This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 348 Strange and Magnificent

Chapter 348 Strange and Magnificent
There is a devil farm in the Alpha plane, but it is an abandoned farm. When the devil farmer under Barn retreated, the essence of the farm was removed, and the three melons and two dates left were no longer real farms.

A farm, as the name suggests, is a production unit that can build a special ecological chain. Considering the ultimate goal, the essence of the farm should be in the "black magic" related to "biological genetic improvement" and "soul and flesh and blood birth technology".

The magic net attaches great importance to the first resource point it seized, but it just doesn't know whether this farm that has just been saved has this kind of "black magic" that makes Bei Gaoyang salivate.

This requires players to explore.

Go all the way down the cramped, narrow, eerie corridor to the first floor of the farm.

Here, actually saw the 'sunshine'.

The first layer of space where the space compression technology is applied is planted with [ghost vines] that have also been seen in the Alpha plane. This kind of crop can absorb the free soul power in the abyss and accelerate the formation of abyss worms.

Ghost vines build a flesh-colored vine forest. The dome cannot be seen from above, and the first floor of the farm cannot touch the border from left to right. Each ghost vine has a constant [spotting circle].

[Light-concentrating circle] engraved on the circular base plate, in the blink of an eye, it looks like small suns, countless small suns gather together, reflecting each other in the thick, winding, weird, like living things [ On top of the ghost vines, they fluttered with the natural wriggling of the vines... The scene was extremely spectacular, and Xia Miaomiao and the others were speechless for a long time because of the strange feeling that came over them.

But no matter how many [ghost vines] there are, it is only the first layer of the 'fence' on the farm, and the real crops are protected by the ghost vines.

[Angel Tree], [Cinnamon], [Ogre Plant], [Face Flower], [Ghost Bee], [Howling Witch], [Mother of Evil Life], etc., dozens of species are rare in the material world The magic plants grow under the protection of [Ghost Vine], and each of these magic plants has a very special function.

Or it is a special "photosynthesis", which swallows magic energy, absorbs soul power, and even has the desire to transform and purify.

Or provide the necessary nutrients and accompanying enchantments for other crops.

Or condense the precious fruit of flesh and soul, and initially combine the sinful life of flesh and blood with the sinful soul to form a stable raw material with mysterious attributes that is recognized by mysterious rules and is used for higher-level "biological modulation" Base.

The first floor of the farm has been cleared, but there are still some fish that slip through the net, especially chaos demons, which are almost impossible to find in this environment.

The 'fertilizer' of the farm is the corpses of various intelligent and sub-intelligent creatures, in which monsters hide and need to be carefully screened.

Along the path that [Ghost Vine] made way for, Xia Miaomiao and the others walked in such a horrifying, grotesque, and bloody farm, and they saw [Angel Trees] at a certain distance at first sight.

Angel tree, as the name suggests, is naturally a crop of the kingdom of God.

According to legend, the first angels were born from their fruits.

This is a miraculous species that extracts the "ideas of all beings" and converts them into "light of consciousness". It was born in the special environment of the kingdom of God. After being robbed by demons, it has been demonized and improved. The angel tree that appears in the eyes should be called "devil tree" , the species that was originally like white jade emitting pure 'light of consciousness' has become half black and half white, exuding a chaotic luster, condensing ferocious flesh and fruit, providing 'light and heat' to the crops under it.

[Angel Tree] The height is tens of meters, and the shortest one is seven or eight meters. Under it is a kind of demon shaped like a cylinder, with a huge mushroom mushroom on the top, flesh-colored texture, and huge sarcomas condensed on the surface of the trunk. Strains - [Cinnamon].

With a sound of "Boom!", a sarcoma on the surface of [Cinnamon] exploded, exploding countless 'catkin'-like translucent white substances, which melted in the wind and turned into crystal water droplets.

"Rainwater" sprinkled, under the illumination of the half-black and half-white 'light of consciousness', condensed into diamond-shaped things, after they hit the ground, they promoted a large number of granulation, and they grew into different shapes like stitches. The 'person'.

It should be a 'humanoid' meat strain.

Some of them look like aristocrats, their dresses, badges, appearance, and demeanor are all lifelike, but their eyes are blank, looking like a group of more solid phantoms.

A huge mouth opened beside these human-shaped fleshy pillars, it was indeed a kind of purple flower that swelled suddenly, the huge mouth opened in the stamen, swallowed the human-shaped flesh, exploded in the 'diamond', and formed in the blink of an eye A sea of ​​flowers resembling sunflowers.


[Ogre plant] grows to the largest, matures quickly, and the petals wither one by one, leaving only the stamens that look more and more like human faces.

In the end, one after another 'human faces' covered all the space under the angel tree, and a huge black and white bee appeared, landed on each [face flower], and returned after 'gathering honey'.

There are also guarding the farm [Howling Witch] and the [Mother of Evil Life] that provides nutrients for the entire farm, which do not appear in the player's field of vision. In addition to the main 'crops' of these farms, there are dozens of accompanying evil angels , monsters, worms, etc.

Exhausted by the weirdness of people's imagination, Xia Miaomiao and the others did not dare to breathe, and honestly arrived at the entrance of the second floor.

After teleporting to the second floor, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The farm on the first floor is too weird. Whether it is the paradise tree tens of meters high or the ogre plant that looks extremely beautiful but is extremely ugly, it makes people feel uncomfortable. The scalp is numb, and the soul is trembling, as if the soul will be sucked away if you are not careful.

The preparation space on the second floor is a dark stone room. The familiar candlelight makes people feel extremely warm. The oppressive environment of the abyss no longer exists. It seems that they have returned to the game area and are in a mine.

There are many players who are taking a break by candlelight.

Xia Miaomiao's 5-member team finally had the 'strength' to speak, and recalled the first-floor farm they passed by, but their memory was blurred.

The dwarf paladin said shortly, "If this fails, a person wouldn't dare to go to the first floor, he must be frightened."

"It's okay, doesn't Xiao Yezi have a resurrection staff?" Hu Ge said.

"But what I believe in is Tias, the goddess of life and harvest..." Fan Chaoyue said with a tangled face, "What should I do, should I change my faith?"

"Change it, change it," Liu Xiaoming said, "What belief do you have?"

"Shallow believers... It took me a long time to brush it up. It's too difficult to be a pious believer." Fan Chaoyue couldn't put it down in his hand. There are not many priests with resurrection skills at this stage, and every one of them is popular Very, but she was a little hesitant to convert because of the resurrection technique. It wasn't that she thought it was a waste of time, but that it was impossible to become a shallow believer all at once after the letter, and the magic scepter was still useless.

The resurrection technique can't be used, so just be careful, just like Ao Dakin said, a person dare not go to the first floor, not because of fear, but...indescribable horror!
The first layer is like this, the second layer.

Where are the invading monsters?

"It's a pity, someone got the [Soul Gem] from the first floor," Ao Dakin said.

Hugo: "What soul gem?"

"I don't know, it seems to be very precious, and the demon merchant can recover 5 gold."

"The actual value must be far more than 5 gold," Fan Chaoyue said in a firm tone.

"Okay, the mission is over!" Xia Miaomiao stood up and shouted, my sun shooting bow has not been opened yet, she thought to herself.

After resting for a while, the "negative status" on the first floor disappeared, and the 5-person team was in full condition. They stood up and moved their hands and feet, and walked towards the corridor under the leadership of the expert Xia Miaomiaode.

The passageway is so narrow that only two people can walk side by side. At first glance, there is nothing unusual, but after a few steps, people can feel the strangeness.

"Why... is it soft under your feet?"

"...Like something's intestines!"

"Ah... how disgusting!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xia Miaomiao also noticed that not only her feet, but also the cave walls on both sides were moving slightly like intestines.

The few people walked tremblingly, but fortunately, the corridor is not long, and the farm on the second floor is not far in front.

A light film-like thing blocked the front, and a player came out from the light curtain, followed by a bouncing [Quinster Magic Ball].

"Hi!", the elf ranger player greeted everyone with a smile, "I'm scared, it's more exciting inside, haha..."

Xia Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief. Short and tight, she walked into the light film first, followed by Hu Ge (barbarian) and Liu Xiaoming (thief), and finally she and Fan Chaoyue (priest).

The second floor of the demon farm was pitch black. In the dots of candlelight, the players didn't know what they were fighting with. What was the first thing they encountered, and everyone's vision blurred for a while. When they saw clearly, the surrounding environment changed drastically.

It was like a great hall, with a man who looked like a king sitting high on the throne, surrounded by figures of nobles, ministers, guards, and knights, and a loud voice shouted: "The visitor kneels down and has an audience with His Majesty the King!"

There was a very special force in the voice to lure and even force everyone to sit according to what he said, and Xiao Daji yelled wildly: "Look at the system prompt."

Xia Miaomiao pulled up Fan Chaoyue, who was already half-kneeling, and read the system prompt saying that he was being attacked by some 'nightmare demon' and fell into some kind of illusion.

"Presumptuous, bold!"

The bright red IDs on the heads of the nobles, ministers, guards, and knights on both sides appeared, all of which were the words Nightmare Soul·Monster LV17, 18, and 19.

King LV25, his body swelled to a height of more than three meters, and his blue-gray skin was festered in pieces, like a zombie king.

"Oh my god!" Fan Chaoyue screamed, "I can't use my skills anymore!"

Ao Dakin also called: "There is no bard to exorcise demons!"

Hu Ge and Liu Xiaoming staggered back, only Xia Miaomiao was unaffected. She bent her bow, and the energized arrow condensed on the stretched bowstring, aiming at the nearest 'Nightmare Minister', and shot it out.

With a sound of "Boom!", the energized arrow burst open, like a blooming firework, far exceeding the damage area and power of the past.

The hit 'Nightmare Minister' has a -217 crit damage, followed by -78-29-66... ​​a large area of ​​burning continuous damage, the 18th-level 'Nightmare Minister' was instantly killed on the spot, spreading the range The blood gauges of the ministers, nobles, and guards in the house were out of control, and when they walked in front of the short and tight body, they were already half blood.

"Damn it, so powerful!?", short and tight screaming to block the attack of a 18th-level nobleman, because he couldn't use his skills, the nobleman's sharp claws penetrated the block of the metal shield, and the phantom claws caught him face.

"No, I can't stop it, it's a soul attack!!"

Shorty and tight staggered back, "Headache!!"

Nobles, ministers, and guards from all directions surrounded the five of them. Fan Chaoyue screamed in fear, "What to do, what to do?"

At this time, the loud voice shouted again: "The visitor kneels down and has an audience with His Majesty the King!"

The bow that shot the sun made Xia Miaomiao's field of vision far exceed that of her companions, and she could see a mouth that was 'long' in the void at a distance of about 90 meters away from the dark place beyond the field of vision that everyone could see.

She pretended to aim at the king who was coming down from the throne, and turned the direction the moment the skill was about to be released. [Lianzhu Arrow] was activated instantly, and the energyized and automatically condensed arrows greatly shortened the time for shooting 10 arrows. Within one second, 10 arrows The energyized arrows lined up and shot at the mouth that 'grows' in the void from a super long distance.

Her movements are so fast that there are afterimages on the trajectory of both hands. Her agility of up to 35 points makes her movements as fast as lightning. The teammates are helpless when they are attacked by nightmare monsters. There is no way to hide, only dodge It was extremely easy, while [Lianzhu Arrow] was activated, it changed its position several times.


This injury is too perverted.

The previous Lianzhu Arrow did not exceed 10 points of damage at most. This is a skill that relies on quantity to win. After equipping the Bow of Shooting Sun, the skill of scraping the sun also played a very deadly effect. The mouth on the void was shot into a hedgehog. The void is bleeding, dark blue demonic blood.

【Ding, the incarnation of your seriously injured nightmare demon. 】

[Ding, the force field of the dream was broken by you. 】

"I can use skills!"


"Miao Miao is doing great!"

"Ah, go to hell!"


Five minutes later, the king collapsed, and the hall-like dream was shattered. The five-member team woke up in a gut-like pipeline, and saw a misty demon staggering away with dark blue blood.

Xia Miaomiao shot him with an arrow and pulled him into a fighting state, "Don't let it get away!"

Only then did the second floor of the real farm appear, and it turned out to be countless intestine-like pipelines criss-crossing. They were standing on a crimson pipeline, with nothingness and darkness like an abyss on both sides, and countless stars-like Eyes blinking in such nothingness and darkness.

The pipeline extends all the way into the invisible void and pitch blackness.

Teams of players are standing on such staggered or parallel pipelines, some are in a daze like sleepwalking, some are being attacked by monsters climbing up the pipeline from nothingness and darkness, bouncing [Quince] Special magic ball] appears occasionally, on the pipeline, in the void, in the starry eyes...

How weird and 'magnificent' this is!

The fog-clothed demon was seriously injured, and the foggy surface oscillated, expanding into a foggy door.

One by one, strange monsters came out of the door, Xia Miaomiao's vision blurred, and she fell into another dream.

(End of this chapter)

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