Chapter 340 Leaked
"I'm talking about Chunshui, don't hold that guild building order as a gold lump. Look at the recent rumors. It's not sure whether this game is yellow or not. Don't throw it in your hands when the time comes. If you have a chance, take action!"

On the outskirts of No. 17 abandoned camp marked by the system, on a hill with dense vegetation, Shao Bing and Yilian Youmeng, the patriarch of the Youdao family, were lying in the grass and peeking at the Tuweizi where the blue-named NPCs gathered in front of them.

It was discovered during the fourth test of this abandoned camp. At that time, the NPC inside was not blue-named, but red-named, commonly known as humanoid monsters. Now it has been "conquered" by the system and has become a stronghold of neutral forces in the abandoned wasteland. .

Around the camp, the recultivated farmland stretches as far as the eye can see. The wheat waves fluctuate with the breeze, and a round of sunset hangs above the horizon. Even if there is a dark area blocking it, the scenery is still beautiful.

But the players are already immune to such beautiful scenery. The players in Huaguo are always pragmatic. The cities where the blue-named NPCs gather don't have much 'oil and water' to fish for. Apart from spawning monsters around, there are not many players in the city.

Yilian Youmeng's advice made Shao Bing smile, and he said, "Tianzi No. [-] game can be pornographic? I don't believe it!"

Yilian Youmeng also felt that this excuse was far-fetched, but he came here today with a mission, so no matter how far-fetched he was, he still had to say, "Don't believe me, look at the recent TV and the Internet, and the Canaan game is shouting. Shouting to kill, and this physical examination, and sudden death, mental illness, psychopathy, and what's called 'Jialan disease', do you know what Canaan disease is?"

"Uh... isn't it just playing games for a long time without exercising, prone to stomach problems, malnutrition, etc.?" Shao Bing said pretending to be relaxed.

"That's more than..." Even though it was in the wild and there was no one around, Yilian Youmeng looked around vigilantly, and whispered: "'Canaan disease' is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface, how can I put it , I have a channel in the capital, saying it's...mutation, mutation, you know, playing Canaan may mutate!"

"Nonsense!" Shao Bing laughed.

"It's true, the source is absolutely reliable"

"President Xiao and the others told you."

"Uh...Old Xiao and his guild have a wide range of hands and a wild way. You don't know that there is a princeling from Yanjing in their guild. Do you know what a princeling is?"

"Anyway, I don't believe you say that the sky is broken, Canaan will be yellow, just kidding."

Yilian Youmeng is gone.

Shao Bing ignored him and concentrated on observing the abandoned camp.

The camp was not big, it was just a dirt enclosure, and the wooden wall was as high as two people. It looked quite thick, but there were no magic patterns and no magic defense equipment. It was just a decoration, and the psychological effect was greater than the actual effect.

There are a lot of blue-named NPCs. I remember that during the fourth test, I was still here to brush the mutated humanoid monsters. These NPCs might be the ones I would rescue.

To create a gang, the system gives two options.

One is to open it yourself, whatever you want, the premise is that you have to be able to defend for 49 days, and after 49 days, the map that is going to build a gang will become a bright area that is always lit, and system guards and system function NPCs can settle in.

It is more complicated than building a safe zone, and the investment is so huge that Shao Bing dare not even think about it now.

The second is to exclude the cities, settlements, safe areas, etc. of your own camp, relying on the formed 'acquainted land', such as the soil enclosure in front of you, whether it is attacking, strategy or trading, no matter what, if you win it, the system will Admittedly, there is no need to pay any fees, which can be called a huge profit.

But where in this camp can the twenty or so people in his hand take it down?

This earthen enclosure may not be considered large, but there are many blue-named NPCs. Excluding the old, weak, women and children who are generally first- and second-level, there are more than 20 militiamen, guards, caravan guards, and patrols above level 200, and there are blue-named NPCs in the city lord's mansion. Famous big boss...

My own family is in doubt, so we have to unite. At this stage, there are very few [Clan Establishment Orders]. It is not something that money can buy. Naturally, he, the patriarch of a small family that is deeply in debt, is being watched by some big bosses. Come on, Yilian Youmeng is a lobbyist, trying every means to persuade him to sell the 【Clan Order】.

At this time, Bei Gaoyang hadn't come back yet, the future of Canaan was indeed unclear, and they weren't all fooling him.

No matter how you look at it, it's not something that his family can handle, Shao Bing sighed in his heart, and turned to Yilian Youmeng and said, "Tokens will never be sold, don't grind your teeth with me here, but we can cooperate. "

"What kind of cooperation law?"

"Let's take down this camp together and build a gang."

"Who's in charge?"

"The token belongs to our family, so naturally our family is the main one."

"That's nothing to talk about, buddy, why should such a big guild listen to you?"

"I didn't listen to me, so..."

"Forget it, forget it, you should think about it carefully. If you figure it out, you will be satisfied with the price."

Without success, Yilian Youmeng teleported away resentfully, and Truth emerged from behind within the range of the magic, sitting silently beside him.

Shao Bing sighed, "I heard everything, what do you think?"

"It doesn't matter, listen to you."

"If I got this token, I might agree, but the problem is that this token is... public property!" Shao Bing rubbed his hair in distress, "It's Miaomiao... I can't sell it for it. Will you pay the bill?"

Truth nodded, "What are you going to do?"

"We can only build a gang." Shao Bing pointed to the soil fence in front, "This step must be taken."

"Our temple is small, let's find some small families." Truth said.

Shao Bing sighed, "It's the only way."

"When will you do the task of building a gang?"

"When everyone's level is raised, at least level 14 is required, and it is possible to have a combat power of more than 1000."

"It will probably take about a week or two. Don't make it ridiculous when the [Guild Building Order] becomes popular."

"That's why I'm worried, I really want to sell it now..."

"Even if Miao Miao and the others agree, what about the family resident if the token is sold? Or do you carry it alone? Why do I think you are dead on both sides?"

"Haha, this is the lesson. Don't wear such a big hat if you don't have such a big head. You should learn from it and don't drift." Shao Bing said bitterly.

North America, Oak National Experimental Base, HR project underground engineering.

Major Smith took the elevator and slowly ascended the oval-shaped underground 'egg room'. Through the fully transparent special glass, he saw that the cages like beehives were already full of 'criminals'.

A seven-story small building stands in the center of the circular cell, and the scientists and soldiers of the HR project live in this small building.

The highest level of R-SSS confidentiality is the human experiment that violates the constitution. So far, the project that has gathered the essence of the United States is still groping forward in the fog.

The key is the shortage of magical materials.

There is no shortage of specimens. Relying on military bases all over the world, tens of thousands of players have been captured. In addition to this local one, there are more than a dozen laboratories of the same specifications overseas.

Smith held the minutes of the meeting and flipped through the recent confidential documents. The elevator went up to a fully enclosed bridge, and when it opened, a silver corridor came out in front of him.

The white coats with nameplates are hurrying, and there are many of the world's leading experts of various types. Soldiers like him are also common. They are all representatives and leaders of the military and the top laboratories funded by the military. The military-industrial complex is here There are also investments, such as DuPont, Dow, Boeing and so on.

Smith works for the military and is also employed by Dow Chemical. He is said to be a soldier, but he is more of a businessman, but he is involved in confidential projects.

The destination is at the end of the corridor - Life Science Laboratory R.

This laboratory is funded by Dow Chemical, and the scientific research funds are sufficient. Most of the scientists employed by Dow come from the Middle East and Asia. When I entered, I saw several yellow faces.

Smith greeted people all the way. When he arrived here, a briefcase locked on his wrist was opened. In front of an AI computer-controlled core laboratory, he entered the key, verified the iris and pupils, and answered the AI ​​intelligence question. If there is no brain problem, it is judged that there is no abnormality in psychology and consciousness, and then it is allowed to enter.

Compared to the clutter outside, everything here is meticulous.

The transparent pipe is as thick as a finger, and there is a thick green liquid flowing in Juanjuan. There are several culture tanks as tall as one person, floating a few specimens captured from the Middle East. In front of a tool box, the head of the laboratory, Alexander Li The professor is carefully separating the red stem cells from the specimen.

"Well, what did the bureaucrats down there say?"

Alexander Li was only in his thirties. His long hair was neglected, his lab coat was baggy, and there were stains in several places. He looked up at Smith, licked his bright lips nervously, and looked expectant. color.

Smith shrugged and handed him the contents of the briefcase.

Alexander took a look at the documents inside and roared furiously: "Damn, these guys with brains are all muscular, don't they know how significant and promising our experimental results are?"

"Variant AR_17 is not 'receptor substance' stable...that's what they call it."

"Damn, what kind of stability do they need? [-]%? This is a super body, my experiment succeeded in making a super body, what super body, like a superman. What is this, this is a dream super soldier , is a major breakthrough in human genetics, is a restart, stalled for thousands of years of evolution, they talk about stability, oh, how do I stay in a project with such a fool, this is a tragedy, a tragedy !!"

"...Also, it is impossible for the base to provide us with specimens anymore."

"I want to leave this cesspit, I want to set up my own laboratory, a laboratory where I have the final say!", Alexander roared dancing.

"You have a contract with the military, Professor."

"Damn it, damn it... What about you, Dow, aren't you interested in my little cutie?"

Smith was silent.

"You know how great my little cutie is. This is a super cell that has never appeared on the earth. The content of each specimen is less than one tenth of a microgram. It was me who discovered it keenly. I exhausted it All the resources to extract it, or I..."

"I know Professor, Dow is very interested in your research results, but still has doubts about its prospects. We need to see more results and more evidence to convince the board of directors. You know, the military contract It’s a trouble, and this damn R-SSS level of secrecy, you can’t just quit, besides, Dow is not capable of building the experimental environment you need, and here is everything!”

"But they're presided over by a bunch of muscle-brained idiots!"

"Professor who always has a way, you need to come up with convincing experimental results and data!"

"I'll give it to you, I will!"

Smith nodded, took one last look at the lab, put on his military cap, and left.

Alexander walked up and down the laboratory nervously, and he came to the transparent culture tank after a while, with his face pressed against the glass, whispering to the specimens inside.Sitting in front of the computer for a while and typing crazily, the codes and numbers rolled back and forth like a waterfall, stood up excitedly for a while, waved his fists as if beaten with chicken blood, and scratched his chest in frustration and despair for a while. Hair, slumped on the silver floor.

In another room, Smith, who had just left, watched his every move through the monitor.

This is also a laboratory, but the subject of the experiment has become Alexander.

"This crazy man from the mental hospital really brought us a huge surprise."

An old voice came from the communicator, "Look, see what gift he is going to bring us."

In the monitor, Alexander got up from the ground, walked slowly to a cold box, entered the key, cracked the AI ​​monitoring program, and took five minutes to open the box.

Amidst the icy fog, rows of well-protected potions appeared, and Alexander tremblingly pulled out a bottle, as if treating some rare treasure.

He took out a syringe, put the medicine in it, raised his head a little frantically, looked at the camera above his head, and stared at Smith.

Smith was expressionless.

"The evidence you want!"

Alexander yelled, and a needle plunged into a vein in his wrist.

The potion was pushed into his body, and as soon as it entered the blood vessels, it began to emit a hazy green light. Alexander knelt down and screamed while holding his wrists. The green light went straight to his heart along his blood vessels, and lit it up. .

On the surveillance screen, his heart began to twitch crazily, and the green color changed from a dot to a piece, which was transported by the heart to the whole body, and finally gathered in the brain.


Smith fell back, and Alexander's head exploded like a watermelon, splashing red, white, gray, and green everywhere.

Smith sighed, and was about to press the button to reset the laboratory disinfection, when the harsh alarm sounded throughout the underground base.

"Alarm, alert, an unknown biochemical virus leak occurs, alert, alert, an unknown biochemical virus leak occurs, the base will enter emergency procedures in 10 seconds, and the countdown begins."


Smith was stunned, and the entire base was silent for a moment, and then the doomsday-like scenes were staged in various laboratories.

(End of this chapter)

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