This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 356 When Death is No Longer Equal

Chapter 356 When Death is No Longer Equal

"It's really hard for you to think of me for such a good thing. I thank you, but I don't want to go."

"Why, don't you only want meritorious service?"

"My meritorious service is enough, I just don't want to look at others."

"Oh, Xiaoyu, why do you want to think like this, this is a game and not reality."

"Anyway, I'm just not used to it."

"...I've already said it."

"Why don't you take Yiye Zhiqiu with you, isn't she complaining about falling too far behind?"

"Are you really not going?"

"Don't go."

Xia Miaomiao is helpless, this best friend is good at everything, but sometimes he is very 'real', what 'free food' looks at people's eyes, who doesn't like this in the game, he is too good-looking.

"What, mixed experience? Wow, wow!" Look, Fan Chaoyue is not so "hypocritical", and he nodded excitedly when he heard that a strong team composed of all high-level players was dedicated to farming monsters with high-level experience. He agreed, and hugged Xia Miaomiao's arm, for fear that she would go back on his word.

At this time, the plot of the big counterattack has already started. The main thread NPC army leader is boosting morale on the stage, and a large number of intelligent NPCs take turns to perform on stage. No magic blockbuster can compare.

During the story mode, the players couldn't help but move around. Xia Miaomiao took Fan Chaoyue away from the area where the family team gathered, and quit the team amidst the blessings and cheers on the family channel.

Chatted privately with Jian Guanghan Nineteen States, joined the new group, and pulled Fan Chaoyue in, found the location where the team gathered on the small map, and touched it.

While walking, look at the team list.

The team leader is naturally Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States, a level 32 Lingjue paladin, and there are 4 other players with the Lingjue title and cape, namely, Yidaolongsnake Transformation, and a level 33 human thief.

One Punch Super Yasai, a level 31 orc barbarian.

Baima Xiaoxifeng, a level 33 elf bard.

All three have the logo suffix of the [Xiong Dominating the World] gang.

The last one Ling Jue knew was Xia Miaomiao, a 34-year-old human priest, "I am the one who saves lives and heals the wounded." She used to form a field team together. At that time, her combat power ranked 171, slightly lower than Xia Miaomiao. Now she has been promoted to a third-level profession. Definitely exceeded.

This person is also a civilian player. The real liver emperor is a woman. I heard that she is about the same age and overlaps with Xia Miaomiao in the whole ecological niche. It can be seen that civilian players are not unable to stand out. Compared with those in reality, Canaan Krypton gold brainless game, it is still a conscience.

Of course, the players will never admit it.

Xia Miaomiao's battle power is over 4000, which already meets the minimum requirements for a third-level profession. The only difference is her level. After reaching level 30, she can take on the third-level professional mission. With her current strength, winning a gold medal should not be a problem.

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States said: "Okay, our main output player is in place, everyone welcomes a little sapling, a level 28 elf ranger, with a combat power of 4200, and the first purple bow in the whole server is hers."

It's not uncommon to be a dusty ranger at level 28, and a combat power of 4200 is awesome.

Most of the emoticons on the team channel are good intentions. If you are a high-end player, you should be a little more reserved, so you won't be surprised like a rookie who can't even make it to the top 1000.

Xia Miaomiao: "Thank you, thank you everyone!"

Fan Chaoyue: "Hi, hello everyone, I am Yiye Zhiqiu (greeting)"

Fan Hua Man Tian said: "Who is this person, can the boss introduce him?"

Xia Miaomiao quickly said, "I brought Yiye Zhiqiu, her level and combat power are low, please forgive me!"

Fan Hua Man Tian said, "You still have this? Boss?"

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States: "Miao Miao, don't you want to bring a level 25 mage?"

Before Xia Miaomiao could answer, Fan Chaoyue said first, "I have 2300 combat power, so I won't drag everyone back."

"2300 combat power, or extraordinary?"

"Krypton gold krypton went up."

"Then...the first-level occupation is a bit difficult to do, what skills do you know?"

Just as Fan Chaoyue was about to answer, Xia Miaomiao grabbed her and said, "Don't talk to such a mess, you don't owe him anything."

One sentence turned off the lively team channel.

have to.

You are 4200, you are awesome.

Not to mention, the entire team is only a few Ling Jue higher than Xia Miaomiao in combat. According to the occupation breakdown, she is the number one ranger. The strength speaks for itself. Players, especially these carefully selected high-level fighters, especially recognize, If you are not tough, they may still look down on you.

While talking, I rushed to Yijian Guanghan's team station in the Nineteen States, which is located in the northwest corner of the grandstand of the plot. There are small grids divided into teams in all directions. The NPC on the top is performing the plot, and the players below are chatting in full swing on various channels .

After finally waiting until the end of the plot, the system prompts, and the system announces a lot, and automatically accepts the world plot mission, and the basic meritorious reward is 200.

The system's generous and stimulating players screamed, their morale was overwhelmed, and they were gearing up one by one, and they were about to capture the lair of the latter monster.

A few minutes later, NPCs and major temples took the lead, and there was a grand armed parade. Compared with before the launch of the battlefield expansion, the players did not have any losses, but they were much stronger.

NPCs are different. Only one-third of the army composed of [-] professional template NPCs is left, and the Templar Knights in the major temples are also much thinner. The infinite resurrection of the fourth natural disaster mode can only be aimed at players. It was designed from the beginning, neither the system NPC nor the professional natives of Canaan have such ability.

The magic net can't do it, unless there is a major operation, starting from the first layer to modify it.

Of course Bei Gaoyang would not do this.

The NPCs made by the magic net are nothing more than that. Heroes like Bob and Yaris who have followed him from the beginning never appear on the battlefield, fearing that they will die if they are not careful.

Even some intelligent NPCs who are more familiar with Bei Gaoyang have received special care.

People, even kittens and puppies, will develop feelings if they get to know each other, get acquainted, and get along with each other for a long time.

After more than two hours of a story, if the game time is not temporarily released, the players will start to make a fuss just because of this, and when the [-] or [-] players start to move, it will really shake the earth and shake the mountains and seas .

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States led his high-playing team to the front. The sporadic monsters encountered along the way were all taken down like vegetables and melons. The average combat power of the team reached 3500. Except for a drag bottle, anyone One can stand on its own when it is released.

There is more than one team with such strength. Along the way, I saw several top 50 big hose leaders rushing faster and more anxiously than them. There was also a sword from Guanghan Nineteen States to greet these people and brag , quarreling... Thanks to him, Xia Miaomiao matched the names of several people with them.

On the ranking list, especially the combat power ranking list, many people choose to hide their IDs and identities, and can only see an empty slot followed by a series of question marks. For example, the number one master with a combat power of 8199, no one knows where sacred.

Some people speculated that it might be the national team, some said it was a backdoor relationship, and some even said that the executives in Canaan Company cheated... Xia Miaomiao didn't know the truth, let alone understand such famous things Son, what is there to hide your head and show your tail.

Is it really not possible to see the light?

Besides, I have to stay with the thugs now.

The combat power of the team members is generally above 3500, with the most people at levels 28 and 29. Many of them are patriarchs and guild leaders themselves. The top 150 experts and experts like her and "I'm the one who saves lives and heals the wounded" are still hired. There is no third.

Those Ling Jue with the [Xiong Dominating the World] guild logo should have come to help... Also, if they were all hired under the same conditions as Xia Miaomiao, how much would it cost for the nineteen states of Jian Guanghan?Even the big hose can't stand it.

On the way, passing by the defense line that had risked their lives to defend it a few days ago, the original mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood had been purified, and all the flesh and blood that could be used by demons had been purified by the 'holy water', leaving behind a mountain of pale bones.

Big and small, all kinds of bones are spread to the end of the field of vision. The earth seems to be made of these bones. Hundreds of thousands of players are like locusts overwhelming the sky and overwhelming the sky.

It took 5 hours to reach the end of the Land of Bones. In front of us, the rust-colored sky and the earth stretch as far as the eye can see. In the distance, a black shadow standing on the intersection line is exactly the goal of this trip——Bones ([-]) Relay Station · Elderman Free City.

This time it was the player who turned into a raging tsunami.

The Lich Nicholas fell far away in the airspace behind hundreds of thousands of players. A "node" of the magic net is connected to the staff in his hand, and part of the "shallow" resources of the magic net on the battlefield can be called by him. Spells with level 5 and below can be cast infinitely instantly.

As a "nuclear weapon" and a last resort, his own magic power up to level 7 is used to deal with possible high-level demons. Liches are extremely cautious, even with the full support of the magic net, they are very careful, which is a bit of an overkill.

As for Bei Gaoyang...

It is impossible for him to appear, one is that it is unnecessary, and the other is that he is also afraid of death, if he is not afraid of [-], he is afraid of the eventuality, against the higher demons, or in the abyss, no matter how careful he is, he can't be too careful.

There are still some people who are following the battle through the magic net.

A white light fell on the tide of players at the back. A level 5 rookie suddenly appeared in such an advanced battlefield. He walked out of the white light curiously, first touched his body, and then looked at the sky in surprise.

Players along the way turned a blind eye to him, as if there was no one like him.

"Leader, you can't stay too long!"

A system prompt appeared in this person's field of vision, "The God of Guardian and Witness has sent a warning."

The leader turned a deaf ear to it, and he was shocked by the indescribable vastness and reality when he first came to the noble land, just like thousands of players who log in for the first time.

What others say is ten thousand is not as convincing as it is at this moment. In reality, he is already dying, but at this moment he feels the youth and vitality of rejuvenation.

"Xiao Yu, what are they doing?"

After all, this person has been through many trials and hardships, and has been in power all his life. Naturally, his self-control is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

He quickly recovered from the shock, and turned his attention to the army of players at the base.

"Now is a major node in the interpretation of the world's plot. The abyss of the background of the bloody battle. The player is the camp of the rebels and the demon camp of order. This is the 97th floor of the abyss battlefield. The player's opponent is the demon of the chaotic camp that occupies this layer of abyss. Army."

"In the just-concluded skirmish - the defense of the Devil's Farm, the players blocked the most ferocious attack of the chaotic demons, and now they are marching back to attack the opponent's lair."

"What about these people? They seem to be civilians?"

"They are system NPCs preparing to build outpost safety zones and resurrection points on the battlefield. They are not combat occupations, but life occupations."

"Uh... and all kinds of professions? It's very interesting."

"Leader, Canaan's deduction process is not under the control of the offline, we can't do too much, you'd better teleport back to the game area, it's too dangerous here."

"Okay, I won't embarrass you anymore. What is the game area? Doesn't it count here?"

"The cosmology of Canaan is very complicated. You can understand that the abyss is like another planet, where the environment is harsh and full of alien creatures. The game area is like the earth. Many, many planets operate around the 'earth', and they are far apart. Also close, interstellar travel is very simple and convenient for some people who have mastered advanced powers..."

Xiao Yu reminded him where he was talking about through the system, and the leader listened with great interest, interjecting from time to time to ask a few questions.

After several teleportations, the leader has left the battlefield, passed through the teleportation of Demon City City, and came to the Alpha plane.

The Alpha plane is used as a military station, and there are a large number of players waiting to be recruited. There are hundreds of thousands of these players. A good Alpha City has suffered a lot.

"What are they doing?"

The leader pointed to a large-scale 'fight with weapons' that was taking place in the square of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Not all players can participate in the Abyssal Battlefield. There are only less than [-] players... They are venting their dissatisfaction with the system. PK is not allowed in the city, and they are deliberately protesting."

"Hehe, interesting, really interesting."

"Neither Alpha nor Abyss can represent Canaan, the game area is the main material plane..."

"Okay, okay, let's go on."

punk city.

Those who have grievances, or those who hope to get a share of the abyss battlefield, all go to Alpha City to "make trouble", and those who stay in the main city of the game area, most of them have no thoughts on this aspect, or plan early Good leisure and entertainment oriented player group.

The vibe in Punk City is much more laid-back.

There are still many players, but the breath of life is stronger, the players coming and going are very quiet, the general level is very low, and there are few titles and cloaks.

The leader spent a day shopping in lively areas such as residential houses, shops, streets, city lord's mansion, temples, etc., met several NPC residents, and made friends with several leisure and entertainment players.

"It's a good place for retirement."

At the end of the day, the leader is very satisfied, and he will live in this city from now on.

"Leader, the time is up, you should go offline."

Hearing the words, the leader was sad, and he was going back to the body that was tortured by illness and aging. It must be that he was not an ordinary person, otherwise he would definitely stay here and never leave.

— Fortunately, I will be back soon.

He took a last look at the main city of the system where he was. Death was no longer an 'unknown' thing to him, because he had already seen the place where he would live after 'death'.

(End of this chapter)

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