This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 343 This GM's Job

Chapter 343 This GM's Job

Yu Qingdong was in a state of desperation. Ever since he took over the operating authority, accidents and mistakes have occurred frequently.

Now it's all right, many players can't log in, and these experts and professors haven't figured out what went wrong until now.

As the nominal person in charge of the scene, he has no rights at all, and the pressure is all on him.

Those who complained on the forum, those who greeted his [-]th generation ancestors, and those who threatened to sue for damages... If saliva can kill, he may die no less than ten thousand times.

If the players' complaints can be tolerated, the frequent errors, convulsions, freezes, etc. in the game will make him feel a lot of trouble.

It was running well, but you insisted on joining in to add to the chaos, what do you say now?
Yu Qingdong was afraid that the operating rights he had won so hard would be taken back, and the excuses were all ready-made.

"How about it, hurry up!"

He begged an old academician like a little daughter-in-law. The old academician was very impatient and hummed twice perfunctorily.

"Mr. Yu, number 0 is calling."

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

"Hello, Chairman!"

"Xiao Yu, the game is about to stop running, what's the matter?"

"This... Canaan's technology is too...advanced, we are getting familiar with and mastering it, this... needs a process and time."

"How long will it take you guys?"

Yu Qingdong seemed to see No. [-]'s impatient expression, and looked back for 'support', but found that everyone was still so 'involved', which can only be described as fanatical.

——I don't know how long it will be!

I'm in a hurry, let me quit, Gan!
But he can only be ruthless in his heart, and he is reluctant to say, "10 hours, within 10 hours, the error that cannot go online must be fixed."

Here he played tricks, secretly praying that No. [-] would not hold on to him and let him get away with it.

"That's 10 hours. The game time is 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The system will release the expansion pack of 'Devil Battlefield'. Before that, you must troubleshoot. Is there any problem?"


Yu Qingdong bit the bullet, "No problem, all players will be able to log in normally by then."

Over there, he didn't care about his words, "That's it!", and ended the communication.

Yu Qingdong opened his mouth and looked up to see that no one was "idle" around. There was a large group of people behind several consoles, some of them were still pointing and questioning excitedly, some were arguing red-faced, and some were just focusing on Typing on the keyboard, some looked at the operation interface on the screen or the "source code" in the background like a fool... But no one cared about the new situation on his side.

Only 10 hours!

Yu Qingdong knew he couldn't go on like this, so he stood up and walked out.

At the stairway, the students curiously leaned on the door frame and poked their heads inside. The oppressive heat wave weakened somewhat, and Yu Qingdong's dizzy mind was cleared.

"Mr. Yu, can we be players?" A young student asked expectantly.

Yu Qingdong didn't have time to pay attention to them, he went down a flight of stairs, and suddenly thought of something, "Can you cool down the computer room?"

A few older students hesitated when they heard the words, and a few younger ones were only thirteen or fourteen years old. One of them rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "There is a way, but there are conditions!"

"What condition, tell me!"

"Game helmet!"

"Impossible, students cannot be players!"

"Then we want to take a vacation and go out to play!"

Yu Qingdong laughed angrily, pointed at these students a few times with his fingers, then turned around and went downstairs.

Ding Jian did not attend the class, and the students were not interested in listening to the lecture. When Yu Qingdong passed by, he called him out and asked him how to cool down the computer room.

There was so much commotion upstairs, it lasted almost a day, and it didn't stop, seriously disturbing Assistant Professor Ding's teaching arrangement, he asked, "Can't we move away?"

"It's a matter of the future to be able to move away. Let me ask you, is there any way?"

"Yes!" Ding Jian nodded.

"Well, this task is entrusted to you!" Yu Qingdong patted him on the shoulder, and hurried away as if someone was chasing him.

Leaving the red building, the vehicles parked outside also broke down due to the extremely high magic power content. He looked around anxiously, but there was no signal on his mobile phone.

Looking up at the 'color shield' above the head, there are two armed helicopters that have been hovering outside the shield. They took out their walkie-talkies, but they couldn't get in touch at such a short distance.

I had no choice but to run down the mountain with two legs.

After wasting more than an hour, he came back in a hurry with a working group. The car groaned and groaned when it drove halfway up the hillside. A group of people got out of the car and rushed to the red building as fast as possible.

On the sixth floor, Ding Jian is leading the students to install the spell base board of [Cooling Technique]. The computer room is still hot. Only the 'source code' is studied, and everyone is mesmerized, and even some people don't know about heat stroke.

It's a bit exaggerated to say it, but it's the truth. The people who were brought back by Yu Qingdong to save the scene were frightened and angry. They said that it didn't work, and they had to take compulsory measures to pull these people away one by one!

"Ah, let me go!!"

"Thank you!"

"Let me take another look, take another look, ah!!"

Yu Qingdong felt a chill in his heart when he saw his pale complexion and crazy face, and then looked at the other scientific researchers who were struggling and still rushing towards the display screen, "Leader, they... all seem to be a little abnormal!"

The leader's expression froze, and for no reason, a chill rushed straight to his scalp.

"Do you know what that is?" A gray-haired old academician struggled desperately, his right arm desperately stretched towards the cabinet, his expression twisted and ferocious, his eyes frantic: "That is the truth, that is the ultimate meaning of life, that It's a revelation from God, that's..."

Leader: "Take them away, take them all away!"

"Let go of me, ah!"

The old academician bit the man who was holding him bleeding, and with a mouth full of blood, he rushed back to the operating table, a smile curled up on his bleeding lips, and he tapped the keyboard cracklingly.

Yu Qingdong groaned in his heart, knowing that the 10-hour time limit was a bit mysterious.

At this time, Ding Jian installed the spell substrate, coughed, and said, "Leader, I know what's wrong with them."

"What's going on?" Someone asked quickly.

"They are 'spiritually infected'. They spend a long time and excessively investing in observing items with mysterious properties, and are exposed to the magical 'radiation' of magic items for a long time, and their spirits are infected unconsciously. One of the symptoms is, Mania, more focus and devotion, and emotions are affected by the infection frequency of magic radiation."

Yu Qingdong was slightly startled, and looked over in astonishment.

"Little...little comrade, how can I help you?"

"It's enough to take a good rest. Forcing them to leave, it's best to get an injection."

"Quick, do what this little comrade said!"

Everyone quickly agreed, and this time they stepped forward, they were much more determined.

These are people who are not diligent and pampered. Usually, with just one look, the people below will do things properly. When have you ever fought with someone?

After finally pulling people away, the scene was really chaotic.

"Little comrade, call your people to help!"

Ding Jian agreed, went out and yelled, and all the students watching the fun rushed in from Ulala, some hugged their heads, some raised their feet, and some were about to cast spells.

Ding Jian gave the students who were about to cast the spell a brain collapse, and directed the students to carry these experts and professors downstairs to resettle them.

Yu Qingdong wiped his sweat with the wall, looked at the time, and almost fainted in a hurry.

Only 7 hours left.

The working group was also panting, and the leader arranged for people to go out to report the latest situation. Looking at the operation desks lined up and the racks of cabinets, they didn't know what to do.

"Mr. Yu, are you still cooling down?"

Ding Jian came back and smiled.

"You, you have a solution?", Yu Qingdong can only be a dead horse. Ordinary people can't be exposed to the magical 'radiation' of magic items. It's useless to change a group of people.

How did Canaan's source code and development control terminal become magical items with mysterious properties?
Even he knew the codes.

"...How about it, are you sure?"

Ding Jian's eyes were shining, he looked back at the console, and nodded.

Yu Qingdong heaved a sigh of relief, walked to the working group, found the leader and explained his plan.

"Then let him try." The leader was also anxious.

In this way, Ding Jian walked to the console and saw the numbers, graphics and code language scrolling on the screen like a waterfall.

He took a deep breath, skillfully entered the state of meditation, sat down in front of the console with the graphical interface, and put his right hand on the mouse.

After half an hour.

The working group is also unbearably hot. They are all pampered people, and some of them have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.

At this time, someone had already moved those 'patients' away, and the noisy, New Year-like downstairs finally became quiet.

Ding Jian, who had been immersed in his work, got up suddenly, and Yu Qingdong, who was about to faint from the heat, sat up quickly and asked, "Why, how is it?"

Ding Jian turned his head and smiled, showing his white teeth, "It's too hot, I'll turn on the air conditioner."


Yu Qingdong looked at the window and the magic pattern substrate installed on the nearby wall, and nodded in a daze, "Hurry up!"

Ding Jian walked up to the magic substrate, chanted two short and awkward syllables, and after finishing the spell-casting gesture, he lightly pressed his index finger on the node in the center of the magic circle.

Silently, the magic patterns all lit up, and the cool cold wind came out of nothing, blowing over such a large area.

"Okay!", the eighteen-year-old boy smiled, went back to the workbench and sat down, and began to operate on the screen.

The working group of Hot Dog felt alive, and the sweat-soaked clothes quickly became dry, and the high temperature in the room was 'suppressed' very quickly, which was more efficient than a high-power air conditioner.

"Found it!" Ding Jian shouted excitedly.

"Have you found the cause of the failure?" The leader was even more eager than Yu Qingdong.

"Well, in the application program of the helmet, a very important constant has been changed, so..."

"Quick, quick, can you recover?"

Ding Jian turned his head and smiled, showing his white teeth, "It's recovered, it's very simple, just compare it with the server."

It's simple...

Yu Qingdong breathed a sigh of relief first, then his eyes became complicated, and then he looked at the half-children lying on the door frame and looking in curiously, realizing that the so-called "professional" might be redefined.

It is no longer how much knowledge and technology you have mastered, but how much occult knowledge and skills you have.

"Quick, quick, Xiaoyu, the forum said that you can log in."

Du Shiyu took off the earphones, "Do you still have game time?"

"Go up and have a look. Many people say that their data is lost and something is missing."


Can you do this?

Du Shiyu quickly lay down back to the game cabin, put on the helmet, and successfully logged into the game.

At the resurrection point of Punk City, many players are clamoring that they are missing something, and there is also Mr. Dong Guo who fishes in troubled waters amidst the outrage.

Du Shiyu didn't miss anything.

The task of building a gang failed, and most of the people were not online. A few online game friends chatted privately and asked her if she was missing anything, and there were many excited voices.

"It's not easy for the first time, but finally it's here. The system's pot, the stone hammer, can't be washed away, and some people lose their grades out of thin air. If Canaan Company doesn't give compensation this time, they will sue him and close down. , this is real gold and silver!"

"With the current situation of Canaan Company, do they dare? Do they dare?"


Well, the extortion is picking up steam.

Du Shiyu didn't want to join in the excitement, so he was about to go offline when he saw that there was not much time left in the game.

"Ah, Xiao Yu, the short green bow I just bought is missing."

"……real or fake?"

"Really, what should I do? Also, I lost 50% of my experience once I die? The system is convulsed!!"

Why did Du Shiyu hear something wrong? Why are you so excited?
"Let's talk offline."

"You first, I'll wait for Chunshui... It's abominable, the camp is about to be taken down."

Du Shiyu went offline and logged on to the official website. Sure enough, she condemned all of them, saying that she was missing something, and asked Canaan Company to give an explanation.

The temperature dropped, but Yu Qingdong was still sweating profusely. He didn't dare to look at the console, and just stood behind Ding Jianjian, feeling extremely anxious.

"I found it. It was artificial. Someone manipulated the player's item data, as well as experience points and character templates."

"Ah!?" Yu Qingdong looked pitifully at the leader behind him.

"Playing the piano indiscriminately, really playing the piano indiscriminately, who gave them the rights, this is an accident, this is a major accident, and the relevant personnel must be held accountable!" The leader was furious.

"Can it be recovered?" Yu Qingdong asked quickly.

"Yes", Ding Jianyue became more confident in his operation, and gradually grasped some tricks. These work interfaces, which even professional operators could not handle, were quickly sorted out in his hands.

"Now?" Ding Jian asked.

"No, no, no!", Yu Qingdong said quickly, you can't do it like this, otherwise you won't be able to explain clearly, "You first get out the list of players whose data was lost and modified, see what was lost and what was changed, and then send a system Announcement, give them compensation in the end, otherwise the guy who pretends to be a fake will annoy people to death."

"Then I'll try it." Ding Jian rubbed his hands excitedly. Obviously, he likes this GM job very much.

This is Canaan! !

(End of this chapter)

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