This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 357 Soul 'Reincarnation'

Chapter 357 Soul 'Reincarnation'

Yanjing, Shihai Sanatorium, senior cadre ward.

The beeping sound of the life support machine finally stopped, a straight line ran across the screen, the family members in front of the ward wept softly, an old doctor with silver hair finally checked the patient's pupils and pulse, and announced with great pain that the old man had left out of this world.

The family members of the old man were not very sad, especially an old lady with her lips tightly pressed and her eyes closed the whole time.

"Mom, Dad, he..."

The old lady opened her eyes and signaled her son that this is not the place to talk.

Yu Qingdong sat outside the ward and waited for more than ten minutes. When he saw a large group of people coming out with the patient's family members, he stood up quickly.

"You are... Xiao Yu!?"

Yu Qingdong hurried forward, clasping the old lady's hand with both hands, "Mr. Fei, please be kind."

The old lady's eyes were complicated, she shook Yu Qingdong's hand vigorously, said yes repeatedly, and then left the nursing home surrounded by everyone.

Mr. Wu's funeral has a very high standard, and Yu Qingdong has nothing to do with it, but... the reason is still top secret.

——One of the six places has been used up.

Yu Qingdong's heart was heavy, he couldn't tell if he was happy or what.

He participated in the whole process of this project, and only he knows how high the level is involved, what great significance it contains, and what great impact it will have on the current morality, ethics, law, culture and order.

On the way back, Yu Qingdong listened to the report of the exclusive "technical support team" belonging to the old man who had just passed away. He knew that the old man's soul had been successfully born in Punk City, and that the baby's body was in good health. Memory, emotion, cognition, Mental health conditions, etc., still need time to observe and evaluate.

At the beginning, there were different opinions on how to use these six places, how to achieve what purpose, and those who were qualified to participate and know the details of the project had huge differences, and some of them strongly opposed it... Yu Qingdong was burdened with a huge burden. pressure.

You know, he 'discovered' and proposed this project from the very beginning, and got high-level approval.

All living beings are equal. When death is no longer equal, the greatest equality will be gone. Equality of all living beings will become the emperor's new clothes. Exposure will definitely be exposed. The question is whether it is worth it or not, and this 'technology' Once it proves to have the value of promotion, what kind of face should be announced to the world, how to balance, and how to choose.

On the one hand, Yu Qingdong is afraid, but on the other hand he is extremely excited. Everyone has the great fear between life and death. When he thinks that in a few decades at most, he will turn into a cup of loess, but now he has another choice, and he is still it The discoverers, builders and managers of the world... are so excited that they can't help themselves.

Mr. Wu's "technical support team" is not only responsible for him. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at him. Hearing the smooth birth of the baby, Yu Qingdong laughed and kept his good mood all the way to the company headquarters.

Canaan’s management, application, and developer platforms have not been relocated, and there is no “technology” to ensure that there will be no problems with the relocation. The seven-story red building has become an extremely important place. This headquarters is just a countertop, and the essence has long been transferred to That unknown place.

The benefits of obtaining the background authority are huge. At least the company headquarters is no longer in a state of 'idling'. Some less important online data and operating conditions will also be processed in the headquarters building, such as the online large-scale Counterattack data sheet.

Establishing a file for each player is a rigid requirement of the superior. More than [-] players, their growth and changes, their behavior and experience in the game, their physical and mental health in reality, their abnormalities, their 'Lesions'... wait, in short, everyone is busy, and they need to work overtime recently.

Although living a life of 996 social animals, compared with before, the atmosphere of the company is better.

"Mr. Yu, the expansion pack of the big counterattack has begun!"


"Look, it's a big scene!"

When I was in the elevator, I met a technical backbone with a beard and sweat. This person had no eyesight. He took out a tablet and hit the CEO in the face. , The so-called big scene.

The screen on the tablet is obviously the video of Canaan’s background developer terminal, and the operators are constantly zooming in and intercepting parts of the battlefield. The offensive and defensive battle around the skeleton ([-]) relay station has begun. Even more intense, "advanced arms" that were rarely seen before, such as bone dragons, liches, necromancers, profane priests, median demons and even high-level demons, have all appeared on the battlefield.

The main thread NPCs, secondary thread NPCs, advanced intelligent NPCs, advanced professional template NPCs, the archbishops of the major temples, the Knights Templar, etc., all appeared on the player's side.

The campaign is divided into several parts.

The highest level is dominated by the main thread NPC and Lich Nicholas, who lock and confront two high-level demons from afar.

The background management development terminal cannot do anything with the 'advanced authority' at the level of the main thread NPC and Lich Nicholas, but it can observe it, so it can understand the complete situation of the entire battle from a relatively high overall perspective.

The secondary level is based on secondary thread NPCs, such as Bob, the former lord of Buck, Yaris, the former lord of Alpha City, etc., plus the archbishops of the major temples and the Knights Templar, against such as Liches, Necromancers, Blasphemy Priests, Higher Wisdom Undead, Powerful Median Demon, etc.

In the end, it was naturally hundreds of thousands of players and monsters.

The entire battle is three-dimensional, but in the player's field of vision, the tragic offense and defense they are undergoing is the whole battle.

Countless players have risked their lives and forgot to die. It's hard to say how tragic it is, because they can be resurrected infinitely!

Compared with the shocking big scenes, Yu Qingdong pays more attention to the resource consumption displayed on the development terminal interface. In his opinion, this is the core of this campaign expansion.

Even though it was a video, the energy columns of the power consumption displayed on the terminal were still healthy. Yu Qingdong resisted the smell of the technical director, tried his best to say a few words, and the elevator arrived.

In the secret room managed by Qingyu, a working group of Project No. 0 is also working overtime, here are more detailed and accurate game data, including the person in charge of a technical support team of Mr. Wu.

"Mr. Yu."

"Mr. Yu."

"Old Yu."

"Well, well, sit down, I just came back from the nursing home... Mr. Wu still left, and it's up to us to ensure Mr. Wu's safety in Punk City."

Canaan Punk City.

In Four and Three Quarters Alley lived some well-to-do aborigines, which can be seen from the clean and tidy facades and the spacious and straight alleys and alleys.

The houses here are of brick and tile structure, and the architectural style is simple and practical. The family name of the house number 112 is Waseld, and the owner is a businessman who travels with the game area. His name is Arthuri Tu Waseld. , this year is over 60 years old.

Old Vaseld had two sons, the eldest son became a small officer in the city defense army, and the youngest son inherited his father's business and opened a shop on the two-thirds of the street to the right, selling all kinds of goods that were in short supply in the game area. Supplies include both retail for players and supply of raw materials for the huge workshops in the city... Business is booming, and Old Vaseld has already planned to buy a piece of land in the planned new urban area and build a larger house.

These days, the youngest daughter-in-law Alexia is about to give birth, and because it is the first child, the family is very nervous.

Old Wasld has a hidden worry, that is, the youngest daughter-in-law Lixia is a branch of the Baldwin family from Buck City. For well-known reasons, there are various taboos about this child since she was conceived.

Although Lixia has converted and has been recognized and blessed by the Church of the Sun God, after all, the time is short, and the Baldwin family is burdened with such a curse...

It just fell into the night tonight, and the old Vaseld, father and son were taking inventory of the remaining goods in the warehouse, preparing for the old Vaseld to join the caravan initiated and organized by the City Lord's Mansion.Without warning, Lixia, who was feeding the livestock in the backyard a moment ago, clutched her stomach and began to scream.

The delivery room had been prepared a long time ago, and old Vaseld hurriedly went out to invite the pastor of the Church of the Sun God, Abt Xilai, the servants and maids at home were busy, and the whole family was overwhelmed by the coming little life. nervous.

Priest Abt Xilai was even older than Old Wasld. It was said that he had received the revelation from God and was about to set off for the kingdom of the Sun God.

He is a very strict person. He did a very strict "review" when he was baptized for Lixia. Later, he saw that although Lixia came from the Baldwin family, she had completely severed her connection with the fallen evil god. as her priest.

After that, he guided and supervised step by step, and led this lost lamb who came from the "sin" family and was cursed in his blood into the "sheepfold" of the Sun God Sect.

Lixia's faith is unquestionable, and Abt Xilai is getting better and better towards her, and really regards her as his goddaughter. In order to avoid accidents in this production, a charismatic priest was also invited come.

The so-called charismatic priests are people who are bestowed with magical arts by the gods they believe in. Ordinary priests, including the very old Abt Xilai, do not have such honors.

Old Waslde came back in a hurry with two priests. Seeing that the young son who was about to be promoted to his father was still like a headless chicken, he scolded him a few times, and respectfully invited the two priests, one old and one young, into the backyard. To the delivery room of the little daughter-in-law.

Lixia's hysterical screams made people flustered. I don't know if it was an illusion. Suddenly, the delivery room seemed to be shrouded in a very hazy layer. It's kind of creepy and weird.

Thinking of the curse borne by the Baldwin family, Old Waseld was horrified, and quickly turned to the two pastors he invited for help.

As a priest, Abt Xilai couldn't help much, he could only pray for the goddaughter, but the priest of God's grace was not dignified, but relaxed.

He said to Old Waseld, "This is a child of extraordinary nature. I have already felt that he is not in danger. Don't worry about Mr. Arthur Tu Waseld."


"The influence of the other ghosts has been eliminated. I have revealed it in the name of my lord. As for these maids... Hehe, there must be abnormalities in nature. It doesn't matter, they are still influenced by the little guy."

"Influence? You mean the unborn child..."

"Yes, he's very opinionated."

Priest Shenen smiled mysteriously.

Only then did Old Vaseld heave a long sigh of relief, and stopped his helpless younger son, knelt down in front of the altar set up in the delivery room, and prayed silently.

Priest Shenen also heaved a sigh of relief. He was nervously manipulating background data at a level invisible to the people present.

In reality, Mr. Wu has fallen into the dying state, and his soul is about to leave reality forever and be born in this world.

He and his colleagues have made sufficient preparations for this "soul reincarnation". From the beginning of changing the plan from "soul parasite" to "soul rebirth", the project team has shouldered huge responsibilities and pressure.

After obtaining the consent of Mr. Wu and his family members, it was put on the agenda to use the background management and development terminal to edit new game content and functions for the first time, because Canaan's 'source code' and development interface have mysterious and unknown influences and Attributes, the operator does not have the relevant knowledge and skills, and needs to "simulate" on the "simulator", and then let the operator use the management and development terminal to edit new game content and functions according to the steps and results of the simulation.

The content and functions of this game are very small, compared to the vast game programs and data, it is just a drop in the ocean, but it is of great significance.

The charismatic priest played by the operator personally monitored the project to the final stage of implementation. The so-called influence of the blood of the Baldwin family is just a hidden setting, and the pregnant woman Lixia Baldwin is not within the influence of this setting.

[Attention, special login channel detected: soul (1A794), enter reincarnation waiting sequence, note, special login channel detected: soul (1A794), enter reincarnation waiting sequence. 】

[Sequence sorting: 010—1A794]

I'm coming!
The charismatic priest played by the operator was nervous, and began to pray according to the established steps.

[The request for access to the reincarnation channel is passed, and the game unit: Soul Reincarnation ([-]) will be implemented. 】

[Ding, you have entered the special story mode. 】

In the delivery room, the screams of pregnant women suddenly climbed to a new level, accompanied by a maid's scream of surprise: "I gave birth, I gave birth!", and then I remembered the loud cry of a baby, and then the delivery room bloomed. All the filth inside and outside is purified by thousands of wasted light.

Prosperous flowers grow on the stone steps, green buds on the wall beams start earing, and a rainbow connects the inside and outside of the delivery room. The faint singing and beautiful melodies from another world make people feel pure and emotional. Calm.

The operator complained about the bloody taste of technical planning, stood up with a hint of MLM fanaticism, and said to the stunned old Wasld family, "Raise this child well, and he will make a great career in the future."

"Wow wow..."

The baby in the delivery room was still crying, looking left and right curiously with big smart eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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