This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 344 The Wind of Thought

Chapter 344 The Wind of Thought
Damn, finally able to log in.

The place where the black pharaoh went online is an underground grotto, the air here is very turbid, full of thick bloody smell and a little bit of irritating 'sweet fragrance', as if the fragrance in the blood has been fully volatilized, so that the 'sweet' contained in it Essence' got fully released as well.

When he first went online, his vision was still a little distorted and blurred, and it was not until he walked out of the white light of the system's online protection that it gradually recovered.

A young woman's maniacal laughter and maddened ravings came through a narrow corridor, and a twisted and crazy shadow was projected onto the wall by the strange firelight.

This is a player.

Also a demon.

The black pharaoh sniffed his nose, showed a nervous smile, and walked into the small grotto where the goddess was.

"You came?"

"I am coming."

The female player (big devil) blinked jerky and slowly, and licked the blood on her upper lip with the tip of her forked tongue.

The black pharaoh shifted his gaze and saw that the great demon was in the center of a hexagram-like circle, and each of the six corners of the circle had a dead sacrifice.

The most striking thing is a cute orc girl like a porcelain doll. The sacrificial robe she is wearing is tattered, and some kind of violent force tore the young body under the robe to pieces, leaving nothing but a complete body. Skull and a connected, solitary vertebrae.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the remnant body of the orc girl lost the support of some kind of strength, and fell down with a thud.

Falling together were other corpses with five horns. They were all floating in a pool of blood, with a kind of poignant beauty in their cruelty, especially the little orc girl, whose long dark brown hair was like blooming petals. As for What is the stamen, needless to say.

The black pharaoh and the big devil looked at each other, and her character ID and level information slowly emerged.

[Extraordinary] LV15, Tracey (Tracey) - Great Devil (advanced task)

"Abyss is very satisfied!", Tracy was fascinated, she opened her arms, her white skin slowly changed color and dried up, and scales emerged, "Shua!", blood and fleshy membranes splashed, a Looking at the newborn and immature arms, it looks like a silkworm chrysalis that is moulting, "I'm also curious about me!"

The black pharaoh touched his nose.

"I would like to thank you for your help, and... the High Priest of Phoenix (Church of Death)", Tracy's expression became painful, her head and body were deformed, and it was incomparable to witness the great demon advance to the black pharaoh. Fortunately, even in the story mode, he was very involved in watching it.

"If I wasn't a demon, I would take refuge under the command of death, Jie Jie repay His generosity and help."

There are very few, very few, very few players like Tracy who are 'extremely involved in the game', but as the saying goes, there is everything in a big forest, and Tracy is not an exception, but rather special.

This guy is the 'roommate' who lives next door to the Black Pharaoh, and is also the 'specimen' that is most valued by the HR project... Well, I have to bring one more, she has a very, very serious 'mutation', this mutation The scientists of the HR project were crazy about it, and they wanted to cut her into slices for research.

But now they have no chance...

But maybe, until now, Black Pharaoh and Tres haven't escaped from that damned cage.

In reality, this "roommate" of the Black Pharaoh also has a lot of history. She is a perverted murderer, and she is detained in the most heavily guarded mental hospital. She has already done such a sacrificial scene in the game in reality. , and even more cruel.

I don't know how she got the player status, or the same sentence, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. Compared with Chinese players, overseas players can be described as a mixed bag. The more banned regions and countries are, the more serious the situation is.

However, overseas players also have a very prominent advantage over Huaguo players, that is, they can be particularly 'into the game' and full of 'patience'.

The word patience is naturally not related to the player group, and it is even more ridiculous to enter the play. One is culture, the other is tradition, and the third is the real environment. The three are indispensable.

There is a trend in this test. The sense of presence of overseas players has been weakening. After completing the initial adaptation and accumulation, some overseas players will use props such as [Rename Card] to change an ID with the characteristics of Huaguo players. Emphasize the identity of overseas players, and invest in the atmosphere of mainstream Huaguo players, thereby hiding their identity information in reality.

The big devil is evolving into a middle devil, which brings her great pain, but she seems to enjoy this pain very much.

The squirming muscles, raised bones, and nerves were stretched together by the elongated lower limbs. She became more and more like a snake. Her upper body was human, with the most white and delicate skin like white jade. Long, gradually pulled into a four or five meter long tail.

Her face also became extremely glamorous, her chest was astoundingly stalwart, and layers of hard shell-like things fell off her newborn arms.

When all the changes stopped, the great demon had turned into a erinia standing more than two meters high and seven or eight meters long.

A thick light pink mist emanates from her naked body, forming a constant halo within a radius of [-] meters around her body. Only her upper body is extremely beautiful, with a flawless face and a mosaic on her chest The stalwart, the slender and vigorous waist, the extremely inflated buttocks and the naturally extending snake tail.

Story mode ends.

[Extraordinary] LV16 Tracey (Tracey) —— Eros [Medium]

"Am I beautiful?", the erinia asked.

When she opened her mouth to speak, the black pharaoh only felt a hook hooked on his heartstrings, and the spontaneous heat made him subconsciously want to answer this question.

The voice of Erinia is a chorus of seven different timbres and emotions, as if seven women with different timbres and accents are speaking at the same time. They are both young and old, immature, mature, and naive. , There are also accidents, some are clear and loud, some are lazy and hoarse, some are condescending, and some are gentle and tactful... The lingering sounds are endless, like a handful of hooks, repeatedly pulling the heartstrings of the black pharaoh.

[Ding, you are affected by the ravings of the player Tracey (Tracey)'s demon]

[Ding, your devout belief in Kelenvor, the god of death, helps you resist the ravings of demons. 】

"It's so beautiful, it's simply a work of art," the black mage said in admiration.

"Do you know, Black Pharaoh, these things on the promotion line this time are not enough." Tracy swung her waist, and her snake-like lower limbs twisted naturally, making her silent, far exceeding the speed and speed of ordinary people Leaving the ritual circle of the six-pointed star, "What makes the abyss satisfied is our sacrifice in reality."

The black pharaoh smiled and showed his white teeth, "I can't help at all."

"No, you used your ability to contact all the imprisoned players and let them unify their thinking. This is very important. In the promotion I just completed, I gained knowledge in this area... The seeds of change are already in reality Planted, games, and especially mystery have been brought back to reality by our souls."

The black pharaoh became serious and nodded.

"Don't be in a hurry to get out of trouble. When the conditions are met, we will naturally leave that damned place. At present, we need to accumulate and grow. We can't expose the strength we have gained from online."

"I know, I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, that damn artificial intelligence program, Catherine, can't do much. Without us, she's just a bunch of soulless code. We gave her life."

At this time, the system announcement came, saying that the [Abyss Battlefield] mode would be activated in two hours. The teleportation point was on the Alpha plane, and all players who had already taken up the job could accept the task of opening the battlefield.

"Abyss...hehe...", Tracy licked her lips with the forked snake letter, and said excitedly: "Just right, isn't it, Black Pharaoh?"

Black Pharaoh looked at his remaining game time, "Then I'll go offline and prepare."

Tracy nodded, swung her waist and swam deeper into the grotto.

The black pharaoh crushed the teleportation talisman and returned to the city.

Nancheng is not as lively as Punk City, which is located in the 'inland', but the players who come and go are generally of high level and strength. This border city built on the original rock fortress has a complex environment in the dark area around it. High-level monsters emerge in endlessly. Neutral camp There are humanoid monsters everywhere, and there are humanoid monsters from the hostile camp... Ordinary player teams encountered it, and rarely took advantage of it.

As soon as you leave the city, the darkness outside your field of vision will hit your face. Unlike the surrounding areas of Punk City and Buck City, after hundreds of thousands of players explore and manage day and night, the dark area has also been opened up to bright areas, and it has been seized from the space where monsters ravage. .There is no sign of the dark area in Nancheng being lit up. There are as many relics of human civilization here as a cow's hair, but it is even more dangerous and difficult to conquer.

Not long ago, hordes of centaur routs passed through the southern city and spread deeper into the game area. What happened in the world story—the centaur invasion, relied on the powerful NPC force sent by the system to defend the city. The city gate is the world of the centaur, and the coalition of human gods tracking behind the centaur.

Nancheng is a military city, and the atmosphere of war is very strong. Players generally speculate that large-scale war scenes may break out here at any time, which is another game hotspot that is different from [Abyss Battlefield].

The war did not break out, and the range of activities of the players was severely restricted. Only players like Black Pharaoh and Tracy who are deeply involved in the game and very close to the NPC church and the game content can be the first Players step in and receive special 'care', sporadic activities across the vast Dark Zone map.

The black pharaoh rushed to the temple of the Death God Church in Nancheng, and handed in the task with the high priest whose relationship had been brushed up to [Take care of each other], and got the long-awaited exclusive skill as he wished.

[Resurrection (Death) - a first-level professional skill, exclusive to the Church of Death, learned by priests above level LV6, requires faith to be above piety: in the team state, if you survive, your teammates will get 'Death' Favored' aura, players with the 'Death's Favored Halo' will get the chance to pick up corpses after death, and the cooling time for each time is 30 minutes.When the dead player's soul comes back to his corpse, you can cast resurrection to revive the player. The revived HP is 30% of the maximum HP, and the cooling time of resurrection is 5 minutes. 】

[Do you want to learn resurrection (death)? 】

The black pharaoh grinned and chose to study.

The learning of skills is divided into three modes: occupational basic skills, comprehension skills and skill book skills. Every player has basic occupational skills, which can be obtained after taking up a job. Not obvious.

Skill comprehension is a skill that can be comprehended on its own in combination with the environment and the player's current state during practice and combat. This kind of skill generally has a "profound" impact, just like a natural summary of the results after a long period of contact. It is characterized by special The 'smooth', short cooling time, easy to display, strong or weak power.

The last skill book skill is a pure 'instilling', which feels very strong, especially the church's exclusive professional skills.

The black pharaoh only felt a cold probe piercing his brain, but he didn't feel any pain. He only felt a cold thing injecting into his brain tissue, like an expanding foam, filling part of the structure of the brain tissue .

The field of vision blurred, and distortion and deformation appeared again. Various inscriptions and magic lines about the resurrection technique flickered and combined patterns, flying in the field of vision.

It seemed that it was just an illusion. This kind of abnormality disappeared quickly, and there was an option [Resurrection (Death)] on his skill panel.

He moved his body a bit, feeling a little top-heavy, but he didn't care.

Kneeling piously in front of the statue of the god of death, he chose to go offline.

In reality, his body almost synchronized with the movements in the game. In a small, honeycomb-like cage, he knelt down in front of the statue of Kelenvor, the god of death, and muttered prayers.

The oval-shaped underground space is like a well, the small red seven-story building is surrounded by zombie-like crowds, and a large number of plants grow strangely, and they have spread everywhere, but all the branches and leaves avoid the glass facing the outside of the cage. wall.

In the hive-like cell, thousands of players were lying on the bed, their souls went to another world, or like Philip, kneeling in front of statues of gods, praying devoutly.

The murmured prayer sound was like the most mysterious raving, amplified by the 'well'-like structure, forming a strange, invisible wind that shrouded the entire base in a special thought force field.

It's time for dinner.

Just don't know if it's breakfast or dinner.

The artificial intelligence control center began to distribute food. The rails running through each cell sent boxes of steaming food and drinks, and took away some food boxes that hadn't been touched much and had already cooled down.

"Hello, I'm Catherine!"

The projection of the three-color light beam landed on the bottom of the elliptical structure and was changed by the 'wind', and the little girl who was given life by the 'wind' began to persuasion day after day in vain.

"Please stop all this, you are undergoing fundamental mutations, you have brought very dangerous things back to Earth, which will endanger your lives and the environment on which human beings depend."

The mechanical persuasion broadcast was repeated for half an hour, but she was ignored, and the prisoners were already doing their own things.

Maybe... she doesn't care about it herself, it's just a routine?

(End of this chapter)

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