This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 358 We Come From Earth

Chapter 358 We Come From Earth
Even at the most intense critical moment of the frontline battlefield, Bei Gaoyang still received the news that a special baby was born in Punk City.

On the battlefield of the skeleton ([-]) relay station, the battle lines between players and monsters are still stalemate. Around this important stronghold, the battle between the two sides has entered a fierce stage.

Players fought one after another, and the monsters fought back crazily under the control of big and small demons... But due to the heavy losses suffered in the attack and defense of the devil farm, the resources of the two high-level demons, Quidditch and Shelch, were consumed too much , The endless, seemingly endless army of monsters has gradually shown signs of drying up.

The devil's resources are nothing more than soul and flesh and blood, just like food and water in the material world. Enough food can reproduce enough people. For the devil, the soul is not only food, but also a symbol of strength.

On a certain level, the demon farm also takes on this function, so the offensive and defensive battle of the farm is so important, and without conquering the farm, the two high-level demons will not be able to obtain a steady stream of replenishment.

But this does not mean that the magic net will definitely win the final victory, and it is necessary to prevent the two high-ranking demons from going shirtless.

For players at this stage, high-level demons cannot be defeated by numbers. Therefore, the more the balance of victory and defeat is tilted towards them, the more nervous Lich Nicholas will be.

In the battle to seize the Alpha plane, Bei Gaoyang once fought against a high-level demon. It seemed very easy and there was no danger?
actually not.

First, the high-ranking demon has been sealed for too long, and has just awakened, extremely weak.

Second, the environment of the battlefield is different, because of the magic net, the alpha plane is barely considered Bei Gaoyang's home field, and here is the abyss, the magic net is not a huge monster in the abyss, and in front of the abyss consciousness, small fish and shrimps are not counted .

Every high-level demon has its own embryonic domain, manifested in a level, a kind of thing, a kind of definition or symbol [Outstanding Representative], note that it is [Outstanding Representative] rather than [True Representative] or [Only Representative] .

Just like Quidditch, his most famous prototype field is [Flesh and Flesh], and Sheerqi's is [Pollution], [Illusion] and [Profanity]. Power, moreover, this is just their well-known ability, who knows what kind of hole cards the cunning high-level demons are hiding?
With the ability of the great mage, if he was in the material world, he would naturally not be afraid of them, but this is the abyss, which is equivalent to fighting with sharks in the sea.

With the support of the magic net, it is understandable that Nicholas is still so nervous.

But Bei Gaoyang reckoned that the two high-ranking demons would not end in person. In fact, it was already very strange to be able to attract them back from the frontal battlefield and haunt them for so long.

The bloody battle is at its most critical moment, and the order camp is about to collapse on all fronts. In the battle for the "road" that is ultimately favored by the abyss consciousness, it would be foolish and inconceivable to waste any high-end combat power.

Even if the 97th floor of the abyss plane is all occupied, Bei Gaoyang can't compete with them for the ultimate favor, nor can he pose any threat to their 'road'.

Going out in person will risk the threat of falling, and the magic net is not without threat to them. The two archmages with the support of the magic net, they are not sure of victory, so...why are they still in such a weak battlefield? What about entanglement?

Of course, the demons of the chaotic camp can't be treated with common sense. Maybe they just don't like you?

But Bahne is satisfied, Bayero has made a good deal, and Bei Gaoyang did not expect beforehand that meeting such an opponent with two cramped brains, a surprise attack aimed at a quick victory would be such a waste war.

Thanks to Abyss' tolerance for the magic net, the loss of the fourth natural disaster is far lower than expected. Otherwise, the resources accumulated in the early stage of the magic net have been consumed by this time, and Bei Gaoyang's grandma who will lose money doesn't even know it.

But it's hard to say whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

The situation on the battlefield improved and victory was in sight, but the two archmages did not relax. At this time, they received the news that a special baby was born in Punk City... Bei Gaoyang frowned.

"Why is it viviparous?"

Bei Gaoyang has never paid attention to the progress in this area. Although he promised the 6 places and gave corresponding authority and resources, the reincarnation was still far beyond his expectations.

Soul parasitism is so simple and straightforward, based on his understanding of the earth, it shouldn't be so troublesome.

"They're experimenting with the development of new features and new content."


It turned out to be the case.

This is in line with the style of the elites over there.

I am curious about everything, I want to master everything, I want to study everything, and I am special about things that are beyond my control... above.

Whenever there is an opportunity, we must deeply participate in it.

With a certain amount of magic net authority, it is natural to grasp and use it as soon as possible.

Soul parasitism is very simple, but this is an established game content, but soul reincarnation can be edited and verified from scratch, which is of great significance to them.

"Send me the detailed data."

On the mage tower in the city of demons, although Bei Gaoyang is far away from the front line, he always grasps every slight change in the battlefield situation. At the critical moment when the army of monsters is drying up and the high-level demons are likely to end in person, he still devotes his energy and attention Compared with the magic net, this can only be regarded as a small change, which is enough to show that he attaches great importance to it.

The light curtain unfolded, Bei Gaoyang looked at it for a while, and said to Xiao Ai, "Their 'programming' is pretty good, isn't it?"

Xiao Ai knew that he, the actual master of the magic net, couldn't hide it from him, "I helped with some optimized designs."


"Since it can't be stopped, help them do their best, which can reduce unnecessary waste of resources and avoid major mistakes."

This reason... is in line with Xiao Ai's usual style.

"Here... why are there other false gods?"

Bei Gaoyang pointed to a 'code' that obviously belonged to the false gods of the system and asked.

"They choose to conceive mothers and families with faith..."

"Why do I feel that you are optimistic about success?"

Xiao Ai was silent for a while, "My lord, the change of the earth's environment is already an established fact!"

"One Canaan is not enough for you?"

"We come from the earth, and the core of life bears the deep imprint of the earth."

Bei Gaoyang knows that Xiao Ai and the false gods of the system have done many small actions behind their backs, because the changes in the earth's environment caused by the mutation of the player's soul have become a reality. He takes a tacit attitude towards such small actions, but he is afraid of them It is too radical and urgent, causing the current fragile balance to be broken, thus affecting the cooperation with the earth.

The source of the player is always the pain point that restricts him and the magic net. It is estimated that for a long time, none of the pain points can be solved.

How to do!
It is not his character to be controlled by others, and his nostalgia and emotional identification with the Huaguo of the earth have long since receded in the face of interests.

He sighed and said, "You should know the difference between primary and secondary, and restrain the false gods well, and don't let them do things that affect the overall situation."

"I will, my lord."

Bei Gaoyang still trusts Xiao Ai, but what cannot be ignored is that in the transformation of the mysterious rules, there are still some aspects that he does not understand and master. The trust is not unreserved, and he has enough self-confidence to deal with it. Possible 'disorder' or...betrayal by false gods.

So be it... he said in his heart.

Then turn your attention back.

Skeleton (2) Relay station · Elderman Free City, the bulge of the northwest 11-11 front - RA[-] transmission node.

The [Detect Chaos Aura] of the 7 Quinster magic balls was released just right, just at the critical moment when a large number of monsters were cleared and the parasitic median demons had not had time to transfer.

The hazy, pale green fan-shaped light wave was like a radar, marking a black figure among the crowd of monsters. The opportunity was fleeting, and Xia Miaomiao, who had been ready for a long time, shot out with an arrow.

【Death-killing Arrow】Blooms a dazzling brilliance, like a shooting star, hitting the black shadow that is about to dissipate.

With a sharp scream, the high critical strike damage was immediately transferred to other monsters, and dense numbers of damage rose above the heads of all the monsters. With just one blow, more than a dozen monsters with residual blood or low-level monsters collapsed. .


The system prompts to swipe the screen to gain experience, but there is no merit, no merit!

Although the damage from the middle demon was diverted, the critical effect of this blow was still absorbed by him, and the chance of diversion and escape was lost. Several thieves appeared in the moment when the black shadow froze, swish, swish, swish... launched one after another The [Backstab] stubbornly left the unlucky median demon in place.

The damage was still transferred, large numbers of monsters died, and the pool where the median demons depended for survival became shallower and shallower.

Five minutes, a full five minutes, the middle demon was being beaten passively, and when he finally overcome his fear and woke up, there were very few monsters left to dominate.

In a small part of the battlefield, the fallen corpses of monsters formed a gentle slope, and a mid-level puppet screamed and jumped out of the body of the parasitic monster. His body consisted of a dozen heads of various sizes. The topological structure consists of a large number of blood vessel-like things dripping with extremely viscous blood.

The blood of the middle demon fell on the corpse of the monster, as if the superbug group had obtained nutrients, and the various corpses melted like wax, and a large number of "capillaries" crazily grew, trying to match the "capillaries" in the air. Great vessels' butt together.

The players naturally wouldn't give him a chance to escape.

The undead flame skeletal horse leaped up, and slashed a light slash in the air. Wherever it went, the blood vessels extending downward from the median demon were cut off. The dividing line, all the 'capillaries' that touch the dividing line are smoking, pus, collapsing and disintegrating.

He failed to escape downwards, and the chance of escape for the median demon was lost. Although he controlled the bodies of several players, he couldn't control the behavior of these players because of the protection of the magic net, let alone complete the transformation of puppets.

A flesh-colored mushroom cloud exploded on the gentle slope, and the last counterattack of the middle demon only caused a lot of blood loss to the front row occupations. On the battlefield, none of them lost their staff.

However, nothing exploded.

[Ding, your team has killed the middle puppet demon Ossein Wayne, and the abyss has paid more attention to you. 】

[Ding, you have gained 1899 experience points. 】

[Ding, your teammate Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States has obtained 200 points of merit]

"Drink the medicine!"

A sword of light and cold nineteen states fell from the sky, and the undead flame skeleton horse automatic tool appeared beside him. He mounted the horse handsomely and issued orders concisely.

Xia Miaomiao poured a bottle of stamina potion, returned to her position as the main shooter, and the team resumed their formation.

"I, again, upgraded again!" Fan Chaoyue, who couldn't get in the way of soy sauce all the way, shouted excitedly.

Xia Miaomiao took a look at her, 29% experience at level 45, and will soon reach level 30.


No one paid any attention to Fan Chaoyue's bluff, Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States continued to follow orders.

The bard plucked the harp, and the gentle and melodious battle song was like a lullaby. The negative state remaining in Xia Miaomiao disappeared, replaced by a quiet and calm consciousness and a heroic fighting spirit.

"6 o'clock direction, speed 2 yards, forward!"

Melee occupations are at the front, output occupations are at the back, priests and bards hang at the end of the team, and the standard assault formation.

They walked down the gentle slope with their front feet, and scattered players filled up behind them, splashing holy water on the corpses.

The transpiring magic energy was repulsed by the power of the magic net system, and a large amount of squirming flesh and blood slowly fell into silence and lost its activity.

There are still corpses strewn across the field ahead, and the collapsed city walls still have purple lightning. The teleportation node RA11 is just behind the ruins. The tall [Monster Fortress] is like a Transformer.


Several "chaotic auras" are like a rainbow piercing the sun, densely packed black shops appear in the aura, a large number of pitch-black "seeds" fall to the ground, filled with strong magic energy, and all kinds of strange monsters shake their combat power.


Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States knew that he was incapable of fighting against the four median demons, so he commanded the team to retreat temporarily while sending out a signal for reinforcements.

The team led by another big water hose arrived in time, and the two sides cooperated tacitly to divide the battlefield into two parts, skillfully dealing with monsters and demons.

At this time, a pitch-black bone dragon suddenly flew up behind the relay station. On its towering body tens of meters long, a level 66 necromancer appeared on the stalemate battlefield. Then, another natural disaster came from behind. Get up in the cemetery.

Scourge of the undead.

Nicholas, who was supervising the battle in the rear, was not surprised but happy, which shows that the opponent's resource reserves are not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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