This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 352 Towards the H12 Heights

Chapter 352 Towards the H12 Heights
"Amon? Oh, a level 12 shooter, let me see, let me see, what a poor boy, don't you even have a cape? Well, I've seen a dozen guys like you, and I'll stare at you Yes, look at your performance... go ahead, why are you still standing there? Go kick those chaotic demons' ass, hard"

"Haha, it turned out to be you, how about you little guy, isn't the battlefield of blood and fire very cruel to you? Keep up your spirits, at least you have gained valuable experience and growth... 2-11 positions, remember , People are on the battlefield, and they must be there when they are not on the battlefield. This mission can only succeed and not fail!"

"Ah, the third line of defense has also collapsed. It's terrible. We have no room to retreat, Amon, right? I remember you little guy, you look much stronger now, take it, this is what you should do If you got the (gold medal), go and exchange it for your cloak... To be honest, there are not many opportunities like this, and the conversion of the silver medal to the gold medal has cost a lot of money to the leader of the legion."

"Hold on, hold on, if we go back, we will lose the farm. The monsters are already at the end of their battles. Now the competition is the resilience and will of both sides... Amon, come and see here, I need you to lead a small team, Take back this damn forward position, don’t worry, Your Excellency Nicholas has already cleaned it up, but there are still some dirty rats hiding in the ground, your task is to find them for me and kill them... …here, this is holy water."


One day or two, Xie Xiaomeng was numb.

The level rocketed to level 17, the cloak was added, the gold medal was added, the equipment on the whole body was changed, the combat power soared by 1600 in one fell swoop, from the original rookie recruit to the current veteran, but... ...the damn 'monster siege' has no end in sight.

"Players from the H12 highland mission come to form a team, and players from the H12 highland mission come to form a team!"

She stood on an empty supply box and yelled at players who received the same quest to come and gather. After a while, more than a dozen players who looked like "beggars" gathered, and everyone was listless, as if they hadn't slept for days and nights , as if he was so numb.

"Join the group, enter the group!"

Xie Xiaomeng managed to lift his spirits, and processed the applications for joining the team one by one, and at the same time checked the information of each teammate.


The quality of these teammates is not satisfactory.

There is only one who has a higher fighting power than himself.

Set this 2100 combat power [Chuchen] player as the main force, skillfully arranged the team formation, and she clapped her hands vigorously to encourage her teammates.

"Captain, let's go, I'm tired of hearing this set of rhetoric."

said a dwarven paladin with a beard that nearly reached his knees.

This guy is level 15 and doesn't have a cape yet!

"I want to take it all in one step and directly get the gold medal of the second-level profession... Isn't this saving money!"

The dwarf player read what was in her heart from her eyes, and quickly explained.

Xie Xiaomeng silently classified this guy as cannon fodder that could be sacrificed, without further ado, counted all the heads, and ordered to go to the front line.

After the third line of defense collapsed, the fourth line of defense was already close at hand. As the NPC said, there was no room for retreat.

Relying on the fortifications on the outskirts of the farm, more than [-] players finally stabilized the front line. Looking around, the two glued front lines of color and black bent a huge arc. The black front line has become weak and thin. For more than two hours, the monsters did not receive any reinforcements from the rear—this made Xie Xiaomeng see the hope of ending and victory.

Not physically tired, but mentally.

The continuous white light is still shining on the front line and the rear. A team of more than a dozen people who are dissatisfied with the number of people walks through the falling white light all the way, walking among all kinds of players. The closer to the front line, the weird, like the smell of gunpowder smoke. thicker.

The sound of shouting and killing was loud, and the players risked their lives, rushing forward, huge, ferocious, weird, and strange monsters infiltrated into the player's array, and encountered siege from all directions.

A monster shaped like a praying mantis, standing seven or eight meters tall, collided with a professional template NPC with the title of [Royal Sky] exuding dazzling brilliance. With a bang, a large group of bright colors exploded in the air , a mid-level [Puppet Demon] screamed and fled to the rear, and countless skill tracers were like missiles that followed, tearing it into auras that fell all over the sky.

An aura fell right in front of Xie Xiaomeng, Xie Xiaomeng didn't even look at it, and kicked it aside, a thief in the team had little experience in the battlefield, and the hungry tiger grabbed the aura in his hand.

"Damn, why is it gray and can't be used?"

There was laughter in the team, and the dwarf paladin asked, "New here?"

"The third batch!" said the man shyly.

"Monsters and demons killed by NPCs will not return to the player."

"Ah, I think it was the player who killed it in the end?"

"There is a protection time for players to kill... The NPC's damage is more than half, and it is useless to kill at the end."

"Depend on!"

"So, don't think about picking up leaks, this loophole has already been filled."

After such a small episode, the atmosphere in the team became much more active. The teammates began to chat on the cruel battlefield, and never joined meaningless battle groups along the way. When you don't see it.

Xie Xiaomeng was very satisfied with such a 'veteran' temperament, which saved her a lot of trouble.

Follow the system prompts and go straight to the highland H12.

"All attention!"

The so-called high ground is just a hill formed by the accumulation of monster corpses. After countless times of purification with 'holy water', there is not much magic energy left on it. The magic net has 'analyzed' them, so that these flesh and blood cannot used by the devil.

On the battlefield, such 'hills' left over are everywhere, thus forming 'tactical high grounds', which were then reinforced by fortifications and even set up as temporary resurrection points and safety zones.

With the safety zone and the resurrection point, there will be the convenience of nearby recovery and supply, and the battlefield in a large area can be effectively controlled. The tactical high ground has become a strategic high ground that must be defended and captured.

On the H12 highland, the fight between players and monsters further increased the area of ​​the highland. The new force led by Xie Xiaomeng came, and fell into the most intense confrontation after a face-to-face encounter.


Before the rookie saw the battlefield clearly, he was pierced by the [tail stab] that came out from under his feet. He didn't need to command, and the priest who was protecting him in the center gave him a [death immunity], which forced him to lock him in 0.5 seconds. With 1 blood volume, the other priest has a [Rejuvenation] skill, which instantly pulls his blood volume back to one third.

"Concentrate, don't let your mind wander!"

Xie Xiaomeng gave the rookie a hard look, and loudly ordered his teammates to start fighting.

"My pot, my pot!"

The rookie rookie apologized in shock.

No one paid any attention to him, and most of the people fell into a bitter battle. A large number of [Magic Bees] emerged from the corpses under their feet. This kind of monster is not big in size and does not fly fast, but it has a thin and long [ Tail thorn], like a long whip full of barbed thorns, swung swiftly like lightning, with extremely high attack power, one hit is enough to put it in the front row with rough skin and thick flesh, and the crispy skin in the back row is even worse. Needless to say, if you touch it, you will die, and if you rub it, you will be seriously injured.

More than a dozen [Magic Bees] vibrated six pairs of transparent wings, and their heads full of compound eyes opened their three-lobed mouthparts, exuding a kind of high-frequency sonic range damage, and -2-5-1 With such a slight damage value, once someone's mentality is out of balance, their movements are deformed, and the neutral position is exposed, the [tail stab] waving above their heads will stab down like lightning.

Xie Xiaomeng would rather face a tall and perverted stitcher than confront such an assassin-type monster.

Unfortunately, the opponent does not allow him to choose.

The player and the monster carefully tested for a few rounds, and the [Magic Bee] swarm gradually became impatient and swooped down one after another.

"It's now!", Xie Xiaomeng shouted, and let go of the bowstring, and the skill [Shadow Arrow] that had been buckled in his hand was launched.

[Shadow Arrow] is the famous scraping skill of rangers, but it has an advantage, that is, the release speed of the skill is extremely fast, and the attack range is huge. It can attack more than a dozen targets at a time. In the team, three rangers used [ Split Shadow Arrow], the phantom of dozens of arrows enveloped the swooping [Magic Bee], and the two bards plucked the harp one after another without ordering, adding a 0.5-second stiffening effect to this attack .

[Magic Bees] hit all of them, they are all fixed in the air for a while, some are frozen for a short time (only hit once), some are frozen for a long time (multiple hits), mages who need front row and main force output have extremely High eyesight and decisiveness.

Xie Xiaomeng's teammates didn't let her down. When she was preparing for the longer time to prepare for the [Explosive Arrow], the paladin's [Holy Flame Slash] and the barbarian's [Swinging Axe] had already hit those who had been frozen for a short time. [Magic Bees], seven [Magic Bees] fell to the ground with their health crazily lost, and the flame, freezing and evocation piercing of the three mages completed the final make-up.

Assassin monsters can be solved so quickly as long as they find a way to restrain them.

The remaining 8 [Magic Bees] had just recovered from the stiffness, and the priests who hadn’t made a move used their only range control skill. A large number of vines and roots entangled them, and the rangers [Explosive Arrows] shot one after another.

Boom boom boom...

Finally, the thieves complete the harvest.

Fits perfectly!

The bee swarm was resolved without injury, and the team continued to move forward. At the 'halfway up the mountain', a [Stitcher] blocked the way.

Facing the player team coming from the bee chrysalis, this [Stitch Monster] simply chose to split.

The body more than ten meters high 'collapsed' into more than a dozen monsters of various shapes, and the two thighs turned into two [Liquid Worms], spitting out 'strong poison'.The arms turned into two [Death Harvesters], faster than the magic bee, and they deal damage in the sonic range.The head turned into a 'petrified beholder', that is, anyone who looked at it was petrified, and the intestines became seven or eight [evil living beings].The mouth became a [babbling broadcaster], and the battlefield was suddenly filled with all kinds of unknown whispers, which penetrated into the depths of each player's consciousness and soul, adding various negative states to the players.

The bard sang loudly, and the paladins in the front row thrust their shields down and prayed loudly for the name of the system god. The holy light of [Holy Blessing] combined into a wall of light shields, blocking the first wave of the monsters from the last attack. Powerful attack.

The barbarians then rushed to [Liquid Worm], swung the ax and slashed wildly. The priest only healed them, making them turn green for a while, and then return to normal. The barbarian was unlucky, Qiangdu had a critical attack, and returned to the city in a flash of white light.

At this time, the paladin blocked the most threatening [Evil Living One] and let the colorful 'intestines' grow on his body. The thief fought with the [Death Harvester] to lure away the splitting monster that is the most threatening to the long-range. The opponent of the [Babbling Broadcaster] is a bard, and the two sides started to attack and defend across the entire battlefield, showing that the buffs and negative states of the teammates flickered.

Rangers and mages were well protected and began to output as much as they could.

After 10 minutes, resolve the fight.

Such a level 29 stitcher, yesterday the players had a hard time dealing with it, and the day before yesterday, they could only use people to pile it up. Today, it can be solved with a small price (three teammates died), and the growth of the players is inevitable. Doubtful.

This is not just a data growth in terms of level, combat power, equipment, and cloak, but a significant leap in heart, consciousness, toughness, and even soul. It is also the most powerful advantage of this group of players and the fourth natural disaster, the soul from the earth , with the basic quality far surpassing that of Canaan, after the beating of blood and fire, it gradually showed the essence of steel.

"Beware of the humanoid monsters!"

The surviving players on the high ground loudly warned the coming reinforcements.

Xie Xiaomeng stopped the team vigilantly, and let the teammates with Quinster's magic ball pet detect the chaotic aura around them.

A silhouette of a human figure quietly approaching the back row was detected by Quinster's magic ball, and Xie Xiaomeng was already prepared to shoot an arrow, hitting a thief.

This 22nd-level thief is not a player, but a minion of chaotic demons.

I saw him wearing a full set of thieves equipment. He was short, thin, and light, like a chameleon, able to change the characteristics of his body. As soon as he was discovered, his figure would be atomized away, allowing the players' subsequent skills to fall on him. empty space.

More servant army professionals were marked by the magic ball, and they were everywhere in all directions. Six human knights riding skeleton flame horses walked out of the shadows, drew out their wide knight swords, and charged towards the back row of the team.

Their target occupation is the paladin.

"The humanoid monster that must explode!"

The rookie is both fearful and excited.

"Shut up!", Xie Xiaomeng yelled at him and silenced him, "Teams close together, defensive formation, quick, quick!"

The scattered front row quickly retreated, and the team was like a shrinking hedgehog, protecting the crispy skin in the middle in a dense formation.

Seeing that there was no chance, the skeleton flame horse rider passed by when he was more than ten meters away.

"Come up and meet!"

Players on the high ground shouted.

Xie Xiaomeng agreed, and directed the team to cautiously walk to the high ground in a hedgehog formation.

"Why are there only a few of you?"

Xie Xiaomeng: "We are the first batch, there will be more in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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