This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 347 Rebirth Token

Chapter 347 Rebirth Token

In the abyss, not all demons and monsters dominated by demons.

A part of the abyss ruled by the chaotic camp will not be discussed. Just talk about the abyss of the order camp. There is still a little 'production and constructive' aspect.

Devil Farm is one of the most prominent representatives.

As we all know, demons are masters in manipulating souls, and the abyss is the ultimate home of fallen souls. "The evil birth of soul and flesh and blood" is a major feature of the abyss. The combination of the two forms the basis of the devil farm.

Contrary to the propaganda that the gods create intelligent life, demons, especially high-level demons, also want to create an intelligent race that is inherently evil and favored by the dark rules of the crystal wall system.

In addition to satisfying the most basic functions of plane commodities, Devil Farm’s ultimate goal is to use its own dependent races to occupy the ideological trend of the main material world, so that the consciousness of the abyss can overwhelm the consciousness of Gaia, the rules of the dark side can suppress the rules of the bright side, and reverse yin and yang. Qiankun, get rid of the false and seek the truth, so that the rules and order of the entire crystal wall system can be separated from the "hypocrisy and selfishness" of the gods.

Look, a small demon farm contains the essence of the game between gods and demons, heaven mountain and abyss, Gaia consciousness and abyss consciousness.

Even the bloody battle can get relevant inspiration from Devil Farm.

Why did the bloody battle break out?
Isn't it that the grand blueprint of the order camp has not made breakthrough progress, and the abyss consciousness has gradually lost its 'patience', and its chaos and destruction have come up with another method and way to realize it?

This is a battle of the lines.

Obviously, it is impossible for the chaos camp to have such a thing as a devil farm. This devil farm can only belong to the order camp. It is rare that such an 'isolated island' has persisted until now when the entire plane has fallen. , so that after the monster retreated, it was left on the beach like a reef, welcoming the arrival of a special kind of friendly army.

The main body of the farm in the shape of a skull, with slightly open gums, and under each tooth that is as tall as a person, stands a little devil or a big devil.

Allied camp.

So their IDs are green (the Rebel faction is white).

The magic net has just reached a deal and compromise with the commander guarding this isolated island, the high-level demon Abraham. The farmer who was accidentally trapped in the Jedi was terrified, and he left here as soon as he was rescued, alone. Fleeing to a safe rear, handed over the basically well-preserved farm and all his men to reinforcements and allies.

As a result, the magic net obtained the first resource point of the bloody battle.

Devil NPC?

The players are not surprised. Compared with the demon NPCs, they accepted the new map setting with ease. The first batch of players have already received a large number of tasks from the demon NPCs - cleaning up the invading monsters in the farm. The reward is A special product of the farm - the eggs of Quinster's magic ball.

The [Quinster Magic Ball] hatched from this egg can be used as a magic pet, providing players with [Affinity to the Abyss Environment] (passive), [Detect Chaos Aura] (active), [Resist Soul Corrosion] (passive), Inster Energy Field] (active) four skills and passive buff effects.

Among them, [Affinity to Abyss Environment] is essential, which can slow down the weakness of the abyss environment to players, thus prolonging the time and increasing the number of resurrections.

[Detect Chaos Aura] can find the demon manipulating the monster from the monster, [Resist Soul Erosion] can increase the player's soul defense when confronting the demon, [Quinster's energy force field] can limit the enemy's ability to move While increasing the player's combat ability.

The round meat balls are quite cute.

Xia Miaomiao squatted in front of a Quinster ball, and poked the layer of flesh that looked like seal skin with her index finger, startling it, causing it to float and spin around its owner.

goo goo...

"It's funny, it's fun."

The player was talking to someone, turned around and saw a beautiful woman, and said, "It's called Qiuqiu, it's a bit shy."

"Qiaoqiu?", Xia Miaomiao thought, the name is really not creative, but she smiled reservedly on her face: "Is the task difficult to do, have you found any demons?"

"You'll know when you go in." The player smiled mysteriously.

"Okay, thanks... Goodbye Qiuqiu!"

goo goo...

Fan Chaoyue and the others had already gone to pick up the task, and Xia Miaomiao also went to line up.

Halfway through the queue, a white light suddenly lit up in front of them.

[System prompt: The player Nakano Azusa angered the great demon Chessia, and the furious Chessia killed the player Nakano Azusa, Nakano Azusa's alliance faction reputation -100, the great devil Chessia violated the twelfth chapter six of the alliance treaty, Will face the punishment of the system. 】

"Crack!" A flash of lightning hit the big demon NPC.

"Hahaha, idiots like pigs..." In the midst of the thunder and fire, the big devil was still firing the map cannon arrogantly, and there was another purple lightning.

Now he stopped, screaming and writhing, and it took a while to get up tremblingly with tangled electric lights and black smoke all over his body, "Damn, damn, next, next!"

Now everyone knows the difference between the demon NPC and the normal NPC, and they all have to be honest, and they don't dare to talk about it anymore, showing due respect.

"You, ugly monster, it's you, what's your name?"

It was Xia Miaomiao's turn. As soon as she came up, she was completely fooled by this big demon NPC named Chessia.

She pointed to her nose.

"It's you, is there anyone uglier than you here!" The big devil impatiently knocked on the round table of bones in front of him.

"Haha...", some players couldn't help laughing.

Xia Miaomiao glared fiercely at the place where the laughter came from, turned around, and said aggrievedly, "My name is a little sapling, and I am willing to work for you, Mr. Devil Chessia."



"In front of you is a noble, beautiful, and elegant lady, can't you see, you ugly, stupid, pig!!"

Xia Miaomiao opened her mouth, wanting to kill him with an arrow, but she didn't dare.

——Magic pet!

She lowered her head almost word by word: "Sorry, sorry, noble, beautiful, and elegant Ms. Cecilia."

The great demon nodded in satisfaction, "The damn chaotic demon army has caused us a lot of trouble, now, the noble and powerful Lord Cecilia, that is me, is going to give you stupid guys a chance to go Clean up the remnants of monsters on floors 1-14 of the farm, find out those chaotic demons with only muscles in their brains, and I will give you the rewards you deserve based on your achievements and contributions..."

[Accept: Skeleton (4) Outpost · Demon Farm ([-]) The task of cleaning up the farm ([-]) issued by the captain of the [-]th squadron of the guard, Chessia? 】

Huh, it's finally over.

If she endured any longer, Xia Miaomiao couldn't guarantee what she would do.

[Ding, Skeleton (4) Outpost·Devil Farm (20) The captain of the [-]th team of the escort team, the big demon Chessia, appreciates you, and Chessia's favorability is +[-].]

"Wait, ugly bastard."

Cecilia stopped her again.

Xia Miaomiao choked, and smiled with difficulty, "Ma'am, what else do you want?"

I will endure!

"It was a system task just now, and now I have a special entrustment for you!"

The players around heard this, and there was an uproar.

At that moment, some players shouted: "Noble, beautiful, and elegant Ms. Cecilia, I am also willing to serve you!"

The great demon Chessia glanced over there disdainfully, raised her chin, and waited for Xia Miaomiao to respond.

Xia Miaomiao: "What is the commission, Ms. Chessia?"

Chessia said in a charitable tone: "I have taken a fancy to the bow on your back, dedicate it to me, and I will give you a special entrustment."

Xia Miaomiao: ...

"Reluctance? Hehe, stupid ugly monster, the special entrustment reward is far better than this bow, you should be good friends!"

Xia Miaomiao: "Forget it, Ms. Chessia, if there is nothing else, I'm going to complete the system commission."

"Ugly thing that doesn't know how to praise... Get out, get out!"

This exchange took place under the watchful eyes of everyone. Seeing that Xia Miaomiao refused the hidden mission, many players were surprised. Then they noticed the bow behind her, whispered to each other, and soon saw it on the equipment list. The attributes of this bow amazed everyone.

"Miaomiao, why did you refuse the hidden mission? What a pity!" Hu Ge didn't notice the low pressure on Xia Miaomiao's body, and came over to regret it without vision.

Xia Miaomiao exploded, "He said I was ugly, am I ugly, who is ugly between me and her, tell me, tell me!"

Hu Ge held back the saliva all over his face, and quickly replied: "Of course he is ugly, don't worry about Miao Miao, he is just an NPC with a weird temper."

Xia Miaomiao then let go of his collar and stared at Liu Xiaoming again.

"She is ugly, she is talking nonsense, our Miao Miao is the most beautiful, a fairy!",
Fan Chaoyue looked at the two 'licking dogs' contemptuously, and said, "Just because of this? You don't want any hidden missions?"

"What do you know? That's a devil. Devils are the best at deceiving people!" Xia Miaomiao shouted excitedly, "I want to change my bow, who knows what kind of mission it is, if they lie to me? I really can't think of it. There are also mission rewards that exceed the Sun Shooting Bow, if you don’t believe it, go for it!”

"Go and go!"

Fan Chaoyue turned around and joined the ranks of the kneeling and licking big demon Chessia.

Xia Miaomiao was still angry, and Hu Ge couldn't coax her well no matter how much she licked her. After waiting for a few minutes, Fan Chaoyue came back triumphantly, and the blue scepter that cost a huge sum of money to bid for at auction was gone.

"Ahem!", she triumphantly revealed the hidden task to share, "[Devil's Rebirth] task:... After completing the entrustment, you will get a [Rebirth Token], use the [Rebirth Token] character level and All data is cleared (except soul-bound items), re-select the game race, and restart the game life."

"Wow!", Hu Ge and Liu Xiaoming exclaimed, without saying a word, they ran to praise the stinky feet of the big demon NPC.

"Not bad, huh?" Fan Chaoyue teased Xia Miaomiao triumphantly.

Xia Miaomiao's liver hurts, and her heart hurts even more. Compared with Shooting Sun Bow, it's hard to say whether she's losing or gaining a chance to do it all over again.

If it is measured by the current value, it must be a loss, but if you look at the future, it will be hard to say. No matter how good the sun shooting bow is, it is a level 15 equipment for a first-level professional...

"Miao Miao, it's too late to regret it!"

"Idiot, I don't have a sun bow, how can I bring you three oil bottles?"

"That's right!" Fan Chaoyue laughed and said, "Let me do that kind of good thing. I will choose a demon race in the future and make you vomit!"


Xia Miaomiao fanned the wind with her upset hands, and waited for Hu Ge and Liu Xiaoming to come back with a sullen expression.

"It's unlucky to be robbed."

"Who made you yell around." Hu Ge blamed Fan Chaoyue.

Fan Chaoyue was about to go back, when suddenly someone shouted from behind, "Here are the past life tokens for sale."

Everyone quickly looked at the place where the voice came from, and there stood an inconspicuous little devil whose ID was: Devil Merchant.

Fan Chaoyue suddenly had a bad feeling.

Xia Miaomiao laughed loudly, and went to talk to the demon merchant, and sure enough, she saw [Rebirth Token] in the item for sale, and the price was only 1 gold.

"You sold the scepter that cost 1 gold for 72 gold, you are really rich!" Xia Miaomiao patted Fan Chaoyue on the shoulder refreshedly, mocking mercilessly, Fan Chaoyue tipped his head. With a cry, he turned around and went to the big devil NPC to settle the score.

But there is still the shadow of the great demon Cecilia.

Be deceived!
Fan Chaoyue suffered heavy losses, the blue scepter was gone, and his strength plummeted. Many players who were cheated like her beat their chests, cursed the system, and threatened to settle accounts with Canaan Company.

——It’s nothing but incompetent rage!
I don't know how many people have troubled Canaan Company, but in the end, they all let it go, and they dismissed you for a 'normal game behavior', what can you do?

"No, it doesn't matter, I'll buy another one." Now, Fan Chaoyue had no choice but to hold on.

Liu Xiaoming and Hu Ge expressed deep sympathy, and Xia Miaomiao couldn't continue to hold on to such a terrible loss, "Do you still have weapons? If not, go to the devil merchant and buy one." Xia Miaomiao will shoot the sun Holding the bow in his hand, he said confidently, "With me here, don't worry about the task!"

"I, I, don't worry about it!" Fan Chaoyue was about to cry, and refused to admit defeat and took out a blue scepter that had not yet been authenticated, "I just bought it at an auction."

Xia Miaomiao was speechless, this is really a shame, needless to say, it must have been a one-off price.

"I, I want to go back for appraisal!" Fan Chaoyue said with a stubborn crying voice, his nose twitching.

Hu Ge couldn't see it: "Beyond..."

Liu Xiaoming: "Don't be sad."

"Go away, you two!" Fan Chaoyue stared.

"Here, here you are, the identification scroll, which just exploded yesterday." Xia Miaomiao softened, "I'm sorry, I should have stopped you just now."

"No, don't care about your business, it's me, I was careless." Fan Chaoyue finally cried, tears streaming down.

"Let's appraise it. You will learn a lot of wisdom. Neutral camps, allied camps, and intelligent NPCs are the easiest to be fooled."


The girl's grievances came inexplicably and went away inexplicably. With just a few words, the two hugged each other to comfort each other.

When the identification scroll touched the blue scepter, the dark blue light flickered, and a simple scepter seemed to have been dusted off, showing a strong aura.

[Blessing of Silver Hills, Quality: Blue, Durability 30/30, Weight: 8, Equipment Level: 13, Equipment Occupation: Priest, Equipment Requirements: Intelligence 20, Spirit 13, Strength 5, Combat Rating: 689]

[Basic attributes: magic (magic) attack power: 12-23, range +1 (5 meters), vision +2 (10 meters), intelligence +3, spirit +2, strength +1, all resistance +2, Feng Shui Earth and fire elemental resistance +5]


[Strengthenable attributes: None. 】

[Special attribute: 1-soul binding, cannot drop. 2- Resurrection (Shils's blessing aura), cooling time is 5 minutes, requirement: the faith of the hunting god Shils has reached a level of super believer or above. 】

"Wow, Resurrection Scepter!?"

Xia Miaomiao really didn't know whether to be envious or jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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