This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 346 Master, Master

Chapter 346 Master, Master
"At that time, the sword was only [-] centimeters away from me, but after a quarter of a second, that damn Crimson Moon disbanded the team, and the treasure-dropping authority was recalculated, which delayed [-] seconds. That The despicable guy made a move of flat sand and falling wild geese, threw himself on the sword, raised his buttocks and confessed me away..."

"Haha... Miao Miao, you are so funny!"

"What happened afterward?"

"Later, it was time for my game, and I only got a skill book."

"What skill book?"

"Did I use it?"

"The mage's [Levitation] is given to Xiao Yu."

"Silver Treasure Chest Monster, do you have a guild building order?"

"No, the best thing is a blue outfit and my skill book, everything else is rubbish"

"The silver treasure chest has a false name?"

"It's definitely not as good as a real treasure chest, with such a high refresh rate."

"It's rare for the system to be generous, but it's a pity that we can't squeeze in."

"Just wait until the people inside come out, Miaomiao, if you weaken by 50%, you will be kicked out, right?"

"Well, so try not to die if you can not die, but even if you don't die once, you can stay for up to 4 hours"


"Abyss environment erosion, 20% weak at the beginning, every half hour will get worse"

"Is that so..."

Whoops... the time is almost up, isn't it? "

In the tavern of Alpha City, all the seats were filled with players, and the still-silent half-plane was revived, and it was even more lively than before. Brothers, sisters, and families were chatting, and someone outside shouted, "The battlefield is open again.", inside and outside The people outside coaxed and all squeezed out.

The streets and alleys were crowded by players, a batch of white light sent away, and a batch of white light sent people out again.

"Light rain, light rain!"

In the crowd, Xia Miaomiao jumped and waved to the location Du Shiyu sent over to. Du Shiyu also spotted her and smiled tiredly.

When the two met, Xia Miaomiao hurriedly asked, "How is it, how is it?"

"Died more than a dozen times, raised two levels, got more than [-] points of merit, and exploded a pile of garbage. The best is a blue outfit, and I haven't grabbed it yet."

"No, the burst rate has been adjusted again?"

"There aren't that many treasure chest monsters."

"Maybe it's the first wave of bonuses, haha..."

"When I came out, the tide of monsters had receded. The army leader said that the task of building the camp was about to start, but I didn't have time."

"It's okay, there's still me."

"You guy, why are you so lucky, you have caught up with all the good things."

"There's no way to be pale!"

"You said you are fat and still panting?"

"Little Yu, are you jealous, haha..."

"I'm jealous of you, I will be jealous of you..."

In less than a while, the city was more than half empty and less crowded, and Nuo Da's square was soon occupied by stalls and players.

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao bickered, and when Fan Chaoyue and the others went online, they were idle and wandered around the stalls.

"Walk around and take a look. The freshly baked blue longbow has three attributes and three magic resistances. It hasn't been identified yet."

"Family order, does anyone want a family order?"

"Second-level cloak enhancement stones, 4 pieces, only sell for RMB, and receive the first-level cloak enhancement stones, the price is black crawling!"

"Is there anyone on the battlefield in a team? I have a combat power of 880 bards, green weapons, first-class operational awareness, and a professional nanny."

"Is there a priest who knows the resurrection technique? The team recruits a priest who can resurrect the technique, the game time is adjusted uniformly, and the veteran players of the first test lead the team. An elite group with an average combat power of more than 1200."

"Receive soul gems, monster crystal cores, lucky charms, professional skill books, enchanting and alchemy formulas, all levels of strengthening stones, unidentified equipment above blue equipment, RMB, M yuan, euros, and copper coins are all acceptable...Yaohui Group , big organization, trustworthy!"

"Is there any Italian player? Don't hide. I'm not a trustee. If there is something urgent, let's talk privately. I won't treat you badly."

"Take a girl from Japan, take a girl from Japan!"


As soon as the battlefield opened, all kinds of good things seemed to blow out. Both of them were dazzled by it. Xia Miaomiao bought two lucky charms and prepared to strengthen the cloak. Later, she appraised the golden sun-shooting bow and charged at once. Up to 2500 combat power.

Looking at the leaderboard at this time, there are players at level 18. The first few pages are all full of dust, with the highest combat power of 3200, a demon player named Twelve Monkeys.

Xia Miaomiao sighed enviously, "Demon!"

Du Shiyu: "Where, where?"

"I mean, if only we could turn into a demon race."

"Yeah, not only can demons manipulate and control monsters, but they won't be weakened in the abyssal battlefield. It's equivalent to 4 hours more game time than us. 4 hours a day is too unfair."

"You think so too, right?"


"Devils can also sacrifice, transform themselves, play in any profession, and level up by collecting soul fragments. Apart from the lack of basic attribute points, there are no shortcomings."

At this time, Fan Chaoyue went online.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

She suddenly appeared behind the two of them, patted Xia Miaomiao on the shoulder, and shouted.

Xia Miaomiao rolled her eyes, and Du Shiyu said, "We're talking about demons!"

"Demon, there's one over there..." Fan Chaoyue pointed in one direction, and sure enough, he saw a big demon player leading a group of younger brothers swaggering through the market.

"My niece is also a demon." Fan Chaoyue said.

"Your niece... that magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang?" Xia Miaomiao still had that weird girl.


"It's been a long time since I saw her," Du Shiyu said.

"I was arrested and sent to school, my helmet was confiscated by my brother, and I was still making trouble at home last night, hehe..."

Fan Chaoyue was very gloating, and wanted to laugh at the way his niece was rolling around at home. Such an aunt is enough.

"My mother got a headache from the trouble and kicked out my brother's family. She deserves it, haha..."

Du Shiyu smiled and said, "How can you be such an aunt?"

"You don't know that damn girl is a little crazy. The reality of playing games is no different from games. She is also weird at home. My mother said... She often sneaks out in the middle of the night. Every time she comes back, she is very sick. Dirty, I don’t know why I went there.”

Du Shiyu's face was a little unnatural when she heard that, she thought of the black cat that only she could see, she had finally come out of the state of being out of her mind, and she didn't want to hear things that reminded herself of that special and abnormal state .

Immediately changed the topic, "What about the other two, your filming hasn't finished yet?"

"It's almost finished...Miao Miao, where's your sun-shooting bow, how about you go and appraise it?"

Xia Miaomiao rolled her eyes again, "I've already identified it before you."

"Miao Miao~~"

"Go away, disgusting."

"Come on, let's go to appraise, don't wait for those two guys."

Holding Xia Miaomiao's arm, Fan Chaoyue bounced towards the direction of the appraising NPC. Neither of them noticed that there was something wrong with Du Shiyu's expression.

"Quick identification, quick identification!"

Xia Miaomiao was in pain and paid the appraisal fee of 1 gold. On the counter, the brilliance in the hand of the appraisal NPC of 'Xianfeng Daogu' flashed, and the exaggerated shape of the sun-shooting bow became golden.


[Golden Sun Shooting Bow, Quality: Purple, Durability 32/32, Weight: 10, Equipment Level: 15, Equipment Occupation: Jungle Wanderer, Equipment Requirements: Dexterity 25, Strength 13, Spirit 10, Combat Strength Rating: 1789]

[Basic attributes: physical attack power: 22-47, magic attack power: 20-51, range +2 (10 meters), vision +3 (15 meters), agility +5, strength +3, constitution +2, intelligence + 2, spirit +2, all resistance +5, Feng Shui, earth and fire element resistance +10, archery specialization +1]

[Advanced attributes: 1—Agility +5, Spirit +3. 2—Energized arrows (unlimited), basic attack power of arrows +5, 5% chance of freezing effect, freezing enemies for 2 seconds, 5% The probability of double critical strike occurs. 3, control effect resistance +2, the time of being controlled is reduced by 20%. 】

[Strengthenable attribute: physical (magic) attack power +7-14 (enhancement +0), critical strike probability +0.1%. 】


The certified sun-shooting bow is like an energy weapon. The texture of the metal is almost covered by the flow of energyized halo. It has extremely powerful attributes, and it can also strengthen physical and magical attacks. Up to 10 points of main attribute blessing , Super high vision and shooting range... All of these are enough to blind the eyes of all rangers, and they can be called the most powerful Klass killing and monster killing weapon that Xia Miaomiao has ever seen.

Xia Miaomiao paused for breath, took the sun shooting bow from the NPC, chose the equipment blankly, and replaced the green short bow in her hand.

An electric current flowed into her body from the hands holding the sun-shooting bow tightly, making her body two centimeters taller. pulse, the body becomes extremely light, and the hands and feet become extremely firm.

In the end, this electric current went straight to the brain, bringing about the crazy secretion of dopamine, causing her intracranial orgasm, a whirlwind on the ground, with a wind effect that matched the sun bow.

When she woke up, the sun bow had already felt a flesh-and-blood connection with her, and the thought disappeared in her hand, slanted on her back, and turned around again, and appeared in her hand again.

Fan Chaoyue: "So handsome, so handsome!!"

Xia Miaomiao grinned stupidly, looking at her attribute panel, not only the basic attributes, but also the advanced attributes, advanced attributes, and the combat power score of the current master, who broke through 2500 in one fell swoop, reached 2816.

Combat power ranks 79.

"I want to open the box, open the gold box!" Fan Chaoyue's envious eyes turned red.

Du Shiyu was also very envious. Looking at the equipment rankings, the freshly baked sun-shooting bow was parachuted to the second position. The first place was a magic book (staff), called [Semir's Notes ([-])], with hidden attributes.

Once the battlefield opened, the level and strength of the players were like rockets. Both Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu were already level 16, and they could challenge the second-level professions.

It's time for Du Shiyu's game, go offline to prepare first, Xia Miaomiao and Fan Chaoyue wait for Hu Ge and Liu Xiaoming to go online, and queue for two hours before entering the demon battlefield.

The second time she landed, Xia Miaomiao's strength had undergone a qualitative change. The exaggerated shape and energetic appearance of the sun shooting bow matched her demeanor as a master. As soon as she stepped out of the teleportation array, she received an invitation to form a team.

"Beauty, how many of you are together?" A dwarf paladin ID called me a short, tight guy and said.

Xia Miaomiao looked around. Fan Chaoyue and Hu Ge, who had just arrived in the noble land, ran to the NPC excitedly to receive the meritorious task.

There were still a lot of players, and Tuweizi was already being expanded. They happened to catch up with the end of the expansion task, so they rejected Shorty's invitation and hurried to accept the task.

"...Nice to meet you: a small sapling, I can feel the powerful force emerging from you. I have a commission here, but it is more dangerous. If you can hunt down a mid-level demon to prove you I will write a letter of recommendation for you, so that you can be promoted to a second-level profession and get a gold medal..."

Wow, Demon Battlefield can actually do level 2 professional tasks?
Then why hesitate, agree quickly.

After accepting the task of professional promotion, and the task of mopping up monsters and collecting various materials for city expansion, they asked Fan Chaoyue and the others to buy supplies, formed another tank paladin, and the team of five set off with confidence.

In the rust-colored sky, the black clouds have dissipated. With the retreat of the monsters, the strong demonic energy has become a lot weaker. The rust-colored color has gradually moved away from the safe area. Priests and priests are leading their followers to use 'holy water' to purify the land polluted by monsters and demonic energy.

Sprinkle a glass of holy water on it, and there will be a faint black smoke, and the rust color on the soil will further lighten. Fat 'worms' seem to be driven out by pesticides, and they dry up and die one by one.

"It's disgusting!" Fan Chaoyue covered his eyes and didn't dare to look more.

The foundation for city expansion has been laid, but only NPCs are busy. Few players take on such low-tech tasks. Passing through the busy construction site, there is a rust-colored ocean outside, and the endless skyline is far, far away, but It is very close, very close, and the contradictory perception is misplaced, making every player dizzy and nauseated.

Can only focus on other places.

It's hard to imagine that the boundless army of monsters has gone there, and there is no monster in sight, let alone a demon.

However, the advantage of the Devil's Battlefield is that there is no dark area, and the field of vision can be extended infinitely. A huge and pale skeleton appeared on a hill far away, and many shaking shadows could be seen faintly below the hill.

[New map discovered: the 97th floor of the bottomless abyss, the skeleton ([-]) outpost. 】

After walking for ten minutes, I saw that the huge pale head was actually a building. It was a skull made of countless white bones. The eye sockets and ear holes of the skull were the entrances and exits. Fat, fat abyssal worms crawling everywhere.

[Discover resource point: Demon Farm ([-])]

"There are still resource points?" Fan Chaoyue said, "Devil Farm? Can you catch pets?"

As soon as the voice fell, a team of players came out of one eye socket, and behind each of them was something like a meatball, dragging a triangular tail, bouncing around.

"Is it really a pet?" Fan Chaoyue's eyes lit up.

"It's so ugly!" Xia Miaomiao said in disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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