This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 345 Abyss Battlefield

Chapter 345 Abyss Battlefield
After finally finishing the pre-quests of the Devil's Battlefield, and with less than two hours left in the game, Xia Miaomiao excitedly teleported to the battlefield. Before she could get out of the white light of the teleportation, she heard overwhelming shouts of killing.

I saw that there are players everywhere in the small soil enclosure, most of the extraordinary and dusty cloaks are filled with magical aura, various professions, various races, various equipment, and there are big demons, small demons and even promoted to middle demons. Hidden occupations, no longer hiding them, and using hidden race occupations to show off everywhere.

On the city wall, there were almost no players participating in the defense, all of them were NPC guards. The white light that was killed back to the city rose densely behind her, left, right, and in all directions. After a while, there was no place for her to stand, and she was squeezed away from the resurrection point.

Only then did she see the system prompt.

[You are affected by the abyss environment, all attributes -20%. 】

[You are blessed by the head of the Rebel Army Rams Feier: exempt from death penalty, exempt from resurrection time limit]


Xia Miaomiao screamed up to the sky, and rushed towards the gate of the city like a shot of stimulant.

There are too many players, and the soil enclosure is too small. After a while, there are people in all directions. They finally crowded out of the city, and all they saw were the backs of their heads.

What kind of abyss environment, what kind of demon, what kind of danger, what kind of... don't care about it all, the players in the overall ranking didn't release a few skills, just bumped into the tide formed by monsters, splashing white light in all directions, vividly Block the impetus of the monster.

Xia Miaomiao was among the crowd and saw a tall monster descending from the sky. Before she could see what it looked like, she was buried alive by the skill aura from all directions. The damage figure was like an explosion, and the blood tank was also flying Three thousand feet straight down, one tube emptied in the blink of an eye...but there was one more.

Even so, the monster didn't die, the second tube of blood was only half cleared, the tracer of the skills had become sparse, and the melee profession finally rushed to the front, and cut off the head.

Xia Miaomiao was squeezed to the side, and finally bent her bow and set her arrows to get ready, when she saw the tall monster swung its forelegs in a circle, and several white lights flashed at the same time, killing four people in a flash. five.

Only then did he see the appearance of the monster.

At first glance, it looks like a praying mantis, but it has centipede-like lower limbs, and two huge pincers on its forelimbs, surrounded by black air, roaring silently against the explosion-like damage value.

The players were even more jealous. A thief actually jumped onto the monster's back, aimed at the hard shell behind his head, and launched a [Backstab]

This guy was also lucky, and found the weakness of the monster. The dagger with a bright blue light was inserted deeply into the back of the monster's head, and it hit 4 digits of damage all at once.

With a bang, the monster fell down, and a pitch-black shadow flew out of the monster. It was indeed a monkey-like demon, and the system marked it as: LV25 Cowardly Demon (Elite·Silver).

"It's equivalent to a silver treasure chest!"

"Treasure box monster!"

Xia Miaomiao's eyes turned red when she heard it, and countless long-range skills went towards the 'treasure box monster' bee pupa, but most of them fell into the empty space, and occasionally only hit -1-1-1 without breaking the defense Compulsory damage.

"Physical attack is immune to aura, mage!"


Xia Miaomiao was about to go crazy when she heard it, there happened to be a mage beside her, and she was still singing the fireball technique, when she heard it, she instantly fired a [Magic Missile].

Dozens of magic missiles have almost sealed all the escape routes and spaces of Coward. Even so, the median demon is the median demon, and an explosion-like halo spread out, and all the magic missiles turned around. Come back, come and give back to him in the same way.

Not only that, but the nearest player suddenly felt 'terrified', crying and hating his parents for losing two legs, throwing away their weapons and running away, hula la, all the escape routes were emptied by Coward.

In the end, the silver treasure chest monster was not left behind.

And this is just a small part of the battlefield that took place, and it took less than 10 seconds from beginning to end. Some players were beating their chests in frustration, but they were attracted by more targets in a blink of an eye.

Xia Miaomiao quickly put aside her negative emotions and rushed forward, only to see a boundless front formed by endless monsters. Can throw the most powerful skills and damage before dying.

[Lianzhu Arrow], [Burst Arrow], [Shadow Arrow]... After using their skills for less than two rounds, they were covered by a black line, surrounded by all kinds of strange monsters, within a second, They were sent back to the city for free.

Resurrected, walked out of the resurrection point, and found that there was no penalty, but the total attribute changed from -20% to -25%.

At this time, she calmed down a little bit, and felt that what she did just now was purely to die. Just when she heard someone shouting hoarsely, form a group, form a group, she identified a paladin from [Out of Dust] and threw it in the group application.

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no response. The dusty paladin had already squeezed into the corner with a full team of 30 people and began to form troops.

Xia Miaomiao was in a hurry, she really didn't want to waste a second, so she handed out a few more applications to join the group, but all of them fell to nothing.

Ah, do you think my aunt's combat power is low?
How can I hit you in the face when I upgrade to 15 and equip a purple bow!

At this time, I received a private chat from Du Shiyu, saying that I can't get in anymore, and the battlefield is full.

Isn't it overcrowded? I'm afraid there are four to five thousand people.

After a lot of effort, I added a regiment. The regiment leader is a level 15 barbarian. It took me ten minutes to mobilize troops and form a formation. There is no nonsense, just pull out the team and go to work.

The order has improved a lot. After dying twice, you know that you can't act recklessly, you have to stick together.

Once the players have an organization and countermeasures, the efficiency will be different.

Only then did I realize that once a monster approaches the city wall, it will be attacked by the guards at the top of the city and the magic patterns on the city wall, such as hail, acid rain, ground spears... especially the leader of the legion standing on the steeple. And Huohai, after such a cleanup, the density of monsters has dropped significantly, and many monsters that were injured but not dead are simply big gifts for nothing.

Everyone in the team was breathing heavily. After waiting for the legion leader to make a shot, before the dense lightning jungle disappeared, they couldn't wait to rush in.

The smoke was scattered, the electric light was winding around, the vision was hazy, and the transpiring magic energy was like a smoking steamer.

A two-story-tall monster came in front of it, shaped like an orangutan, and it was indeed a suture monster with all kinds of strange things stitched together. The electric light was tangled on its body, and large pieces of burnt meat fell off. With 10 tubes of blood, only a small half of the HP is left, with a crimson dazzling ID: LV29, monster stitcher (Necromancer, Elite, Silver), holding a pitch-black stick, striding towards this side come over.

Boom boom boom...

The rust-colored ground trembled slightly under its tread, and the sound was extremely astonishing.

Another silver treasure chest!
"Ah, let's do it!"

The four tanks in the team were blessed with priests and bards, the paladins prayed loudly, the berserkers turned into little giants, and the steel shields formed a wall facing the monsters at high speed. At that moment, with a cry, the wall moved away flexibly, just in time to dodge an area damage from the 29 stitcher's stick.

Taking advantage of the monster's old moves, the empty door opened, and a paladin leaped into the air, with a band of light like a magic pattern flashing around his body, and a huge phantom was shot down with the mace held high.

The hammer hit the monster's head, and the -14 damage was not satisfactory. The added shock and paralysis effects only made the monster shake its head.

The attacks of the other four tanks also arrived. The paladin's [Holy Strike] and the barbarian's [Brutal Charge] successfully stopped the damage.


It was another sweep, and was dodged flexibly by four tanks. The team channel was overjoyed. This monster seemed to be purely physical, with high health and strong defense. It was the type of group fights that players liked most.

"Remote, let's go!"

Xia Miaomiao was ready a long time ago. Hearing this, she let go of the bowstring, and with a whoosh, the arrow glowed in mid-air, and finally ignited an orange-red aura flame, which exploded the moment it touched the monster, splitting into more than a dozen streams. The small group of flames exploded again.


The monster swept again with a full head of damage value, and it was just such a move back and forth, naturally it had no effect at all.

In less than a minute, the half tube of blood went down.

Looking at the entire battlefield again, 30 teams composed of four to five thousand players have spread across the front of the vast battlefield. The wave of monsters wiped out by the Lightning Forest of the Legion Commander left sporadic stragglers like Stitchers, each of whom has level 30 or above The strength of the blood monsters with gray iron, bronze, and silver suffixes can be found everywhere... What are these, these are big gifts.

Don't worry about being robbed!

"Cheer up, focus, don't be careless!!"

The team leader shouted hoarsely. The stitcher of 29 seems to have nothing to do with these nimble flies. Kong has a strong attack power and a huge defense power, but his life can only be worn out little by little. His body was flushed, his head was smoking...


The team leader showed his nervous veins and his face was distorted.

The same is true for Xia Miaomiao. When she runs out of skills, she gets a flat A. She doesn't listen to the movements of her hands. The hand that draws the arrow almost has an afterimage, and her physical strength drops rapidly.

Another tube of blood was worn down, and the last tube of deep red blood made ghosts howl in the team channel. At this moment, a tall spider-shaped monster nearby fell down, and with a bang, the exploding aura spread all over the place. On the ground, a series of upgraded white lights lit up.

Stimulated by this, everyone naturally scrambled to be the first, the team gradually deformed, and there were omissions in coordination. A bard ran to the front somehow, and the whistling stick couldn't dodge with his agility, but was wiped off. One point, he was instantly killed on the spot.

"Fuck, formation, formation!!"

The team leader yelled and cursed, telling the dizzy team members to pay attention to the formation coordination. Only then did Xia Miaomiao realize that she was unknowingly getting too close.

Hurry up and walk away from the distance, and output at full power across forty or fifty meters. The cooling time is too long, and the skills are really useless. Frequent emptying of skills makes surprises fall from the sky:

[Ding, congratulations on comprehending [Fighting Boiling] (passive), all skill cooling time -20%]

[Ding, your overall quality has improved, combat power +100]

She screamed excitedly.

Combat power has officially broken through the 1000 mark, and the -20% cooldown has been shortened, making the connection of skills smoother, and the damage has also been raised to a higher level.

"Half a tube of blood left!"

"What the hell is that ranger, why is it so output!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Xia Miaomiao hastily agreed, and stopped paying attention to the strange feeling on her body after comprehending the skills, and shot [Lianzhu Arrows] continuously, calming the dissatisfaction of the group leader.

At this time, the Stitching Monster was already red as if it had been boiled red, with large cracks appearing on its body, an arm fell off, and it turned into a monkey-like monster after landing.

The head of this 'monkey' is covered with compound eyes, and with a scream, a tank was [petrified] on the spot.

"Pastor, quickly..."

It was too late, and the subsequent stick smashed the tank into pieces.

"Long-distance fast-fire small!!"

Xia Miaomiao had already locked onto the 'little monster' without the commander's order, but at this moment, the flesh-colored stick in the 'big monster''s hand was thrown over, spread out a pair of fleshy wings in mid-air, and went straight to the area where the long-distance crowds gathered Come on.

"Ah, spread out!"

Xia Miaomiao released her skills, no matter whether she hit or not, she rolled to the ground without looking back.

"Boom boom boom..."

The second mob that broke away from its body spit out a miserable green water polo the size of a basketball, and exploded a large piece of venom with the effect of [Strong Poison] after landing. was sent back to the city.

The team panicked, and another tank was fixed by [Petrochemical], and was photographed into a mosaic by 29's stitchers.

"Go, go!!"

The group leader shouted in panic, waiting for the opportunity so the thieves had to make an advance move, one by one dodging behind the flesh-winged mobs spewing poisonous water balls, and launched a deadly assault, trying to eliminate the threat of long-range output overhead.

But, ok, ok... the Stitches are fucking split again.

This time, one leg was detached, and densely packed bone spurs and centipede-like arthropods emerged, and the bone spurs were fired densely like arrows. The two remaining tanks had nowhere to hide, and were shot into hedgehogs in the blink of an eye.

One tank died on the spot, and the last tank was [Out of the Dust], barely retaining a trace of blood. The aura of the priest's skill flashed on him instantly, pulling back the blood tank that was about to bottom out.

The situation was good just now, and the group will be wiped out in the blink of an eye?
"The health of the little monsters is shared, don't worry about the small ones, set the fire, and set the fire body for me!"

It is true that splitting is not free. Every time splitting, part of the health of the main body will be taken away. There was only half a tube of blood left, but now there is only a little bit about one centimeter thick.

"Everyone output the ontology, hurry up!"

At this time, there was no talk of long-range and melee combat. Everyone was red-eyed and just focused on outputting brainlessly around the main body. Even the priest rushed to the front, and the bard's harp hit the handicapped main body.

Strange to say, Xia Miaomiao's mind became clearer at this time.

She didn't rush up in a swarm, but moved cautiously while avoiding the mobs. Her teammates died one by one, leaving only a trace of blood on her body.

Seeing that it was about to succeed, there were only 5 teammates left on the scene.

【Leader Crimson Moon changed the distribution mode of the team: free pick-up, do you agree? 】

what! ?

The team channel was full of scolding.

The team members who hadn't rushed back were furious, and the five players on the scene, including Xia Miaomiao, agreed tacitly.

[Ding, change the distribution method of the team to: free pick up. 】

The stitcher at level 29 finally fell.


The aura of dropped treasures flying all over the sky covered the ground.

[Ding, you killed the L29 monster stitcher (elite, silver), and gained 1098 experience points, congratulations on your upgrade]

(End of this chapter)

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