This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 342 Canaan's "Source Code"

Chapter 342 Canaan's "Source Code"

On the fourth floor of the mage tower, Bei Gaoyang passed through the light door opened by the almost constant [Prayer Travel Technique], ending the 10-day journey across the crystal wall system.

Ms. Josephine followed behind with big bags and small bags. She stepped on the fluffy carpet with wine red high heels, dropped the big and small bags, stretched herself, and said, "I'll go wash it first. bath."

"Ring!" Bei Gaoyang pointed to the interspatial rings on her hands.

Josephine took off the ring on her left hand and handed it to him, shook the other hand, and said with a smile, "The rest are mine." After finishing speaking, Grace walked to the bathroom.

In terms of shopping instincts, the two crystal wall-type female creatures are the same, and the precious "position" is wasted on some useless little things.

Bei Gaoyang touched his nose, watched her close the bathroom door, and after a while, humming of the theme song of the Titanic sounded.

With a snap of his fingers, the energy pool on the fourth floor restored the lighting on this floor, and warm light was projected from the crystal ball inlaid on the vaulted dome.

"Is Xiao Ai ready?"

"All right."

"Then get to work."

Another snap of his fingers, he came to the laboratory on the third floor, and the intelligent magic engraving workshop was continuously "spitting out" engraved substrates and "printed" parts...all according to the blueprint he designed on the earth .

Returning to the fourth floor with materials and drawings, the installation of the valve for the light gate began.

When Ms. Josephine came back, the project was already halfway through, and Bei Gaoyang looked back at her with an electric glow all over his body.

She is wearing a custom-made Chanel evening gown, the kind that stars often wear on the red carpet. Her outfit is also custom-made, even the wings are taken care of. The overall look is extravagant, luxurious, seductive and sexy... Uh, it fits very well she.

In terms of artistic achievements, it is still higher on the earth, including aesthetics.

I just don't know how she hooked up with the designer of Chanel. In such a short time, she sneaked out a few times.

Never mind, it's just little things.

Humming a song, Ms. Josephine came to the living room on the first floor. She still felt that the earth-style decoration and living room were more suitable for her. After going back these days, she was a little bit reluctant to leave, in such a magical desert.

Bei Gaoyang was still busy with his own affairs.

After the valve was installed, the test passed, and when it was officially launched, the "gravity" of the light gate was restrained within a narrow range by the valve, and the gate from Canaan to the earth was closed.

Bei Gaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, changed into loose clothes for home use, and took a rest for a while.

"Did anything happen during the few days I was away?"

"No, everything went well."

Bei Gaoyang smiled and said, "Sounds good?"

"Except for the abyss battlefield."

"How about Nicholas, can't the old guy stand up?"

"It's not optimistic. I feel that he is already close to his upper limit. If he continues to squeeze, maybe he won't collapse."

"That's okay, ready to start the abyssal is the player's situation?"

"Most of them are employed, and the general level is around level 10."

"Call out the background data and let me have a look."

As soon as I came back, I threw myself into the busy work. I am really a hard worker.

Bei Gaoyang laughed at himself, cheered up and looked through the boring and massive data.

"In the future, all these will be handed over to the Earth side for management, is it okay?" He said while watching.

"No problem, the core data is still in our hands."

"Show half and hide half?" Bei Gaoyang smiled while watching, "A single operating right has been enough for them for a long time, and when they find out that they can get nothing but a little bit of curiosity and a little bit of so-called rights, I guess will ask for more.”

"...I am going to remind you."

"I know, you don't need to remind me, now we are on the weak side of the transaction, and appropriate compromise and retreat are necessary"

He was very satisfied with the data in the background. The magic net's definition of the game has gone from the outside to the inside, and everything is included, and it is becoming more and more lawful.

For example: just like a color, the magic net can only feed back the visual signal representing this color in the player's perception before, but the real color is not what the player sees, but now, the magic net can change this Color itself, is no longer a 'fake' that only acts on the player's visual signals.

The leap of this step is of great significance, representing the law of the surface layer within the coverage range that the magic net can already affect, peeling off the outermost layer of the onion.

This also leads to a great reduction in power consumption, so it has not touched its load limit until now.

There is more than one place to be happy.

Don't talk about the soul power value, it is an astronomical number once it enters and exits, what we want to talk about here is the faith value.

109761 is the transcript submitted so far.

10 beliefs, which is almost a hundred times that of the fourth test, not only makes the magic net more powerful in the face of the erosion of the abyss, but also supports 11 false gods of the system, allowing them to participate in the game process frequently, and Capital contributes to the diversity of game content.

In contrast, there is also a naturally formed false god in the game area now, the forest goddess Asius of the Fairy Forest. After analyzing and comparing her existence situation, level and ability, it is estimated that her belief value will not exceed 1 Ten thousand units, although these 1 units are not comparable to the system's forest goddess Mithes, but Mithes relies on the entire magic net, and nearly a million players, it will not be much weaker against it, maybe Still have the upper hand.

What restricts Mitheus is the magic level of the magic net itself, which is only 5, which is a bit low, so now the battle of false gods has not happened, and the progress of players exploring the fairy forest is still slow.

And players.

The overall strength of the players has improved surprisingly. According to the current accumulation, it is completely possible to start the war in the fourth natural disaster mode.

In other words, the stage of wretched development can come to an end.

"They are here," said Xiao Ai,
Bei Gaoyang didn't react: "Who?"

"Earth's operating authority."

"...It's really fast!", he laughed, "Let's enjoy it together."

Isn’t there a saying that when you stand on a bridge and look at the scenery, the people watching the scenery look at you on the bridge?

Bei Gaoyang wiped the void with his bare hands, and a large piece of crystal was swayed out, forming a light curtain.

A nervous and sweaty face appeared in the light curtain, and the familiar Xiao Yu stood behind this face.

Bei Gaoyang raised his hand with a smile, and greeted Xiao Yu who didn't know it.

Earth, the 7th floor of the red building, the sixth floor.

Yu Qingdong felt that it was inconvenient, very, very inconvenient, and he really, really wanted to move all the computer rooms here back to the company headquarters.

He is not the only one who thinks so, almost everyone, of course, except those apprentices who study and live below.

The screeching sound of the cooling fans merged into one piece, and the heat emitted turned the sealed floor into a hot pot. Everyone was sweating profusely. Because of the unreliable power supply, the air conditioner did not dare to turn on, especially afraid because The slightest mistake can cause irreparable losses.

Canaan's secrets lie in plain sight.


Yu Qingdong still can't believe that one day he can really own it.

Look, look at these unknown 'codes' on the screen, how concise and beautiful they are, just like the Book of Songs, the top programmers see it as if they have seen some sacred object.

I know every character, but the "position" pointed to by connecting them together makes people confused. It seems that there are hundreds of millions of them, and they have been compiled into a towering building. You can only use it as a whole to gain an understanding of the whole. But it is impossible to go deep into the lines, understand the direction of each line, who it is compiled with, and who it is related to.

And there is more than one building woven by hundreds of millions of lines, but like a huge city, it stands endlessly.

If you regard this city as the whole, as the main body of Canaan, then you will find countless 'roads' extending from this city in the next moment. If you follow one road, you will find another equally majestic City……

This is Canaan?
Almost every molecule is defined, every wind is described, every leaf is rendered?
The top programmers are sweating profusely. They have both the fanaticism of worshiping the sacred object and the horror of being frightened. They clattered and tapped the keyboard, watched its "code", sang its "poems", and felt the immensity and vastness. I was so shocked that I was speechless for a long time.

This is not a program that humans can write!

It is impossible for the human brain to be so logical, and it is impossible to process hundreds of millions of constants and variables at the same time, weave them together, and then make judgments based on the results of their calculations, and then output the results, which are added to the billions of constants and variables. In one or even infinite checking formulas...

How could this be? This is obviously a language they all know, a tool they rely on for survival. They are familiar with them, but at this moment they feel that they are so strange.

"...Let's put it this way, every word of 'nonsense' is the most concise and efficient... Yes, there is not a single mistake, this is simply a miracle, how is it possible! But the truth is right in front of us."

"Can you understand it?"

"Can... and can't!"

"How to say?"

"I, I can't explain it clearly, it's like, it's like there is a book as thick as Mount Everest, and we can only read one page at a time, or a year."

"... How about using a supercomputer to check the calculation?"

"Yes... I suggest developing a more "advanced" version for it, and make it a little more foolish, otherwise... the efficiency will be very low."

"Okay, that's it for the analysis of the source code, let's start the interface operation."

Yu Qingdong followed a group of people to the crew where another group of people gathered.

"How about it, do you understand?"

A copyist with eyes blankly and sluggishly turned his head around, staring blankly like an idiot.

"Stupid, how is your research going?"

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a leader wiped the sweat from his brow, and was out of breath.

Yu Qingdong peeked at the interface from the crowd.

Canaan's development and application terminal is an extremely complicated and cumbersome operation interface.

How should I put it, the densely packed buttons are only the size of a grain of rice, and the integrated program has too many functions, so the interface has to be enlarged to more than ten times to operate normally.

This working interface is extremely crude and primitive, with anti-human designs everywhere, and there is no connection between the functions of the buttons and no rules. Four or five operators have not figured out any of the pointed functions until now. Dare to believe?
"Hurry up and work!"

"Oh, oh!"

A large group of people wiped their sweat and stared at the technicians wrestling with such an anti-human interface.

"Found the player's data entry."

This sound shocked everyone, and they all squeezed past with a whimper.

Yu Qingdong looked inside desperately on tiptoe, only to see numerous user accounts appear on the interface, click on one, and countless folders and storage files of unknown format appeared.

Searching in such an account file that is comparable to the root directory of the operating system, I found a file button similar to video playback.

After copying homework, I clicked tentatively, the screen expanded, and finally a timely picture of Canaan appeared.

No. 17 abandoned camp.

The 25th-level blue-named NPC city guard captain was all in armor, and his body was filled with faint black flames. A constant, miserable green halo expanded to a radius of 5 meters. Several tanks surrounding him were unable to dodge and were instantly killed It was stained with miserable green, and the life value was leaking wildly.

"What the hell, poisonous aura!?"

The priests in the back threw skills at them desperately, but they couldn't dispel or weaken the plunging health and status. In less than two seconds, one of the retreating tanks was poisoned to death.


The conductor behind the crowd shouted orders.

"Come and hang him with two rangers!"

Xia Miaomiao, under the command of Huaguoshan, left the team and leaned towards the captain of the city guard to rain arrows.

At this time, the city wall has been conquered, and there are more than a dozen other battlefields, all of which are located near the city gate.

Generally speaking, this abandoned camp is not as difficult to fight as imagined. The players are skilled at cooperating. They have red and blue potions. They can be revived if they hang up. It takes less than 15 minutes to return by teleportation. When all the hard stubble like the captain of the city guard has been worn away.

Perhaps it was because seeing victory was in sight, every family was very excited, and the few tanks that were killed by the intensity didn't have any experience to complain about, so they rushed back by the nearest teleporter without telling them.

Xia Miaomiao flew the city guard captain's kite one after another, and a group of "little monsters" came from the direction of the city lord's mansion. An army of hundreds of people composed of militiamen and city guards was not much more difficult to deal with than the harpy , although the white light kept flashing, the defense line composed of hundreds of players still withstood this wave of shock.

As soon as the balance of power was restored, a tank suddenly shouted: "What's going on, why am I 'stuck'!?"

"I'm stuck too!"

"Ah, I can't move!"

"Fuck, what are you hitting me for?"

"It's not me, it's..."

The lines of the players suddenly became chaotic, several players started to attack their own people inexplicably, the PK mode failed, and one suddenly flew into the air, and the other danced like a madman. ,

On the contrary, the blue-named NPC suddenly seemed to be on a stimulant. All the minions hit the boss's instant kill damage.


Xia Miaomiao was also caught up by the captain of the city guard, and returned to the city for free.

"My experience!!"

[Server failure detected! 】

【You can disconnect from the server. 】

(End of this chapter)

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