This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 349 Reading is Mutual

Chapter 349 Reading is Mutual
"Does the abyss read the player?"

Bei Gaoyang was monitoring the progress of the battlefield in the background, and the "abnormal" data that appeared continuously were represented by bold and red characters, and such entries were displayed on the screen every once in a while.

Intercept one of them, switch to the event that the player is experiencing, and draw this conclusion.

"Yes." Xiao Ai said.

"It used to be a 'reading' of the magic net, but now it has sunk into the player. It seems that the change happened inadvertently, and you and I have gotten used to it?"

"...I don't think it's a bad thing."

Bei Gaoyang smiled wryly, "It's certainly not a bad thing for us."

"Are you worried about the other side of the earth?"

"Well, the reading is mutual, moistening things silently, and the change is two-way. It's like adding black and red to get another different color, and this color is neither Canaan nor magic. The net is not the abyss, but belongs to the earth, and the unknown color changes."

"The trouble is here. We are powerless and powerless to change this kind of color. Who knows what it will bring to that prosperous and stable planet. Is it a disaster that will destroy the world, or a driving force for progress, or..."

"Or, the opportunity for evolution...My lord, there is always a risk in everything."

"Yeah, risk. The problem is, we need prosperity and stability on the other side of the earth now. We don't need such a risk. Such a risk doesn't mean much to us."

"There's nothing we can do, can we?"

"Yes, life is unsatisfactory nine out of ten, maybe I am too arrogant, lacking awe of the unknown, the future and the mystery, maybe it is the book of Canaan that makes me bloated than before, forgetting to maintain humility at all times and prudent."

"...Let me tell you some good news, my lord, the growth rate of the magic net has exceeded expectations, and the conditions for promotion will soon be met."

"The sixth magic net? It's really fast!"

"Yes, the magic net of favor from the abyss..."

"It's the abyss that cares for the player, the soul of another crystal wall system, and uses these souls to quietly infiltrate its own influence."

"This is an inevitable thing, my lord, from the moment you invented and weaved the magic net, it was doomed."

"Yes, it was doomed from the beginning."

The conversation ended here, and Bei Gaoyang stood on the newly completed mage tower, and saw through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows that the first phase of the expanded [Demon City] project had entered the finishing stage.

The area has expanded by more than ten times. The towering city walls are engraved with vast magic lines, and a large number of precious magic energy materials are luxuriously inlaid on every functional node. Like what grows on the ground.

The city wall is growing and has a powerful self-repair function. Hundreds of magic effects and force fields are ready to go. A solid bridgehead and a fortress that will never be conquered demonstrate the current depth and height of the magic net.

This is only the fifth floor.

All the fortifications did not exceed the magic level of the magic net. The combination, derivation, and promotion of countless middle and low-level circuits gave birth to a defensive ability that far exceeded the effect of a single high-level magic.

It can be seen from such a miraculously created city wall that the magic net already has the strict logic of the rules and the "true meaning" of the law. Of course, the magic net on the fifth floor is just a prototype.

Here comes the lich.

Now Nicholas is more responsible and respectful. He used to dare to be five with Bei Gaoyang, but now... hum.

The power of the fourth natural disaster, the law of the magic net's true meaning, has turned his pride into awe and humility, allowing him to see a glimmer of hope to escape his final fate.

At this time, looking at the entire battlefield of the 97th floor of the abyss plane, with [Demon City] as the center, thousands of players flocked in all directions like a tide. The wave of monsters receded, and the tsunami of players had just begun.

Limited by the upper limit of [Demon City] and the magic net, there are still relatively few players online at the same time on the battlefield. Players will appear on the battlefield without restriction, and at that time is the full version of the fourth natural disaster.

"Is everything ready?" Bei Gaoyang asked.

The lich nodded.

"Then let's get started!"

The Mage Tower and [Demon City] began to tremble.

Amid the tremors, Gothic-like buildings rose from the ground.

During the trembling, the magic net's coverage 'authenticity' climbed from 60% to 99% in one fell swoop.

During the tremor, the mage tower took over the full authority of the magic net relay station.

During the trembling, the portal connecting the abyss and the Alpha plane was solidified into a 'physical channel' by the effect of spells.


at the same time.

In the last classroom, the Nightmare Demon, who was seriously injured and dying, swelled into a giant whose lower body was mist and upper body was a Titan. He held a nail in one hand and a hammer in the other. Expanding into a web that divides the void.

A constant net, a net of continuous electric shocks, the five-person team is inevitable, and they are continuously 'electrotherapy'!

The life value dropped wildly, less than half was left in the blink of an eye, and the crispy Liu Xiaoming died directly.

Fan Chaoyue raised his hand skill to add blood back to himself. During the continuous damage of the electric pattern, he was about to speak when a huge critical damage appeared on the top of his head, and the blood tank was instantly emptied...and he died.


I know that career advancement is not that simple.

Only Xia Miaomiao, Ao Dasong, and Hu Xiaoming were left on the scene, and when their HP was only one-third left, the paralysis effect was finally immune. Xia Miaomiao screamed [Lianzhu Arrow], [Burst Arrow], A, Ping A... While outputting desperately, screaming: "Come on, the last trace of blood!"

Hu Ge poured bottle after bottle of sun water into his mouth, and his health went up and down like a roller coaster, almost returning to zero several times. Hearing Xia Miaomiao's shout, he activated [Savage Rush].

But...he hung up halfway through the rush.

Xia Miao said angrily, "Useless guy!!"

At this time, Ao Dajin had leapt to the chest of the Demon of Dream Words, and his HP was already empty. It was the skill [Blessing of Holy Light] that forcibly left 5% of his blood, but it could only last for [-] seconds.

The blood lock of [-] seconds allowed him to launch the most powerful blow.

[Ding, you comprehended the [Burst] skill at the very moment. 】

[Burst: Basic attack power +200%, enters a weak state for 5 minutes after casting, all attributes -50%.Cooling: 12 hours]

"My dear, I've tried my best!"

"I'm not a big power!"

"Go to hell!"


[Ding, congratulations to you for killing the Nightmare Demon (median), gaining 2188 experience points]

[Ding, congratulations, the task: the road to the second-level career (out of dust) ([-]) task completed]

[Ding, you killed the median demon Eddie, the abyss has increased its attention to you]

[Ding, you have obtained 500 points of merit]

[Ding, the demonic aura shrouded in the second floor of the skeleton ([-]) outpost · devil farm ([-]) has faded. 】

[Ding, the monster LV19 dominated by the Nightmare Demon dies, gaining experience 110]

[Ding, the monster LV17 dominated by the Nightmare Demon dies, gaining experience 90]


A series of ding ding ding...

The white light of consecutive upgrades (2 times) appeared on Xia Miaomiao's body, and only a trace (less than 10 points) of health was instantly refilled, but...

"Why didn't anything explode, why!"

The middle demon can be regarded as a BOSS anyway, but nothing exploded. If it wasn't for a second-level professional task, it took so much effort and almost wiped out the group, it was a waste of work.

"Why didn't something explode? It shouldn't be! Take a closer look." Hu Ge, who hung back to the city, said in the team channel.

"I checked, no!" Xia Miaomiao flipped through the system logs, most of them were tips for gaining experience, the middle demon and all the monsters he controlled died at the same time.

It stands to reason that monsters shouldn't be so fragile, but the basic ability of demons is to extract the life of monsters and share the damage received. Back and forth, Xia Miaomiao and the others dealt no less than 5 points of damage, and they were almost killed by him. If there were more monsters, they would definitely not be able to kill the median demon with their [-]-member team alone.

For example, when the tide of monsters attacked the city, I never heard of anyone killing the median demon, because there were too many monsters. In that case, the demons were almost invincible.

Maybe it's because of this that things didn't blow up?

That can't be justified, the system is too bad.

With the death of the Nightmare Demon, the real environment of the farm on the second floor appeared again, with criss-crossing pipes, red red, purple purple, blue blue, I don’t know where it starts, I don’t know where it ends. of players stand on these colorful pipes.

The monsters disappeared in an instant, and the players were asking what was going on in the regional channel.

"...Only one demon appears on each floor and each time. Someone must have killed the demon's body."

"...The monster and the demon that dominates are one. When the demon dies, the monster will die too. Let only one person get your experience and drops, haha..."

"...Who the fuck, eat alone, have the guts to stand up!?"

"...The task is completed, it's okay, let's catch the baby?"

It seems that there is only one succubus.

In this way, he is still lucky.

Xia Miaomiao's mood improved a lot.

If it doesn't explode, it doesn't explode!

Hu Ge: "Miao Miao, wait for us to come back and catch the baby!"

"I'll catch it first, you guys come back quickly." Xia Miaomiao said.

Short and tight: "I didn't get any experience, and I didn't have any meritorious service. Da Mingming, you have been promoted to two levels at once, and you have gained all the benefits. It's not fair!"

"I'll say it again, I'm not Da Mingming, no!"

"The old nonsense said you are, don't lie to me, I'm your fan."

"Go to hell!"

Xia Miaomiao closed the team chat channel and looked around.

The nothingness and darkness under the pipe, countless star-like eyes blinking and blinking, and the black, round Quinster magic balls are like fish swimming in the water, sometimes floating on the surface (level with the pipe), sometimes Sink to the 'bottom'.

The players are all standing on the 'shore', holding a [Lasso] with 5 silver each, and the life skill [Capture] is ready to go.

A Quinster magic ball floated on the 'surface', and a dozen [lassos] flew out!

"Ah, don't grab it!"

A female elf player yelled angrily as she tried several times but failed.

"Your home?"


"Princess disease!"

"I'm seriously ill!"

"What do you think will happen if it falls?"

"I advise you not to try..."


"I'm definitely going to faint."

"Someone has tried it, and if it can't fall, it is protected by the system."

"What are these eyes below? It's fun to look at them for a long time."

The tasks have been completed, and the gold medal + the second-level profession [Out of the Dust] is waving to Xia Miaomiao, only a Quinster magic ball is missing.

Xia Miaomiao has no pressure at all, and the attribute data far exceeds that of ordinary players. Her [Lasso] is not only fast but also accurate. She can hit the right one every time. After several failures, she finally hits one.

【Ding, you are catching 【Quinster Magic Ball】. 】

[Ding, congratulations on your successful capture]

[Ding, congratulations on getting the magic pet Quinster Magic Ball]

[Ding, congratulations on opening the pet panel. 】

Finally, do you finally have a magic pet now?
The luminous lasso flew to the 'shore' with the Quinster magic ball. A flesh-and-blood connection was established between Xia Miaomiao and the chubby little thing. The disproportionate wings and triangular tail make it look naive, with two button-sized eyes and no mouth. The ears are two protruding bumps on the top of the head. The pink bubbles shrank back as soon as they appeared.

Eyes wide open.

Xia Miaomiao sensed the emotions of the magic pet - curiosity!
"I'll call you 'One Hundred Thousand Whys' from now on, or Hundred Thousand for short, how about it?"


"Then it's such a happy decision, come here, let me touch it!"

The Quinster magic ball understood her words, and it jumped onto Xia Miaomiao's shoulder, making a gurgling sound from her chubby stomach.

"Wow, this leather is so comfortable to the touch."

"Wait, let me see your qualifications."

The newly opened pet panel has three pet columns, one of which is already occupied by Quinster's magic ball, click on it, and the attributes and qualifications of the magic pet's [-] are displayed.

The upper left corner is a three-dimensional image of [-], and the bottom is the basic attributes.

[Pet name: Hundred Thousand, Race: Directional Modulation Order Monster (beginner), Quality: Green, Level: 1, Lifespan: 100, Intimacy (Fitness) Degree: 20.

[Strength: 5, Intelligence: 1, Spirit: 2, Dexterity: 11, Constitution: 8]

[Health value: 300, magic power: 1000, magic attack power: 17 (white), physical attack power 9 (white), magic defense: 33 (green), physical defense 17 (white), total resistance: 29 (green) . 】

The upper right corner is the advanced attribute.

[Qualification: 25 (Green), Growth 10 (White), Comprehension: 5, Number of Modulations: 0, Spouse: None, Breeding: No]

In the lower right corner are two pet skills.

[Blessing skills: 1-Affinity to the abyss environment (Because of one hundred thousand, your discomfort with the abyss environment has disappeared.)
Blessing skills: 2-Detect chaos aura (use your mind to tell the direction and target of the detection to [-] people)
Blessing skills: 3-resist soul erosion (seal, can not be used, go to increase the intimacy of [-])
Blessing skills: 4-Uncomprehended.

[Pet skills: 1—uncomprehended.

Pet skills: 2 - not comprehended. 】

This is the first page, and there is another page for pet equipment.

There are only three equipment boxes in Shiwan, which need alchemy and enchanting to make: pet staff, pet tail accessories and pet magic clothes.

"Huh, you guy, you don't look very smart!"

As for the first pet, the green quality is enough, but what's the matter with only 1 point of intelligence?

(End of this chapter)

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