This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 351 The front line is tight

Chapter 351 The front line is tight
The 97th floor of the abyss, the skeleton ([-]) the outpost of the devil farm.

As the first resource point that must be defended, the center of gravity of the battlefield's offense and defense is here from the beginning. The magic tide is rushing to capture this resource point, and the players have also made arduous efforts to defend it.

The magic web paid a huge price.

After all, it is the fourth natural disaster, and death does not have much loss on the surface for the player.

In the bone building of the giant skull, there are hundreds of mission distribution and merit settlement NPCs standing, and thousands of players are handing over tasks, settlement of merits, and purchasing supplies at the same time.

On the front line five kilometers away from the farm, the black line from the demon tide showed a wave-like trend. The potential energy of one wave was exhausted, and another wave followed, and wave after wave seemed endless.

Players are like a reef line of defense against the tide, firmly sticking to the line of defense defined by the system. Every time the two sides collide, a large number of monsters are smashed, and a large number of players are sent away by white light.

On a small protruding part, players and monsters are intertwined, you have me, I have you, the established defense line no longer exists, the players who received the support mission have not yet arrived, and have been staying behind doing nothing The army of professional templates had to be invested in advance.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes made the rust-colored ground tremble. Hundreds of cloaks fluttered in the wind, like a colorful cloud. A stitcher as high as a three-story building blocked the front of the charge. , the leading paladin (Yu Kong) rode a heavily armored horse, leaped towards him, slashed in mid-air, and at a distance of tens of meters, a giant blade volleyed on the stitcher's head.

The Stitcher was split into two, and a heavy rain fell from the pitch-black viscera and blood. As the arrows, the Royal Paladin pierced through the squirming remains of the Stitcher, leading 200 professional template NPCs, and plunged into it. The main battlefield where monsters ravage.

A paladin, a player who has become dusty, is entangled by a monster covered in tentacles. The tentacles are full of eyes staring at him, and the ensuing petrification effect has been superimposed by more than ten layers. He has the strength of dusting dust, but he can't play it at all. Coming out, the paladin player roared and roared in his heart, about to be sent back to the city by this controlling monster.

A chain of light, a gleam of cold light, a whirlwind... The tentacles entangled with the paladin player were cut off neatly, the tall and swift knight swept past, the paladin player landed, roared, and held up the mace, leaving a solidified place on the spot. The light and shadow of the figure rushed out straight.

The second-level professional skill [Holy Shock], like a human-shaped missile, hits the controlling monster. With a sound of "Boom!", the "divine power" of Kelanvo, the god of death, blooms on the battlefield, and a piece of nothingness and darkness strangles the controlling monster. of crushing.


A ring exploded.

The paladin player was overjoyed, just as he was about to pick it up, someone was faster than him.

It was a thief. He touched the aura of the ring first, but missed it because of the fall protection. The paladin hurriedly picked up his loot, and raised his middle finger at the hidden thief.

The 200 professional template NPCs are like a sharp dagger, deeply piercing into the body of the monster tide, and the crumbling line of defense finally stabilized. Before the next wave of black waves came, thousands of players who came to support stabilized the line of defense , strangling the monsters that have lost their organization and potential energy with all their strength.


"Ah, devil!"

"Where, where!"

No matter how many monsters are killed, the reward is not as great as that of a genuine demon. A little demon was found by the player from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood due to the loss of all the monsters he controlled. He screamed and rushed to the rescue monster behind. .

Dozens of skill tracers blocked in front of him, and the little devil was drowned before he could scream.

The fall of a little devil is like a wave, inconspicuous.

As the monsters withered, more and more demons were found by the players from various positions on the front line like fish after the pool dries up.

A gluttonous feast has begun.

The great demon roared, and the 'blasphemy halo' was fully activated. The players affected by the halo seemed to be drunk, and staggered against the whispers in their ears, the screams in their consciousness, and the temptation in their souls, and launched a crooked attack. With a slanted attack, the great demon dodged in horror, but the moment he landed, he was killed by the thief who suddenly condensed behind him!


The exploding aura spread all over the ground, the thief player laughed, and amidst the curses of nearby players, happily put away the aura all over the floor.

Unexpectedly, extreme joy gave rise to sorrow, a monster drilled out of the ground lifted him into the air, and the ensuing control effect made him unable to move a single finger, and the ferocious mouthparts pierced him at once, -381, instant kill on the spot.

Dense black shadows emerged from the ground, dozens of giant fly-like monsters brought a white light, nearby players dodged one after another, and more players' attention was attracted.

"Medium demon!"

A player with Quinster's magic ball beside him pointed to a marked black shadow in the magic fly array. The players' eyes were red when they heard it, and they all flocked to the route where the giant fly fled to the rear.

Thus began the hunt for the median demon.

One kilometer to the north of the convex part of this battlefield, a new wave of monsters is coming here. The players fought very hard, and they all died once on average. As time goes by, the weakening of the abyss environment The effect begins to show its power.

The magic tide is endless, but the status of the players cannot be maintained forever.

Before the previous wave of monsters had been cleaned up, a more turbulent wave had already come in. The huge potential energy cracked the reef, and it collapsed into pieces of small stones.

The defense line is crumbling.

A monster as tall as a ten-story building strode forward, and within a few steps, it opened its mouth and roared towards the defense line. A large amount of chaotic light swept across, and a large number of monsters condensed in the light, falling like raindrops behind the defense line. .

Attacking back and forth, the line of defense was worn thinner and thinner, and finally a gap of one kilometer wide was melted away.

Along this gap, the monsters rushed towards the farm like a flood that opened the gates, dense white light brushed up the divided defense line, and tens of thousands of players were revived in the giant skeleton building.

Crowded and stacked, the magic net had to disperse them.

In this case, let alone rest and supplies, the players who had just been resurrected were forced to rush to the second line of defense that had been constructed urgently.

"The front line is tight!"

On the seventh floor of the mage tower, Bei Gaoyang and Lich controlled the entire battlefield, and dozens of subdivided light curtains fed back the attack and defense of the enemy and us.

"Keep going, there is hope!" The Lich's soul flame jumped happily, "This level of monster tide shows that there is definitely more than one high-level demon returning from the frontal battlefield."

"Oh, who else but Quidditch?" Bei Gaoyang said.

"Just ask Bahn," the Lich suggested.

Bei Gaoyang was noncommittal, and observed for more than ten minutes. He saw that the hastily constructed second line of defense was also in jeopardy. The waves of monsters continued to wave after wave, showing no signs of weakening...

"Xiao Ai, help me connect to Bahn."


The energy pool flashed a dazzling red light, like the reflection of water waves, and a door of light was reflected in the dense sky. The door of light turned from virtual to real, and Barn's deep voice came from it.

"what's up?"

"How is your situation there?" Bei Gaoyang asked.

"It's not bad. She Erqi is attracted by you, and the pressure on my side is greatly reduced."


"A high-ranking demon who is mainly responsible for pollution, illusion, and profane language, and a powerful warrior under No. 6, who can be ranked in the top ten."

The devil's real name is unknown, even if it is a pseudonym, it has a certain "pointing" meaning, so how to describe the devil?

The same camp will naturally add various titles, such as the throne condensed by blood and fire, the harvester of souls, the purest destruction and evil, etc., and the hostile camp will use 'No. 6' without any commendation And derogatory, and there is no description that points to the meaning to refer to it.

No. 6 does not mean that there are No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 in front of it. The sequence of numbers is meaningless.

"Better than Quidditch?"

"Quidditch is too young. Shelki has existed for thousands of years, older than some gods."

"ok, I get it."

"Hold on, a counterattack is brewing in the rear, and we will be free soon. The pressure on your side is only temporary."

"I hope so!"

"...Your undead army impressed Lord Bayero so much that even a monarch asked about it."

"My pleasure."

"Then...that's it?"

After the communication ended, the reaction of the energy pool dropped, the reflected light gate disappeared, and the interior of the mage tower returned to calm.

However, the situation of the enemy and the enemy on the battlefield has not changed.

The players are still too immature. Even with the investment of the magic net regardless of the cost, in terms of quality alone, there is still a big gap with the army of monsters dominated by demons.

Despite this, the magic net can still persist. The power consumption of the fourth natural disaster is unexpectedly "low". Existence has maintained a great 'restraint', and the expected loss of this part has not occurred.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

If this situation continues, maybe one day even the magic net will 'corrupt'.

What is the reason, why did Abyss realize that he was interested in the magic net?

"My lord, the second line of defense has collapsed."

Bei Gaoyang woke up from his contemplation, "Relax access conditions, increase support, and we must protect this farm."


Game Zone, Punk City.

72 players, the top [-]/[-] have all been sent to the Demon Battlefield. In the past two days, all kinds of news have blown up and exploded on the World Channel and Friends Channel. They have high experience, a very high explosion rate, and no other way to obtain meritorious service. , exclusive game modes, merchandise sales, etc., all of which made the last three-quarters of the players beat their chests. If the heat in reality was not artificially suppressed, online and offline would never be so peaceful.

There are not many players in the game area and the mood task has been upgraded. Who can be reconciled to seeing others eating hays on the battlefield and living in this stingy 'barren land'?

In the city, there are almost no players with extraordinary titles, either silver medals, or salted fish who have not yet completed their inauguration.

As soon as Xie Xiaomeng went online, he went straight to the online virtual currency trading point.

A small two-story wooden building is located in the middle of [Fourth Right Two-thirds Street] in the northwest corner of the City Lord's Mansion Square, close to the west entrance of [Ranger Training Camp 4]. The lobby is responsible for visitor registration and business verification. When Xie Xiaomeng, one of the deputy section chiefs, arrived, there were not many players withdrawing money. After taking the number, they waited for more than ten minutes.

"Amon, the real name is Xie Xiaomeng... Let me see."

The deputy section chief checked the data, compared it with the real data, and slowly operated the background interface that Xie Xiaomeng couldn't see, "Sorry, your money hasn't been remitted yet."

"Ah, what's the matter? I just bought 3 gold in Yanjing's trading hall, and I paid both the money and the handling fee."

"Account within 24 hours."

"It's been 24 hours already?"

"Real 24 hours."

"Uncle, please help me, I only need this little money to go to the battlefield, please."

The deputy section chief was unmoved, and said with a slight smile, "This is a rule, and there is nothing we can do about it."

"Such a large trading hall is missing my 3 gold?"

"You can't say that. If everyone is like you, wouldn't it be a mess?"


"Let's go, next one!"

Xie Xiaomeng had no choice but to get the money and left the online exchange dejectedly.

"Sisters, do you still want green wristbands?"

Xie Xiaomeng hurriedly replied to the private message on the friend channel: "Yes, yes, but my money hasn't arrived yet, I have to wait until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? The day lily will be cold tomorrow, don't trick me!"

"I will definitely buy it tomorrow. I am just short of 100 combat power to be able to go to the battlefield, and your wristband is just right."

"Then you pay a deposit first."

"No problem, where are you?"

"I am here……"

At this moment, a system announcement appeared that relaxed the entry requirements of the Demon Battlefield, and Xie Xiaomeng was stunned.


"Ah... I'm sorry, I don't want the stuff anymore, you can sell it to someone else."

"Are you playing with me... Wait a minute, I saw the announcement, you..."

Xie Xiaomeng has already closed the private chat, and rushed to the Alpha plane with all his strength. Along the way, most of the players in the city were boiling, and tens of thousands of players screamed excitedly. Face to face.

Alpha City, which had been empty for less than half a day, was once again filled with players. After the door frame was lowered, more than a hundred thousand new troops were divided into 3 batches, and sent to the demon battlefield in turn.

Xie Xiaomeng took the first batch of 'flights' and arrived in the city of the Demon Realm that was still trapped in blood and fire. Without any delay, he was sent to the outpost of the skeleton ([-]) Demon Farm.

"My lord, the game time must be relaxed, or I won't be able to stand it."

The difficult situation on the battlefield made Bei Gaoyang look serious. He weighed it and said: "Then cancel it for now, contact the Earth side, and communicate."


(End of this chapter)

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