This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 354 Merit Exchange

Chapter 354 Merit Exchange
[Ding, congratulations on your successful strengthening, you have obtained the Silver Magic Bracer (Blue) +1]

[Ding, congratulations on your successful strengthening, you have obtained the Silver Magic Bracer (Blue) +2]

[Ding, unfortunately, the enhancement failed, and I got the Silver Magic Bracer (blue)]

[Ding, congratulations on your successful strengthening, you have obtained the Silver Magic Bracer (Blue) +1]

[Ding, unfortunately, the enhancement failed, your silver magic wristband was broken in the fierce elemental conflict. 】


Xia Miaomiao lost control and picked up a stick and smashed it on the strengthening platform, cursing as she smashed: "Black-hearted system, God bless you, you will be hit by a car when you go out, and you will be torn apart. I am so mad, I am so mad!"

"Sisters, are you alright?" urged the players waiting in line behind for enhancement.

"What's the rush? Wait!"

"Sisters, please hurry up, the time for resupply is coming soon."

"I know, I know."

After venting, Xia Miaomiao took out the precious [Secondary Cloak Strengthening Stone], hesitated for a moment, and handed it to the strengthening NPC with her eyes closed.

"Do you want to start strengthening the second-level cloak (ranger)?"


[Ding, congratulations on your successful enhancement, you got the [Dust] Cloak +1]

"Successful, successful, 60% success rate, okay, okay, keep it up!"

[Ding, congratulations on your successful enhancement, you got the [Dust] Cloak +2]

"Oh yeah, 55% success rate, +2, I just need +3, just light up the 'Aura' appearance, please, Goddess of Life and Harvest Tias, bless, bless me!"

[Ding, congratulations on your successful enhancement, you got the [Dust] Cloak +3]

"Haha... Added 3, added 3, increased combat power by 121, wow, increased attack power by so much..."

"Sisters, you're lucky, add 3 cloaks, can you sell them?"

"Do not sell!"

"Then you still want to strengthen it, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xia Miaomiao hesitated, +3 is white aura, which is not cool enough, +4 is green, +5 is blue, +6 is terrible, purple!

The cloak of purple aura is worn on the body. When people look at it, it is either high play or a big water hose (dirt trench). There are still 4 strengthening stones left. Is it strong or not?
"Xiaoyu, the cloak is +3, is it still strong?"

"Ah, it's still stronger after adding 3? Come back to me quickly, you are the only one left."

"I want to be strong 4"

"I think you want to die, come back to me quickly, the first team has been waiting for you for a long time."

"...That's a good eight!"

The wrist guards were not strong enough, but fortunately the cloak was +3, the beautiful equipment really had a stronger 'stimulation' than before, making her want to groan comfortably.

It has been online for one day and one night. The monster siege is not over yet, but the fourth line of defense has been held. The NPC said that the leader of the legion is planning a counterattack. ([-]) Relay station] on the map.

I heard that the relay station was originally an abyss market, which belongs to the so-called [commercial assets], and there are several portals that constantly transmit other planes, especially the lost plane.

Each portal represents a brand new 'copy', and its sound infrastructure can fully develop into a system in the abyss city.

If the [Skeleton ([-]) Relay Station] is captured, it will mark the end of this expansion, and the players will win the final victory.

In the giant skull building, the atmosphere before the battle finally became less tense. As the battle line was pushed back, the players finally had time to correct and resupply.

"Sapling, not bad, +3?"


"Sapling, do you still have a place in your regiment? There are too many people offline on my side."

"Wait for me to ask the leader, I will M you later!"

"Sapling, where's your blue armguard, the one that can be strengthened, sell it to me, it's only a blue outfit."

"I just gave it away, I'm sorry!"

"Fuck, am I late?"

"Hey Hey!"

Wearing a plus 3 cloak that exudes aura, a high-professional, high-quality ranger outfit, and carrying the invincible and awesome golden sun-shooting bow of Klaas, the elf ranger walking in the camp attracts countless eyes.

Many unfamiliar and unfamiliar players greeted her, along the way, quite like a heroine in a movie.

The whole camp is more real and vast than the special effects scenes in the magic blockbuster.

The fire in the blacksmith's shop, the leather in the tailor's shop, the beaker in the pharmacy, the "chemistry class" of the alchemist, the "engineering precision drawing design and drawing" of the enchanter, and the Quinster jumping around with the master The magic ball is an extremely precious undead flame skeleton horse that can provide players with a large number of buff attributes, effects and skills in the abyss environment... Neat, dirty, tall, short, strong, agile, various races, Every color, every face...

A coquettish player demon came up to him, he was still a mid-level demon, wearing a [Lingjue] cloak, plus 6, the purple aura matched the coquettish appearance of the cloak, plus the racial occupation of the mid-level demon , as soon as the protagonist's aura comes on stage, she becomes a supporting role.

A large group of players with stinky feet greeted them to please.

Player demons have a unique advantage in the abyss environment, but they are rarely seen on the frontal battlefield, but the capture and management of this outpost, the smooth supply of demon merchants, and the planned capture of the outpost ([-]) Can not do without them.

It is said that they have a soul contract, and they cannot tell the secrets of their race and occupation to players other than the demon race.

Mainstream guesses, player demons prefer POE gameplay, focusing on tasks, solving puzzles, and conquering "literary drama" levels other than "martial arts". It is also said that player demons prefer management, strategy, and hiding. After all, is it a hidden profession? How to play? It is also understandable to be different.

It's strange to say that the game's soul contract can still manage the reality, but the fact is that even if it is offline, players of the demon race rarely reveal the secrets of their race and occupation. It is said, but it is said that playing demons for a long time, People's personality, behavior and other aspects will become a lot more 'dark', and there are rumors in the rivers and lakes, bringing racial skills back to reality.

Isn't that ridiculous.

Anyway, Xia Miaomiao didn't believe it. If she could bring it back to reality, why couldn't she herself?
"Have you arrived yet?"

"Come on, come on, where are you?"

"The devil merchant here."

For the Devil Merchant, all the brothers and sisters are here, including those who joined later, there are more than 50 people in total, and many of the newcomers Xia Miaomiao don't know each other very well.

Dozens of people noisily occupied the vantage point next to the demon merchant, waiting for the special items to be refreshed, and the family channel was full of noisy voices.

"Ah, the Quinster magic ball only costs 2 gold coins. What a loss, what a loss, I would have known better if I hadn't caught it by myself, wasting a lot of time."

"The aptitude, savvy, and initial intimacy that I grasped are all bought to be strong. The bought one comes with a skill. What's the use of asking for it?"

"Do you have any ideas about the token of the past life? If you commit suicide and start over, you will cheat if you choose a demon."

"Why don't you try it?"

"Haha, I'll forget it, I finally got to level 20, and I'm in sight."

"Why hasn't the mount token been refreshed yet?"

"That's right, there's not even a time display."

"The formula is too."

"Don't think about it, these precious resources cannot be opened up for supply."

"It would be great if the undead flame skeleton horse was spawned."

"Dream you."

"It's okay to get pets and mount equipment, it's worth the money."

"Brother, that's bound."

"You can use it yourself."

"By the way, since this expansion pack is over, building a gang should be a no-brainer, right?"

"Of course. At that time, they will be above level 20, right? Chuchen... Ling Jue is almost there, and an abandoned civilian camp is still within reach?"

"But there are too many guild building orders. The median devil exploded. Many people got them. I saw someone selling them at the auction today. After the publicity period passed, they were second-guessed. They are good at hand speed. If you are not single for a decade or two, you will never be able to practice it. ... Chunshui should be sold first."

"Money is hard to buy, I knew it earlier, who knew that the explosion rate on the battlefield is so high?"

"Complaining about the high explosion rate? No wonder people say that you people are the most difficult to serve, haha..."


Xia Miaomiao found Du Shiyu's place in the crowd, and squeezed past while greeting acquaintances.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

"For meritorious service, it depends on what you can exchange for it," Du Shiyu said.

Xia Miaomiao also talked to the demon merchant and opened the merit exchange panel.

The first page is Supplementary.

Sun water, 5 points of merit, this is a life-saving magic medicine, a must for players, but it can be bought with copper coins, and it is a bit wasteful to use merit. Although everyone has merits in their hands now, they have to think about it in the future, right?After all, it is impossible to have big meals all the time, and there is always an end to the battlefield expansion pack.

Stamina Potion, Antidote Potion, and Status Potion, all of which are 5 points of merit, collectively known as the four major sets necessary for killing people and stealing goods. Xia Miaomiao has just replenished them, so skip them.

The second page is lucky charms, strengthening stones, cloak strengthening stones, alchemy and enchanting recipes.

Except for the lucky charms, all others are in limited supply. The refresh frequency of enhancement stones and cloak enhancement stones is higher. Alchemy and enchanting formulas are more difficult. Xia Miaomiao has already exchanged many enhancement stones.

Lucky Charm 10 Merit, Elementary Equipment Enhancement Stone 100 Merit, Intermediate 200, Level 100 Cloak Enhancement Stone 200 Merit, Level [-] [-], Alchemy and Enchanting formula prices are not fixed, it fluctuates according to the value of the formula that is brushed out.

Xia Miaomiao has swiped so many times, but every time she sees it, it is gray. Someone picks you up and guards you 24 hours a day.

The third page is the skill book of each profession. Level [-] skill books are common, junk skill books are common, level [-] skills books are relatively rare, and the powerful ones have to be judged.

Skip the category page for other professions to choose Ranger, there are more than a dozen skill books in gray and white, white can be exchanged, gray can't, the cheapest is 50 meritorious service, and the most expensive is only 1000.

There are [powerful arrow], [enhanced induction], [enhanced vision], [enhanced perception], [charged arrow], [three shots in a row], [shadowless arrow], [divided guide arrow], [killing arrow] ], [Lightweight Technique], [Shooting Mastery], and [Shooting Expert], there are twelve types in total.

Xia Miaomiao exchanged and bought it from Erdao dealers, and learned [Deadly Arrow], [Light Body Art] and [Shooting Expert], a total of 8 first-level professional active and passive skills.

There are: [Bound Arrow], [Bursting Arrow], [Shadow Arrow], [Lianzhu Arrow], [Blooming Fighting Will], [Deadly Arrow], [Lightweight Art] and [Archery Expert].

So far, the 8 first-level professional skill positions are all full. [Lianzhu Arrow] and [War Intent] are self-comprehensible skills, very powerful, not weaker than [Death Arrow], which can be exchanged for up to 1000 merits. It is her own. A great proof of flaunting 'white face'.

A deadly arrow, gain momentum for 1 second, cool down for 5 minutes, +10 meters range, the arrow 'guides' the vital point of the target, within the range, the target will definitely hit, unless the opponent has equipment and skills to defend against weak points, basic attack power 150%, there will definitely be a critical strike. With the ultra-long range and double critical strike effect of the sun bow, it can be called a humanoid sniper.

One shot kill is not an exaggeration, but a fact.

Just this one skill added 200 points of combat power to Xia Miaomiao, and the total combat power broke through 4000 in one fell swoop, reaching 4185, ranking in the top 150 in the combat power rankings, a veritable high-level combat and high-playing player.

That’s right, when I was just equipped with a sun-shooting bow a few days ago, I was still ranked 79th. These days, my combat power and level have soared like a rocket. God's business.

No way, there are too many big water hoses.

Forget about money ability, there are people who work harder, are more talented, and are more explosive than her. How can this be justified?
[Lightness Art] can be understood as 'light skill', plus 50 combat power, burst out for a period of time, and then weakened for a period of time, not to mention it for escape, [Shooting Expert] is passive, plus 100 combat power, Reducing the cooldown time of all skills, increasing the hit rate and range are the main professional skills that must be mastered by rangers. If the battlefield is not open, just this one [Shooting Expert], expect yourself to practice in the training ground, if you don’t practice enough After thousands of hours, I couldn't find the door, but now I only need 1000 merits to get it, so happy.

There is a more advanced [Shooting Master] in the back, which needs to be refreshed and level three [Ling Jue] or above to learn, and even more and more powerful skills need to be refreshed and luck.

As for the second-level professional skills, they are even more rare. I heard that someone has refreshed them, but Xia Miaomiao has never seen them.

There are two common skills for her second-level class: [Natural Affinity] Passive, which increases the ranger's survivability and allows her to get the 'friendliness' from plants, animals and even monsters in the primitive environment, which is nothing in the abyss battlefield use.

[General attack: Penetration (200)] is also a passive skill, +[-] combat power, a very powerful second-level professional skill, which makes her general attack have a strong penetration effect, especially for characters with rough skin and thick flesh , is ignoring the percentage defense, so that the ranger's basic attack damage will bid farewell to the embarrassing situation of "mosquito bites". Penetration may leave penetrating wounds, which will continue to lose blood, and critical attacks can also cause [serious injuries]. With this two Level professional skills, ranger's output and PK ability, got a straight leap.

There are 10 first-level and second-level professional skills, and there are still 6 empty slots for the second-level professional skills.

Refresh the skill book and comprehend the destiny. Even if you have the skill book, you can’t just learn it without thinking. There are only so many skill slots. How to match and how to combine is a test of the player’s ability. It can get twice the result with half the effort, and if it is not well matched, even if it has powerful skills, it may not be much better than a few other 'junk skill combinations'.

Skills are one aspect, and equipment is always the mainstream.

The last page is gear.

All purple outfits and meritorious outfits can be exchanged for, but all [-], [-], [-] or even [-] meritorious deeds make people speechless.

The power of the big water hose is on this page.

(End of this chapter)

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