Chapter 355

Merit cannot be bought or sold. It was OK in the last test, but not this time.

How did the big water hose get tens of thousands of meritorious service?

You know, with Xia Miaomiao's position on the combat power ranking list, she has only gained more than 2000 points of merit until now.

A dust cloak costs 400, and it costs 1600 to exchange skills (archery experts spend gold coins to buy it), and there are less than 500 points left, which is far from the lowest level of meritorious purple equipment. With her strength, meritorious deeds can't be bought and sold, how can she use her money ability?

The answer is to hire horses.

That is to find high-players who are at the top of the combat power rankings, spend huge sums of money to hire them, and form a team to go to the battlefield. All opportunities for meritorious service are reserved for Dashuihou.

Doing this is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also requires deep connections and organizational skills, as well as coordinating the temperament, interests and preferences of those high-ranking players. To win people over, you must also have prestige, hehe...that is really not something ordinary people can do.

Money alone is not enough, otherwise people like Liu Xiaoming and Hu Ge would have already been on the rocket.

Looking at the meritorious purple costume on the last page, he was drooling. This is the current magic costume. Any one that is exchanged may make people soar into the sky.

For example, the sun-shooting bow in her hand was ranked second in the equipment list before, but now it has dropped out of the top 50. It is replaced by meritorious purple outfits exchanged, and they are all second-level professional equipment above level 20.

It is too difficult to explode a purple outfit on the battlefield, blue outfits are common, but the value of blue outfits without attributes that can be strengthened is greatly reduced.

Xia Miaomiao hadn't managed to make a full-body blue outfit until now, and finally broke a wrist guard that could be strengthened, and it was broken.

If the blue outfit can't be strengthened, at best it will increase the combat power by a few hundred, which is not much better than the green outfit. Xia Miaomiao disdains spending huge sums of money to change into a blue outfit just to look good and practical. Green outfits are enough, and the money saved will be spent on top-quality products that meet their status.

Hungry for the Meritorious Purple on the last page, she reluctantly closed the sales page of the demon merchant. The resurrection technique of her buddy Du Shiyu still hasn't been refreshed, and she is exchanging experience with another mage on the family channel.

"Mage Chuchen is awesome. I saw a Duchen yesterday, with a second-level professional skill [Spherical Lightning]. That electric ball is too abnormal, it can exist forever, and it can emit a blast every second. The attack power is extremely high. The Dianmang is simply a humanoid bomber, the kind of existence that destroys the regiment by one person."

Du Shiyu listened leisurely and fascinated: "But I heard that it takes 10 seconds to sing, and it takes mental power to control?"

"Wouldn't mages be invincible if there were no such restrictions? Second-level mages will strengthen their output. The humanoid turret is worthy of its name. [Spherical Lightning] skill book is easy to brush up, so let's save meritorious deeds from now on. It takes 2000 points Woolen cloth."

"2000, I'm still several hundred short."

"That's coming soon. I'm going to be miserable. I didn't know it at the beginning. The merits were all spent on the first-level professional skills, alas."

"Come on, it's not too late to start saving now."

"Well, so don't waste your energy on a blue outfit. If you don't have purple equipment, it's rubbish. You have to change to a third-level profession. You can use green outfits. The combat power is almost the same, unless you are a big water hose."

"Cursed mage is still a powerful skill?" Xia Miaomiao couldn't help but join the discussion.

"I also know about Ice Roar, Fire Dragon Dance, Swamp Art, Construction Art Turning Stones into Mud, Construction Art Turning Mud into Stone, Call of Another Dimension, Ghost Servant, Evocation Ray, Blink, and Doll Stand."

"So much?" Xia Miaomiao asked in surprise.

"Well, but in terms of output effect, [Spherical Lightning] is the best. It's really a bomber."

"I don't know what the hidden profession of a necromancer is like." Xia Miaomiao was also fascinated by it.

The ranger of the second-level profession has been strengthened, and the mage has not given up much. The characteristics and advantages of each race's profession have been highlighted, but the skill book is a problem, which is very prominent and serious, and is increasingly valued by the majority of players.

There are only two general skills left for free at the second level, what about the third level of Lingjue, and the fourth level of shocking the world?
Maybe it won't even give you a general skill, and you have the titles of Lingjue and World Shocking, but you don't have the corresponding professional skills... With the urgency of the system, it is really possible to do this.

This shows how precious the current opportunity is. If the battlefield expansion is over and the large troops return to the "light as water" game area, the skill slots of the first and second occupations will be filled in the Year of the Monkey.

"How many skill slots does Master Chuchen have?" Du Shiyu asked while looking at his attribute panel.

She has more blue clothes than Xia Miaomiao, but the difference in combat power is nearly 2000. Among them, the weapons and shoes are the best blue that can be strengthened, but she started saving money early for the dust and the second-level professional skill book , causing the combat power to lag so much behind his buddies.

Of course, there is a reason for luck, and it is also because she is not as 'dedicated' as Xia Miaomiao. Recently, she has been in a trance, especially offline. Xia Miaomiao doesn't know where she is always sitting in a daze , What are you thinking about.

By the way, she also raised a cat, a black cat.

Xia Miaomiao can't wait to use one minute as two minutes, but her best friend still has the energy to raise pets!

I've told her several times that it doesn't work, so forget it, anyway, it's enough to rush up by myself, two sisters in one world, if the best friends want to be salty fish, just salty fish, everything is up to me.

"Also eight."

At this time, Yijiang Chunshui came back, and brought back a big water hose riding on an undead flame skeleton horse.

The title of Dashuihou Lingjue, the cloak of +6, and the aura of the equipment is extremely strong. In the blue sky, the helmet (paladin profession) and the door-like two-handed sword are purple aura.

Two meritorious purples?
"Everyone, hurry up and get ready, the plot is about to start in ten minutes, a big counterattack!"

The family and team channels were full of cheers and gearing up.

Yijiang Chunshui's equipment and titles have also caught up. Chuchen at level 24 is 3 levels lower than Xia Miaomiao, and the difference in combat power is less than 1000.

It's hard for him to carry such a heavy pressure to start the game for this sake. I heard that he hasn't been offline for two days, alas!

"Where is our number one master? Miaomiao, sapling?"

"Uh, here it is!"

"Come here and introduce a friend to you."

Xia Miaomiao was reluctant, not because she was hypocritical, but because she knew why this so-called friend was looking for her.

Du Shiyu pushed her, "Are you looking for a thug again?"

"Need to say?"

"Go, Chun Shui will always give her face."

Xia Miaomiao reluctantly went over.

This big hose is a human being.

When playing paladins, humans don't have much advantage. Generally, dwarves and orcs are chosen. There is a percentage bonus in terms of racial talents. Humans mostly play mages and bards. In terms of racial talents, they pay more attention to balance.

A mage has two main attributes: intelligence and spirit, and a hidden main attribute-magic power and magic affinity.

This magic power is not a blue bar, but a hidden attribute that is not marked in the system attributes formed in the body through the accumulation of meditation.

Players have discovered that sometimes spirit is more important than intelligence, which is manifested in all aspects of meditation and spellcasting. The level of intelligence has more influence on the understanding and memory of spells.

But most player mages don't know much about spells. As for magic research, that's even more bullshit. Only a very small number of mages see the importance of spell research. And skill cooling time, not to mention simplifying and improving spells.

That's deep water, and it hasn't gotten to that level yet.

The 32-level [Ling Jue] paladin with a big water hose looks like a tough guy. He pinches his face a bit like Schwarzenegger. The muscles all over his body are like cast iron. He rides on the cool undead flame skeleton horse Xia Miaomiao's dog eyes were blinded by the aura all over her body. She was secretly envious, and at the same time, she was also estimating the true strength of the big water hose.

"Chunshui, what's the matter?"

Xia Miaomiao raised her chin reservedly, showing the arrogance that a high-ranking player should have.

Yijiang Chunshuiliu's face was full of smiles, and he pulled Xia Miaomiao to Dashuihou who dismounted from his horse, "Come on, let me introduce you, this is the deputy leader of the [Xiong Domination] guild: Yijian Guanghan Nineteen Prefectures, No. 47 in the combat power rankings, I have something to do with you..." As he spoke, he leaned into Xia Miaomiao's ear and whispered hurriedly, "This is a real boss. , I heard that he is a prince from Yanjing, with amazing energy, don't be petty, don't offend people if you can't agree with each other." Then he raised his face and looked back at the big water hose, He smiled and said, "This is a small sapling, the number one expert in our family, the first to test the old players, she is one of the hundred elders, ha ha."

The prince of Yanjing?

Xia Miaomiao was secretly startled, but she didn't show it on her face and didn't speak first.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a small sapling, isn't it? It's a good game. Some people have been coveting your sun-shooting bow for a long time, ha ha." The attitude of the big water hose is surprisingly gentle, and he doesn't see the prince's voice. arrogant.

"Uh... I'm so lucky, I'm so lucky," Xia Miaomiao said flatly.

"Luck is also a kind of strength." Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States turned to Chun Shui and said, "How about...let me chat with her alone?"

"You talk, you talk!", Yijiang Chunshui laughed repeatedly, and the consciousness of high play was gone.

Xia Miaomiao secretly despised that his bones had softened, what happened to the crown prince, what happened to Miss Guan Ben, Wudu was far away from Yanjing, it was he who begged him and not himself begging him.
When Chunshui left, Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States' face became more serious, "Miao Miao, are you interested in coming to help us? I dare not say anything else, I promise, before the end of this battlefield expansion, you have the ability to rush Once you reach the top 100 in the combat power list, you will never fall behind in the future."

This promise is really heavy enough.

"Oh, meritorious purple?" Xia Miaomiao pretended to be excited.

"How about a guarantee?"

The cheapest piece of merit purple of the ranger is a second-level professional wristband, with 14888 merit points.

To ensure that the top 100 will not fall behind, you have to use a lot of resources to pile up. This is the top 70 of more than 100 people. Tsk tsk... can't it be bragging?

It's as if I'm number one on the ranking list, isn't it just 47, there are 46 others who are better than you...

"Forget it, I'm more comfortable here in Chunshui, and I might have a chance in the future." Even though she didn't believe it, Xia Miaomiao didn't say anything dead.

"My promise is always valid." Yijian Guanghan and the Nineteen States didn't bother too much, and this was the real business.

It was nothing more than looking for her to be a thug, Xia Miaomiao had already guessed it.

In the past few days, more than one big water hose has come to look for them, and the conditions offered are more and more outrageous, some are intimidating, some are tempting, and some are shameless... She pretended to ponder, and was about to politely refuse.

"Listen to my conditions first." Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States said very simply, "First, I only want meritorious deeds, and I don't participate in the distribution of all other things, even if the purple equipment is exploded. Second, one hour One million, or 10 gold coins, only takes you 10 hours, which is game time. Third, one time to repay your promise, the same 10 hours, whether it is a task or PK, even if you form a group to blast the main thread NPC , but it can be cashed in at any time after the battlefield expansion pack is over. Fourth, you can bring up other conditions by yourself, within the scope of your ability, just ask for a price.”

Xia Miaomiao liked this straightforward temper.

The conditions cannot be said to be insincere, but unfortunately... I also want to make merit.

Even if I can't touch the edge of 14888, I will try it!
Why am I not a big water hose!

God is so unfair!
"Miao Miao think about it carefully, she is very sincere, and it's only 10 hours..."

Yijiang Chunshuiliu quietly came back after arranging the team's affairs.

"No, you...what's your position, I'm leaving, the family will lose one..."

"I'm not missing you!" Yijiang Chunshuiliu leaned over again, muttering in a low voice, "We will build a gang in the future, this guy is a strong support, besides, even if you don't expect him to help, you have to guard against him, Xiong Ba The Tianxia Gang is very domineering, don't look at this guy who seems to be easy to talk to, that's what we want."

"But... I want merit too!" Xia Miaomiao said with a sad face.

Yijiang Chunshuiliu sighed, and patted her on the shoulder, "Impossible, Miaomiao, it's a good thing to be high-spirited, if it's too much, then... I'm just a lesson learned", he said, looking left and right At a glance, "Do you have connections, rights, and money? No, you are just a commoner. As a commoner, you are now the top. You play very, very well. If you want to play better, Other aspects are about to be supplemented, such as contacts, circles, etc... Don't believe me, I heard, pay attention, just heard that the country has taken over Canaan's background data, what does this mean? Explain Everything in the game was not cared about before, but now someone is caring about it. As long as people are cared about, real connections, power and money can all be radiated into the game... Forget it, you can’t listen to so much, just Say you believe me or not?"

Xia Miaomiao nodded.

"Then just promise him and forget it. You can raise one more condition. If you raise it boldly, don't be polite."

A few minutes later, Xia Miaomiao reluctantly agreed to Yijian Guanghan's invitation from the Nineteen States, seeing that the plot of the big counterattack was about to start.

"I have a request."

"Just open your mouth," said the big water hose with a strong voice.

"I want to bring someone to eat." Xia Miaomiao's request was unexpected, "My friend, Xuewu Feiyu"

(End of this chapter)

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