This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 341 Resident Evil?

Chapter 341 Resident Evil?

"By laying down this fence, all our family residences will be settled. How much money will be saved and how many things will be done?" The family of the wolf pack family is a burly dwarf, wearing a metal armor, holding a steel shield and a rare spike. Bang, spat on the ground fiercely, and said to the clan heads of several other families, "Everyone cheer up and try to take it down!"

The patriarch of another Red Star Thirteenth Sister family sneered and said, "I'm afraid that we will work so hard that we will end up making wedding dresses for others."

"That's something that can't be helped. Who would let someone have a gang-building order!" The head of the third family said with a bitter face, "That's a gang-building order. The only orange item now, even if you have money, you can't sell it. arrive."

"That's enough, that's enough!" said the head of the wolf group family, "I know Chunshui well, and he's fairly fair. He wouldn't do such a thing as demolishing bridges in rivers."

"Where is Chunshui, where is it? You haven't shown up until now, don't you think we are few?" A barbarian paladin from the Red Star Thirteenth Sister family came from behind and shouted carelessly.

The family heads of the three families looked in the direction of 6 o'clock, and saw that a large group of people gathered on the hillside, talking and laughing, laughing and playing, the one in the middle of the crowd is not a river of spring water.

There are four families over there. Not only are there more people than here, but the level, equipment, and combat power are also an order of magnitude higher. All of them have extraordinary cloaks. When the wind blows, they will bring up a piece of green fluorescence. This is the effect of strengthening the cloak. .

Looking at this side again, only half of them have extraordinary titles and cloaks, and it is clear at a glance which one is stronger and which is weaker.

There are so many families now, but few have a resident. Although the game area is open, manpower, force, supplies, tasks, money, contacts, etc. are still indispensable to open up a resident.

This has led to the fact that individuals can build a family, and the gold content is unmatched in the four tests.


In the past, I relied on buying, but now I need to call. In comparison, it is still easy to buy, and it is not as troublesome as it is now.

"Spring water, spring water!!"

"Come on, come on, brothers, I'm sorry, there are too many things, I'm neglecting!"

"When will it start?"

"Waiting for two families, 30 minutes!"

"OK, how will I command later."

"I have hired someone who specializes in team battle command. Later, you will open the team yourself. The team leader watches the friend's channel and listens to the command, otherwise the team will not be enough."

"Listen to you, don't you forget me when you build this dirt fence?"

"How can it be? Didn't it be agreed? The first-level gang can only accept four families, and the second-level gang can accept six families. It is easy to upgrade the gang. Money, tasks, contributions, etc., I guarantee that within a week, all Anyone can join."

"Then let's call ahead to help Mr. Zhu!"

"Mocking me, are you mocking me?"

"It's impossible, maybe I will call you Lord City Master in the future... Tsk tsk, City Master, what will you do for our little captain in the future?"


The yin and yang sent away Yijiang Chunshuiliu in a weird way, and more and more players gathered at the scene, a total of 8 families, the number of people has exceeded 200, and they are still coming online one after another.

The head of the wolf group family was very envious. He pointed to the large farmland around Tuweizi and said, "Look, what is a pattern? , people already have such a foundation.”

The family head of the Red Star Thirteenth Sister family agreed in his heart, but said, "It's not certain that you can't be beaten."

Behind him, dozens of family members had already come over, chattering in unison.


"Speaking of the origin of this Yijiangchunshuiliu, I only know that it is an old player in the first test. I heard that it was very popular in the fourth test. Why is it only level 11 now?"

"No background, just an ordinary person, but he did play well in the fourth test. He is a high-level player, and he can play without many local tyrants. The money he makes can at least rank in the top ten of the server."

"Then why didn't you show up this time?"

"Gone with the wind, learn from other people's investment, metaverse economy, online."

"Oh, delete files!"

"Haha, I heard that this guy owes a lot of debt. If we don't help him, he will hang himself."

"They have a gang building order, how many people can't find it? Do you still need your help?"

"Fuck, I will get one when I open a box someday."

"Cut, who doesn't know how to talk?"


The players had no discipline at all, just gathered on the hillside carelessly. The No. 17 abandoned camp at the foot of the mountain had already been discovered. The city gate was closed, and the walls were full of blue-named NPC guards.

The basic board of Yijiang Chunshuiliu is naturally his own family, more than [-] old players, all of them are extraordinary cloaks, and their equipment levels are all good, especially the foreign aid brought by Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu - the three stars Tuhao Krypton Gold Group.

Hu Ge coughed, and flicked his bangs coquettishly (imagine a square-faced pig-nosed orc doing this), all the equipment worth tens of millions all over his body was in an exhibition state, and his body was full of aura, like a human-shaped light bulb Yes, it really blinded everyone's eyes, "Miao Miao, I heard that you opened the box to open this guild formation order?"

Xia Miaomiao thought he was so coquettish without even having a title cloak, so she didn't want to talk to him, so she didn't say anything.

Also showing off is Liu Xiaoming, whose aura is no less impressive. He has already returned from a 'parade', accompanied by a few players who praised him, "Let's open a gang that day, and I will be the leader of the gang." , Miao Miao is the wife of the gang leader, quack..."

"Miao Miao is mine!" Hu Ge shouted dissatisfied.

Hu Ge laughed: "Fair competition, fair competition!"

"You two are almost ready!", the third krypton gold earth trench appeared, Fan Chaoyue, she did not have aura, but she wore a non-attribute, luxurious, long-skirted priest on top of her equipment Long robes, walking gracefully, holding a blue scepter that was bid at a high price, just like Athena in the anime.

There are also a few people holding stinky feet around.

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao couldn't bear to look directly at them, they hid far away as if I didn't know them.

"Assembly, assembly!"

When it was almost time for the people to arrive, the acting family leader Zhen clapped his hands and yelled loudly within the range of the magic. More than [-] family members plus seven or eight foreign aids formed a full group.

"Why am I not in the team with Miao Miao, I won't do it!", all the tanks were assigned to a lower team, Hu Ge saw that there was no Xia Miaomiao in the team, so he yelled.

The channel roared with laughter, Xia Miaomiao blushed, and kicked Hu Ge a few times when she came up.

The slapstick gathering was over. Tanks were in front, melee fighters were behind, and long-distance hangers were hanging at the end of the team. They swarmed down the hillside in a mess. In front of a field of yellow wheat ears, a total of 231 people completed the first assembly.

Although there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and there is no discipline at all, at first glance, it is quite impressive.

Naturally, there were no blue-named NPCs in the field, and they were all on top of the wall, pointing nervously.

The professional conductor hired by a lot of money cheered up the morale of the nearby channels, and said a few colorful jokes. The men naturally burst into laughter, some women pretended to be disdainful, some were shy and coquettish, and some laughed more than men. all presumptuous...

The siege mobilization was done in such a mess, and the master of the spring water flowed forward.

He took on the task of building a gang, spending several gold coins to summon two siege vehicles and two extraordinary NPC cavalry of level 16, a gang task NPC from the Lord's Mansion of Punk City appeared, and the players got off their horses, and the plot started.

North America, Oak National Experimental Base, HR Project Ground Airport.

"GO, GO, GO..."

The heavily armed special warfare elites, wearing a full set of protective clothing, jumped out of the cabin in a hurry, forming a battle formation, and rushing towards an ordinary three-story building.

The small building has been sealed off by security measures, all the gates of the alloy are closed, and there is a dead silence inside and outside, and no one can be seen.

More than a hundred special warfare elites arrived at the main entrance, one of them opened the electronic interface of the entrance, and connected to the base's artificial intelligence with a portable terminal.

[Alarm, alert, you have entered the military security unit, please put down your weapons...]

No matter how the electronic experts operate, the artificial intelligence that made a major error did not give a correct response. Five minutes later, the portable laser cutting equipment stepped forward and cut an entrance on the alloy gate.

The leading special warfare elite commanded the team members to kick open the cut metal plate with gestures, and a pale pink air flowed out immediately. The special warfare elites hurriedly backed away until they confirmed that no biochemical virus had leaked before turning on the tactical lighting device. Carefully enter the base.

The first floor of the base is empty everywhere, and the cleanliness makes people feel weird. The brand new ones seem to have been cleaned by someone. While searching and advancing, the team members destroy the security devices controlled by the AI ​​computer, and open the offices. No.

The three-story ground building was quickly searched, but nothing was found.

Soon, they all gathered in front of the elevator shaft, and the electronic experts connected to the control terminal of the elevator, and after some operations, they successfully seized the control authority.


When the elevator door slid open, the light pink air appeared again. There was nothing abnormal about the air molecule detection device, and there was no alarm from the individual computer. The teammates walked carefully into the three large elevators.

The elevator started, the lights inside flickered, and the team members became nervous.

External liaison data link Normally, the headquarters at the rear were busy analyzing the data sent back from the front line.

Run down hundreds of meters.

The elevator stopped at the top of the oval-shaped underground space, a warning light was still flashing on a suspended bridge, and emergency spray foam was everywhere, but there was no sign of any biochemical virus.

It should be a false alarm by the AI ​​computer, which caused a huge loss of personnel and scientific research property. The White House has been watching the progress of this operation overnight.

The experienced team members protected the experts and the evaluation team onto the bridge, and the engineer who was familiar with the composition of the base gave brief instructions on the internal communicator.

The central control room located at the core of the base needs to go through several laboratories with extremely high confidentiality levels. If an unknown and dangerous biochemical virus leaks, it is hard to say, and the equipment on the team members must be safe.

The bridge is connected to a back-shaped long corridor, with closed laboratory alloy doors on both sides, most of which are sealed, and the people inside must be in danger.

The third alloy door on the left is indeed open, and some movement can be heard vaguely?

The team members approached cautiously, and the fighters were protected behind.

A special warfare elite looked inside and saw the back of a white coat.

This man was standing in front of a laboratory table, fiddling with bottles and cans on the table. Two corpses in white coats were lying on the chairs. The heads of the dead bodies were hanging on the back of the chairs, and their pale faces were facing the entrance.

The commander directed the two teammates to go in with gestures. The white coat sensed that there was someone behind him, and turned around slowly.


There is no face, or the skin and flesh and blood on the face are gone. A skull grows on the intact neck, and the two blood-red eyeballs are still moving without any cover.


Da da da……

The skull danced and twitched when it was hit by a bullet. A bullet hit the head and split open like a watermelon. Red, green, and blue things with a faint fluorescence splashed everywhere.

"Cease fire!"

After confirming that the danger was eliminated and that there were no viruses, the trembling experts came up to collect the skull's brain tissue with various fluorescent colors, and took samples from several other corpses.

The team continued on, splitting into three groups at a fork in the road.

not found!

No exception!

No danger!

Except for the laboratory that was not closed, the journey went smoothly, and the three teams met at a main intersection without any surprises.

"Alarm, alert, an unknown biochemical virus leak occurs, alert, alert, an unknown biochemical virus leak occurs, the base will enter emergency procedures in 10 seconds, and the countdown begins."



"Damn!", the commander cursed secretly, and the headquarters instructed that regardless of the out-of-control AI, it must enter the central control room in the shortest possible time to find out what happened at the base.

The teammates had to endure the more urgent countdown and move on.


"Start cleaning process!"

As soon as the mechanical electronic sound fell, the alloy gates in front, around, and behind opened one after another, and closed laboratories opened one after another, and wobbly white coats came out of them.

The commander's pupils shrank, and the headquarters was in an uproar when they saw what the team members saw.

"What the hell?"


Da-da-da, da-da-da...

The wobbly walking dead is like a reappearance of a movie scene, densely packed, countless "zombies" rushing from all directions, and the team members rush forward in a triangular battle formation, unless they hit the head, no matter how powerful and caliber the bullet Can't stop these ghosts.

With limited ammunition, the commander had no choice but to lead people into a laboratory to clean up the 'zombies' inside. Electronic experts cracked the control authority of the alloy door and shut all the zombies out.

Safe for now.

The team members sat on the floor tiredly, and there was a panting sound in the communicator. The terrible thing was that the headquarters could not be contacted, and the line was strongly disturbed. Electronic experts said that it would take time to restore communication.

At this moment, three beams of light shot down from the top of the head, outlining the impression of a little girl.

"Hello, I'm Catherine."


The commander and everyone felt that this scene was very familiar, wasn't it the plot in Resident Evil 1?
What exactly is going on?

Is there still a T virus here?

(End of this chapter)

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