three monsters were wiped out without any surprise or danger.

"Hoho, the real man is me, I am..." Hu Xiaoming made a poss of 'David the Thinker', tilting his head and firing at Xia Miaomiao.

'Mei Changsu' might have some effect, now...

"Let's continue, continue!" Xia Miaomiao clapped her hands expressionlessly, and the 'David the Thinker' who walked over and kicked turned into a 'David the Dog Eat Shit'.

"Ho ho, one hit kills, Xiao Li's flying knife is a good example!" Liu Xiaoming was also out of state of excitement. As the saying goes, if the operation is not enough, the equipment is assembled. This krypton gold is different, and the attributes piled up are effective. It made up for the shortcomings in operation. Just now, he really experienced the feeling of killing with one blow, and it is worthwhile.

Continue to brush monsters.

At most three can be attracted at a time, Xia Miaomiao's calculation is just right, she and Du Shiyu were the ones who followed the command with Yijiang Chunshuiliu before, and now they are carrying the big beams, and it is not difficult to do it, Xia Miaomiao Don't say it on the mouth, but I am actually very proud of it in my heart.

After more than two hours of brushing like this, there were fewer and fewer monsters on the platform, and finally there were only a group of 5 harpies that could not be separated.

Among them was the first-generation Harpy named: Painful Joey Lankwist.

It can be regarded as a small boss.

"Level 22, I'm not sure!" Xia Miaomiao came back with a frown on her face.

"A real man, how can you give up lightly? It's okay, wrap it on me!", Hu Ge slapped the breastplate.

Liu Xiaoming: "One hit kills, the example is true, oh yeah!"

Xia Miaomiao felt a headache while holding her forehead, and asked Du Shiyu, "Xiao Yu, do you still want to brush?"

"Ah... listen to you."

"What's wrong with you these days, are you always distracted?"

"I'm fine..."

Now is not the time to care about these things. Letting Xia Miaomiao go now is not reconciled, so the last five monsters were lured down.

A minute later, Hu Ge left behind a scream, and returned to the city for free in a white light.


Xia Miaomiao pulled Du Shiyu, who was still singing, and ran away.

Little boss at level 22: The painful Joey Lanwist kicked Fan Chaoyue, who was running at the back, and stepped on her back.

"Help!" Fan Chaoyue screamed at the backs of Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao.

Fang Xiaoming showed his figure behind the little boss, "Look at me, Xiao Li...", the steel fork of the little boss stabbed back like lightning, -301, Fang Xiaoming was hit stiff, his throat clucked twice, and he also got a free Airfare back to the city.

Poor Fan Chaoyue was trampled under by the little boss and was still desperately crawling forward. With a steel fork, the fragrance disappeared.

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao had already run out of the monster's tracking distance, and hid under a big tree in shock.

"It's so risky, I almost lost my experience!" Fan Miaomiao patted her chest with a look of fear.

Du Shiyu: ...

On the team channel, Hu Ge wailed: "You two are so shameless!!"

Fang Xiaoming was still confused: "Why did I go back to the city? The system is stupid!"

Fan Chaoyue: "Ah!!"

Xia Miaomiao cursed loudly: "Who told you to fight the boss head-on, you think you really can't die, and you know the autumn leaves, why didn't you listen when you were told to save some skills!?"

Hu Ge said aggrievedly: "I drank two bottles of Sun Water...Beyond, you...Forget it, it's my fault."

Fan Chaoyue: "Ah!!"

Xia Miaomiao: "Stop screaming!"

Fan Chaoyue: "I was only 1% short of upgrading, and I lost 15% in one fell swoop. Today is a waste of time!"

Xia Miaomiao was a little guilty, just now it was hard to justify not being saved, she looked at her 13th level and still had 5% experience left, and she was sincerely grateful. Fortunately, she was lucky just now, otherwise people would not be able to save her, and she would not be able to save herself. have to hang up.

"Should I still brush?" Fang Xiaoming asked.

"Stop swiping, Lao Hu can't handle it, how can I swiping?" Xia Miaomiao pulled up his best friend who was out of state, and took out a [Teleportation Talisman] to go back to the city.

"Then I'll change another piece of equipment." Hu Ge said.

After crushing the teleportation talisman, Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu returned to Novice Village No. 981.

The novice village is surrounded by high-level monsters, and there are relatively few people. Even so, the city is very lively. Once you walk out of the resurrection point, there are player booths, and there is no place to stay.

"Let's take a walk and take a look. The freshly baked level 12 green armor has high defense, low load, and physical and magic resistance!"

Hmm, what a coincidence?
Xia Miaomiao dragged Du Shiyu into the player's booth, and saw a level 12 bronze breastplate, which had really good attributes, but unfortunately... only 5 points of durability left.

"Hey, how do you sell the equipment?" Xia Miaomiao asked the stall owner.

"5 gold buy it now!"

Xia Miaomiao looked at the stall owner in disbelief, saying, 'Are you kidding me? ' expression.

"How much did you come up with?" the stall owner asked.

"5 silver!" Xia Miaomiao slashed without changing his face.

The stall owner rolled his eyes: "Get lost!"

The players around laughed, and one of them joined in the fun: "I'll give out 6 silver!"

"7 silver!"

"7 silver and 1 copper"

"7 silver and 2 copper"


Xia Miaomiao thought about picking up the leaks, and dragged Du Shiyu to walk around the stalls.

I bought 5 [Teleportation Talismans] at a booth, and bargained for 10 silver.

A pair of whiteboard game shoes, a small top-quality agility +3, cost 50 silver to get it, and replaced the power shoes that were almost out of durability.

There was a booth selling cloak enhancement stones. The third floor and the outer three floors were full of people. She bid for it with people, but gave up when the price exceeded 1 gold.

Basic red and blue potions, candles for lighting, leather blankets for resting, high-end barbecue... After buying all these, I went to repair the equipment, and everything was done.

Fan Chaoyue rushed over to join them, but Fang Xiaoming and Hu Ge were still missing.

"What are you two doing?" Xia Miaomiao asked in the team channel.

Hu Ge: "Come on, help me out."


"Auction Channel No. 78, less than 5 minutes left."

Xia Miaomiao quickly opened the auction channel to watch.

Lot 78 is a blue wristlet.

[Silver Ferlotz's steel wristband +2, quality blue, durability 33/33, load 5, equipment occupation: paladin, barbarian, equipment level: 11, equipment requirements: strength 22, constitution 15, agility 9, Combat rating: 409.
Basic attributes: strength +3, agility +2, constitution +1, physical defense 10-19, magic defense 4-7, all resistance +3, earth, water, wind elemental defense +6, less than one-third of the life value There is a certain chance of triggering the effect of 'unyielding' for a while, all resistance +100%, holding power.

Advanced attributes: 1- Not easy to wear. 2 - Constitution +5.

Strengthenable attributes: life value +58, physical (magic) defense +7 (enhancement +2)

Special attribute: soul binding after equipment. 】

"Wow, good stuff!" Xia Miaomiao shouted in the team channel.

"You all help me grab it, there are still 4 minutes left."

Xia Miaomiao hurriedly looked at the price, "88 gold? Are you right?"

What is the concept of 88 gold? At the beginning, she and Du Shiyu had 1000 million krypton gold, which was only more than 70 gold.
"Now that the exchange rate has dropped, 88 gold is about 500 million?" Fang Xiaoming also saw it and said.

Xia Miaomiao covered her chest in pain, her heart pierced like a knife: "Why has the exchange rate dropped so much?"

"Don't worry about it, just help me grab it." Hu Ge was very anxious.

"But I don't have that much money!" Xia Miaomiao said.

[Ding, you received a remittance from your friend: Brother Hu and his sister Miao Miao. 】

[Ding, you received 90 gold coins. 】

Oh my goodness.

Xia Miaomiao couldn't do it anymore, a local tyrant, he's so proud!

"Help me grab it!"

Fang Xiaoming: "Got it!"

Fan Chaoyue: "I want a handling fee of 5 gold / bad smile"

Du Shiyu: "Uh..."

Hu Ge: "Keep an eye on it, and give me a buy-it-yourself price as soon as the announcement time comes!"

It's really inhumane, and Xia Miaomiao can't say anything.

The attributes of this blue wristband are good, especially it can be strengthened, the blood volume and dual defense can be hit, and there is an advanced attribute that is not easy to wear and tear, it should last for a long time.

This is also the reason why the one-buy price is as high as 88 gold, but Xia Miaomiao is very skeptical. Someone really bought such a piece of equipment that was obviously in the transitional period for a one-buy price of more than 500 million?
The announcement time is almost here.

"Attention, everyone, be crazy!"

Despite her doubts, Xia Miaomiao also focused her attention on the one-buy price button, and when the time was one second away, she decisively clicked.

【Ding, you got Lot No. 78 and paid 88 gold copper coins. 】

Hugo: "Who, who captured it?"

Xia Miaomiao: "Me!"

"I love you to death, wait for me to come over... the coordinates."

Xia Miaomiao took out the blue wristband, which was not worth 88 gold no matter what.

It can only be said that local tyrants are different from ordinary people. Hu Ge should have billions of assets in reality, right?
Hu Ge rushed over at the fastest speed, traded for the blue wristbands, and couldn't wait to equip them.

"Wahhaha, the combat power is 1291, how much is Miao Miao?"

Xia Miaomiao: ...

"It's okay, it's okay, brother protects you, wow haha..."

Fang Xiaoming: "No, I want it too. Take a look at Lot No. 21 and wait for me to go down and recharge."

Fan Chaoyue: "You guys are cheating... How boring is it?"

Xia Miaomiao: ...

Du Shiyu is still out of shape.

(End of this chapter)

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