This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 350 Canaan's 'Private Server'

Chapter 350 Canaan's 'Private Server'

Dali, Shenxing Taixing Light Supercomputing Center.

The copied source code (part) of the Canaan game is full of hard drives, and the dedicated supercomputer has been developed, and it is being built and debugged in a constant temperature, constant humidity, and dust-free computer room.

All the top metaverse hardware and software scientific research institutions in China are gathered together, and a project public relations team composed of experts from research and development, theory and practical application is directing thousands of technicians to build Huaguo's own metaverse day and night. Cosmic black technology system.

With the final installation completed, the personnel in the computer room were emptied, and the self-inspection began after a countdown of 10 seconds. The huge power supply began, and the indicator lights of each cabinet lit up like stars.

The lighting is adjusted to the most suitable intensity, and the light blue light makes the huge computer room look so quiet and mysterious. I don't know if it is a psychological effect, but people have a feeling of being in the universe and starry sky.

With the gentle sound of the digital life—Sun Rain, the hard disk data began to be connected to the supercomputer—Taihang, and at the same time, the "central nervous system" and "application access unit" extended from this brain also began Post, a huge, independent 'giant' that is physically disconnected from external network connections - Pangu, began its first "breath".

Taihang's 54902.4TFLOPS (trillion floating-point operations) computing power is actually a bit 'difficult'. On the huge display screen, the flickering input cursor did not appear until the logo of the Canaan game appeared more than ten seconds later, and then entered the developer interface .

"Long live!"

"Successful, successful!"

"It's really, really incredible!"

"Canaan is really a game?"

"It's not sure yet, wait until the game environment is loaded...wait, wait."

"Oh my god, are we setting up a private server?"

The time was too tight, and the performance of Taihang was not up to the top level in China, but it was of great significance to be able to verify the effectiveness of the source code after porting.

This may be the most 'hardcore' private server build so far.

Smooth, smooth, all the best.

Although Taihang is running extremely hard, the indicator lights on each cabinet in the computer room are flickering frantically, the cooling system has climbed to the highest power, and the huge power consumption makes the security team terrified... But this does not damage the fact that the source code was successfully transplanted.

Operators with a full set of protective suits started to work on the machine, using the sluggish developer interface, checking functional units one by one, and finally confirmed that it was correct, and started the experiment of the second major sub-project.

The brain was ready, the 'central nervous system' and the 'application access unit' also started to work, and a hundred soldiers walked into the training base five kilometers away from the Taihang computer room.

Rows of sleeping cabins are under the faint blue light, which is very sci-fi. The soldiers don't know what the "training" project is. Informed that this 'training' may have been accidental and dangerous, everyone walked here voluntarily.

"Listen to my command!"

"on board!"

Each soldier wore a very close-fitting silver onesie and lay down in the sleeping cabin. A headset that was much heavier and larger than a normal game helmet landed automatically. The soldiers caught it according to the prompts, and looked curiously at the dense Patches, suction cups, electrodes, probes, etc.

With the help of technicians, the soldiers put on the headsets, and then slowly lay down into the game cabin.

The game compartment is closed and a special and viscous liquid is injected.

Soldiers felt as if they were floating in warm spring water, with every remaining part of their bodies being dragged, every muscle and joint relaxed.

"It's so comfortable!"

The most tense moment has arrived.

As the order from the Taihang computer room came, the technicians pressed the switch button on the sleeping cabin almost at the same time.

[Server detected, are you logged into Canaan? 】

Everyone's vision is replaced by the analog signal emitted by the head-mounted device. The huge sense of reality is not the same as the popular VR virtual space technology. There is no comparison between the two. One is a Ferrari supercar and the other is a bullock cart.


The soldier made his choice with his mind.

It was very, very successful. The head-mounted device using Canaan technology successfully read the consciousness signal. The cheers in the Taihang computer room were overwhelming, and the scientists burst into tears.

Only they know the extraordinary significance of this step of success.

Reading human consciousness and distinguishing "yes" from a large number of messy consciousness signals is simply a work that can only be done by gods. Its significance is no less than the first time an ape speaks, no less than the first artificial fire , which is extended by this technology, has an extremely broad application prospect, and its influence will definitely affect all mankind until the next century.

But they were too happy too soon.

[Starting to connect to the server, please wait...]

At this time, the soldiers began to feel uncomfortable. The probe inserted into the back of the head became hot for a while, became cold for a while, began to tremble for a while, and...

They all started screaming at the same time, and struggled violently.

[Access failed, soul cannot be read! 】

The 'training' came to an emergency stop, technical and medical personnel opened the game compartment, and carefully removed the headsets. The soldiers seemed to have suffered inhuman torture, and the tragedy was shocking.

Not hurt, but like the worst hurt.

"As I said, purely using scientific equipment is not feasible, it needs to be combined with the mystical technology we have mastered..."

"How is the experimenter? Are the injuries serious?"

"Very serious, irreversible damage to brain tissue..."

"This is crime, this is massacre..."

"...Stop the experiment!"

at the same time.

Xiao Ai reported to Bei Gaoyang that she and the false gods of the system had been copied by the "private server".

"It's really killing me!" Bei Gaoyang sighed: "The soul mutation has not been resolved yet."

"The ignorant are fearless", Xiao Ai is in a good mood.

"Can you sense them?"

"They? A little bit, the signal is fuzzy and distorted"

Bei Gaoyang pondered.

Xiao Ai asked: "Didn't they already know that Canaan's 'source code' also has mystical properties?"

"Curiosity killed the cat?" Bei Gaoyang smiled, "Whatever it is, when will the second wave of monsters come?"

Xiao Ai unfolded a light curtain, and the plane of the 97th layer of the abyss was displayed as a flat geometric figure. A small light spot on the map represented the city of the Demon Realm that had completed the first phase of the expansion project. Not far to the north, the skeleton ([-]) outpost · Demon Farm is just at the edge of the coverage of the magic net.

This is the cleaned 'Magic Soil', which is always on on the map. The 'signal' of the magic net is the strongest in this area, which is not much inferior to the game area, but in the area that occupies 99.99% of the map, the magic net The sense of existence of the net is still very weak, so that the map is covered by large areas of chaotic color.

Not far from the due north of the skeleton ([-]) outpost, about [-] kilometers away, a dark vortex seems to be forming a storm cloud, and the power of the magic net is 'analyzed' Here, zoom in on the map of chaos' At a point in the storm cloud group, the field of vision is like the end of a high-speed dive, peeling off the chaos, and seeing a fleeting picture.

On the rust-colored land, a monster as high as a dozen stories stepped forward. Under it, left, right, and in all directions, the endless army of monsters was rushing towards the location of the devil farm one after another.

Countless little demons flew between the gaps in the army, and countless big demons rode on all kinds of hideous and ugly huge monsters, waving long whips with black flames, as if driving sheep away, Drive monsters in one direction.

A large number of median demons command large and small demons, and dominate a large number of legions. In this legion, there are not all monsters without any wisdom at all, and there are also monsters from the main material world, the material world, and the lost plane. minion army.

Undead mages, undead legions, and the pale skeleton army are very conspicuous in the dark wave of monsters. An undead lich riding a bone dragon seems to have sensed the prying eyes of the magic net. He looked up at a dark direction, The purple burning soul flame met Bei Gaoyang's line of sight.

Bei Gaoyang took a deep breath, for this colleague whose name he did not know, and for his 6th-level spell level.

Beyond the undead army is the servant army of all intelligent races.

There are humans, dwarves, and even elves, the most being the dark elf drow.

Rumor has it that Rose, the main god of the drow pantheon, had fallen out with the Twilight Council. After the settlement of the centaur pantheon, the situation of the drow pantheon was in dire straits. Maybe this was also the queen of the spider demon—His Royal Highness Rose, thrown into the abyss, and the chaos The reason for the close cooperation between the demon lords of the faction?
This is the first time that Bei Gaoyang has found evidence of divine intervention in the bloody battle in the abyss. Rose has already taken action. Will the other behind-the-scenes masters be far behind?
In addition to these mainstream intelligent races, there are also a large number of subspecies.


"Make an announcement!"

Bei Gaoyang dispersed the light curtain and ordered lightly.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, as long as the magic net is not shaken, the fourth natural disaster will be nothing to fear.

On the Alpha plane, the system announcement made tens of thousands of players who had been queuing for several days cheer. Uniform white lights lit up all over the city, and the crowded city suddenly became empty.

But a few minutes later, the city was filled with players coming from the game area.

"Sun water, sun water!"

"Intermediate red medicine 5 groups, not only for sale"

"Physical potion, physical potion..."

"Life-saving artifact-a doll stand-in, don't miss it when you pass by"

"The battlefield is looking for a team, 1000 combat power, please form a team with more than 1000 combat power!"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, what are you doing blocking the road, what are you doing!"

"Xiaohong, hurry up and buy supplies, if it's too late, it will be too late."

"What should I do? I'm so flustered. Husband, where are you, huh huh..."

"My wife, don't forget to repair your equipment... Ah, and, buy two bundles of red medicine, I'll go there... Don't save money, what time is it?"

"Ah, there are still two minutes to teleport, and I can't squeeze in, what should I do?"

"Buy online, there's no way...Wori, a set of primary red medicine 10 silver, these profiteers who kill thousands of dollars!"


The time to prepare for the teleportation has not yet arrived, boom boom boom, the war golems drawn from the major cities in the game area walked down the teleportation array one by one, ten, twenty, thirty... Counting, counting, it is impossible to count Alright, the first war golem has set foot on the portal of the battlefield, and the last war golem has not been teleported yet.

"Big scene, big scene!"

"I don't know if the expansion pack will be released."

"It's definitely going to be released. The test system is so generous this time. How long has it been since someone reached level 20?"

"What is this? I saw Ling Jue yesterday!"

"Just blow it up. The minimum level of a third-level profession is 30. Are there any players at level 30 now? The highest level on the leaderboard is only 22, okay?"

"You know what a fart, there are a lot of bigwigs who didn't enter the rankings, do you know that?"

"It's impossible to be 30, I'm only 13!"

"That's because you are too good."

"Hey, do you dare to 1V1 in the arena?"

"...I am too lazy to talk to you."

After the war golem is finished, it is a professional template NPC. Now players can feast their eyes. [Supernatural] is cannon fodder, [Dust] is standard equipment, [Ling Jue] is the backbone, and there are also [Shocking] and [Royal Kong] .

Cloaks of various colors, professional equipment of various grades, and the combination of auras are exactly the blinding carbon alloy dog ​​eyes, making the players salivate.

About half of the second batch of players waiting to be transferred had no titles or cloaks, and most of them had met the minimum requirement of 500 combat power.

One can imagine how urgent they are.

The army of thousands of people composed of professional template NPCs walked away, and finally the Knights Templar sent by the major temples.

Leading the pack was the shepherd dog of Tias, goddess of life and harvest.

A high priest in red is leading the charge, riding a sacred and bright unicorn, wearing a luxurious and extremely stylish sacrificial robe, holding a one-handed scepter that makes people feel unknowingly sharp, and wearing a crown on his head.

Behind them are members of the Knights riding griffins, magic wolves, fire foxes, goshawks, and explosive flame bears, etc., who cherish high-level mounts. Along the way, there is no sound. The major temples take advantage of this rare opportunity to fully fire to the players. Show your own spirit and heritage.

Title and cape?
All [Shocking World] and [Yukong] are all good, if it weren't for the level limit of the magic net, the false gods of the system would like to get out all the level 9 cloaks.

There are three to seven points (it has been changed under the strong request of the false gods). Where is the balance of faith value? Isn't it easy to support seven or eight signboards and facades?
The players were fascinated by it, their faces were flushed, and their morale was +1+1+1... The level that the players couldn't see was intensively brushed up. When the time came, the second batch of more than 4 people were sent away. , A few minutes later, the same big drama began to be staged again.

After two hours of game time, more than [-] players crowded the [Demon City] and the purified map space to the brim. The fourth natural disaster, which had no organization and no time to organize it, had only now begun to emerge.

(End of this chapter)

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