This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 353 Undead Flame Skull Horse

Chapter 353 Undead Flame Skull Horse

Players don't have much experience fighting 'humanoid monsters', and online strategies say that 'humanoid monsters' are more difficult to deal with than ordinary monsters. They start with elites, and there are almost no 'monsters', even if they are not as high as players. It's also hard to do.

'Humanoid monsters' will judge the situation, choose the most suitable opportunity, choose the battlefield that is most beneficial to them, fight more and fight less, fight in groups, go roundabout, and those who can fight and can't fight will go away.

Absorbing aggro, taunt skills, flying kites, etc. are also useless to them.

Compared with monsters, the overall strength of these "humanoid monsters" is not outstanding, but they have caused a large number of downsizing in several player teams. The fall of H12 Highland has a lot to do with them.

But the 'Humanoid' is not without shortcomings, and that is the will to fight.

They will be afraid, affected by morale and psychology, it is impossible to be as fearless as monsters, and they will retreat even when they know that they will fail.

The number of "humanoid monsters" on the high ground is not less than the number of players, knights of undead flame skeleton horses (paladins), drow rangers with bows and arrows on their backs, evil gray dwarves and half-orcs (berserkers) who believe in evil gods and demons, Desecrate priests (clerics), humans and drow thieves (assassins) and more.

The experience of large-scale battles between players and 'Humanoids' has to be pushed forward to the third test, which is the Alpha Plane offensive and defensive battle. Speaking of which, it is more about relying on magic nets and using resources to pile up victories.

Besides, it's been a long time, except for a very small number of veteran players, I'm afraid no one remembers anything.

Xie Xiaomeng's team has 11 people left, and there are 14 surviving players on the high ground, two remnant groups that were almost wiped out, 25 people joined forces, and confronted more than [-] 'humanoid monsters'.

The Flame Skeleton Horse Knight is located in the front, and the whole body of the black armor has an unidentifiable coating on the surface. Inside the visor, the facial features of the knights cannot be seen, only a pair of red eyes can be seen through the gap.

The Flaming Skeleton Horse is tall and mighty. Although it is a skeleton, it is also covered in black armor. Its limbs and hooves are stepping on the lavender soul flames. There is a thin, long and sharp metal horn on its head. It is very attractive and very attractive.

On the left side of the 6 flaming skeleton horse knights is a berserker formation composed of gray dwarves and half-orcs. They are also in heavy armor, or holding a shield in one hand, a hammer in the other, or a two-handed ax as tall as a man. It weighs a ton, and the ax blade has a faint enchanting aura.

Behind them are the drow ranger and the profane priest.


This was the first time Xie Xiaomeng saw a live dark elf.

In the imagination, the dark elves are darker than the elves, but in fact it is more than that.

If an elf is compared to an antelope, then a drow is a cheetah. The former is slender and agile, while the latter combines agility and strength. The former feels gentle and harmless, while the latter is full of tension and aggressiveness. The same beauty, especially the female drow, has a sexy and coquettish that makes people blush and heartbeat.

There are three drow rangers, one male and one female. Females are obviously of higher status and have better equipment. What makes Xie Xiaomeng envious is that her equipment can be 'seamless', almost tailor-made.

Humanoid monsters, especially humanoid monster professionals, must explode, and what you see is what you get.

Let alone blasphemy.

The source of sacrilege is extremely complicated. There are priests of evil gods and believers of demons, but these are not genuine sacrificial priests. Blasphemy is a very special profession, a real [hidden] profession.

The real profane sacrifices are unbelievers, and their magical foundation is 'stealing'.

Mr. Nan Guo who stole the magical arts and divine favors of the righteous gods and mixed with the flock of righteous god believers.

Therefore, it would not be surprising if the standard divine arts and divine favors of the orthodox gods appeared at the scene of the bloody battle in the abyss. According to legend, the [hidden] profession of profane sacrifice was originally invented by the demons of the chaotic camp.

Xie Xiaomeng recalled the introduction information on the official website about the 'Profane Priest', a humanoid monster, but he didn't know whether the profane priest with three figures and faces hidden in the pitch-black cloak was genuine.

To the right of the Flaming Skull Horse Rider are humans and drow assassins (rogues)
They are most similar to the thieves of the system, drow 3 human 4, short, lean, with an indescribable stern aura, like a dagger that is unsheathed, hidden, and may disappear at any time, with its head held high, and it is about to launch Attacking viper.

After sizing up the opponents, Xie Xiaomeng's heart was heavy. He didn't see any monsters or demons. Such a group of special opponents was really not sure of victory.

There was a standoff for two minutes.

Two minutes later, the Flaming Skeleton Horse Knight moved. The leading knight drew out a broadsword brimming with magical aura, and made a false slash forward. The berserker on the left roared and charged towards the players.

"Everyone on your mark, pay attention!!"

The temporary commander screamed, and the four Shengwu players erected their shields nervously, and prayed loudly for the name of the god they believed in.

The barbarians started to roar, and those who could go berserk immediately went berserk, and those who didn't have the berserk ability drank a bottle of red medicine that continued to restore blood in advance. The priest's white light fell on them from behind, and the bard sang a war song loudly.

In the passionate melody of the battle song, all the miscellaneous thoughts of the players, such as fear, apprehension, cowardice, wavering, etc., disappeared. Everyone's blood boiled, their attention was highly concentrated, and their field of vision expanded. The incoming enemies became much slower.

Various physiological effects and psychological effects combined with BUFF halos are colorful, and the front row of players began to charge.


"Hoo Nima!"

LV22, player barbarian with the title of Dust [Brutal Charge] approached the gray dwarf berserker elite of LV20, the gray dwarf roared, and the steel shield hit the player barbarian head-on, the player barbarian cursed back with a distorted face, and hit the steel barbarian with a fit. on the shield.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound.

This is a collision without fancy, this is a contest between the same professions inside the system and outside the system, this is a competition of similar strength.

The second stage of the player's skill was suspended, and he fell back drunk, but the gray dwarf's skill did not use the back move, and he stumbled in the same way, shaking his thick head in a dizzy state.

The two roared like gorillas, shouting at the top of their lungs, the throat pipes were seen, and the next second they collided like two tanks, bang bang bang, that was really punchy, without any fancy.

The barbarian player's battle ax danced into an embroidery needle, the gray dwarf berserker's shield was like a magnet, and the mace in his left hand slammed back coldly. With a sound of 'ping', the barbarian player shook his head dizzily, -74, A white light fell on him immediately.

The gray dwarf berserker was furious, and turned his head to look at the position of the player priest. At this time, the battlefield was already glued together. The undead skeleton horse knight launched a charge, and the rumbling horseshoes went straight forward. The player paladins bite the bullet and stand upright Set up a huge light shield to block the front of the crispy teammates.

At this time, a level 25 priest of [Changchen] made a sudden move, and saw her with her arms outstretched, her body floating off the ground, a rich holy light descended from the sky, and the holy emblem of the goddess of life and harvest was a 'jade purification bottle', The phantom of the 'Jade Cleansing Bottle' appeared and poured down a drop of 'holy water'!
The 'holy water' dripped into the void, creating a ripple that spread throughout the battlefield. All the teammates affected by this ripple recovered their health and stamina to their peak state, and their negative status disappeared. [Power of Rage] and [Blessing of the Goddess of Life] are two kinds of BUFF.

It was too late to say, but it was so fast, from the charge of the undead flame skeleton horse knight to the 25th level dust priest's ultimate move, it only happened in less than a second.

A second later, the undead flaming skeleton horse knight collided with the light shield head-on, and the player paladins roared in unison, their arms against the light shield bulged like an explosion, 'boom tom tom', three steps back in a row, each step Both left a shallow pit in the ground.

But the huge potential energy created by the undead flame skeleton horse knight was canceled out, and the paladin and the crispy skin behind were unscathed. As soon as their speed slowed down, the continuous arrows and the illusory hand of the mage entangled them , The paladins threw down their shields, replaced them with two-handed weapons with the highest attack power, and held them up high, leaving a light afterimage on the spot, and their figures had leaped out.

The Flaming Skull immediately raised the knight's broadsword upwards, a bright spot of light condensed on the tip of the sword, and there was a loud sound of "Dang!", the player paladins rewinded twice, and the Flaming Skull Horse Knight just swayed. , a painless damage value above the head.

"It's fucking amazing!"

"It's a mount, and the flame skeleton horse bonus!"

"Has the mage fucking finished singing?"

"Output support!"

"The melee side can't stand it anymore."

"The priest only needs to add blood to the barbarian, the barbarian resists, don't let the monsters in!"


The team channel was full of noise, and the situation on the battlefield gradually slipped in the direction unfavorable to the players. Xie Xiaomeng moved for the fifth time, far away from the assassin's position detected by the [Quinster Magic Ball]. Arrow, aimed at the knight who started charging again.

Thankfully, the "Human Fortress" in the team who hadn't made a move finally finished singing.

A 26th-level mage from the dust, he was wearing an ice-blue cassock, holding a simple two-handed staff, and his whole body was filled with a strong magical aura. He sang for a full 10 seconds.

As his staff was raised high, a basketball-sized electric ball condensed on the top of the staff, "crackling", the tangled electric light suppressed the manic energy, and he fired it out with all his strength.

Slowly, the electric ball appeared on the battlefield and was interrupted. With a "click", an electric light was cut down, and with a "boom!", even though a dark elf drow dodged in time, he was paralyzed by the splash damage.

Then there was another bolt of lightning, this time hitting him straight, with a sound of "Boom!", the dark elf ranger resented on the spot, "Bang!", and the longbow in his hand exploded.


Mage Chuchen used all his strength to control the electric ball, the humanoid monster's long-range profession desperately concentrated fire on him, and the assassin desperately launched an assault on him regardless of whether he was marked or not.

"Protect Thunder God and Lightning Mother!"

The temporary commander was chased miserably, and he still yelled miserably on the team channel.


The long-range occupations of the humanoid monsters bombarded by electric lights are flying around, and can no longer form effective output and containment. The long-range occupations on the player's side immediately free their hands and feet. One player barbarian tackles his opponent.

The gray dwarf berserker fell to the sky, and there was a big explosion. Almost none of the equipment on his body fell, and all of them turned into auras covering the ground.


The tune of the bard's war song was changed, and every player's blood was boiling. Xie Xiaomeng felt a black shadow slipping by, and the target was the human-shaped fort protected in the center. She screamed to warn, while shifting He locked on to the target and shot an arrow, but the black shadow resisted the control effect.

At the critical moment, a weak-looking priest MM stood in front of the 'humanoid turret' and helped him bear the fatal injury.

The black knife light flashed, and the white light suddenly rose, scaring the paladin who was covered in cold sweat to return to the defense in time, and the futile assassin 'Humanoid' retreated.

- Lose one priest.

The 'Human Fortress' became the key to the situation on the battlefield, and the Flaming Skeleton Horse Knight also charged him. This time, the paladins couldn't stop them, and a gap was opened, and there was a mess of crispy occupations inside.


Xie Xiaomeng also rushed over to form a wall of meat, and the [Electric Ball] operated by the humanoid fortress returned in time, but it was too slow, and it was too late.

When the skeleton horse rushed towards her face, Xie Xiaomeng was stunned. A huge force sent her flying. In mid-air, she reflexively poured a bottle of [Sun Water] into her mouth. After landing, there was only a little bit left. Bloodshot.

The position of the human-shaped turret could not be seen clearly, only a [Quinster Magic Ball] flew out to splash blood mist, and under the [Quinster Energy Field], the 'Human-shaped turret' floated out without weight.

"Damn, if you want to kill me, I will die!"

[Electric Ball] There was a bang and an explosion, and the electric light all over the sky tangled into twisted and twisted snakes. The flaming skeleton horse knight rushed out with the tangled electric snakes, and the continuous damage of large areas made them seem to come from another world. 'Terminator' - break the defense!
A skeleton flame horse fell down screaming, and the knight on its back was also shattered, "Bang Dang!" Another big explosion!

In the aura, suddenly there is a horse card in the image of a skeleton horse!

It's over!
The players who were risking their lives just now forgot their mission, their glory, their sacrifice, and their persistence in an instant, and all rushed towards the horse card.


The humanoid turret was first slashed and killed by the vengeful flame skeleton horse rider.

"Team allocation mode, what the hell are you grabbing!"

The temporary commander cried out in the white light.

[You were killed by LV24 servants (assassins, elites)! 】

[Unfortunately, the mission to capture the H12 highland failed. 】

Xie Xiaomeng, who was sent back to the city, was aggrieved and angry, and was about to curse in the team channel.

[Ding, the team picked up the [Flame Skull Horse Card] and began to roll the dice to determine the ownership. 】

【Please roll the dice】

This made her angry again, and she was stunned for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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